Summary of The Desert Lesson
Desert is a story that revolves around the desert. Many people consider the desert to be a sandy land with animal and water scarcity problems. However, the desert is an important habitat for many species. Deserts are generally lacking in vegetation and water. In addition, the desert can be too cold or too hot. The oasis is like a green island in the desert. Desert plants and animals can survive with less water.
However, many other flora and fauna cannot survive in the desert. Deserts have important implications for nature's grand plans. Deserts are not useless lands on earth, as many consider them to be deserted. The desert looks beautiful with desert plants and flowers. Whenever it rains, desert landscapes, like those in tropical gardens, can be a great reward.
Most people believe that the desert is an endless land. They believe that there is less dry water and no protection. However, experts consider the desert to be a beautiful place. For them, the desert is home to many people, animals, and plants. Indeed, she does not always have a grass cover. It rarely rains, but when it rains, the desert becomes as beautiful as any other tropical garden.
The desert can have mountains and hills. You can also have an oasis. The desert can get hot like tar or cold light Ladakh. In general, when some places have little or no water and people call them deserts, those deserts have dunes that are almost completely waterless. The dunes move through the desert.
All living things need water, and desert flora and fauna can survive with less water. Camels can be done for days without water. The reason is that camels can drink a lot of water at once. It is also said that camels do not sweat or retain the water they drink for long periods of time.
Small desert animals get water from the water of their food. So some of them get the water they need from the animals they eat. Those who do not eat meat-combed plants, or seeds need water from the sap of the plant.
The climate in our towns and villages is humid. The stop monster is a blanket-like air handle-it protects the earth from the heat rays of the sun. Therefore, the earth is not very hot during the day, but the same cover does not give off heat at night. The earth is not so cold at night, and the 24-hour temperature fluctuations are not so large. Since there is no such cover in the desert, there are large fluctuations in day and night temperatures throughout the desert. The rise in temperature during the day is as strong as the fall at night.
Different Poetic and Literary Devices that Are Used
Poetic and literary devices are similar, except for a handful that is uniquely used in poetry. The following is a breakdown of some of the poetic devices employed in this poem.
Poetic Devices
A stanza is a poetry form consisting of lines or poems. This poem is divided into two stanzas, each with a different number of verses.
Free verse is a kind of poetry that does not follow any rhyme or meter patterns. There is no rhyme system or metrical rhythm in this free-verse poem.
Tercet: A tercet is a three-lined stanza that originated in Biblical Hebrew poetry. In this poem, there is only one tercet.
Literary Device
Literary means are used to enrich the text and help the reader understand the hidden meaning. Stephen Crane also made this poem interesting on these devices. This is an analysis of some of the literary means used in this poem.
Assonance: Assonance is the repetition of vowels on the same line. For example, the / i/sound of "It's bitter-bitter".
Alliteration: Alliteration is the rapid, continuous repetition of consonants on the same line. For example, the sound of "Hold your heart in his hand" / h / and the sound of "It's bitter-bitter" / b /, he replied.
Anaphora: It refers to the repetition of words and phrases in the first part of some poems. For example, in the last verse of the poem, "because" is repeated to emphasize the reason for eating the heart.
Literary Consonance: Literary consonance is the repetition of consonants on the same line. For example, the / d / sound of "I said": "OK, friends" and "/ t / and / r / sound" answered "bitter-bitter".
Enjambment: It is defined as the idea of a poem that does not end with a line break. Instead, continue on the next line.
Imagery: Imagery is used to help the reader perceive things with the five senses. For example, "I saw a naked, beast-like creature", "I have his heart in his hand", "its bitter-bitter".
Symbolism: Symbolism is the use of symbols to represent an idea or quality by giving it a symbolic meaning that is different from its literal meaning. The "heart" symbolizes the goodness and happiness of a person or the free will given by God.
Significance of Deserts
The Desert narrates the importance and beauty of Deserts. While most people might perceive it as a scarce land devoid of life, it is far from it. The desert is home to different flora and fauna. While it might not be recognizable at first glance, one needs to look deeper to find out the hidden gems, something only a special few can see. Just like Mountains & Oceans, a desert is a beautiful place gifted by Nature, filled with lots of importance and species.
Deserts hold great significance to the natural order of existence. They are not mere patches of the land but provide many benefits to people. While it lacks the grassy plains and the forests of the mountains, it has its charms. It is the place where only a few reside. They’re different from animals who have it easy with abundant resources. They’ve evolved to adapt to their circumstances for survival.
Detailed Summary of the Desert Lesson
Deserts are an incessant source of sand and other natural resources.
On the off chance when it rains in deserts, the sight is something to behold. The life which remains buried beneath starts to bloom. The plants begin to grow, and the animals come out of their hibernations. Such a sight is quite rewarding and is not very different from any tropical garden.
Deserts have more similarities to tropical lands and mountains than people would believe. An oasis in the middle of a desert is rife with greenery that contrasts beautifully with the rest of the surroundings, just like in a tropical forest. Furthermore, Deserts are not just a stretched piece of land but a beautiful nature offering consisting of beautiful oases and species like Camel.
An oasis in the middle of the desert is a comforting sight to a traveler. Such scenes are full of serenity among the harsh desert. You can also find springs or lakes, which feel like a gift from the heavens. Such a place truly makes us appreciate the importance and beauty of simple things. We often overlook things and take them for granted. However, the desert makes us understand how beautiful simple things can be.
At a cursory glance, the desert might seem like a place frozen in time. But it is constantly moving. Dimes and patterns always move across vast swathes of wastelands according to the whims of the wind, which creates beautiful and diverse types of patterns like Pyramids in the desert. Not all deserts are hot & scarce. Some are cold like the Ladakh Desert.
The amount of moisture in the desert is meager. In our cities and towns, we are protected from the fluctuation of temperature due to humidity. Due to the steep difference in temperature between day and night, moisture evades deserts. Since Deserts lack moisture, the sand quickly gets heats up in the day, making it a hot place to visit and cools down rapidly at night, giving you beautiful scenery to enjoy.
Flora & Fauna available in the desert has their particular importance in nature and adapt themselves according to the Desert's climate. Animals like Camels adapt to the desert. Unlike us, they can bear high temperatures and keep themselves cool without sweating, which makes them suitable for the desert. Not only this, but they can also store a high amount of water in their body for days and can easily survive in the desert. Other small animals hide underground to escape the extreme temperature of the desert. They only come above when they need to. Meals and plants are their primary sources of water. Desert plants like cactus have adapted for their survival. They have thick stems to retain water and shallow roots to absorb rainwater whenever they can.
Just like Mountains and Oceans, Deserts are the beautiful blessing of Nature and have significant importance. The perception of Deserts as a bare scarce piece of land is wrong, and one must enjoy its beauty by witnessing it.
Conclusion of the Desert
Deserts have a crucial part to play in the grand scheme of things. They are the beautiful part of nature that must be explored and should not be despised based on the wrong perception. Contrary to popular beliefs, they have their importance. Thus, they should not be treated any lower than other demographics. The Desert is a story that tries to impart this message. Deserts are natural landforms of nature and not something to be loathed. The lesson of the story we have learned is that, despite all the possibilities, we should always cherish the desert.