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NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi Chapter 1 - Aatmaparichay - Ek Geet


Class 12 Hindi NCERT Solutions for Aroh Chapter 1 Poem Aatmaparichay - Ek Geet

Nowadays, English is the language of conversation, writing or talking for many. Therefore, Hindi takes a backseat for most of the students. Students must keep in mind that it is important for examination as it carries 100 marks like any other subject.

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Finding all of the necessary study material in one location might be challenging for students who want to score greater marks and earn top exam places. For their systematic studies across all subjects, they seek to obtain all study materials in one location.


NCERT Solutions for Class 12


Class 12 Hindi

Subject Part:

Hindi Part 4 - Aroh

Chapter Name:

Chapter 1 - Aatmaparichay - Ek Geet


Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

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Access NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi Chapter 1 - आत्मपरिचय

प्रश्न 1. कविता एक ओर जग-जीवन का भार लिए घूमने की बात करती है और दूसरी ओर मैं कभी न जग का ध्यान किया करता हूँ- विपरीत से लगते इन कथनों का क्या आश्य है?

उत्तर: इन दोनो पंक्तियों में विरोध का आभास है लेकिन यह दोनों पंक्तियाँ एक दूसरे के बिना पूरी भी नहीं होती है। इन पंक्तियों के माध्यम से कवि कहता है कि उसने कभी जग का ध्यान नहीं किया है अर्थात कवि को लोगों की बातों से कोई मतलब नहीं है। कविता की दूसरी पंक्ति में कवि कहते हैं कि हमें बिना अर्थ वाली बातों को छोड़कर, समाज की खराब परिस्थितियों पर ध्यान देना चाहिए।


प्रश्न 2. जहाँ पर दाना रहते हैं, वहीं नादान भी होते हैं- कवि ने ऐसा क्यों कहा होगा?

उत्तर: कवि के इस कथन का मतलब यह है कि मूर्ख मनुष्य मायारूपी संसार में फंस जाता है। मानव को इस बात का ज्ञान होता है कि यह संसार कुछ भी नहीं है अपितु एक माया है फिर भी वह इसमें उलझने से खुद को रोक नहीं पाता है। मोक्ष के रास्ते पर चलने वाले कुछ मनुष्य भी इस संसार में मौजूद है। कवि के कहने का तात्पर्य यह है कि इस संसार में यदि मूर्ख लोग हैं तो कुछ लोग विवेकशील भी हैं।


प्रश्न 3. मैं और, और जग और कहाँ का नाता- पंक्ति में और शब्द कि विशेषता बताइए।

उत्तर: इस पंक्ति में कवि ने तीन बार ‘और’ शब्द का उपयोग किया है। इसका तात्पर्य है कि इसमें यमक अलंकार हैं। पहली बार ‘और’ का उपयोग कवि स्वामी और आम आदमी को अलग करने के लिए करते हैं। दूसरी बार ‘और’ शब्द का उपयोग दुनिया की विशेषता बताने के लिए करते हैं। तीसरी बार ‘और’ शब्द का उपयोग यह बताने के लिए करते हैं कि दुनिया और कवि के बीच में कोई सम्बन्ध नहीं है।


प्रश्न 4. शीतल वाणी में आग- के होने का क्या अभिप्राय है? 

उत्तर: उपयुक्त दिए गए वाक्य में कवि ने विरोधाभास अलंकार का उपयोग किया है। बच्चन जी कहते हैं कि उन्हें यह सामाजिक व्यवस्था संतुष्ट नहीं करती है लेकिन फिर भी वह अपनी वाणी को शीतल रखने का प्रयास करते हैं। चाहे उनके भीतर कितना भी आक्रोश क्यों ना उत्पन्न हो रहा हो। कवि कहते हैं कि उन्हें यह संसार को बिना प्रेम के स्वीकार्य नहीं है।


प्रश्न 5. बच्चे किस बात की आशा में नीड़ो से झाँक रहे होंगे? 

उत्तर: पक्षियों के बच्चे खाने की आशा में नीड़ो से झाँकते हैं। वह अपने माता-पिता के इंतजार में रहते हैं कि वह उनके लिए भोजन लेकर आएंगे और उनका पेट भरेगा। वह इसलिए भी नीड़ो से झाँकते हैं क्योंकि उन्हें अपने माता-पिता के प्रेम की याद आती है।


प्रश्न 6. दिन जल्दी-जल्दी ढलता है- की आवृत्ति से कविता की किस विशेषता का पता चलता है?

उत्तर:  दिन जल्दी-जल्दी ढलता है की आवृत्ति से कविता में समय की महत्ता का पता चलता है। इस कविता में यह बताया गया है कि वह व्यक्ति जिसको लक्ष्य पाने की चाह होती है उसे अपने समय का ज्ञान नहीं होता है, वह लक्ष्य तक पहुँचने के लिए उत्सुक होता है। इस पंक्ति में समय की निरंतरता को दर्शाया गया है। कवि यह कहता है कि समय किसी के लिए भी रुकता नहीं है, वह निरंतर चलता रहता है। इसलिए सभी के लिए समय के साथ चलना आवश्यक है।


प्रश्न 7. संसार में कष्टों को सहते हुए भी खुशी और मस्ती का माहौल कैसे पैदा किया जा सकता है? 

उत्तर: मनुष्य का जीवन कई प्रकार के कष्टों से भरा है, उसे कई प्रकार के कष्टों का सामना करना पड़ता है। मनुष्य की नियति ही कष्ट भुगतना है क्योंकि मनुष्य एक सामाजिक प्राणी है, इसलिए वह हर रिश्ते को निभाता है। मनुष्य को दुख से परेशान नहीं होना चाहिए, सुख और दुख समय के चक्र के साथ आते रहते हैं। जहां पर दुख के बिना सुख की सच्ची भावना पाई जा सकती है। इसलिए संतुलित और सकारात्मक रवैया अपनाकर जीवन को हंसमुख बनाना चाहिए। लगातार सक्रियता भी कष्टों को भूलने में मदद करती है।

Class 12 Hindi NCERT Solutions for Aroh Chapter 1 Poem Atmaparichay - Ek Geet

Self Introduction - Harivansh Rai Bachchan ( Contextual Explanation ) ( Aaroh - Aroh ) Class 12th Atma Parichay - Harivansh Rai Bachchan - Easy Explained


Poet Harivansh Rai Bachchan himself has thrown light on his loving personality.

He is conscious of the duties and responsibilities of life.

The poet has told about his life.


I carry the weight of the world's life,

Still, in life I walk with love;

someone who touched

I walk with two strings of breath!


In these poetic lines, the poet is describing the characteristics of his personality.

The poet says that he is struggling with worldly difficulties, yet he loves this life. He is satisfied with his hopes and disappointments

The poet says that I am carrying a heart-stringed instrument with strings of breath, which someone has touched by touching it, has made it vibrate.

Here someone symbolizes the poet's beloved, it may be dear girlfriend, one may befriend

The poet wants that he should express his love for his beloved, give him his affection, give love, he is wandering for the hankering of love in his life.


I drink Sneh-Sura,

I never meditate on the world,

The world is asking those who sing of the world

I sang my heart


The poet further says that my mind is happy after drinking the wine of love, there is a feeling of love in the heart of the poet and the poet says that whatever the people of this world say about me, I am engrossed in myself by drinking the cup of love and I dance in the fun of love.

People like poets with social concerns, but I express my feelings in my songs and I am also the subject of my poems.


I turn around for my ur words

I walk with my ur gifts;

I don't like this imperfect world

I walk with the world of dreams!


Here the poet wants to include everyone in his fun by exposing his dreams, dreams.

The poet says that I have new attitudes about this world.

Sometimes wants to say that he is loving and loving to his heart.

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi Core

The Details for the Number of Chapters Prescribed for Coursebook is Given Below: 

1. NCERT Hindi book Antra 2 has  Twenty-one chapters

2. NCERT Hindi book Aroh 2 includes eighteen chapters

3. NCERT Hindi book Vitan 2 consists of four chapters

4. NCERT Hindi book Antral 2 consists of four chapters 


NCERT Hindi Aroh-2 Solutions Textbook for Class 12

Aroh-2 is the second book of Class 12 NCERT Hindi.

The complete solutions for all eighteen chapters included in NCERT CBSE Class 12 Aroh part two are available in the PDF format. 


Hindi Aroh-2 NCERT Class 12 book consists of eighteen chapters that include poems and proses categorized as below.


NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi Aroh

  • Chapter 1 - Aatmaparichay Solutions

  • Chapter 2 - Patang Solutions

  • Chapter 3 - Kavita Ke Bahane Solutions

  • Chapter 4 - Camere Me Band Apahij Solutions

  • Chapter 5 - Usha Solutions

  • Chapter 6 - Badal Rag Solutions

  • Chapter 7 - Kavitavali (Uttarakhand Se) Solutions

  • Chapter 8 - Ruwaiya Gajal Solutions

  • Chapter 9 - Poem Chota Mera Khet Solutions

  • Chapter 10 - Bhaktin Solutions

  • Chapter 11 - Bazar Darshan Solutions

  • Chapter 12 - Kaale Megha Paani De Solutions

  • Chapter 13 - Pahelwan Ki Dholak Solutions

  • Chapter 14 - Shiris Ke Phool Solutions

  • Chapter 15 - Meri Kalpana Ka Adarsh Samaj Solutions

Class 12 Hindi Aroh 2 Chapter 1- Aatmaparichay- Ek Geet written by Dr Haribansh Rai Bacchan


The poet Dr Bachchan believes that knowing oneself is more difficult than knowing the world. A person's relationship with society is sour and sweet. It is not possible to remain completely separate from the world. A person who is disconnected from the world cannot live.


The poet summarizes the entire poem in a line that his relationship with the world is of love, and his life is the creation of opposites - depression in a frenzy, melody in the cry, fire in the cold voice and contradiction of the opposing harmonies.


Finding all of the necessary study material in one location might be challenging for students who want to score greater marks and earn top exam places. For their systematic studies across all subjects, they seek to obtain all study materials in one location.


The poet is of calm tendency. The world calls him a poet, but he considers himself a new lover. He tries to please the world through his songs. The poet asks everyone to maintain harmony.


Ek Geet

In this song, quoted from Pratipadya-Nisha-Invitation, the poet expresses the poetic attempt to hear the beating heart of the zoological class in the context of the daily variability of nature. This song has the feeling of going through something to achieve the goal in the realization of the passing of time with this big truth.


The poet says that as the evening approaches, one begins to move rapidly towards the path-goal. He fears nightfall on the way. Every creature becomes eager to meet its offspring.


There are six conceptual questions asked by the poet at the end of the poem. 


Vedantu: For NCERT Solutions and Other Study Material

Online classes, live sessions with subject expert teachers for doubts in any topic and complete study materials are available at one place on Vedantu free of cost.

In order to help students prepare for their upcoming board exams in 2024–25, Vedantu has all of the Hindi NCERT Class 12 Solutions. On Vedantu, you can find all of the chapter summaries and the NCERT class 12 solutions for Hindi Aroh part 2. Students can access it directly using links. The current and revised curriculum, major question banks, reference book solutions, and previous year's class 12 Hindi NCERT solved question papers are all available on Vedantu in PDF format.

Related Links for Class 12 Hindi Aroh Chapter 1 - Aatmaparichay


Important Links for Class 12 Hindi Aroh Chapter 1 - Aatmaparichay


Chapter 1 - Aatmaparichay Notes


Chapter 1 - Aatmaparichay Important Questions

NCERT Textbook Solutions for Class 12 Hindi Antra

NCERT Textbook Solutions for Class 12 Hindi Antra provides chapter-wise answers and explanations for all prose and poetry sections. These solutions help students deepen their understanding of key literary themes and improve their performance in exams.

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi Antral

This resource provides detailed, chapter-wise solutions for the NCERT Class 12 Hindi Antral textbook. It helps students understand key themes and concepts, improving their comprehension and exam preparation.

Detailed NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi Aroh

These solutions provide in-depth answers and explanations for all chapters in the Class 12 Hindi Aroh textbook. Designed to enhance comprehension and facilitate effective exam preparation, they guide students through key literary concepts and themes.

Comprehensive NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi Vitan

These solutions offer thorough answers and insights for all chapters in the Class 12 Hindi Vitan textbook. Aimed at improving understanding and aiding exam preparation, they help students navigate important literary themes and concepts effectively.

Additional NCERT Books for Class 12 Hindi

Additional NCERT Books for Class 12 Hindi" provides students with a broader range of materials, covering diverse topics in literature and language to enhance their learning and exam preparation.


Other NCERT Books for Class 12 Hindi


NCERT Books for Class 12 Hindi Antra


NCERT Books for Class 12 Hindi Antral


NCERT Books for Class 12 Hindi Aroh


NCERT Books for Class 12 Hindi Vitan

Related Links for NCERT Solutions Class 12 Hindi

Related Links for NCERT Solutions Class 12 Hindi" provides easy access to comprehensive solutions for all Class 12 Hindi textbooks. These resources help students in understanding key concepts, enhancing their learning and exam preparation.

Important Related Links for CBSE Class 12 Hindi


In conclusion, the NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi Aroh Chapter 1 Poem "Atmaparichay - Ek Geet" provide comprehensive guidance and solutions for understanding and analyzing the poem. This chapter focuses on the poem "Atmaparichay - Ek Geet," which is a reflection on self-introspection and self-identity.

The NCERT solutions offer detailed explanations and interpretations of the poem, helping students understand the underlying themes, symbolism, and literary devices used by the poet. They provide a step-by-step analysis of the poem, highlighting its structure, imagery, and poetic techniques.

Through a thorough exploration of the poem and its nuances, students can gain insights into self-reflection, self-expression, and the importance of understanding one's own identity. The NCERT solutions for Class 12 Hindi Aroh Chapter 1 facilitate a deeper engagement with the poem, fostering an appreciation for literature and language.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi Chapter 1 - Aatmaparichay - Ek Geet

1. NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi Aroh part 2 Chapter 1 Aatmaparichay - Ek Geet is sufficient for CBSE board exams preparation or not?

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Hindi Aroh part 2 Chapter 2 poem- Atmaparichay- Ek Geet available on Vedantu is enough to understand and clear the concept of the poem and for the excellent preparation of CBSE board exams.

2. Which website provides the latest and revised reduced syllabus due to delayed sessions for Class 12 NCERT Hindi Core and Elective in PDF format as per CBSE pattern?

Yes, The latest and revised syllabus for Class 12 NCERT Hindi Core and Elective as per CBSE pattern 2024-25 with reduced chapters in PDF-format are available on Vedantu free of cost. 

3. NCERT books prescribed for Class 12 Hindi core and Elective both with their summaries are available on which website?

Vedantu offers NCERT books prescribed for Class 12 Hindi core and Elective both, i.e. Aroh Part 2, Vitan 2, Antara 2 and Antara 2 for download in PDF format free of cost with direct links available.

4. Give the Atmaparichay of poet Dr. Bachchan of Chapter 1 Atmapraichya- Ek Geet of Hindi Aroh Part 2 Class 12.

Knowing oneself, according to poet Dr Bachchan, is more difficult than knowing the universe. The way a person interacts with society is both sour and sweet. It is impossible to be fully isolated from the rest of the world. A person who is cut off from the rest of the world is unable to live.

The poet sums up the poem by saying that his relationship with the universe is one of love and that his existence is a creation of opposites - depression in a frenzy, melody in a cry, fire in a frigid voice, and contradiction of opposing harmonies.

He rejects all worldliness in the sense that he has nothing to do with the world in search of an unreachable ideal.

5. How does the poet state that he is satisfied with his life in Chapter 1 Atmaparichay- Ek Geet of Hindi Aroh Part 2 Class 12?

Despite his worldly hardships, the poet declares that he enjoys his existence. He is content with his disappointments and hopes. He doesn't believe in wishful thinking because this planet has never been able to satisfy anyone's desires. The poet has a serene demeanour. He is referred to as a poet by the rest of the world, but he considers himself to be a new lover. Through his music, he aims to please the globe. The poet appeals to everyone to keep the peace.

6. How does the poet express the poetic attempt to hear the beating heart in Chapter 1 Atmaparichay- Ek Geet of Hindi Aroh Part 2 Class 12?

The poet describes the lyrical endeavour to hear the beating heart of the zoological class in the framework of the everyday variability of nature in this song, which is taken from Pratipadya-Nisha-Invitation. This song gives the impression of going through something in order to attain the aim of realising the passage of time with this great truth.

According to the poet, when dusk approaches, one begins to accelerate their progress toward the path-goal. He is concerned about approaching nightfall. Every species grows giddy with the prospect of meeting its offspring. At the end of the poem, the poet poses six conceptual issues.

7. Which book is best for Chapter 1 Class 12 Hindi Aroh for students?

NCERT textbooks are required reading for CBSE exams. Many readers may be intimidated by NCERT textbook questions due to their length but they are designed to assess students' understanding of subjects covered in a certain chapter. To prepare for the tests, students should use the resources available on the internet. Many online providers of NCERT Solutions and related learning materials are available to assist CBSE students in achieving good grades. While students are increasingly being forced to make decisions, making an informed selection about which resource to use is critical.

8. Are NCERT Solutions of Chapter 1 Class 12 Hindi Aroh enough to secure marks?

Chapter 1 Class 12 Hindi Aroh is extremely vital to secure good marks but not enough. When coupled with previous year question papers and some sample questions based on the NCERT pattern, it will become easy enough for one to secure the best marks in Hindi. All these are available in easily accessible and easily downloadable format on Vedantu, which can be read offline too and can be made available for the student anywhere and anytime.