The Ball Poem Summary
Class 10 is the first big test that every student faces in their education. The class not only is important because you get to learn a lot of different things but is also important because the marks that you obtain in the grade are going to be reflected on a lot of things that you do in the future. However, Vedantu encourages students to avoid falling in the trap of studying just for marks.
We encourage students to study and understand things to learn something out of them. We do believe that marks are essential but what we believe more in is that once you start learning and understanding things well, marks are bound to follow. That is something that we can guarantee.
Class 10 English has a lot of new concepts to explore and learn that can help your knowledge of the language and can make you a better communicator. English is perhaps one of the most important subjects that you will ever study as it not only helps you in your day to day life but also can give you some really good marks as you take the next exam in your class 10.
This article is a summary of The Ball Poem which is a poem that is a part of your syllabus in class 10. The content of this article is going to cover everything in the poem, giving you an easy explanation and making it easier for you to score well.
Class 10 English syllabus has a poem written by John Berryman. It is about a ball and the boy that owned it. He lost the ball while playing close to a water body. The boy becomes very sad after losing the ball. This incident can be matched with other losses in our lives. The poet explained that when we lose something, nothing can replace the things we have lost. The ball lost can be symbolised by the losses we generally face in everyday life. The Ball Poem Summary will help you understand the inner meaning of the poem.
This summary will clearly describe the poem line by line so that you can understand the context and answer the questions in the exam easily. This summary can be availed on the website anytime anywhere you want. Hence, you can add immense convenience to your study schedule. You can clear your doubts without any hassle and complete your syllabus properly. The Summary of The Ball Poem Class 10 has been compiled in a simple language for easy preparation.
Summary of The Ball Poem Class 10
John Berryman, an eminent poet, has written the poem ‘The Ball’ where a boy is very much fond of his ball. He likes to play with it all day. One day, he was playing with the ball. He disbalanced and the ball fell in the river nearby. The boy lost his ball and felt sorry. It was the first time he understood what loss can be in his life. The Summary of Ball Poem tells us that it happens the same when we lose someone close to us or something we consider very valuable. This is what grief looks like.
In the eyes of an adult, the lost ball can be replaced easily but for the kid, that ball is special. The same stands for an adult losing someone very close or something very valuable in life. Things that are irreplaceable cause more grief when lost. That little boy felt the pain of losing his favourite ball. The grownups will not be able to understand why the boy is feeling so much pain when the same ball can be gifted to him. It also stands the same for us when we lose something or someone we love. The same feeling will be lost with the person/thing we just lost.
The Ball Poem Class 10 Summary suggests that the boy resembles the poet himself. He has lost something in his life and wanted to depict the pain to everyone through his poem. The innocent days are gone when he was happy but also felt the pain of separating from something he loved the most. According to the Short Summary of The Ball Poem, our innocence is also taken away from us forcefully and makes us more complex. We lose our simple views of life but we also learn to leave our pain behind and emerge stronger again. We have to muster physical and emotional strength back and start fighting the daily war for survival.
Amidst this, we cannot care much for what is lost. It is the maturity that made us accept what has been lost and accept that loss is a part of life too. This is why adults are capable of moving forward by leaving the past behind. Holding on to the past will slow you down. If you study the Summary of The Ball Poem Class 10 in English, you will understand what exactly the poet wanted us to understand. He wanted us to carry on even if we are deeply hurt and sad inside. We cannot show our sadness as people consider it a weakness. The poet used his imagination to symbolise the ball with the boy’s spirit and innocence. When the ball drifted apart, the boy felt how hard it can be to let something he loves go away.
Every reader of the poem will be able to connect with what the poet wanted to explain. If you carefully read the summary, the Central Idea of The Ball Poem will emerge clear and simple. It will help you to prepare the chapter in no time and will also help you answer the questions appropriately.
We hope that the article was able to explain and easily tell you what the poem was about. Studying English from Class 10 is based on getting a good understanding of the idea and the main concept behind whatever is being talked about in poems and chapters. This article was written with the intent of explaining the content to every individual even if they haven’t read the poem in the first place. Vedantu appreciates the time that you dedicated to reading this summary and we hope that this was helpful!
FAQs on The Ball Poem Summary: A Beautiful Reflection on Loss
1. Why was the Boy Sad?
According to the Summary of Ball Poem Class 10, the boy loved his ball too much. He played with the ball all the time. One day, he was playing with it on a riverside. Due to his carelessness, the ball dropped in the river. It got carried away from the boy. This is why he felt sad. We can see that the boy really wanted his ball and therefore when he lost it, he couldn't believe it and was left with sadness.
2. What did the Poet Want us to Understand?
The Class 10 English The Ball Poem Summary suggests that the poet wanted us to correlate with the pain of losing something valuable in life. He symbolised the ball of the boy as the things we value. The ball here is just an analogy. In life, we lose a lot of things like people, personal belongings, etc. This poem acts as a homage to the pain that humans go through and how at certain points in our lives, we were that young boy who lost his ball that he loved.
3. What Happens When we Grow up?
The Short Summary of The Ball Poem Class 10 tells us that we gain the maturity to let go of the pain of losing something when we grow up. When we grow up we learn how to live without the things that matter to us. The same is what is being conveyed from the poem as well. The poet is trying to say that it is essential to understand that the pain that we go through goes away with time and that it does not make us weak if we feel it all the time after losing something important.
4. How can we use the boy’s analogy in our lives?
The boy in the poem loses something very important to him. The ball is something that he finds very pleasant and that is why when he loses it he is sad. All humans are meant to be connected with things outside of our awareness. We bond and keep giving love to a lot of things in our lives. Sometimes these things go away and take a part of ourselves with them. This is how we can relate to the young boy. We can figure out the pain that the boy is going through my life experiences of our own.
5. Where can I find a video explanation of the ball poem for class 10?
Vedantu has multiple videos on its YouTube channel that dive deep into the concept and ideas of the things that are written in these articles. In the same way, we have a very detailed video on the Ball poem on our YouTube channel as well that you can watch at any time to understand the main content of the poem.