NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science India and the Contemporary World - I Chapter 6 - Peasants and Farmers PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Chapter 6 - Peasants And Farmers
1. How Did Farming and Peasantry Change Over the Centuries?
If you study the chapter and follow the NCERT History Class 9 Chapter 6 Solutions, you will find that various historical events have changed the course of agriculture in the world. This chapter describes the transformation of farming in England, the USA, and Bengal (India).
2. What is the Ideal Way to Build a Good Concept of Chapter 6 Class 9 History?
Studying and practicing the answers by following the NCERT Solutions of History Class 9 Chapter Peasants and Farmers will help you build a good concept of the topics covered in the chapter of Peasants and Farmers. Thereby, you will be able to write precise answers to all the questions from this chapter.
3. How Can You Score Better in the Class 9 SST Chapter 6 in the Exam?
Read the chapter thoroughly from the NCERT textbook and solve the exercise thereafter. Make it a point to refer to the NCERT Peasants and Farmers Class 9 Solutions, to verify if you have missed any essential point in your answers. In this way, you will be able to understand the appropriate answer pattern and also you will be able to write precise answers in the exam.
4. What is the difference between peasants and farmers?
A farmer is a person who owns or manages a land and cultivates the farm for larger consumers, whereas a peasant is the one who works in a small piece of land and doesn’t own one or is paid by a farmer to work in his land. NCERT solutions are designed to help the students understand the concepts of Chapter 6 of Class 9 Social Science well. These solutions are prepared by experts for the students to get well-versed in all the chapters.
5. How were the farmers' peasants troubled by the East India Company?
The East India Company decided to buy machines for production purposes and this reduced the need for labourers since most of the work is done by the machines in short notice. They terminated the labourers because of their drinking problem and complained about insolence of the workers which made it difficult for the company to work with the peasants. Buying these machines reduced their dependence on human labourers. This is how the East India Company troubled the farmers’ peasants.
6. What does peasant farmer mean?
A peasant farmer is someone who owns a limited piece of agricultural land or works for a farmer in his land for larger production of crops for payment. Students can refer to NCERT Solutions of this chapter, provided by Vedantu, to learn more about this chapter and to prepare for their exams. The questions of the Class 9 Social Science NCERT textbook are solved by subject experts for the students to understand the concepts better. Making use of these NCERT solutions can help you ace your exams. All the study material is also available on the vedantu app.
7. What is the difference between a peasant and a tenant?
Individuals who own a small piece of land or work in return for a payment in a big agricultural land owned by a farmer are called peasants. A tenant is someone who cultivates the uncultivated land and pays the rent to the owner of the land. Vedantu provides the best NCERT Solutions for students of Class 9 free of cost. Subject experts designed these questions to make the chapters easier for the students to comprehend and revise for their exams.
8. How did peasants of England get land for cultivation in the early 18th century?
Before the 18th century, a lot of land in England was open for cultivation. The farmers cultivated on the land in the village they lived in. At the beginning of each year, the land was allotted or circulated among the farmers for cultivation. In this case, everyone got to cultivate on good lands. There was also a common land which everyone in the village could make use of. The livelihood of poor people relied on this common land where they could maintain their cattle and animals at bad times.