Essay on Uses of Mobile Phones
A mobile phone is an electronic wireless, portable device, which is used to receive and send voice and messages. Undoubtedly, it is one of the most spectacular developments, ever to have taken place in the field of telecommunication. It is a wonderful gift of science to society. Mobile phones have provided the easiest and simplest way to stay connected with our near and dear ones, thus augmenting and invigorating our social life. Today mobile phones have become a necessity. Now, we cannot imagine our life anymore without mobile phones.
Uses of Mobile Phones
Mobile telecommunications have brought a revolution in the world. People in cities, semi-urban places and even rural places have made it a necessity in their lives. Apart from standard voice function, mobile phones are used for a variety of purposes such as keeping in touch with people via text messaging, which is called SMS and MMS for sending and receiving photos and videos through packet switching technology. Furthermore, people use it for playing games, listening to music, watching movies, Internet surfing, conducting business, mobile banking, payment of bills and many more.
With the advent of smartphones, mobile phones have now got a new meaning. They have altered our ways of life to an unbelievable degree. Writing long letters have been replaced by short text messages. Animated pictures have replaced greeting cards. They are not only means of communication but also the source of information and entertainment.
With the development of our society smartphones have overtaken the usage of earlier mobile phones. Smart phones have contributed largely towards the environment. They have replaced and minimized the usage of paper in several forms. Undoubtedly, smart phones have helped in case of emergencies. They save a lot of time and energy in making multiple calls during a critical time.
With additional features, smart phones have made wonders in our daily lives. People can set alarms and reminders, schedule meetings and have video conferences via these phones. Further, a large number of applications help us to do online shopping, get the food delivered at home or office, take care of our health, read books, listen to music, get information, etc.
Basically, smart phones have shrunk the entire world into a small gadget wherein one person sitting in one continent can easily and instantly do all these activities and stay connected with any one sitting in another continent with just a touch of a finger. They have almost eradicated the usage of landline phones. It has removed our boredom completely. One never feels lonely with these devices. The entire social media is now in the control of our fingers.
Disadvantages of Mobile Phones
Mobile phones have become a fashion statement these days wherein the brand, costs of the handsets, color and added accessories reflect the status of a person. It has become a status symbol instead of a necessity. This has increased criminal activities in order to have money to satisfy the growing need of boasting.
These days we have become so reliant on our mobile phones that no matter where we are and what we are doing, mobile phones are always with us. We have become over dependent on mobile phones.
In a way, phones have become a constant source of interruptions in our lives. We have become so addicted to them that we miss on precious moments with our families and special occasions.
The face-to-face communication has taken a back seat. Family interactions have reduced because of instant messaging and social media applications.
It has been observed that most of the accidents on the road these days are happening due to distractions of mobile phones. Students and teenagers have fallen victims to the use of mobile phones.
The health effects of mobile phones are dangerous. Excessive use of mobile phones is causing migraine, weak eyesight, sleeplessness and chronic fatigue.
Mobile phones have changed the history of our society. They have provided a great level of convenience and safety to the users. At the same time human dependence on mobile phones has increased significantly. Technology is good as long as it doesn’t become our masters. It can then have serious effects on our life.
FAQs on Uses of Mobile Phones Essay for Students in English
Q1. What is a Mobile Phone?
Ans. A mobile phone is an electronic wireless, portable scientific device, which is used to receive and send voice and messages.
Q2. How have Mobile Phones Changed Our Ways of Life?
Ans. Mobile phones have made our life very convenient and safe. They have helped us to stay connected with our dear and near ones from anywhere in the world. They help us to do a large number of activities on the device with just a touch of our fingers.
Q3. How are Mobile Phones Creating Health Hazards?
Ans. Excess usage of mobile phones is creating adverse effects on our health. It is causing migraine, weak eyesight, sleeplessness and chronic fatigue.
Q4. How are Mobile Phones Affecting the Students and Teenagers?
Ans. Students and teenagers are falling victims to mobile phones. Teenagers are treating them as fashion statements instead of necessity. Their addiction has increased so significantly that they are forgetting family values. This has become a serious distraction for them.