Science Essay
Since ancient times, we see various developments in the world. At present, the world is full of electronic gadgets and mechanical machines. The machine does every activity in our surroundings. How did it become possible? How did we become so technologized and modern? It was all made possible because of science. Science plays a major role in the development of our society and makes our lives easier and smooth.
Science in our Daily Lives
As we know that Science has made many changes to our lives. Here are a couple of the applications of science in day-to-day life. First of all, transportation has become easier with the help of science as it simplifies long-distance traveling. It reduces the traveling time, helps to build various high-speed vehicles, etc. Over the years, these vehicles have totally changed the phase of our society. Science has upgraded steam engines to electric engines, cycles with motorcycles and cars, etc. This helps to save time and effort for every human being. Secondly, Science helps us to reach the moon. But it doesn't stop there. It also gave us an overview of Mars. This is one of the greatest achievements of human beings with the help of science. Without Science, it could be impossible. Due to the scientific inventions of satellites by scientists, we are able to use high-speed internet connections. Science is the heart of our society, without its function nothing can be made. It gave us a lot of things at the present time. This is the reason why the teacher in our schools teaches Science from an early age.
Science as a Subject
We started to learn about science as a subject in our school right from class 1. It is due to the importance of science in every part of life. In Class 1, science taught us about the Solar System, the 8 planets, the sun, the orbit, etc. Most importantly it tells us about the origin of our planet Earth. Science taught us everything, and we cannot deny that Science helps us in shaping our future. It not only tells us about our future but also tells us about our past.
In class 6, Science is broadly classified into three subcategories. They are Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.
Physics is a part of science that deals with the fundamental constituents of the universe. It is an interesting and logical subject. It covers numerous topics such as mechanics, optics, electronics and the most important astrophysics. With the help of physics, we make cars, aeroplanes, house appliances and many others.
Chemistry is a subject that deals with an element found inside the earth's surface. It helps us in making various products such as medicine and cosmetics etc.
Biology is a subject that deals with living organisms. It is subdivided into two types: Botany and Zoology. It teaches us about various parts of our Human body, cells in the body such as blood cells, etc.
Wonders of Science
It is an era of scientific development. Many wonderful discoveries and inventions have been made by science. With its help, even impossible things have become possible now. One of the greatest wonders of science is the invention of electricity. Electricity is a great source of power. It moves our fans, cooks our food, lights our houses and shops, and runs our machines. It has brought about a revolutionary change in every field of life. Science gave us useful things such as mobile phones, telephones, etc. to stay connected. Science has done wonders in the field of agriculture, farmers in scientific tools for cultivation and growing more foods, crops, fruits, etc. Means of transport like buses, cars, trains, airplanes, and ships are also the contribution of science. Today we can reach any part of the world within a few hours. Medical science has made great progress. It has given legs, ears, and eyes to the disabled. For entertainment, it has given radio, television, cinema, and pictures to man. Science has given us computer and information technology. Nuclear energy is also a wonder of science.
All these are some of the wonders of science.
FAQs on Science Essay: The Fascinating World of Scientific Discoveries
1. Is Science a blessing or a curse?
The present age is the era of science and technology. Like every other thing, it also has its positive and negative sides. It is with the help of science that our life has become easier. Scientific invention helped us to conquer time. It has given us modes of communication, entertainment and education. Nowadays, even fatal diseases are curable with the aid of modern developments in the field of medicine. Some people misuse the boon and produce powerful weapons to destroy mankind. Pollution is also a side effect of scientific inventions. Science is actually a blessing. But it becomes a curse when we use it in the wrong way.
2. What are some of the useful things that science gave us?
Science gave us useful things such as mobile phones, telephones, etc. to stay connected. Science has done wonders in the field of agriculture, farmers in scientific tools for cultivation and growing more foods, crops, fruits, etc. Means of transport like buses, cars, trains, airplanes, and ships are also the contribution of science. Today we can reach any part of the world within a few hours. Medical science has made great progress. It has given legs, ears, and eyes to the disabled. For entertainment, it has given radio, television, cinema, and pictures to man. Science has given us computer and information technology
3. What are the examples of science in everyday life?
We use bicycles, cars, and bikes to travel from one place to another, all these are inventions of science.
We use soaps, shampoos, etc., and other cosmetics that are also given by science.
We use LPG gas, stove, etc. for cooking, these are all given by science.
Even the house in which we live is a product of science.
The iron which we use to iron our clothes is an invention of science even the clothes we wear are given by science.
4. What are the uses of Science in Agriculture?
Science has made its mark in the field of agriculture by contributing a bigger part. In present days scientific inventions are made available even for sowing the seeds on fields. Scientific inventions such as tractors, threshers, drip irrigation systems, sprinkler irrigation systems, etc. all are given by science. All fertilizers are also given by chemical science.
5. What are the uses of Science in the Communication field?
The following are some of the uses of science in the Communication field.
Science has made the world very small and connected. With the help of science, you can talk to anyone anywhere within a fraction of seconds. Telephones, mobile phones, computers, etc. are the inventions of science. All these mediums of communication are available at a very low affordable cost as well. So, all are within the reach of the common man. Science has made it very easy and cheap to talk to someone using a mobile phone.
6. How science makes our life easy?
Science makes our life very easy in various ways:
We easily communicate and travel.
Because of science we easily cure any disease like cancer, malaria and another deadly disease
Science made it easy for the farmer to save their crops from pests and many other problems.
7. How does science improve our communication system?
Science improves communication in the way that at past we cannot talk to anyone face to face or by voice. With the help of mobile, we are now able to contact anyone at any place. The invention of computers and modification are also very helpful in communication.