Speech on Retirement Farewell
Farewell speeches are important for both who is giving it and also for the one whom it is made for. A farewell speech on the retirement of a teacher from an institute helps in thanking him/her for their service at the institution. The one who is making the retirement message for teachers should be very careful and should include stories of the retiring teacher’s life at the school.
Below are two retirement speeches in English given i.e. a long retirement speech in English and a short retirement speech in English. Students can refer to these speeches and can also note down all the points that should be included in a retirement farewell speech. These speeches will help the students to give a good retirement farewell speech for their teachers.
Long Retirement Farewell Speech
Good morning everyone! Today we all have gathered here to celebrate the career of our beloved teacher and mentor, Mr. Shah. Today he will be bidding farewell to us after 25 years of service to this institution. Mr. Shah is the best when it comes to teaching. Years have passed and he has taught physics to many batches. I feel privileged to know that I am one of his students. He is not only a great teacher but has always guided us whenever we needed guidance. He has always made us realize the importance of life and has helped in defining what success really means.
Today all of us have gathered here to celebrate his life at our institution and extend our thanks to him for his mentorship. I just realized that it’s been four years since I joined our institution and I did not attend Mr. Shah’s class until I was in my 8th grade. But I had heard a lot of talks about a teacher who teaches Physics very well. It was said that when he teaches physics the students don’t forget the concept for many years to come.
I did not believe these rumours until I attended Mt Shah’s physics class. I was literally blown away by the methods of teaching physics by Mr. Shah. His innovative ways of teaching the concepts and making them simple for the students to understand is amazing. On behalf of every student, thank you, Mr. Shah, for all your efforts to teach us and I can guarantee that we all will apply your method of teaching in the future.
This year marks Mr. Shah’s 25 years as a teacher at our institute. For 25 years, he has spent his time among all the students, sharing his knowledge and important life lessons. He has supported every student and taught us many valuable life lessons. I do agree that he was strict sometimes as a teacher but he was also very friendly like a friend.
Although Mr. Shah was a strict teacher, he occasionally had fun moments with all of us. He is very enthusiastic when it comes to sports and is always ready to play a game of badminton. I have no shame in admitting that he has defeated me twice and I am assuring you, Sir, I am going to win the third game so be prepared.
Besides being an excellent, creative, and hardworking teacher, he is very good at managing events. He was the one who took the entire responsibility of the Science fest and Annual sports day at our school last year. Throughout his stay in our school, he had humbly participated and contributed to all the events.
To conclude, I want to say that Mr. Shah has always been more than just a teacher. He inspires me to be a better person. Through his actions, he teaches me how to manage life. I owe a lot of my success because of his guidance and the trust he showed in me. At this moment, I would like to extend my gratitude to Mr. Shah for being a great teacher and a role model. I hope he has a very peaceful and happy life ahead. Thank you for your service sir!
Short Retirement Speech in English
Good morning everyone! Today is a special day as we all have gathered here to celebrate the life and career of Mr Shah at this institute. Mr. Shah has given 25 years of his life to this institute.
For 25 years he has spent his time among all the students, sharing his knowledge and important life lessons. He has supported every student and taught us many valuable life lessons.
Apart from being a great teacher, he has guided us all whenever we were lost in our journey. Mr. Shah has helped us to understand what success is and has always made us realize the importance of life. He has made sure to be there whenever we need help and for that, we all thank you, sir.
Mr. Shah is very good at making all the students understand the difficult concepts of physics. His innovative ways of teaching the concepts and making them simple for the students to understand is amazing. On behalf of every student, thank you, Mr. Shah, for all your efforts to teach us.
Besides being an excellent, creative, and hardworking teacher he is very good at managing events. He was the one who took the entire responsibility of the science fest and Annual sports day at our school last year. Throughout his stay in our school, he had humbly participated and contributed to all the events.
On behalf of everyone, I wanna say that Mr. Shah, you will be missed. When we come tomorrow and learn Physics, it won’t be as exciting as it was when you teach it. Your presence at the fest next year will be missed. I would like to extend my gratitude towards Mr. Shah for being a great teacher and a role model for generations to come. I hope you have a very peaceful and happy life ahead. Thank you so much for your service sir!
10 Lines on Retirement Message For Teacher
Retirement speech is all about celebrating the accomplishment of the person who is about to retire.
A retirement speech is very important if there is a farewell ceremony.
A retirement speech is always made by a student or a dear friend of the person who is retiring.
A farewell speech on retirement should show gratitude towards the retiring person.
The speech should not be too long and too short.
The speech should make a retiring person feel good.
The farewell speech should include the retiring person’s life at the institute.
The farewell speech on retirement should celebrate the achievements of the retiring person at the institute.
The farewell speech on retirement should include a story of the retiring person at the school.
Retirement wishes for teachers should celebrate the retiring individual’s life at the institute.
Tips for Writing a Speech
Writing an impressive speech is an art. There are very few Politicians who are very impressive in delivering but need writers to write for them. Now the question arises what all goes into writing a speech which leaves the audience spellbound and all praise for the speaker.
An impactful speech should always make an effect on the audience, it should be remembered by them long after the speech is over. Your words should leave an effect on them. For example you are giving a speech for some product, the product sale depends on the way you speak, the way you present your ideas to the audience and also the way you present yourself.
The speaker can be a politician, a union leader, a school Principal, an administrator or anyone holding a conspicuous position. You shall work on your communication skills before you go for a speech, make sure you speak clearly and also have a very important effect. So certain points need to be taken care of while delivering your speech as what you speak matters. Let's understand a few of them.
Being Personable
The speaker must appear to be an amiable and pleasing personality. The words chosen for him must be such that they do not show him to be an arrogant, haughty person. There needs to be a certain dignity wrapped up in humility. The audience will be ready to listen to him if they sort of start liking him and that depends on the choice of words.
Educate Your Audience
Whatever the speaker is going to speak should focus on bringing the main theme of the speech home. The audience should be able to understand the import of his speech clearly. They should not be put into confusion or doubt. For this, the writer needs to read the speaker's mind clearly and must be thoroughly informed about the purpose of the speech. If the speaker is able to create a clear and impressive picture in the minds of the people he is addressing, he will definitely be able to convey what he has said to many more people through word of mouth of his audience. So it is important that the writer writes the speech to educate the audience.
Show Your Passion
Successful speakers make tall promises, citing examples of their zeal of putting their heart and soul into certain kinds of work. His words should be packed with craving to do anything and everything for the people he will be dealing with. He should seem waiting for opportunities to serve those whom he is trying to impress. Hence the writer needs to put in real labour to show the restlessness of the speaker ready to make any sacrifice.
Play to Emotions
People of high profile are fairly well-versed with all the nitty gritties of their jobs but most of them find it hard to think of words which may impress their subordinates or other people working for them. Similarly, politicians who have to speak to win, hire writers for them and pay them hefty amounts because their victory or defeat depends on how they have been able to present themselves before the masses.
These writers play with the emotions of the audience, touching such issues which keep the general public always troubling. They will cite examples from the day to day inconveniences of the people and will blame the present system or set up people governing at present and will paint a rosy picture of their own plans if they are given a chance to serve. So to make the speech impactful, the writer needs to know the art of playing with the emotions of his audience.
Stay on Task and be Brief
As said earlier, an expert speech writer will not make use of such words or techniques to confuse the audience. He will not beat about the bush instead will stick to the main theme, the main subject. He has to keep the audience spellbound and glued and that will be possible only when he moves on the track. It's always better to be brief and to the point because the more you speak the more you bore the audience and garner dislike. So the wise writer will prepare the speech keeping these two points in mind.
Know Your Audience
Knowing the audience is the most important thing. Before the writer embarks upon the task of writing an impressive speech, he should know who is going to be addressed. If he writes a high flown language for the factory workers or labour class, rural public or people of such category, his labour will go waste and he is likely to lose his future assignments. He, at the same time must be acquainted with the emotions and religious beliefs and fervor of the public of the area and should write accordingly. It will be better if he does research about the problems and roadblocks of the area. Hence to write an impressive and impactful speech needs a lot of spadework on the part of the writer.
Focus on the prime topic of the speech and understand what underlying message you want to deliver to the audience. Remember every speech has to be to the point and interesting to grab the attention of all the listeners. Hence, focus on the points mentioned for this speech here and compile on your own.
FAQs on Farewell Speech on Retirement: Honoring Years of Service
1. Why is a speech given on a special occasion?
A speech is delivered on a special occasion either to commemorate the event, deliver specific information to the audience, or to respect a special guest or a member of any group. It can also be focused on a celebrity or an eminent personality.
2. Is voice modulation necessary while delivering a speech?
Voice modulation is absolutely necessary to express your emotions and to grab the attention of the audience perfectly. It also helps to ask questions, answer some questions that are already lurking in the mind of an audience, and to show the right emotion behind the words.