Long Speech on the Internet
A heartfelt welcome to all of you present. I want to take this opportunity and share a few thoughts with you about the internet.
The ushering of the 21st century has brought about a host of changes, the advent of the internet being one of them. To put it in simpler terms, the internet is a virtual network that allows connections on a global scale by means of the world wide web. The internet has ushered in an era of revolution allowing fast connectivity and a whirlpool of resources and information at one’s disposal. The internet has, in true meaning, made the world smaller on a global scale.
As the new millennium progressed, the internet became an indispensable tool. The ease of finding information, the ability to connect instantly became so ingrained in people that imagining a life without the internet seems nearly impossible these days. The internet has brought about many benefits. With a boom in the technological sector, it has created a host of jobs in various fields. Work which in the pre-internet era would require a significant amount of time could be done within a matter of hours. People nowadays no longer have to wait for days or months to be able to communicate with someone. Facilities such as banking, financial transactions, purchasing, have all been made streamlined owing to the internet.
As seen in recent years, the educational sector has also witnessed a major shift, be it the availability of resources or in delivering information, all due to the use of the internet. The vast repository of information available on the internet has enabled the development of quicker and more efficient learning modules and outcomes. Online learning has become the new norm these days. Moreover, the use of the internet has allowed for a more holistic approach to learning with learners now able to audio-visualize as they gather new knowledge and information. The internet, in short, has become a new learning tool.
We must, however, be aware of the fact that with its many advantages, the internet has also brought about a host of disadvantages. The personal information out there on the internet always remains at the risk of falling into the wrong hands. Cybercrimes are a common occurrence these days, ranging from the hacking of personal records for harming someone in particular to the commitment of major banking frauds.
In my concluding remarks, I would like to say that the internet has become both the boon and bane of our existence. To quote, ‘the internet is a necessary evil’. So it is up to us how we make the most out of it all, ensuring that no other individual is adversely affected because of the same. It also remains our responsibility to safeguard our information to the maximum extent possible and prevent it from being misused in any way. As we make significant strides in the advancement of civilization, it is important that we make use of the internet for the betterment of society as a whole.
Short Speech
Speech on the Internet
A warm welcome to all the esteemed ladies and gentlemen. I would like to share a few words on the topic of the internet.
The Internet has become the grain of our existence in the modern-day world. From studies to pharmaceuticals, to groceries to banking, we have the privilege of having the entire world at our fingertips, thanks to the internet. People across the globe are connected today by means of what is known as the world wide web, or popularly, the internet. Gone are the days when people had to wait for hours, weeks or even months to hear from their beloved ones. With the advent of the internet, we can now connect to someone within a matter of minutes.
The era of the internet ushered in with the dawn of the new millennium. What started with the big metropolitan cities, is not available in even the remotest villages. The internet has brought about a revolution in several industrial sectors. In recent years, the education industry also saw a major shift owing to the prevalence of the internet. However, with everything good going on, the usage of the internet has also brought along the ill effects. Practices such as cybercrimes, online fraudulent activity, hacking, etc. are on the rise. Such has been the extent of the ill-effects of the internet that people had to lose their lives as well.
So, as we move forward with the use of the internet in our day-to-day lives, we must make sure to remain vigilant and safe in order to not fall prey or indulge in any sort of harmful practices. The Internet can prove to be a great boon if used judiciously.
10 Lines Speech
Speech on the Internet
Hello to everyone present. Today, I am going to present a speech on the internet.
The internet, as we all know, is a vast network that connects people across the world. The Internet allows us to have a wide range of information on any topic with just a simple click. In addition to information, the internet also helps us to communicate with people across the world. The internet serves as the connecting point for millions of devices by means of the world wide web. The Internet has proven to be very beneficial in our daily lives. Be it obtaining knowledge or information, purchasing commodities, or making payments, everything has become much simpler with the internet. However, there are also various ill-effects of the internet taking place by means of online fraud, loss of personal information, etc.
To conclude, I would like to say that the internet has both its advantages and disadvantages. It is up to us to make the best of it and use it wisely.
Speech on the Internet
Hello everyone.
Today I am here to present my views on the internet. The Internet today has become a necessity. Only a few years ago, it was a luxury only a few could afford. But with the development of technology, the internet has been made accessible and feasible to everyone in society. With the worldwide web(WWW) being its biggest service, it is now connecting millions of people all over the world. The Internet is one of the crucial inventions of humankind. The development of the internet has led to recent media replacing traditional newspapers and journalism. It has led to instant messaging and video communication replacing postcards and manually written letters.
Traditional cinema has been replaced by OTT platforms serving entertainment at the comfort of one’s house. The Internet has replaced offline stores as well. With all the development that has happened over the years due to the invention of the internet, One cannot simply assume that there are no ill effects of it.
The whole world is connected via the internet. It is a good thing, it also means that quality time with friends and family in person holds less value, and there is no escape from work.
The Internet is addictive, and if there are no proper boundaries for using it, It can cause ill effects on the human mind as well as other areas of life. Lack of sleep is a common problem seen in students today. Social media and the rise of video platforms like youtube have only made it difficult to restrict the use of the internet.
I do want to shed some light on the advantages of the internet. The internet is by far the most amazing invention.
Overflow of Information
The Internet is the sea of abundant information. The information that has been searched for is just one google search away. There is a tonne of resources available for anything that is needed. Be it any query or a recipe or a course of photography, one can always find a solution to the internet.
Education for All
In the era of online learning, not only are the students benefited by the internet, but also the people who do not have the time to attend classes in person. So many housewives have turned to their hobbies by joining online classes, The students can now get viable information on any subject by surfing the internet. The Internet comes in handy when one needs to know things fast, and now. Education is accessible for all now and this is the boon of the internet. Teachers can teach via online portals no matter where they are in the world. They can also upload pre-recorded videos online so that the students can watch them at their convenience. One can learn any skill they wish to learn and the internet has at least one or two resources or courses regarding the same.
Online Services
With the online world dominating the internet, Every domain has come under the influence of it, even the services industry as well. With just one click one can order restaurant-cooked food, buy new clothes and book a spa appointment, and also consult a doctor. This convenience provided by the internet has helped humans do more things and not waste time. The best examples include Flipkart, Amazon, and Zomato. Buying and ordering things online has become easy and accessible to all. Even emails can be delivered with just one click, and money transfers can be done on the computers and one need not visit the bank for it.
Social Media
The one thing that has to be highlighted while talking about the internet is the importance of social media.
Social media’s rapid growth has made us feel connected. We are just one click away from talking to the person staying across the globe. Platforms like Youtube, Instagram, Facebook let you share your story, and ideas over the internet free of cost. They bring forth the creativity of humans.
Online Business
The trend of online businesses is not just a trend anymore, they are replacing the traditional business run from the brick and mortar stores. Every business right now has a website and an online store. It is so convenient to market the business when it has a social media presence. The business can make a name globally and reach more target audiences, and this will in turn help in making profits.
The internet has a lot of advantages and disadvantages. Although, it is upon the user to be cautious, to not overindulge on the internet. For everything is turned into a disadvantage when not done with precautions. Setting healthy boundaries around the usage of the internet can be super beneficial in the long term.