Essay on National Flag
'The symbol of the nation'
'The symbol of unity of population'
Here I am talking about the thing which is mighty for all Indians, for which every Indian is mad for serving, it is the only thing for which all Indians think about their religious and caste boundaries. So here the thing I am talking about the national flag of India i.e. TIRANGA (Means the combination of three colours). The history of Tiranga was very old. Mahatma Gandhi first spoke about the need for an Indian flag in 1921. He proposed a flag with the charkha or spinning wheel at the center and if we talk about its look it is not always like that as we have seen today. In the nearby time of 1947, it was of three colours in which saffron is at the top, white is at middle and green is at the bottom.
In the middle of which there is a charkha that is known as Ashok Chakra. In it saffron represents sacrifice, white represents peace, green color represents progress and charkha represents the spirit of swadeshi. To represent Gandhi Ji’s fight for freedom but nowadays we are seeing it as in the same colours with the same message but with chakra, in place of charkha as the symbol of the wheel of duty with 24 spokes it is the only reason for what designers have put it in the flag. The designer who designed the modern flag is Pingali Venkayya. The flag has been designed on the bases of swaraj flag or the flag of Indian National Congress.
Importance of National Flag:
It means a lot not only for the officials of the country but also for civilians. But now people are becoming careless day by day as we can easily see on the occasion of any national festival people buy them and move throughout the day with it but the scenario of next day is like that all those flags were lying on the grounds and none of us pick up them but I think it is not our fault it is the fault of being seniors who told us about good jobs, earning, careers but never told us about Saheed Bhagat Singh, Subhash Chandra Bose and many other martyrs who sacrificed their lives to bring independence because if our seniors told us about all of them so then we come to know the value of this flag for raising of which our country had loosed many precious gems.
So now I think that from today we shall take the pledge to respect our national flag and follow all its conveyed messages for the betterment of our country and to raise our national flag at the top of the world and we all know that it is India’s heritage to see all the countries of the world as a family. So that all countries will see India not only as the world leader but also as the father of all countries. As the work of the father is to guide the family members and maintain harmony. India and its flag also get such opportunity and respect and we all know that it is the heritage of India to see the whole world as the family.
Existence Across the World:
The national flag is a symbol of our country, it gives us the same patriotic feeling where we go and make our country proud. Currently in entertainment zones as well whether you watch any movie it is mandatory to stand for the national anthem to show respect for our country, in schools children sing the national anthem every day followed by their regular prayer, any government and private sector of the organization also hoist flags and pay tribute on those special occasions.
No matter where we live it’s our integrity towards our nation to celebrate special days i.e. 15 August or 26th January across the world. This shows the love and integrity of India. Our Indian National flag has made a wide existence across the globe. People are making India proud by achieving a good name and fame in various sectors or industries.
The national flag of any country is not only the symbol of that nation but also the symbol of the unity of its population.
The Indian flag is the one emblem that we all look at, and dedicate our lives to serving, in some way or the other; the appearance of the flag makes all caste and religious boundaries disappear.
The national flag of India is known as the ‘Tiranga’ - for the three colors represented in it, saffron, white, and green.
It was Mahatma Gandhi in the year 1921 who first spoke of the need for an Indian flag; he always spoke of the need for the spinning wheel or ‘charkha’ on the flag, although the appearance of the flag has changed many times throughout the years.
Around the year 1947, the flag was mostly finalized - the tricolor, with saffron at the top and green at the bottom, sandwiching the white in the middle with what is known as the Ashoka Chakra upon it. Each element of the flag represents something; the saffron represents sacrifice, white for peace, green for progress, and finally, the charkha represents the spirit of ‘swadeshi’. The main difference made since then is the removal of the charkha and replacing it with the chakra, the wheel of duty with 24 spokes.
The flag as we know it today has been designed by Pingali Venkayya, who based it upon that of the Indian National Congress, or the Swaraj flag.
For every patriot we find today, there was a freedom fighter who helped make it possible for these patriots to shine today. While it is important to focus on our futures, we must remain aware that such a future would not even be possible without the likes of Shaheed Bhagat Singh, Subhas Chandra Bose, and other martyrs who lived and died fighting for the flag and the freedom it represents, and all the opportunities it brings with it for all citizens of India, past, present, and future.
As students, we must take a pledge to respect our national flag with great veneration, and follow all of its prescribed tenets with temerity. It is us as citizens who can bring India up to its true potential, and secure its place on the world stage. It is up to us to share our heritage, and we can only do it once we ourselves are aware of it
Existence Across the world
The national flag exists to give us a united sense of patriotism wherever we go, as it is the foremost symbol of our country; it is emblematic of what India as a country represents.
India as a country has made respect for the flag impossible to avoid, and thereby imbibes in people young and old the importance of this one piece of cloth. It is mandatory to stand for the national anthem accompanied by the flag whenever one goes for any movie or concert; children in school sing the national anthem in praise and respect of the country and its flag; flags are hoisted in both public and private spaces, and tributes are often paid.
FAQs on National Flag Essay: Symbolism and Significance
1. What Do 3 Colours on the Flag Represent?
The Indian national flag has three colours i.e. saffron, white and green, these all colours signifies courage, sacrifice, peace and faith respectively. And Ashoka Chakra in the centre represents the wheel of the law.
2. Who designed the current Indian National Flag?
Pingali Venkayya was the one who designed the Indian national flag as we know it now, based upon the design of the Swaraj flag, of the Indian National Congress before the time of Independence; this was the design made by Mahatma Gandhi, whose wheel or charkha symbolized the previous Indian goal of becoming self-dependent.
3. What Does Tiranga Symbolize?
The Tiranga, our National Flag was designed as a symbol of freedom, and the ultimate meaning of the Tiranga is to symbolize independence. The colors of our national flag with equal proportions of the deep saffron color on the top, the white color in the middle and the dark green color at the bottom, all have significant meanings. The saffron stands for courage, sacrifice and the spirit of renunciation. The white stands for purity and truth and the green stands for faith and fertility.
4. What is the Indian flag composed of?
The Indian National flag, also known as the Tricolor or the Tiranga, is composed of the three colors of saffron, white, and green, each representing sacrifice, peace, and progress respectively. At the very center of the flag, in the white shade, lies what is known as the Ashoka Chakra, coloured blue - it is the wheel of duty.
5. Where can we get sample essays?
Essay writing is important for all school students, especially for those in the junior classes. It is important to be able to practice some of the sample essays to do well in exams. The online portal, Vedantu.com offers important questions along with answers and samples of essays on various topics, and also on ‘The National Flag’, along with other very helpful study material on essays, that have been formulated in a well structured, well researched, and easy to understand manner. These study materials and solutions are all important and are very easily accessible from Vedantu.com and can be downloaded for free.
6. What is the Importance of the National Flag?
In modernized India, it is easy to get caught up in urbanity and forget the importance of the national flag; the truth is, it isn’t merely officials who ought to have great reverence for the flag, but all ordinary civilians as well.
It is not that we aren’t taught about how important this flag is, but we often tend to forget the very symbol of our freedom while taking our freedom for granted. As citizens of India, our Indian national flag represents our past, our present, and even our future.