Class 12 English Chapter 2 The Tiger King Questions and Answers - FREE PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 2 The Tiger King
1. Why Does the Maharaja Kill the Tiger?
The story 'The Tiger King' describes the arrogance of those in power. The storyline goes, as a man is born, who will be becoming the king. When the king was a newborn of ten days, an astrologer predicted, however, that a tiger in the forest would kill the king. As he belongs to the royal family, this prediction is not accepted by the king because of his superiority. After he was crowned as the king, he started to kill all the tigers in the kingdom. He also banned tiger hunts in his kingdom. He wanted to prove the prediction wrong. Furthermore, he was killing all the tigers in his kingdom tirelessly. He had killed 99 tigers and was looking for his 100th kill.
2. Why Does the Maharaja want to get married?
When he was too young, just ten days, an astrologer predicted that a tiger will kill him, in the purpose of to prove the prediction lie he started tiger hunting at such a rate that within a few years there were no tigers left in Prabitibandapuran. Hence, he decided to marry a girl belonging from a new royal state, where the most tiger available, so he can fulfil his target. This is the actual reason for the king to get married.
3. Where can I find NCERT Solutions to The Tiger King Class 12 Question Answers?
You can find NCERT Solutions to Class 12 English Chapter 2 The Tiger King Question Answers here on Vedantu in PDF format. Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 2 question answer provides the best and enough practice to score well.
4. What is the prophecy made in the chapter as seen from the English Vistas Class 12 Chapter 2 Question Answers?
The prophecy made when the king is born is that he will be killed by a tiger due to being born during the time of the Ox. The astrologer made this prophecy as the ox and the tiger are enemies and don't go well together as seen in The Tiger King Class 12 NCERT solutions.
5. Why did the Maharaja fear losing his throne?
The Maharaja did not allow the British officer to hunt tigers. The request was not granted even when the Durai did not want to kill the tiger. Durai only wanted to click a photograph of himself holding a gun and standing on the carcass of a tiger, which could have been killed by the Maharaja himself. The Maharaja was anxious because he did not permit the British officer to fulfil his wish, and thus feared that he would lose his throne.
6. Explain the ‘ring episode’ in Chapter 2 of Class 12 English Vistas.
The Maharaja of Pratibandapuram called a popular British jewellery company in Calcutta to make samples of expensive diamond rings of different designs. They sent about 50 rings. The maharaja sent the rings to the British officer’s good lady. He thought that she would choose one or two rings, but instead, she sent a letter of thanks and kept all the rings. This event revealed human weaknesses, greed, pride, flattery, and cunningness.
7. Why was the Maharaja afraid when he had to kill the 100th tiger?
The chief astrologer had warned the king to be careful while killing the last tiger. He dreamt of killing the tiger at night. The Maharaja had already killed 99 tigers and had to kill one more tiger to disprove the prophecy of the astrologer. Then, he would have no fear of tigers. He planned on giving up tiger hunting after killing the 100th tiger. Therefore, the maharaja feared when he had to kill the last tiger of his life.
8. Are the NCERT Solutions to The Tiger King Question Answers available for FREE?
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