What Makes Them Hazardous Using of Mobile Phones
Do you use your phones for a long period of time? Can you not survive without your phone? Do you often use the internet on a frequent and regular basis? If the answer to all these questions is ‘Yes, then keep reading this article, it will make you aware of the excess use of mobile phones. In this section, we are going to share insights about using mobile phones. We are going to discuss the disadvantages of using mobile phones.
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Benefits of Using Mobile Phones
Mobile phone side effects are many but first, know the pros of using the same. Today, there are only a few people who are not using mobile phones. Mobile phones in each and every hand are quite common. Every person uses a mobile phone for their daily life communication or in daily business communication. Mobile phones help us in connecting with the world, but mobile phones’ side effects cannot be ignored. We have to keep in mind that using mobile phones has its own disadvantages.
Disadvantages of Mobile Phones are Many, But let us First Look at the Advantages:
Easy Communication is possible.
Helps in connecting with relatives on the social media
Promotion of business via the smartphones
Good for the safety of people.
Today smartphones are not only a fashion but a basic standard of living.
Phones help us in emergency situations
People can make money by using mobile phones.
This is to be understood that using the phone is not a disadvantage, but using ‘excess’ of it is of course, severe.
Mobile Phones Effects
Disadvantages of Mobile Phones are as Follows:
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Scientific research has said that they have found that harmful radiation is emitted by mobiles. This radiation can cause weak digestion and also sleep deprivation.
According to research done by the University of California, using the mobile on vibration mode for a very long time can increase the chances of cancer.
An interesting fact - mobiles absorb water from our bodies.
There can be a risk of DNA destruction because of the radio frequency which is emanating from the mobile.
Increases the risk of diseases. For example - Alzheimer's, diabetes, heart diseases.
Tension is created in the muscles of the hand; depression can also occur for these radiations which compress the brain cells, and for this, oxygen is not able to reach the brain in the right quantity.
Many times, when the cell phone gets hot due to excessive use, then it is not healthy.
Keeping the mobile phones in the pockets or belts can be bad as this affects the bones by the electromagnetic radiation.
Mobile phone usage should be reduced by pregnant women because of the radiation which can affect their fetuses. This can also have a negative and harmful effect on the baby’s brain, and thereby its development can also be affected.
Mobile phones are a disturbing device.
This is an underlying problem that we all have seen. Mobile phones always disturb us with their notification while we are working for business meetings. Sometimes in our sleep, our phone starts to ring, which annoys us to a bad extent. At times it keeps us awake for the rest of the night after being disturbed.
Accidents and Health issues are common when one uses an excess amount of cell phones. Sometimes people use these mobile phones while driving, which costs them their life even. Using a smartphone while driving is definitely not smart. This should be strictly prohibited, but people are very much addicted to mobile phones. They just cannot keep it away.
Also, nowadays children watch movies and their favourite cartoons on mobile phones for a long time. This takes away considerable time.
The bad effects of mobile phones on students can be seen now in the post-pandemic situation. Students are doing online classes on their phones. Also, after the class, they again spend their time on these phones themselves. This continuous use of mobile phones makes them sit in a single place all day long without any exercise.
If there is a lack of exercise at an early age, then it will cause serious health issues. So, it is advised to keep the children away from phones and televisions instead of encouraging them to play outside.
Waste of Time is another factor of using an excessive amount of cell phones. Some children, even the youth, have a terrible habit of being engaged in mobile phones. They talk on the phone, play games, watch pictures and videos on the phone itself. So, you see the maximum of their time is spent on the phone without much productivity in reality.
Adding up to these, are also so many types of mobile games to which the students and children get attracted. They get addicted and thus end up playing the whole day. Due to all these, they do not concentrate on their studies and eventually score badly in exams.
Privacy and Security Problems are also attached with phones. In today’s smartphone, you can see, every application asks to sign up before using the facility. For using that application, every person is required to fill up his own email details, or some website provides a sign-up via our social media accounts. They take all the information from social media. They might copy private data like photos, contacts from those social media websites to their own database.
How to Avoid Using Mobile Phones?
If you deal with the problem of “I spend too much time on my cell phone,” then here are some tricks and tips which will help you get rid of this bad habit. “Most people check their phone every 15 minutes or less, even if they have no alerts or notifications,” says Larry Rosen, a psychology professor and the author of ‘The Distracted Mind.’
She further says - “We’ve built up this layer of anxiety surrounding our use of technology, that if we don’t check in as often as we think we should, we’re missing out.” This statement is said by Rosen in an interview at CNBC.
Let us Check Some Tips to Avoid Using Our Cell Phones:
Keep yourself on a schedule
The most basic and required step for all is to keep self on the timetable. Rosen suggests weaning yourself off from your phone by literally setting alarms or timers which will specify how often you can check your cell phone. You can start with every 15 minutes, then slowly move to every half hour, then to every 45 minutes, or after every hour. When your alarm sounds, spend only one minute to reset the timer and then again start the cycle.
Turn off unwanted or unrequired push notifications
You really don’t have to be interrupted for every “like” in your notification from Instagram, or you really do not have to be notified for every like or comment you get from your recent post. Hence prioritise your notification sound, and this will literally help you a great deal
Remove the distracting apps from your home screen
A lot of the time, you use your phones unconsciously. While you are on Facebook, you close it and jump to Instagram; after checking the feeds there, you close it and see the green icon on the home screen, and soon you land on WhatsApp. Little do you realise that jumping from one social platform to another is causing unnecessary pressure to brain and eye nerves as well as wastage of time! Hence, it is better to remove all these unwanted apps from your home screen.
Avoid phones before you end your day and start your day
Do not use cell phones while you are in bed, preparing to sleep. Do not make a habit of using the phone and seeing it before ending your day. Also, do not use it just after waking up in the morning.
Turn the phone’s grayscale.
Recently it was found that using grayscale in phones is one of the most jarring ways to curb and limit the time that you spend on your smartphone. This greyscale will make you look less at the phones. Thus, it will decrease the usage.
Did You Know?
The first mobile phone’s price was about £2500
Mobile phones are even dirtier than the toilet handles
Your mobile is powerful than a spaceship
In the year 2012, Apple sold around 340,000 iPhones per day
Scientists can charge the cell phones by using urine
We check our mobiles approximately 110 times a day!
The fear of being without your phone is serious and real.
Globally counted, more people have mobile phones than toilets
Almost half of smartphone users ‘could not actually live without’ cellular devices.
A huge 99% of malware is targeted at these android phones which you and I use.
FAQs on Disadvantages of Using Mobile Phones
1. What is the use of cell phones for students?
Cell phones allow the students to have access to different tools and applications which can help them complete their homework and stay on track with their classwork. There are many tools which teach the students to develop better study habits, like helping them to learn techniques on time management and basic organization skills.
2. How much radiation is emitted from cell phones?
Studies conducted at the Federal Communications Commission (abbreviated as FCC) — they regulated the study of cell phones, among other things, in the United States — they had set the radiation standards for the cell phones, which is exactly at 1.6 watts per kilogram averaged over 1 gram of human tissue.