ICSE Question Paper Class 10 Literature in English 2020 - Free PDF
FAQs on ICSE Class 10 Literature in English Question Paper 2020
1. What is the pattern of ICSE Class 10 English Literature?
The ICSE English Language paper Class 10 is divided into three sections. Three questions in each section will be given. A total of five questions have to be attempted, a minimum of one and a maximum of two questions from each section:
Section A- Drama- Answer at least one question from this section
Section B- Poetry- Answer at least one question from this section
Section C- Prose- Answer at least one question from this section
2. How should we study Merchant of Venice in ICSE Class 10 English Literature?
The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare comprises five acts. Each of the acts includes characters, both major and minor, who play a role in the advancement and progression of the play. The main questions revolve around the play area about the playwright, the character list, their important monologs/dialogues and their contribution to the play, major themes, critical essays, and symbolism. Passages from the Acts of the play are also given followed by questions related to them. Hence, students must read all the Acts of the play to score well on the paper.
3. What are the major aspects to be followed while studying a poem in an ICSE English Literature Paper?
Poetry is a very complex genre of English Literature and helps to develop critical analysis among the readers. For the students, the major questions which can be asked are about the poet, the central idea of the poem, word meanings, paraphrasing, critical appreciation, themes, settings, and the structure of the poem. Often, students skip reading the poem which is the most important step in the process of critical analysis and straightaway start mugging the themes and other subjects associated with the text without understanding anything. This will lead to losing out on the information on the day of the exam due to stress and pressure.
4. Do we need to study all the short stories for the ICSE English Literature Class 10 exam?
Skipping Chapters is never a solution. Most students tend to be selective ahead of the exam based on their comfort zone and the clarity of the Chapters. It is never a great idea to leave out Chapters simply because they are lengthy, tough to understand, or lack time in hand. Sample papers of Vedantu can be referred to in case of confusion regarding how to go about the prose. Experts suggest that 60% of the learning process is done when students read the Chapters thoroughly at least twice and then follow up their regime with solving Previous Years’ Question papers for the pattern.
5. Do we need to go through the previous years’ question papers for the ICSE English Literature Paper?
The English Literature syllabus changes every year yet it is necessary to scan through the previous years’ question papers if the syllabus stays unchanged. Mostly it is the pattern and structure of the paper which helps the students to understand what the paper demands and gives a head start to the students ahead of the exam. Important questions on themes, critical analysis, etc. can be checked out through the sample papers by Vedantu as well as per the latest updates.