English Chapter 2 Keeping Quiet Class 12 Notes - FREE PDF Download
FAQs on Keeping Quiet Class 12 Notes: CBSE English Flamingo Chapter 2
1. What is the central theme of the poem Keeping Quiet class 12?
The central theme of "Keeping Quiet" is the importance of introspection and self-reflection to achieve peace and harmony in the world.
2. Who is the poet of the poem Chapter 2 Keeping Quiet?
"Keeping Quiet" is written by the renowned Chilean poet Pablo Neruda.
3. What does the poet suggest we should do in the poem keeping quiet summary?
The poet suggests that we should take a moment of silence and cease all activities to reflect on our actions and connect with ourselves and the world around us.
4. How does the poet believe silence can benefit us?
The poet believes that silence can help us understand ourselves better, appreciate the beauty of nature, and foster a sense of global unity and peace.
5. What literary devices are prominent in Keeping Quiet notes?
Prominent literary devices in the poem include metaphors, symbolism, and personification, which help convey the poem's themes and messages.
6. What is the significance of the title Keeping Quiet?
The title "Keeping Quiet" signifies the act of pausing and remaining silent to engage in deep self-reflection and to achieve inner peace.
7. What message does Neruda, poet of Keeping quiet class 12 convey about human actions?
Neruda conveys that our constant activity and noise contribute to conflict and destruction, and by pausing and reflecting, we can break this cycle and promote peace.
8. How does the poem keeping quiet class 12 notes relate to environmental conservation?
The poem encourages us to pause and reflect on our actions, which includes considering the impact of our behaviour on the environment and promoting conservation.
9. What is the poet's view on global unity?
The poet advocates for global unity, suggesting that moments of collective silence can help us understand each other better and work towards a harmonious world.
10. How can students apply the message of "Keeping Quiet" in their lives?
Students can apply the message by taking moments to pause and reflect on their actions, fostering mindfulness, and contributing to a peaceful and understanding environment in their daily lives.