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ICSE Class 10 English Language Question Paper 2020

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ICSE Class 10 Date Sheet 2025

Class 10 English Language Paper 2020 - Free PDF

We, at Vedantu, provide ICSE Class 10 English Language Question Paper 2020 pdf to assist you in preparing for your upcoming 10th Board exam. By studying the 2020 question paper helps you understand the exam pattern set by ICSE during this year. This, in turn, will help you to be more confident during exams. Class 10 Board exam is one of the most crucial exams of a student’s lifetime. It is the most competitive school level exam. It is important to score well in ICSE Class 10 English Language Board exam, not only to have a great academic record but to have a rewarding future.

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Schools affiliated with ICSE follow the higher level of  English and is the most important paper in the school curriculum. English holds a special place as a subject considered to be a scoring paper in the Board Exams held annually every year after completing Std 10 and Std 12 (ISC). The difficulty level of the English Language is at an advanced level hence most of the students studying under ICSE stand a fair chance of cracking tough English-Language based competitive exams like TOEIC and TOEFL. Since more focus is on the detailed study of English Language and English Literature, most of the students after completing their schooling find it easier to converse in English which is the preferred mode of communication in various institutes and companies. As a result, their chances of hiring increase as compared to their contemporaries.

As a result, the English Language paper is a tough nut to crack! Based on the ICSE syllabus which includes Essay Writing/Compositions, Comprehensions, Letter-Writing, Grammar, etc, the paper tests both the creativity and the strength of knowledge on the grammar with the eye to details needed for accuracy if a student wants to score well in this paper. This is the reason why teachers ask the students to inculcate reading habits or writing journals to harness one’s skills for better communication in English. Stress on the English Grammar starts from Std 5, where students are taught to focus more on the differences of the English Language. 

The ICSE Question Paper Class 10 English Language of 2020 included sections like Essay Writing, Comprehensions, Notice and Email, Letter Writing, and Grammar. An in-depth study of each of these sections has been given below:

  1. Essay- The paper has five varied topics comprising a short story, a debate/argumentative essay, a descriptive composition, a brief account of one’s actions in a particular situation, and a picture composition. Anyone topic is to be selected in 300-350 words. Students usually find it difficult to compose on such topics due to limited time and the anxiety of answering the paper. Hence we suggest that mock papers by Vedantu be solved on a regular basis, especially for those students for whom essay writing can be a nightmare! 

  2. Notice and Email- ICSE has introduced Notice and Email writing in which students need to write in the format and structure as suggested by the ICSE Board. The format has to be short, crisp, and formal in nature.

  3. Letter-Writing- This section includes two types of letters- a Formal Letter and an Informal Letter. Most of the students go forward with the Informal Letter since the language used is more descriptive as compared to the Formal Letter which demands a more stipulated format to be followed written to dignitaries, authorities, seniors, etc.

  4. Comprehension- This section includes a passage that is to be read carefully and is followed up by questions on the passage like the meaning of words, summary writing, etc.  

  5. Grammar- The Grammar section is the most scoring section since one has to have clarity of the basics like prepositions, adjectives, verbs, nouns, etc.

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FAQs on ICSE Class 10 English Language Question Paper 2020

1. What is the format of ICSE Class 10 English Language?

The ICSE English Language paper Class 10  is divided into five sections:

1. Composition- The candidate needs to write an essay of 300-350 words related to the topics given in the paper. No more than 30 minutes should be spent on this question.

2. Comprehension- An unseen passage is given. The Vocabulary and Short answer type questions are asked along with summary writing of 60 words.

3. Letter writing- A topic between a Formal and Informal Letter needs to be chosen by the candidate.

4. Notice and Email- The candidate needs to write on topics given under each situation in the given format by the Board.

5. Grammar- All items in this question are compulsory. Functional grammar and the knowledge of the use of language are tested here. 

2. How do we prepare for the ICSE English Language std 10 paper?

Since the English Language paper is a difficult paper to answer, experts from Vedantu suggest solving sample papers for a better grip over the English Language. Essay Writing is the most complex section to answer since the creativity of the student is tested hence the practice of Essay writing is a must for students to check their areas of improvement. For Grammar, starting from the basics and following resources like Wren and Martin is more than enough. If a student takes time to read the Comprehension, it will be difficult to complete the questions mentioned after the passage hence building a habit of reading books to speed up the reading pace.

3. What is the benefit of the ICSE English Language paper?

Since English is a global language and the most preferred mode of communication, the ICSE English Language includes a higher level of and is extensive enough for students to score well in important English Language tests like TOEIC and TOEFL for studies abroad. Students can easily pursue fields of humanities as a result of good English speaking and writing skills. Since the English Language is deeply connected with English Literature, it will be much easier for students to critically analyze texts like plays, short stories, and poems. 

4. How much time should be spent on writing each section of the ICSE English Language Std 10 exam?

Students have only two hours to complete the entire English language paper and for those who find the paper difficult, it is an uphill task! Solving sample papers and Previous Years’ Question papers by Vedantu helps a lot since time management is an important factor for completing the paper. A maximum of 30 minutes should be spent on the Essay and 20 minutes on Comprehension and Letter Writing. The Grammar section is the least time-consuming section and can be completed first so that there is enough time to spend on Essay writing and Comprehension.

5. What are the tips to be followed while writing the Essay section of the ICSE English Language paper? 

The students should give themselves 5 minutes to read the topic. Once the brainstorming is done, points should be jotted down and then the organization of thoughts should begin immediately. Structuring the plot is very important while maintaining creativity since one scores extra marks if the plot is good. Try thinking out of the box like using quotes, phrases, etc. If asked to discuss a topic like in a debate, the arguments should be precise and to the point in paragraphs. A proper introduction and conclusion also help the student score extra points.