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My Mother At Sixty Six Short Summary

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Last updated date: 19th Sep 2024
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My Mother At Sixty Six by Kamala Das: Introduction

In the vast realm of poetry, Kamala Das, an eminent Indian poet, has left an indelible mark with her poignant and evocative verses. One of her notable works, "My Mother at Sixty-Six," offers readers a glimpse into the complex tapestry of emotions that surround the aging process. In this exploration, we delve into the simplicity and profoundness of the poem, seeking to unravel its layers and connect with the universal themes it encapsulates.

Understanding the Poet

Before we delve into the poem itself, it's essential to understand the poet – Kamala Das. Born in 1934 in Kerala, India, Kamala Das was a prolific writer who fearlessly explored themes of love, identity, and societal expectations. Her poetry, often autobiographical, reflects a deep introspection into her own experiences and the human condition.

My Mother at Sixty-Six: A Snapshot of Life

The poem opens with a vivid description of the poet's mother seated in a car. Ms. Das paints a poignant picture of her mother's physical appearance, highlighting the visible signs of aging – the greying hair, wrinkled skin, and the weariness that accompanies the passage of time. The poet's keen observations capture the universal truth that aging is an inevitable and undeniable aspect of life.

As the car moves through the town, the poet notices the people around, engrossed in their daily lives. However, her attention remains fixated on her mother, symbolizing the unique and irreplaceable bond between a parent and a child. The juxtaposition of life's bustling activities against the backdrop of her mother's aging form sets the tone for a contemplative journey through the complexities of existence.

My Mother At Sixty Six Theme

The theme of the poem is ‘ageing’ which is the law of nature. It also depicts the helplessness and aspirations of the young generation. It portrays the different stages of life and how everybody grows old and faces various situations that life throws at them. Hence, this is the central theme of the poem My Mother At Sixty Six.

The dead and blurred face of her mother tormented her heart. The older woman appeared to be lost in her considerations. The poet dismissed her attention from her mother and looked outside. The world outside was loaded with life and action. The youthful trees appeared to be running quickly. The youngsters watched gladly while moving out of their homes.

My Mother At Sixty Six Summary: Brief Explanation

My Mother At 66 is a poem about a mother and her daughter. One fine day, the poet was driving to Cochin airport from her parent’s house. On the way, her mother was sitting beside her. She also mentions that her mother’s age is sixty-six. While the old lady was dozing, her mouth remained open. Her face was faded and pale. She looked like a corpse. 

As a little girl, the actual thought of losing her mother upsets her. Thus, to drive away from her stressful consideration, she begins watching out at the trees, which seem, by all accounts, to be running as she drives a vehicle. She likewise sees little youngsters hurrying out of their homes to play outside. This helps her to remember youth and excellence.

The summary of the poem My Mother At Sixty Six depicts the dilemma of a child seeing her mother getting old. The lifeless and pale face of the mother pained the poet’s heart. In the poem- My Mother At 66, the poet’s mother seemed to have been lost in her own world. In My Mother At Sixty Six explanation, you will find that the poet then turned her attention towards the window and looked at nature that was full of activity and life. Here, she shows the contrast between the world outside and the inside gloominess.

The poet is harmed and pitiful and shifts her attention outside the vehicle to drive the unwanted sentiments. She changes her awful mindset. The scene from the window of the vehicle is of rising life and energy. The quick-running green and enormous trees near the happily playing kids address life, youth, and imperativeness. The poet here is recalling her youth. In her adolescence, her mother was youthful and wonderful. Though presently, her mother is encircled by the dread of losing her life, which makes her uncertain and dismal.

My Mother At 66 summary further tells us that the daughter reaches the airport and waits far away from her mother and as she bids goodbye to her, the image of her old, pale face strikes her. She compares how one grows old and starts looking like the faded moon in the winter. 

Mother At Sixty Six summary further states the pain that the daughter feels on getting separated from her mother. Here the fog is an obstacle for the moonlight. The poet suddenly feels sad about getting separated from her mother as she felt in her childhood. She hopes to see her mother again. She expects her mother to enjoy her life and not to cry in front of her. 

My Mother At Sixty Six Line by Line Explanation

A brief explanation of My Mother At Sixty Six in a line-by-line manner is provided in the following section.

“Driving from ... out of their homes” -

The poet here explains that it was Friday and she was driving back to the airport from her parent’s house. She was with her mother and her mother fell asleep in the car. While she was unconsciously sleeping, the poet realises that her mother is growing old and feels sad about it. She also compares her mother with a corpse. Then she looks outside and sees the young children playing and the trees sprinting. She then realises that everything grows old after a certain time. This realization scares her.

She arrives at the air terminal to take her flight. It shows takeoff and separation, which makes her pitiful. As she bid farewell to her mother, the picture of the old mother in the sunset of years strikes her. Here once more, a metaphor is practically identical with her mother with a late-night moon of the winters. The moonlight is a hindrance by the haze and cloudiness as she seems more seasoned at this point.

“But after the airport’s … smile and smile” -

The poet is presently feeling the aggravation of getting separated due to leaving her mother. Her youth dread of losing her caring mother presently turned out to be so unnerving. Presently her mother could pass on of advanced age whenever surprisingly. She is entirely miserable, to the point that she begins crying gradually without control; however, keeping a fearless heart, she conceals her tears and starts grinning. 

She then continues to say that in the airport, she was at the security check and stood far away from her mother. She noticed her mother’s ageing face which looked pale and dull. At that time, the poet feels sad about being separated from her mother just as she felt in her childhood. She feels that it may be the last time she is seeing her mother as her mother has grown old. She still says that she will see her mother soon as she doesn’t want to lose her.

Accordingly, she offers her goodbye to her old mother and keeps her desire to see her mother alive. She says, see you soon, Amma. She conceals her tears and distress as she would rather not make a difficult and enthusiastic climate. Besides, she does not need her mother to cry and shows her that she is partaking in her life. She anticipates that her mother should be cheerful and partake in her life very much like her.

Thus ends the summary of the poem My Mother At Sixty Six.

Reflections on Mortality:

As the car approaches its destination, the poet reflects on the cycle of life and death. The ancestral home becomes a symbol of continuity, a place where generations have come and gone. The mention of the poet's deceased ancestors adds a layer of reflection on mortality and the inevitable journey towards the end.

The poet contemplates the transient nature of life, emphasizing that everyone, including her mother and herself, is on a journey towards the inevitable destination of death. This reflection on mortality brings a universal dimension to the poem, as it speaks to the shared human experience of confronting the finiteness of existence.


"My Mother at Sixty-Six" by Kamala Das is a timeless exploration of the emotional landscape that accompanies the aging process. Through evocative imagery, poignant observations, and a deep reflection on mortality, Das crafts a poem that resonates with readers on a profound level. The simplicity of language belies the complexity of emotions, making it accessible to a wide audience. 

As we accompany the poet on this journey through time and introspection, we are reminded of the universal nature of aging and the inevitable passage of time. The poem serves as a poignant reminder to cherish the moments we have with our loved ones and to confront the realities of mortality with grace and acceptance. In the end, "My Mother at Sixty-Six" is not just a poem; it's a reflection on the beauty and impermanence of life itself.

FAQs on My Mother At Sixty Six Short Summary

1. From the summary of my mother at 66, what do you think is the kind of pain and ache the poet feels?

As per My Mother at 66 explanation, the poet feels a deep pain after seeing the aged face of her mother. The pain is similar to the pain she felt in her childhood when her mother was not with her. She realizes that death and time spare no one and that she has to lose her mother someday. It is an eternal truth that every individual has to face this fate at a certain point in time but still, we are never ready to accept that fact. This gives us, the mortal beings, immense pain which is the same as that felt by the poet. This underlying pathos thus makes the theme of My Mother at Sixty Six somewhat melancholic.

2. After reading my mother at sixty six poem summary, why do you feel the mother has been compared to the ‘late winter’s moon’?

In the poem My Mother At Sixty Six, the mother of the poet has been compared to the ‘late winter’s moon’ because the moon in the winter becomes dull and dim which makes it appear lifeless. The late winter’s moon is also devoid of its natural glow as layers of fog often cover it up. Similarly, due to ageing, the poet’s mother has also become pale and her colour has become just like the ash colour of the moon. It has lost its youth and looks like a corpse.

3. What is the theme of my mother at sixty six?

The theme of the poem: 

Dread of misfortune or separation from the old maturing mother. It discusses the torment of the girl over her mother’s propelling age and the dread of super durable separation from her.

4. What is the main idea expressed in the poem My mother at sixty-six? How do the images of the real world which occur in the poem connect to this idea?

The principle thought communicated in this poem is that all that has bloomed will wilt one day. The pictures of this present reality, like that of the kids pouring out of their homes and the running trees, stand out as life from death.

5. What does the poet realise about my mother at sixty six?

When the poet saw her mother, her mouth was open, her pale face resembling a corpse. She understood that her mother had developed old.

6. How is the mother described in the poem?

The poet portrays her mother as an older woman who has become pale, frail, and exhausted. She regularly sleeps and stays oblivious with regards to herself as a dead body.