Flamingo Poem- My Mother at Sixty-six Notes Class 12 CBSE FREE PDF Download
FAQs on My Mother at Sixty-six Class 12 Notes: CBSE English Flamingo Chapter 1
1. What is the central theme of the poem "My Mother at Sixty-Six" Summary?
The poem's central theme is ageing and the fear of losing loved ones. It explores the poet’s emotional response to her mother’s frailty and the inevitability of death.
2. Who is the author of the poem My Mother at Sixty-Six class 12?
The poem is written by Kamala Das, a renowned Indian English poet known for her honest and vivid exploration of human emotions and experiences.
3. What emotions does the poet experience in the poem?
The poet experiences a mix of emotions, including fear, sadness, and love, as she confronts her mother’s ageing and the realisation of her mortality.
4. How does the poet describe her mother’s appearance in the poem?
The poet describes her mother’s face as "ashen like that of a corpse" and "wan, pale as a late winter’s moon," highlighting her mother’s frailty and old age.
5. What literary devices are used in the poem?
Kamala Das uses several literary devices, including simile (e.g., "ashen like that of a corpse"), imagery (e.g., "late winter’s moon"), and juxtaposition (e.g., contrasting the mother’s appearance with the lively scene outside).
6. What is the significance of my mother at sixty-six notes class 12?
The title signifies the poet's contemplation of her mother’s age and the inevitable changes that come with it, setting the stage for the poem's exploration of ageing and mortality.
7. How does the poet try to cope with her emotions in the poem My Mother at Sixty-six Notes PDF?
The poet tries to divert her mind by looking at the vibrant scenes outside the car and ultimately forces a smile when saying goodbye to her mother, attempting to hide her fear and sadness.
8. What contrasts are depicted in the poem My Mother at Sixty-six Notes class 12?
The poem contrasts the pale, lifeless appearance of the poet’s mother with the vibrant and lively scenes outside, such as young trees sprinting and children spilling out of their homes.
9. How does the poem My Mother at Sixty-six Notes class 12 reflect universal human experiences?
The poem reflects the universal experience of confronting the ageing and mortality of loved ones, evoking emotions that many people can relate to, such as fear of loss and deep familial love.
10. Why does the poet repeatedly smile at the end of the poem my mother at sixty-six class 12?
The poet smiles repeatedly at the end of the poem to mask her true feelings of sorrow and fear from her mother, trying to appear composed and reassure herself and her mother despite her inner turmoil.