Left handers day
International Left Handers Day or the world left handers day is an annual event held on August 13 to honour the uniqueness and distinctions of those who are left-handed. Dean R. Campbell, the founder of Lefthanders International, Inc., first celebrated the day in 1976. The world left handers day was established to honour sinistrality and promote awareness of the benefits and drawbacks of being left-handed in a mostly right-handed world. It honours the distinctiveness and peculiarities of left-handed individuals, a subgroup of humankind that accounts for 7 to 10% of the world's population. It's a day to celebrate the uniqueness of persons who conduct daily tasks using their left hand instead of their right. Along with its specialness, the day raises public awareness of the benefits and drawbacks of being a lefty. Some numerous famous people and celebrities are left-handed throughout the world. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Amitabh Bachchan, Rajinikanth, Sachin Tendulkar, Ratan Tata, and others are among the country's many left-handers, according to the Indian Left-Hander Club.
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Many of us have been taught since childhood that only the right hand should be used to give and take things. Many people regard using your left hand as a sign of disrespect. In a world dominated by right-handed people, this presents a particular difficulty for those who are left-handed. When it comes to parts of design and technology that are tuned to suit the needs of the right-handed majority, this minority is constantly overlooked.
History About Left Handers Day
Dean R. Campbell, the founder of International Left Handers day Inc., founded International Left Handers Day in 1976, and it has been celebrated every year since. On August 13, 1992, the Left Handers Club formalised the custom by establishing International Left Handers Day as a component of their organisation. Sinistrality the medical word for left-handedness and the strength of having a dominant left hand are commemorated on this day. The day celebrates left-handed persons while understanding their challenges, seeing it as a unique strength instead of an oddity.
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Significance About Left Handers Day
Around 10% to 12% of the world's population is left-handed, and they are surrounded by many brilliant men and women. Left-handed people include French leader Napoleon Bonaparte, painter Pablo Picasso, physicist Sir Isaac Newton, media figure Oprah Winfrey, and former US President Barack Obama. Mahatma Gandhi, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, actors Amitabh Bachchan and Rajinikanth, and cricketer Sachin Tendulkar are all members of the clan back home in India. While being left-handed may look attractive now, for a long time, left-handed people were thought to be sinister and linked to evil. The purpose of the day is to raise awareness about the significance of recognising and respecting left-handed people all around the world. As a result, past prejudices against the community will be addressed, making the world and its many instruments as pleasant for left-handed people as it is for right-handed people.
When is Left Handers Day Established and by Whom?
Dean R Campbell (March 10, 1928, in Topeka, Kansas; January 11, 2017, in Wickenburg, Arizona) was an American soldier who was most known for founding "World Left-Handed Day." He attended the University of Kansas after graduating from Topeka High School. This day was established in 1976 to raise attention to the difficulties that lefties confront daily. He founded Left-Handers International Inc, and the day has been commemorated every year since. Every year on August 13, World lefty day is celebrated to honour the differences and uniqueness of left-handed people in a society dominated by right-handed people.
10 Interesting Facts About Left Handers
Left-handed persons use their right side of the brain more than right-handed ones. The human brain is structured in such a way that the right half controls the left side of the body while the left half controls the right. As a result, persons who are left-handed use their right side of the brain more than right-handed people.
After a stroke, left-handed people recover faster. The left side of the human brain, which is primarily used by right-handed people, controls our language function. As a result, strokes on the left side of the body obstruct the language of a right-handed person. Moreover, individuals can regain their linguistic abilities more quickly after a stroke.
In some sports, left-handed people have an edge. They are typically good in one-on-one situations when it comes to sports. In sports like baseball, boxing, fencing, and tennis, left-handed athletes generally have an edge over right-handed opponents since they are used to playing against right-handed opponents.
Left-handed people have an edge in terms of typing. They can type approximately 3 thousand English words using only their left hand on a QWERTY keyboard. However, only 300 words can be typed using the right hand. The most typed letters are found on the left side of the keyboard.
Left-handed people make up a significant portion of the population, accounting for around 10% to 12% of the worldwide population.
Some people are scared of left-handed persons. Sinistrophobia is a phobia that might develop as a result of this disease.
A foetus that likes to suck its left hand while in the womb will grow up to be left-handed, according to a study was done at Queen's University in Belfast.
While studies show that the majority of artists, including painters, musicians, and even architects, are left-handed, this is still disputed.
In many cultures and nations, being left-handed is considered odd. In eastern countries like India and the Middle East, being left-handed is considered rude. Left-handed youngsters were formerly obliged to use their right hands in the United Kingdom as well.
Right and left-handed people approach tasks and memories in different ways. Lefty people are recognised for multitasking since they consider the tasks as a whole.
List of Prominent Personalities and Celebrities Who are a Lefty.
About Left Handers Club
The Left Handers Club was founded in the 1990 year to keep members up to date on advancements and make their opinions known to manufacturers and others. To establish a support and guidance line, as well as to encourage left-handed research and the production of new left-handed goods. Since its inception, the Club has grown in strength as members from all around the world have joined, and it is widely recognised as the leading pressure organisation and resource for information on all areas of leisure.
International Left Handers Day is celebrated every year on August 13. Dean R. Campbell, the founder of Lefthanders International, Inc., first celebrated the day in 1976. The day honours the left-handed individuals, a subgroup of humankind that accounts for 7 to 10% of the world's population.
FAQs on International Left Handers Day
1. Why do we celebrate world Left Handers Day?
World Lefty Day is celebrated every year on August 13 to honour the "uniqueness and peculiarities of left-handed persons." Dean R Campbell, the founder of Lefthanders International Inc., first celebrated the day in 1976.
2. Why is it so rare to be left-handed?
Given that handedness is a highly heritable trait associated with a variety of medical problems, and that many of these diseases might have posed a Darwinian fitness challenge in ancient populations, natural selection suggests that left-handedness was once more common than it is now.
3. Is Bill Gates left-handed or right-handed?
Bill Gates is a philanthropist, software developer, and entrepreneur from the United States. He is a co-founder of Microsoft Corporation, the world's largest software company. He's also a member of the left-handed community.
4. Are lefties more sensitive?
They discovered that left-handed people have certain advantages when it comes to linguistic skills. The left and right hemispheres of the brain exhibited more strong activity in those areas linked with greater language abilities in left-handed people. Furthermore, according to The Guardian, leftists may be more sensitive people in general.
5. Why is it harder for lefties to hit lefties?
Right-handed pitchers have an advantage against left-handed batters, but in a lefty-lefty game, the pitcher typically has the upper hand. Left-handed batters might struggle against left-handed pitchers that throw sidearms.