Chapter 1 - Electric Charges and Fields
FAQs on NCERT Books Free Download for Class 12 Physics
1. How to download NCERT Book for Class 12 Physics Chapter 1 for CBSE?
To download the NCERT Book for Class 12 Physics Chapter 1, students can head to the Vedantu. This page provides you with the Class 12 Physics Chapter 1 Solutions along with all other chapters in PDF format, which will help the students with their preparation for the subject. They can also download the Solutions for free from this page in PDF format. The students can practise these solutions, this will provide them with an explained idea on how to solve each type of question that can appear in the examination.
2. Is studying the NCERT books sufficient for Class 12 Physics?
The NCERT books are designed as per the syllabus for Class 12 Physics. The textbook discusses all the required topics very briefly and in an easy to understand manner. Also, they provide questions that form the maximum percentage of preferable questions which can appear in the examinations. The students can study the textbook well and it will help you with the preparation for the examination. Even so, it is recommended to refer to other books also which will serve as extra practice.
3. Are Mathematical skills necessary to score good marks for the chapter Electric Charges and Fields?
From the chapter’s introduction itself, one can understand that the chapter discusses different concepts as well as mathematical calculations. Therefore, it is very important to have a basic knowledge of Mathematical Skills. Physics as a subject depends on Mathematics a lot. Mathematical techniques are used to solve most of the questions including derivations. The students can have a basic understanding of various topics through constant practice of topics such as geometry, algebra, etc.
4. Is there a specific way of answering each question?
Almost all the questions can be answered easily if the students have a basic understanding of the topic. When it comes to Mathematical calculations, there are various ways of answering a single question. The students with the help of the Vedantu website or app can get the Free Solutions for Class 12 Physics. Then they can practise each question and use the method which is easier for them. If the questions have proper steps and definitions like those given on the site, one can score full marks.
5. Is Gauss’s Law important for examination?
As per the chapter both the laws, Coulomb’s Law and Gauss’s Law are important. Gauss law states that the total electric flux out of a closed surface is equal to the change enclosed by the permittivity. The law, its formula, and applications are very crucial for the examination as they may contain questions from the topic. With the practice of the solutions from the particular topic, the students can study more about the law.