Important Questions for CBSE Class 11 Hindi (Antra) Chapter 10: Surdas (सूरदास) - FREE PDF Download
FAQs on CBSE Class 11 Hindi (Antra) Chapter 10 Surdas - खेलन में को काको गुसैयाँ, मुरली तऊ गुपालहिं भावति Important Questions
1. What does the first instance of Chapter 10 Poem of Class 11 Hindi textbook Antra describe?
A discourse between Shri Krishna and Gwal Balko, with a focus on Shri Krishna's mischief, is the first example. Surdas Ji tries to show how Shri Krishna does not like to accept loss, which is followed by Gwal Balko's harsh criticism of Krishna's actions. Shri Dama, Shri Krishna's older brother, is quoted as saying how he always attempts to get his way. Balko goes on to say that Shri Krishna needs to cease acting like a king.
2. In this poetry, what does Surdas imply about child psychology?
This poem brings up child psychology in a way that looks nearly clever. It emphasises how children pay great attention to everything and can tell what is right and bad. Shri Krishna demonstrates that he can comprehend anything, no matter how big or small. Surdas Ji, for example, explains Krishna's anguish by stating that he cannot take advantage of his caste, father's name, or money. It emphasises how children try to analyse everything carefully and unite as a single unit when they are angry.
3. What distinguishes Surdas' poetry from others?
Surdas' poetry has the following distinguishing features:
Surdas' stanza contains a lovely portrayal of catalysis as well as alliteration embellishment.
He has a deep understanding of women's emotions.
He uses child psychology that accurately portrays the nature of children's behaviour.
He uses Vastalya, which is the greatest Rasa. In both passages, there is a quality of distinctiveness present. The Shringar Ras is described in incredible detail.
To know more about Chapter 10 of Class 11 Hindi Textbook Antra in detail, visit the Vedantu website.
4. What does the second stanza in Chapter 10 Poem of Class 11 Hindi textbook Antra describe?
The second instance portrays an iconic image of Murli's influence on Shri Krishna and how it causes him to go into a trance. All of the 'Gopis' are naturally jealous of the 'Murli' as a result of this. Surdas Ji shouts that the flute is holding him on one leg and bending his neck as though exhibiting absolute dominance over Krishna, which enrages the Gopis, who accuse him of not paying them equal and undivided attention. This stanza explains the ladies’ anguish as a result of the flute's ability to put Krishna in a good mood. To answer more important questions like this, students can download the PDF of important questions FREE of cost from the Vedantu website.
5. What is the main theme of the poem by Surdas in this chapter?
इस कविता का मुख्य विषय भगवान कृष्ण का अपने भक्तों के साथ खेल-भाव और उनकी दिव्य मोहकता है। सूरदास ने कृष्ण की मासूमियत और भक्तों के प्रति उनके स्नेह को दर्शाया है।
6. How does Surdas portray the relationship between Lord Krishna and his devotees?
सूरदास भगवान कृष्ण और उनके भक्तों के बीच एक गहरे और प्रेमपूर्ण संबंध को चित्रित करते हैं, जहाँ कृष्ण गोपियों और भक्तों के साथ खेलते हैं। इससे उनके भक्तों के साथ निकटता और उनके खेल-स्वभाव को दर्शाया गया है।
7. What is the significance of the playful nature of Krishna in this poem?
इस कविता में कृष्ण का खेल-भाव उनके सुलभता का प्रतीक है और उनके भक्तों को जो आनंद मिलता है उसे दर्शाता है। सूरदास इन खेल-भावों का उपयोग कृष्ण के दिव्य प्रेम और साधारण लोगों से उनके जुड़ाव को दर्शाने के लिए करते हैं।
8. Why does Surdas mention caste and status in this poem?
सूरदास इस कविता में यह दर्शाते हैं कि कृष्ण जाति और सामाजिक स्थिति के आधार पर भेदभाव नहीं करते। उनका प्रेम और स्नेह सभी के लिए है, जिससे भक्ति में समानता का संदेश मिलता है।
9. What message does Surdas convey through the imagery in his poem?
सूरदास साधारण प्रतीकों का उपयोग करते हैं, जैसे कि कृष्ण का अपने मित्रों और भक्तों के साथ खेलना, जिससे मासूमियत, भक्ति और भगवान के असीम प्रेम का संदेश मिलता है। इससे आध्यात्मिक विचार साधारण लोगों के लिए समझने योग्य हो जाते हैं।
10. How can Vedantu’s FREE PDF of Important Questions help students understand this poem better?
वेदांतु का मुफ्त PDF महत्वपूर्ण विषयों, प्रतीकों और संदेशों पर केंद्रित प्रश्न शामिल करता है, जिससे छात्रों को सूरदास की भक्ति काव्य को गहराई से समझने में मदद मिलती है।