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Keeping Quiet Class 12 Notes: CBSE English Flamingo Chapter 2


English Chapter 2 Keeping Quiet Class 12 Notes - FREE PDF Download

"Keeping Quiet” in Class 12 CBSE is a thought-provoking poem by Pablo Neruda that encourages introspection and the pursuit of inner peace. The poem suggests that taking a moment of silence and pausing from our busy lives can help us connect with ourselves and the world around us. Neruda emphasizes the importance of quietness and stillness, suggesting that these moments can lead to a deeper understanding of life and humanity.

Table of Content
1. English Chapter 2 Keeping Quiet Class 12 Notes - FREE PDF Download
2. Access Revision Notes for 12 English Chapter 2 Keeping Quiet
3. Summary of the Poem "Keeping Quiet"
4. Importance of Revision Notes
5. Tips for Learning the 12 English Chapter 2 Keeping Quiet
6. Conclusion
7. Related Links for Class 12 English Flamingo Chapter 2 - Keeping Quiet (Poem)
8. Chapter-wise Revision Notes for Class 12 English
9. Important Study Materials for Class 12 English

Each line of the poem is summarised in the Notes FREE PDF, capturing all essential points. Vendantu's master teachers also give notes in simplified language highlighting important themes, motifs, and character analyses, providing a clear understanding of the chapter's content. For other chapters, students can check out NCERT Class 12 English Revision Notes as per the updated CBSE Syllabus for Class 12 English for 2024-25.

Access Revision Notes for 12 English Chapter 2 Keeping Quiet

About the Poet

Pablo Neruda, born Ricardo Eliezer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto in 1904, was a renowned Chilean poet, diplomat, and politician. Widely considered one of the greatest poets of the 20th century, Neruda's work spans a wide array of themes, including love, nature, politics, and social justice. Neruda's poetry is celebrated for its passionate and lyrical quality, rich imagery, and deep emotional resonance. His most famous works include "Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair" and "Canto General." A committed communist, Neruda's political beliefs greatly influenced his writing, often advocating for the oppressed and critiquing imperialism. In 1971, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

The Theme of the Poem 

  1. "Now we will count to twelve and we will all keep still."

    • The poet introduces the idea of taking a pause and being silent for a moment, suggesting a collective break from our usual activities.

  1. "For once on the face of the Earth, let's not speak in any language; let's stop for one second, and not move our arms so much."

    • He emphasizes the need for silence and stillness, transcending linguistic and cultural barriers to achieve universal peace.

  1. "It would be an exotic moment without rush, without engines; we would all be together in a sudden strangeness."

    • The poet envisions a rare and beautiful moment of unity and tranquility, free from the noise and haste of everyday life.

  1. "Fishermen in the cold sea would not harm whales and the man gathering salt would look at his hurt hands."

    • He suggests that this pause would lead to a cessation of harmful activities and prompt people to reflect on their actions and the impact they have on others and themselves.

  1. "Those who prepare green wars, wars with gas, wars with fire, victories with no survivors, would put on clean clothes and walk about with their brothers in the shade, doing nothing."

    • The poet imagines a world where those who engage in destructive activities, like wars and violence, would instead take a moment to find common ground and peace with others.

  1. "What I want should not be confused with total inactivity. Life is what it is about; I want no truck with death."

    • He clarifies that the pause he advocates is not about giving up on life but about taking a mindful break to appreciate and reflect on it.

  1. "If we were not so single-minded about keeping our lives moving, and for once could do nothing, perhaps a huge silence might interrupt this sadness of never understanding ourselves and of threatening ourselves with death."

    • The poet argues that constant activity prevents us from understanding ourselves and that a moment of silence could help alleviate this existential sadness.

  1. "Perhaps the Earth can teach us as when everything seems dead and later proves to be alive."

    • He suggests that nature, with its cycles of apparent death and rebirth, can teach us the value of quiet reflection and renewal.

  1. "Now I'll count up to twelve and you keep quiet and I will go."

    • The poet concludes by reiterating the call for a moment of silence and stillness, leaving the reader with the responsibility to reflect and act on this message.

Summary of the Poem "Keeping Quiet"

"Keeping Quiet" by Pablo Neruda is a reflective poem that recommends a moment of silence and introspection to achieve peace and unity. The poet urges everyone to count to twelve and pause their activities, creating a universal stillness. This moment of quietness, free from the rush and noise of daily life, allows for self-reflection and a deeper understanding of our actions and their impacts. Neruda envisions this pause as a way to cease harmful activities, such as environmental destruction and war, promoting a sense of global brotherhood. He clarifies that this silence is not about inactivity or death, but about appreciating life and promoting inner peace. By learning from nature's cycles of renewal, the poet suggests that this quiet introspection can lead to a more harmonious and connected world.

Importance of Revision Notes

  • Quick Recap: Keeping Quiet Notes serves as a quick reference tool for last-minute revision, helping to refresh memory and reinforce learning before exams.

  • Key Points: Keeping Quiet Notes review the key themes, literary devices, character analysis, author’s or poet’s biography, line-to-line explanation of the phrases, and summary of the literature.

  • Visual Aids: Keeping Quiet Notes pdf refers to mind maps and charts for a quick recap of the poem’s main ideas.

  • Portable Format: Keeping Quiet revision notes pdf is concise and portable, making it easy for students to study anytime, anywhere.

  • Organized Content: Having all important information in one place in the Keeping Quiet Notes pdf reduces the stress of last-minute cramming.

  • Better Retention: The process of writing and reviewing notes can aid in better retention and recall of information, crucial for exam success.

Tips for Learning the 12 English Chapter 2 Keeping Quiet

  • Understand the Theme: Grasp the main themes of the poem, such as introspection, peace, and global unity. Understanding the core message will help you appreciate the nuances of the poem.

  • Annotate: Make notes in the margins of your textbook or on a separate sheet. Highlight key lines, phrases, and words that convey the central themes and messages.

  • Summarize: Write a summary of each stanza in your own words. This will help you to understand and remember the content and flow of the poem.

  • Analyse Literary Devices: Identify and analyse the literary devices used by Neruda, such as metaphors, similes, and symbolism. Understanding these can deepen your comprehension of the poem.

  • Contextual Understanding: Learn about Pablo Neruda’s background and the historical context of the poem. This can provide insights into why the poem was written and its significance.

  • Practice Questions: Answer practice questions related to the poem. This can include both objective questions and essay-type questions to ensure a thorough understanding.

  • Create Visual Aids: Make mind maps, flowcharts, or diagrams to visually represent the poem’s themes, structure, and literary devices. Visual aids can be especially helpful for revision.


Pablo Neruda's poem "Keeping Quiet" for Class 12 English highlights the powerful effects of silence and introspection on both personal and global levels. By suggesting we take a break from our constant activities, the poet emphasizes the need for self-reflection to find inner peace and harmony with nature. This silence helps break the harmful cycle of human actions and promotes unity and understanding among people. Neruda's message is a timeless reminder to be mindful and embrace moments of stillness to create a more peaceful and connected world.

Related Links for Class 12 English Flamingo Chapter 2 - Keeping Quiet (Poem)


Important Links for Class 12 English Flamingo Chapter 2 - Keeping Quiet (Poem)


Chapter 2 - Keeping Quiet (Poem) Solutions


Chapter 2 - Keeping Quiet (Poem) Important Questions

Chapter-wise Revision Notes for Class 12 English

Important Study Materials for Class 12 English

FAQs on Keeping Quiet Class 12 Notes: CBSE English Flamingo Chapter 2

1. What is the central theme of the poem Keeping Quiet class 12?

The central theme of "Keeping Quiet" is the importance of introspection and self-reflection to achieve peace and harmony in the world.

2. Who is the poet of the poem Chapter 2 Keeping Quiet?

"Keeping Quiet" is written by the renowned Chilean poet Pablo Neruda.

3. What does the poet suggest we should do in the poem keeping quiet summary?

The poet suggests that we should take a moment of silence and cease all activities to reflect on our actions and connect with ourselves and the world around us.

4. How does the poet believe silence can benefit us?

The poet believes that silence can help us understand ourselves better, appreciate the beauty of nature, and foster a sense of global unity and peace.

5. What literary devices are prominent in Keeping Quiet notes?

Prominent literary devices in the poem include metaphors, symbolism, and personification, which help convey the poem's themes and messages.

6. What is the significance of the title Keeping Quiet?

The title "Keeping Quiet" signifies the act of pausing and remaining silent to engage in deep self-reflection and to achieve inner peace.

7. What message does Neruda, poet of Keeping quiet class 12 convey about human actions?

Neruda conveys that our constant activity and noise contribute to conflict and destruction, and by pausing and reflecting, we can break this cycle and promote peace.

8. How does the poem keeping quiet class 12 notes relate to environmental conservation?

The poem encourages us to pause and reflect on our actions, which includes considering the impact of our behaviour on the environment and promoting conservation.

9. What is the poet's view on global unity?

The poet advocates for global unity, suggesting that moments of collective silence can help us understand each other better and work towards a harmonious world.

10. How can students apply the message of "Keeping Quiet" in their lives?

Students can apply the message by taking moments to pause and reflect on their actions, fostering mindfulness, and contributing to a peaceful and understanding environment in their daily lives.