What are Interrogative Sentences? Know the Definitions, Their Kinds and Examples
FAQs on Interrogative Sentences: How to Form Questions in English
1. What are interrogative sentences?
An interrogative sentence is a type of sentence designed to ask a question. It aims to elicit information from the reader or listener.
2. How do you identify an interrogative sentence?
Interrogative sentences are identified by their use of a question mark at the end and their structure, which typically starts with an auxiliary or modal verb, or a Wh- question word.
3. What are the different types of interrogative sentences?
The main types include Yes/No questions, Wh- questions, Choice questions, and Tag questions.
4. Can you give examples of Yes/No questions?
Examples include: "Is she coming to the party?" and "Did you finish your homework?"
5. What are Wh- questions and can you provide examples?
Wh- questions start with words like "What," "Where," "When," "Why," and "How." Examples are: "What time is it?" and "Where are you going?"
6. How do Choice questions work in Interrogative sentence examples?
Choice questions present options for the respondent to choose from. For example, "Do you want coffee or tea?"
7. What is a Tag question in Interrogative Sentence Exercises?
A Tag question is added to the end of a statement to seek confirmation or clarification. For example, "You’re coming to the meeting, aren’t you?"
8. How do you form an interrogative sentence with an auxiliary verb?
Start with the auxiliary verb, followed by the subject and the main verb. For example, "Can you help me with this?"
9. What is the structure of a Wh-question in Interrogative Sentences Exercises?
A Wh-question starts with a Wh-question word, followed by the auxiliary verb, then the subject and the main verb. For example, "Where did you put the keys?"
10. Why is the question mark important in interrogative sentences?
The question mark signals that a sentence is asking a question and distinguishes it from statements as seen in interrogative sentences examples also.
11. Can interrogative sentences have more than one verb?
Yes, they can. For example, "Has she been working on the project all day?"
12. Are there any specific rules for capitalisation in interrogative sentences?
Yes, the first word of an interrogative sentence should start with a capital letter, including the first word of Wh- questions.