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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 3 Poem The Ball Poem


NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Chapter 3 The Ball Poem Question Answers - FREE PDF Download

In NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 3, The Ball Poem by John Berryman is a reflective and poignant piece that explores themes of loss and the learning that comes from it. The poem centres around a young boy who loses his ball and experiences the pain of losing is Something valuable for the first time. This simple yet profound event explores broader concepts of dealing with loss and the inevitable challenges of growing up. These solutions aim to enhance students' comprehension and appreciation of the poem, making their learning experience more insightful and engaging. Students can download The Ball Poem Class 10 English Chapter 3 Question Answer PDF for FREE and the revised Class 10 English Syllabus from our page, which is prepared so that you can understand it easily.

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In Pairs, Attempt the Following Questions.

1. Why does the poet say, “I would not intrude on him”? Why doesn’t he offer him money to buy another ball?


The poet states, "I would not intrude on him," because he does not wish to impede learning from happening naturally. His desire is for the youngster to understand loss on his own. Additionally, he declines to give him money because it would be useless to buy him another ball. He wants the youngster to understand the value of accountability.

2. “… staring down/All his young days into the harbour where/His ball went …” Do you think the boy has had the ball for a long time? Is it linked to the memories of days when he played with it?


The boy has indeed possessed the ball for a while. All of his childhood memories flashed before his eyes as they bounced into the ocean. This made it clear that, like the ball, those moments would not return. He can purchase new balls and, in a similar vein, produce new moments, but the ones that are lost will never come back.

3. What does “in the world of possessions” mean?


The phrase "in the world of possessions" refers to the abundance of material goods on the globe. Whether it is the possession of money, property, land, or anything else, everything in this place is intended to have a purpose. The poet says that the boy would learn what it's like to lose something they owned if they lost a ball, which is a very small object.

4. Do you think the boy has lost anything earlier? Pick out the words that suggest the answer.


No, it doesn't appear that the boy has previously lost anything. "He senses first responsibility in a world of possessions" is a phrase that implies as much.

5. What does the poet say the boy is learning from the loss of the ball? Try to explain this in your own words.


The boy is reportedly learning how to deal with losing the ball, according to the poet. He is growing up in this world of belongings and going through sadness. He discovers that a great deal of things in life are lost and cannot be replaced. He's lost the ball and he's feeling his first duty. Since he would have realised the actual significance and nature of loss, the boy would have learned how to get up and move on from his losses.

6. Have you ever lost something you liked very much? Write a paragraph describing how you felt then, and saying whether — and how — you got over your loss.

Ans:  Students can share their experiences. Below is an example for their reference

I lost something I liked. When I was a child, I had a favourite toy, a small stuffed bear that I always carried around. One day, while on a family trip, I accidentally left it at a park. When I realized it was missing, I felt very sad and panicked. It was like a part of my childhood was gone. I cried and felt the loss for days. With time, I began to accept its absence. My parents encouraged me to talk about my feelings and reminded me of the good memories I shared with the toy. They also got me a new stuffed animal. Although it never replaced my beloved bear, it brought new comfort and joy. This experience taught me the reality of loss and the importance of cherishing memories while being open to new experiences.

Benefits of NCERT Solution for Class 10 English Chapter 3 The Ball Poem

  • Provides precise and correct answers to all questions related to "The Ball Poem," ensuring students understand the text well.

  • Helps clarify the main themes of loss and responsibility depicted in the poem, enhancing comprehension.

  • Includes detailed solutions for all textbook questions, covering short-answer, long-answer, and reference-to-context questions.

  • Demonstrates how to effectively structure and articulate answers, improving students' writing skills.

  • Offers well-organized and concise solutions, saving time during study and revision sessions.

  • Aligns with CBSE exam patterns, providing practice with the type of questions likely to appear in exams.

  • Ensures students have access to correct information, boosting their confidence in understanding and answering questions.

  • Provides in-depth analysis of literary devices such as symbolism and imagery used in the poem, deepening understanding.

  • Acts as a useful tool for regular practice and last-minute revision, reinforcing key concepts and themes.

  • Enables students to independently review and study the chapter at their own pace, promoting self-learning.

Students can also check and refer to the Class 10 The Ball Poem Summary on the official website, to practise and learn effectively.


The NCERT Solutions for The Ball Poem questions and answers offer students a thorough understanding of John Berryman's poignant exploration of loss and its impact. These solutions help students understand the poem's emotional depth and symbolic significance. The clear explanations and detailed answers help students analyze the themes and literary devices used in the poem effectively. The Ball Poem Class 10 solutions not only assist in answering textbook questions accurately but also enhance students' overall appreciation for poetry and its ability to convey profound life lessons.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 3 Poem The Ball Poem

1. What is The Ball Poem about?

The Ball Poem explores the themes of loss and the inevitable challenges of growing up through the simple story of a boy losing his ball.

2. Who wrote The Ball Poem Class 10 English Chapter 3?

The poem is written by John Berryman.

3. What is the main theme of the poem Class 10 English Chapter 3?

The main theme of the poem is coping with loss and understanding its significance in life.

4. How do the NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 3 help in understanding the poem?

The NCERT Solutions provided by Vendatu have detailed explanations, summaries, and answers to textbook questions, aiding students in grasping the poem's deeper meanings and emotions.

5. What kind of literary devices are used in The Ball Poem?

The poem employs literary devices such as imagery, symbolism, and metaphor to convey its themes.

6. Why is the loss of the ball significant in the poem?

The loss of the ball symbolizes the boy's first experience with loss, teaching him about the inevitability of change and the importance of moving on.

7. How can The Ball Poem questions and answers help students in exam preparation?

The solutions provided by Vendatu offer clear and concise explanations and answers, which help students understand the poem thoroughly and perform well in exams.

8. What lesson does the boy learn in The Ball Poem?

The boy learns that loss is a part of life and that one must accept it and move on, gaining maturity through the experience.

9. How does the Class 10 English Chapter 3 poem convey the theme of growing up?

The poem uses the boy's reaction to losing his ball to illustrate the emotional growth and understanding that comes with facing loss.

10. Are the NCERT Solutions for The Ball Poem available for FREE?

Yes, the NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English are available for FREE download in PDF format at Vedantu, making them accessible to all students. Also, The Ball Poem Extra questions and answers are covered in this chapter.