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Children’s Day Speech

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Speech on Children's Day in English for Students

It is a very important moment when a student has to give a speech in front of the whole school. It becomes more significant if that speech falls on a special day, like Children’s Day. 

Almost all the schools celebrate days like Children’s Day. There are activities filled with fun and education that the students tend to enjoy. But along with those, there are also a few other activities like giving a speech. 

A day as special as this deserves a speech that is special as well. For any student giving such a speech, it is important that they get started with the origin and go on with content that is worth remembering. It can be a long speech or a short speech. The point is to keep it as engaging as possible for fellow students as well as the teachers.

If you need help or even some pointers on how to give a Children’s Day Speech in English for Students, then Vedantu is the perfect place for you to look. Here, you can not only find the tips but also some helpful material to include in your speech. You will know more about which type of speech you must give along with the kind of words that must be used. 

Long Speech on Children’s Day

Long Speech on Teachers Day in English for students is helpful for students in grades 7-12. Let’s take a look at the Teachers Day Speech, one can speak about.

Greetings to everyone gathered here on the occasion of Children’s Day respected teachers, and my dear friends.

Children’s Day in India is celebrated every year on 14th November. This day is also called Bal Divas, “Bal” in Hindi means a “child”, and divas mean “day.” This day is also celebrated in honor of the birth anniversary of our first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru who was fondly called “Chacha Nehru” or “Chachaji” by children, he had a special connection with them and was always affectionate in their company. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was born on 14th November 1889, in Allahabad and was schooled at home under private tutors in his early life. This is his 132nd anniversary. After he breathed his last in 1964, a resolution was passed to celebrate his birthday as Bal Divas or Children’s Day, where all can revisit the child in them and celebrate their childlike qualities and remember the importance of keeping them intact.

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was the epitome of love towards children and was always devoted to working towards their betterment and welfare. A child when well nurtured builds a stronger nation. And this can be achieved through quality education, a child’s first school is their home, so parents play an important role in laying the foundation of discipline, honesty, and sincerity, and children with such qualities go on to excel in school and life and bring laurels to our nation. Many of our great freedom fighters credit their competencies and ability to their parents and teachers, similarly, one can take inspiration from them and follow their paths by giving due respect to parents and teachers equally as they play an essential role in shaping a child’s future. A child should be given complete freedom to unleash themselves and explore their interests and take the path of their calling. And this is possible only through proper education and holistic development.

A child should be treated and cared for in the kindest and affectionate way and Pandit Nehru deeply cared for their well being hence many laws were established for this purpose. The Indian Constitution’s Supreme Law guarantees that all under the age of 18 have children’s rights. This law advocates the right to be cared for by their parents or guardians, the right to education, the right to consume healthy food, and the right to feel safe and protected. Specially-abled children have the right to special care.

In his regime, he always focused on the vision of making India a world leader and that can be achieved only by nurturing the future of the country which are the children. He always believed in empowering young children and never clipping their wings. He said, “The children of today will make the India of tomorrow.” This Children’s Day let’s take a pledge to create a safe place for the future of our country and not threaten and hinder their growth.

Wish you all a Happy Children’s Day.

Thank you.

Short Speech on Children’s Day

Short Speech on Children’s Day in English for students is helpful for students in grades 4-6. Students celebrate this day with great zeal, and they give speeches on stage to start the programs.

I welcome you all to the celebration of Children’s Day. This day is dedicated to children to commemorate the work and love put in by our first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, this marks his 132nd anniversary. Jawaharlal Nehru became our first Prime Minister in 1947 after India was declared an independent nation and he reigned for 16 years, and he always advocated for children’s rights for safety, health, and education. He was tutored privately with a tutor in his early years and he understood the importance of education and the good outcomes it can lead to. 

He loved his time with children and children also were very fond of him as they referred to him as “Chacha Nehru” and “Chachaji”. He had a great vision for India, to make it into a world leader and he knew that was only possible if the young people are nurtured from childhood, by giving them the freedom to dream and have the basic amenities and the right to be protected and taken care of. 

Among the basic rights for children education and health were of extreme importance and he ensured to enlighten people with the same philosophy and encouraged parents and teachers to give their children wings to fly and dream the future they want to create and allow room for mistakes and improvements as these qualities empower them to innovate and build a better nation. So let’s be the children our nation is proud of and create a better tomorrow for everyone around. I wish you all the best and a Happy Children’s Day.

Thank you. 

10 Lines Speech on Children’s Day

The 10 Line Speech on Children’s Day in English for students is extremely helpful for students in grades 1-3 as they gain a certain perspective on the topic in a simple and easy form.

  1. Children’s day is celebrated on 14th November every year, since 1964 in India.

  2. This day is celebrated to mark the birth of our first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.

  3. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru cherished every moment he spent with children and believed they are our tomorrow and the fate of the nation lies in their hands.

  4. He left a remarkable legacy and children were very fond of him and lovingly called him “Chacha Nehru” or “Chachaji”.

  5. He always believed in equality and was an activist for every child to have equal rights to education, health, and safety.

  6. The schools around the country celebrate by conducting many programs to encourage children to give new ideas of innovation and various games and stage performances.

  7. Stage performances include speeches, debates, seminars, singing, and dancing.

  8. The importance of this day is explained and their role in society for a better tomorrow.

  9. Sweets are distributed and celebrated along with teachers with a lot of enthusiasm.

  10. Children’s day is to revisit Chacha Nehru’s principle of allowing children to have wings and fly rather than restricting and limiting their creativity.

Start your research regarding Children’s Day and formulate the ideal speech to seek accolades. Learn how to compile and remember a speech by referring to this article. Focus on maintaining your confidence while delivering it. The more informative you can make your speech, the better response you will get from the audience and judges.

FAQs on Children’s Day Speech

1. How long should a Children’s Day Speech in English for Students be?

The length of a speech for Children’s day depends on the type of program the school is hosting. If there are many other activities lined up after the speech, then of course the speech itself must be a short one. But in case, the school authorities can spare a few extra minutes for the students, then it must be a long one. Also, the decision depends on the students’ ability as well as how much they can memorize and their speech-giving talent and command over the language.

2. How can the teachers help with Children’s Day Speech in English for Students?

When the students have to prepare for a speech in English, it is a must that their teachers help them out. It is essential as giving a speech in front of the whole school is a big deal. Plus, it is a must that the students do not go wrong with their vocabulary or their grammar. A teacher can also help them with building their confidence to the point where they can give the speech as naturally as they can.

3. Where can the students get the best information they need to know before preparing their Children’s Day speech?

Preparing for a Children’s Day speech well is important in order to leave an impact. A student can find the answers to most of their questions from their teachers. However, when it comes to them getting some additional pointers, it is a must that they go to some outside source. This is where Vedantu comes in. The students can get all the information starting from the origin or the day to where it stands now. They also get an idea about how to deliver a speech in a proper format.

4. What should the students be taught about Children’s Day?

Children’s Day is one day that celebrates kids and the birthday of India’s first Prime Minister Jawarhal Lal Nehru. Now, almost all of the students may already know about the date this occasion falls on, but not the real meaning. With the help of their teachers and their guardians, they must be taught the real meaning of the day. Their learning can start from the very origin of the occasion and how the day came to be. Then it can proceed to them having an answer to the question “Why?”, as a result of them having a better understanding about it.

5. What can we do on Children’s Day?

Children’s Day is a very important day. It is one that celebrates not only children but the first Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru too. There are already many schools that host a lot of activities including speeches, games, etc. There are even ones where they compete, either solo or in teams and the winners get prizes. Such events can give the kids a break from their studies and it may also be good for their education outside of the books.