National Constitution Day Essay Writing: Brief and Detailed Way
National Constitution Day is also known as the Samvidhan Divas on the 26th of November every year. This day gets its significance as on this day in the year 1949, the Constituent Assembly of India has adopted the Constitution of India. After which, the Constitution of India came into force on the 26th of January 1950. We celebrate every 26th of January as Republic Day.
In this National Constitution Day essay, our point is to talk about the importance of the constitution and how the same has crafted the Indian society since independence.

Know More: Speech on National Constitution Day
Long Essay on National Constitution Day
The Constitution of India declares a socialist, secular, democratic, and sovereign republic which gives the citizens of this country equal justice and liberty and also promotes the values of the fraternity. The constitution is the only backbone of the country which has kept the country together, with many other diverse cultures, various other languages, and ethnicities, for 70 years long.
The year 2015 was the 125th birth anniversary of Baba Saheb Ambedkar, in this occasion, the Government of India decided to celebrate National Constitution Day in a massive way. For this sole purpose, a special committee was formed under the chairmanship of Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. Various other ministries and departments organized the various programs throughout the year with a view to uplift the thoughts and ideas of Baba Saheb Ambedkar. However, National Constitution Day is not a public holiday.
The Indian Constitution is one of the biggest constitutions in the whole world as the creator of the constitution took the essence of the constitution from the American, British, and also from Japanese constitutions. This can be said that the Indian Constitution is a mix of all the best constitutions in the world. Any harm done to the democratic and secular fabric of the nation is to be punished as this means harm to the democracy of India which in turn harms the constitution of India.
The department of Education and Literacy studies the preamble of the constitution. The salient features of the constitution are known to the students through lectures and seminars.
Various quiz and essay competitions both are conducted on the Constitution of India. Also, as per the instructions of the Department of Higher Education, many universities arranged mock parliamentary debates in the colleges. The University Grants Commission (UGC) also organized an all-India quiz competition at Ambedkar University, Lucknow.
The Ministry of External Affairs has also instructed all the overseas Indian schools to celebrate the 26th of November as National Constitution Day. They asked the embassies to translate the Indian constitution into the local language of that nation after which they were to be distributed at various academies, libraries, and faculties. On the 26th of November each year, the Department of Sport organized a symbolic run called “Run for Equality”. On the 26th of November 2015, a special session in the Parliament was conducted which gives tribute to the constitution and to Baba Saheb Ambedkar. On this occasion, the Parliament House was decorated and illuminated with lights.
On 11th October 2015, after laying down the foundation stone of Dr B.R. Ambedkar the prime minister of India, Narendra Modi officially declared 26th November as the National Constitution Day, and this was notified in the Gazette as well.
Baba Saheb in his time was the chairman of the drafting committee of the Constituent Assembly in India. Ambedkar played a very significant role while he drafted the Indian Constitution.
We celebrate this day to spread the importance and awareness of the Constitution as well as the ideas and thoughts of the Baba Saheb Ambedkar. This is quite noteworthy that previously this day was celebrated as National Law Day, now it is celebrated as National Constitution Day.
We celebrate National Constitution Day to honour this nobleman who has helped the Indians to be truly democratic. India is a country with a diverse culture, hence drafting the constitution by sorting help with the various other best constitution of the world was the best thing done by Dr B.R. Ambedkar.
In conclusion, we can say that the Indians will surely thrive to preserve the constitution and follow the same.
Short Essay on National Constitution Day
National constitution day is celebrated to inculcate and honour the values and features of the constitution across schools. This day is being celebrated in many colleges and in various government institutions. The constitution of India is grounded on the values of liberty equality and fraternity. In fact, this constitution of India is an amalgamation of various best and top constitutions around the world like the French constitution, the American constitution, and also the Russian constitution.
The concept of equality, liberty, and fraternity was taken from the constitution of France, the concept of the five-year plan was taken from the Russian constitution, while the concept of the independent functioning of the Judiciary was taken from the constitution of Japan. Indian Constitution is held to be one of the biggest constitutions existing in the world and also one of the best constitutions on this entire planet.
If every clause of the Indian Constitution is followed in practice and in spirit, India will become a pure democratic nation, but this is said easier than done as there are loopholes in the Indian Constitution that ill-minded people take advantage of. India is a diverse country with many languages, religions, ethnicities, diversities, and also cultural identities.
Therefore, it might become quite difficult to follow the constitution word to word. Nevertheless, the state is required to obey the clauses of the Constitution, or else the democracy will be hampered.
Thus, our constitution is a constitution that will help in the acute democracy and help the people to develop mindfully.
National Constitution Day Essay In English 300 Words
National Constitution Day is celebrated on November 26 each year in India to honour the adoption of the Indian Constitution in 1949. This day is very important as it marks the creation of the supreme law that governs our country. The Constitution was drafted by the Constituent Assembly, which was led by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, known as the Father of the Indian Constitution.
The Constitution came into effect on January 26, 1950, making India a sovereign republic. It outlines the fundamental rights and duties of citizens and sets up a framework for the government. Key features of the Constitution include the separation of powers among the legislature, executive, and judiciary, along with provisions for a parliamentary system of government.
National Constitution Day serves as a reminder of the values written in the Constitution, such as justice, equality, and brotherhood. It raises awareness among citizens about their rights and responsibilities, encouraging them to take part in upholding democratic values. Schools and institutions across the country hold various activities, like discussions, quizzes, and essay contests, to celebrate this important day.
This day is not only a celebration of the Constitution, but also a chance to remember the struggles and sacrifices made by our leaders to achieve freedom and justice for all. By recognizing the importance of this day, we strengthen our commitment to the ideals that the Constitution represents, ensuring a fair and just society for future generations.
National Constitution Day Essay In English 200 Words
National Constitution Day is celebrated on November 26 every year to mark the adoption of the Indian Constitution in 1949. This day is important because it shows the creation of the supreme law that governs India and makes it a sovereign nation. The Constitution was written by the Constituent Assembly, led by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, who is known as the Father of the Indian Constitution.
The Constitution took effect on January 26, 1950, and guarantees fundamental rights for every citizen while setting up the government framework. It includes key principles such as justice, freedom, equality, and brotherhood, which are essential for a democratic society.
National Constitution Day is observed with many activities in schools and communities, such as debates, quizzes, and discussions that highlight the Constitution's importance. This encourages citizens to learn about their rights and duties and fosters a sense of unity and respect for democratic values. By celebrating this day, we honour the vision of our leaders and reaffirm our commitment to the principles in the Constitution, working together for a fair and just society.
Know More: Speech on Indian Constitution
National Constitution Day Essay In English 10 Lines
National Constitution Day is celebrated on November 26 every year in India.
This day marks the adoption of the Indian Constitution in 1949.
The Constitution came into effect on January 26, 1950, making India a sovereign republic.
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar is known as the Father of the Indian Constitution.
The Constitution guarantees fundamental rights and freedoms to all citizens.
It establishes the framework for the Indian government and its functions.
National Constitution Day promotes awareness about the Constitution’s values.
The day encourages citizens to respect and uphold democratic principles.
Various events and programs are held in schools and institutions to celebrate.
It serves as a reminder of the importance of justice, equality, and unity in diversity.
A constitution is a set of rules and laws that regulate the governing and control of the running of a country. The political principles practise, and powers of the Indian government are based on the constitution. With 395 articles and 12 schedules, it has the longest constitution in the whole globe. The constitution establishes the framework that demarcates the fundamental political code, structure, processes, powers, and duties of government institutions, as well as fundamental rights, guiding principles, and citizen responsibilities.
FAQs on Essay on National Constitution Day: Honoring India's Constitution
1. What is a Constituent Assembly?
A constituent assembly, often referred to as a constitutional convention, congress, or assembly, is a group established to draught or amend a constitution. Members of a constituent assembly may be appointed, elected through sortition, or a combination of these methods. Assembly members may include many members of the legislature, although assemblies are frequently thought of as distinct from regular legislatures.
2. What is the Constitution of India?
A Constitution is a set of rigid rules and regulations which guide the administration of the country. The constitution of India is the regulatory framework for political principles and powers to the government.
3. Who was Dr. B.R. Ambedkar?
Dr Ambedkar was the renowned chairman of the Drafting Committee. He was a socialist and he was against caste divisions and inequalities. Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar is credited as being the father of the Indian Constitution. He was the Law Minister at the time, and he presented the final text of the Constitution to the Constituent Assembly. B. R. Ambedkar, himself a Dalit, pushed for the abolition of the caste system and supported Dalit uprisings. He is still regarded as a Dalit hero today.
4. What is a short note on National Constitution Day?
National Constitution Day, also known as 'Samvidhan Divas,' is celebrated every year on November 26 in India to honour the adoption of the Indian Constitution. On this day in 1949, the Constituent Assembly officially adopted the Constitution, which later came into effect on January 26, 1950. This day is important for recognizing the values and principles laid down in the Constitution.
5. How do you write an essay on the Constitution?
When writing an essay on the Constitution, start by outlining its importance in maintaining peace and prosperity in the country. Include key aspects like the salient features of the Constitution, noting that it is the longest-written Constitution in the world. Discuss its rigidity and flexibility, the Preamble, its secular nature, and its status as a republic. Also, mention the Fundamental Policies and the Directive Principles of State Policy to provide a well-rounded view.
6. Who is known as the father of Constitution Day?
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar is often referred to as the father of Constitution Day due to his significant contributions to the Constitution's drafting process. He is one of the most recognized members of the Constituent Assembly and played a key role in shaping the Indian Constitution. His efforts ensured that the Constitution addressed the needs and rights of all citizens.
7. What is the slogan for Constitution Day?
The national slogan of the Indian Constitution is "Satyamev Jayate," which means "truth always wins." This powerful phrase reflects the core values of justice and integrity that the Constitution promotes and serves as a reminder of the principles that guide our democracy.
8. Can you provide a short paragraph about the Constitution?
The Constitution serves as the foundation of India’s democratic and secular framework. It is the longest Constitution in the world and outlines the principles, processes, and powers of government. Drafted on November 26, 1949, it officially took effect on January 26, 1950, establishing the core values that guide the nation.
9. What are five key points about the Constitution?
Five important points about the Constitution include: a combination of parliamentary sovereignty and judicial supremacy, an integrated and independent judiciary, universal adult franchise, the inclusion of Fundamental Rights and Duties, and the concept of single citizenship for all Indians.
10. Who was responsible for writing the Indian Constitution?
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the chairman of the Drafting Committee, is recognized as the chief architect of the Indian Constitution. He provided a comprehensive framework that guides and governs India, taking into account the country’s unique social, cultural, and religious diversity.
11. What is an Essay On National Constitution Day?
An Essay On National Constitution Day is a written piece that discusses the significance of this day in India. It highlights the adoption of the Indian Constitution on November 26, 1949. The essay covers the values and principles that the Constitution represents and its impact on citizens' rights and duties.
12. How can I approach National Constitution Day Essay Writing?
For National Constitution Day Essay Writing, start by researching the history and importance of the Constitution. Include key points such as the role of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and the rights it guarantees. Make sure to organize your thoughts clearly, using simple language to make your essay easy to understand.
13. Where can I find a National Constitution Day Essay In English?
You can find a National Constitution Day Essay In English on various educational websites and online resources. These essays often provide information about the day’s significance, its history, and its relevance today. Many platforms offer both short and detailed essays to help you learn more about the topic.
14. What should I include in a Short Essay On National Constitution Day?
In a Short Essay On National Constitution Day, include the date of adoption of the Constitution and its importance in India. Mention the main features of the Constitution and how it protects citizens' rights. Keep it concise and focused, summarising the key points clearly to convey the message effectively.
15. What should we speak on Constitution Day?
On Constitution Day, we acknowledge that the Indian Constitution was adopted on November 26, 1949, and officially came into effect on January 26, 1950. This day represents the true spirit of independent India. Let us all commit to honouring our nation and upholding the Constitution of India. Thank you, and Jai Hind!