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Glimpses of India - Summary

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Glimpses of India Class 10 Summary In English

Glimpses of India's summary includes three short stories. The first story is by Lucio Rodrigues, a baker from Goa. The second story is by Lokesh Abrol named Coorg, a place in Karnataka. In this story, the author explains the environment, wildlife, weather, people, and the landscape of Coorg. The last story is by Arup Kumar Datta named, Tea from Assam. The third story is about two friends discovering the tea gardens of Assam and acknowledging the legends

Story I

A baker from Goa is a historical story related to the time when the Portuguese ruled Goa. The story concentrates on the relevance of a baker in the Goa village. The author talked about how the importance of bakers is still upheld even though the Portuguese have left the country. The bakers refer to paders who make a jingle sound with the bamboo when they come to sell loaves of bread in the streets. The same jingling sound would wake the author and his friends during their early days. They were supposed to run towards him without even washing their mouths. It was the maid-servant of the house who bought loaves of bread, which children ate. 

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The narrator recalls that bread was a crucial part of any occasion in Goa, especially the sweet bread named Bol. Baker from Goa's story shows that this sweet bread was a part of marriages, and the lady prepares sandwiches on the engagement of her daughter in earlier years. Cakes, sandwiches, and several other items were made with the loaves of bread during that time. Additionally, bakers wore ‘Kabai’, an exceptional frock of knee-length. Since that time, the bakery has continued to be a money-making profession. 

Story II

Coorg to Goa is a story describing the district of Coorg. It lies between two towns, namely; Mangalore and Mysore. The author described Coorg as a beautiful place like heaven and claimed that it might have come from the Kingdom of God. The district has evergreen forests, coffee plantations, spices, and a pleasant environment. Many tourists come to visit this place in-between the months of September to March. 

There is a historical story about the Arabic descent of the Coorg people describing that a part of Alexander’s army came here as their return was difficult. They got settled and married the locals. Many people of Coorg wear Kuppia, that’s similar to what Arabs wear. Moreover, they have a tradition of hospitality and are very brave. Coorg Regiment of the Indian Army is one of the renowned in the Indian Army. Moreover, the first Army Chief, General Cariappa, also belongs to the district, Coorgi. Even in today’s time, Kodavus are the only individuals who carry firearms without having a license.

Cauvery, the famous river gets its water from the hills and forests of Coorg. Additionally, the greatest freshwater fish, Mahaseer is found in the water of this river. Bees, birds, and butterflies give each other good company, and even elephants enjoy being bathed here. The Brahmagiri hills enable the climber to get an astonishing view of Coorg. Moreover, Buddhist monks live in Bylakuppe, near Coorg.

Story III

Two friends, Rajvir and Pranjol, were traveling to Assam. They took tea from a roadside seller, and while sipping, Rajvir told Pranjol that humans drink around 800,000,000 cups of tea per day across the world. Pranjol was busy reading his detective book, but Rajvir looked at the beautiful scenery. Tea bushes were spread over the town as far as they can see. On their way, they saw a building that was a tea garden. 

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Assam has the largest tea plantations all over the world. Rajvir told Pranjol that no one knows exactly who discovered the tea for the first time. According to a Chinese legend, a few leaves of branches fell in the boiling water gave it a delicious flavor. They were tea leaves. According to Indian legend, a Buddhist Monk cut off his eyelids. It was because he fell asleep during meditations. Around tea, plants grew out of these, and after that, tea leaves exiled sleep when put in hot water and drunk. Both Rajvir and Pranjol got down at Mariani Junction, and after that, they went to Dhekiajuli Tea Estate. They saw women with bamboo baskets who were plucking tea leaves. 

Glimpses of India –  A Baker from Goa Summary

A  Baker from Goa is a story from the time when Goa was under Portuguese rule. The plot revolves around a baker who lives in a Goan village. People ate loaves of bread back then. These were created in large furnaces. Padres, or street bakers, would come out to sell these bread in the street, making a jingle sound with the bamboo. Although we may no longer see these loaves, we may occasionally see the furnaces and some bakers carrying on their forefathers' traditional business. During his childhood, the author recalls the baker arriving twice a day. He was the author's guide and friend. The author's maidservants would buy loaves of bread to go with their tea. The bread was an important part of any occasion back then, especially the sweet bread, Bol. Also, the baker was dressed oddly, Kabai. It was a one-piece gown that reached up to the knees. Baking was a lucrative business at the time.

Coorg Story

Coorg is a story about the Coorg or Kodagu district of Karnataka. The author describes Coorg as a heavenly place located between Mangalore and Mysore. It is undeniably God's abode, with evergreen forests, spices, and coffee plantations. The weather is pleasant here from September to March, so many tourists visit. The coffee aroma pervades the air here. Coorg people may be seen wearing Kuppia, a long black coat similar to the kuffia worn by Arabs.

Coorg people are well-known for their bravery. One of the most important regiments in the Indian Army is the Coorg Regiment. General Cariappa, our first army chief, is also from Coorg. The Coorg forests and hills are a major source of water for the Cauvery River. Buddhist monks also live in Bylakuppe on the Nisargadhama Island near Coorg.

The Assam Story

The story of Assam Tea begins with two friends, Rajvir and Pranjol, traveling to Assam. They stop to buy tea from a roadside vendor on their way. While sipping his tea, Rajvir informs Pranjol that over 800,000,000 cups of tea are consumed worldwide each day. While Rajvir is looking at the beautiful and serene scenery, Pranjol is busy reading detective books. There were tea bushes all over as far as one could see. They also saw a building which was a tea garden.

Assam has the greatest tea plantation. According to legend, a few tea branches fell into the boiling hot water by accident. The Emperor enjoyed the delectable flavour. This is how it came about. According to legend, Buddhist Monk Bodhidharma cut off his eyelids to avoid falling asleep during meditation. They both disembarked at Mariani Junction and proceeded to Dhekiabari Tea Estate. They saw women picking tea leaves there. Pranjol's father had come to meet them there, claiming to be an expert on tea plantations. Rajvir expresses a desire to learn from him.

FAQs on Glimpses of India - Summary

1. What brings back the memories for elders in Goa?

The narrator frequently finds his elders reminiscing about "those wonderful old days" and reminding them about the famous bread from Goa's Portuguese era. They reflect on the past and inform them that, while the Portuguese has departed Goa, the bakers still exist, albeit not in the same numbers as before, and their legacy is being carried on by their sons.

2. Is bread baking still a popular pastime in Goa? How did you figure that out?

Yes, bread-making is still very popular in Goa. The presence of time-tested furnaces, mixers, and molders attests to this. Their sons are carrying on the bakers' tradition. Every Goan village has a bakery since bread is such an important component of the Goan culture. Making bread was art that demanded perfection. Making bread required specialization in the areas of mixing, molding, and baking. The loaves were baked in time-honored ovens. The baker's descendants have carried on the family business.

3. What is the moral of the story Glimpses of India?

The author/narrator of this narrative recounts his childhood memories and his delight at meeting the baker. He and his friends were so ecstatic that they planned to go see him as soon as they awoke. It's a nostalgic story about a bygone era... The author describes how tea became famous all over the world.

4. What was the theory behind the Discovery of Tea?

There are numerous legends surrounding the discovery of tea. According to Chinese legend, tea production began when a few tea leaves fell into boiling water and were tasted and liked by the Emperor.

According to Indian legend, a Buddhist monk severed his eyelids because he became sleepy during meditation. Ten tea plants sprouted from these eyelids. When the leaves of these plants were soaked in hot water and drunk, they drove away to sleep. Tea was originally consumed as a medicine rather than a beverage.

5. How has Coorg become a Tourist Destination?

Even the most sedentary tourists become adventurous after visiting Coorg, which is rich in adventure sports such as river rafting, canoeing, rock climbing, and so on. Many people enjoy the climb to Brahmagiri Hills because they can see a panoramic view of Coorg from there. Monks in red, ochre, and yellow robes live in India's largest Tibetan settlement, Bylakuppe. There are many more surprises in store for tourists at Coorg. Coorg is home to a diverse range of wildlife and birds.

6. What were Bakers Wearing?

  1. While the Portuguese days

  2. During young days

The bakers used to come two times a  day, once in the morning when they used to sell and next in the evening to collect the empty baskets. 

In Portuguese Days: The Baker was wearing a frock that was to his knee-length. Moreover, the dress was very unique. Usually, people denote this dress-up as Kabai. This dress-up was common in those days. 

When he was Young: During his childhood days, the author saw bakers wearing pants and shirts. However, pants were usually shorter than the actual pant size. Also, it started some traditional look to the dress.

7. Explain the Theme of Glimpses of India.

In part one of the stories, the author recalls his childhood memories. He narrates “A Baker from Goa.” He narrates how he got excited since his childhood. He tells how Bakers used to arrive two times a day once to sell and next to collect the empty baskets back. In the second story, it described Coorg, which is the district of Goa. People here describe Alexander’s army and history. In story three, the author describes the glimpses of Assam. He describes Assam as popular for tea plantations. There are lots of tea gardens in Assam, which makes it popular.