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Memories of Childhood Class 12 Notes: CBSE English Vistas Chapter 6


CBSE English Chapter 6 Memories Of Childhood Class 12 Notes - FREE PDF Download

Vedantu's CBSE Revision Notes for Class 12 English, Chapter 6, "Memories of Childhood" from the book Vistas, clearly understands the chapter's content. These notes summarise important events from childhood experiences and discuss how they shape a person's life. They highlight key themes and describe the characters in a way that helps students easily connect with the story.

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Vedantu's Class 12 English Vistas Notes make studying simpler and more effective. These notes support your learning efficiently for exams or searching for an easy understanding of the chapter. Students can download the FREE PDF of Memories Of Childhood Class 12 Notes from Vedantu's website, aligned with CBSE English Class 12 Syllabus.

Access Revision Notes For Class 12 English Chapter 6 Memories of Childhood

This chapter contains two stories, namely 

  • The Cutting of My Long Hair by Zitkala Sa and 

  • We too are Human Beings by Bama

About the Author’s

Zitkala Sa, the author of Class 12 English Vistas Chapter "Memories of Childhood," was a Native American writer. She wrote about her experiences growing up in a Native American community and attending schools that tried to make Native children adopt mainstream American culture. Her stories show her challenges in balancing her Native heritage with American society. 

Bama is also the author of the "Memories of Childhood" chapter in Class 12 English Vistas. She is known for writing about her childhood experiences in rural Tamil Nadu, focusing on the joys and challenges of growing up in a traditional community. Bama's writing shows how deeply she feels connected to her birth place and shows the simple life in villages. Through her stories, she captures the innocence of childhood. Her storytelling is heartfelt and looks into traditions and social life in rural South India.

About the Story/ Synopsis of the Story:

In the chapter "Memories of Childhood" by Zitkala Sa, the author recalls her experiences growing up as a Native American girl in the late 19th century. She shares her memories of attending a missionary school where she faced challenges in balancing her Native identity with the demands of white American culture. Zitkala Sa reflects on the conflicts between embracing her heritage and adapting to new ways of life imposed by the school. Her narrative explores themes of identity, cultural heritage, and the struggles of native people during a time of significant cultural change.

The other author of "Memories of Childhood”, Bama, narrates her memories of growing up in a village in Tamil Nadu. She explains the carefree days of her childhood spent playing with friends, exploring nature, and cherishing family bonds. Bama describes the sights, sounds, and experiences that made her early years, explaining the innocence and joy of that time. Through her storytelling, she captures the importance of rural life and the influence of her childhood. Her memories give a heartfelt and meaningful way of life in rural South India.

The Theme of Memories of Childhood

"Memories of Childhood" explains the struggles and injustices minor communities face. It shows how children belonging to these groups experience unfair treatment from society. Memories Of Childhood Notes highlights the burden these young individuals carry due to their social status. It calls attention to the harsh realities faced by children from poor backgrounds and the inequalities they encounter at a young age. This topic is important and deeply explains how society treats its most underprivileged members.

Character Sketches:

Zitkala Sa: Zitkala Sa was from a Native American tribe and faced racism, disrespect, and unfair treatment throughout her life. Even with these difficulties, she displayed courage and strength in standing up against the restrictions placed on her. These experiences deeply hurt her feelings, but she remained determined to stand up against them. She fought as hard as she could until she couldn't fight anymore.

Bama: Bama, a young girl with powers of observation, notices how people from higher castes practice untouchability. Confused by this behaviour, she asks her brother for confirmation. Even though she was young, Bama is intelligent, thoughtful, brave, and determined. When she learns that education can improve the lives of Dalits, she studies diligently and achieves first place in her class.

Chapter 6 Memories of Childhood Summary

  • Class 12 English Chapter Memories Of Childhood Summary explains the author's personal journeys through their early years.

  • It clearly captures the joys and hurdles they faced while growing up in their unique environments. 

  • Memories Of Childhood Class 12 Notes describes the bonds within their families and the cultures that change their childhood.

  • Through their heartfelt stories, it shows memorable moments and fun adventures that filled their childhoods.

  • These stories also reflect the important lessons they learned and the values they gained in their early years.

  • "Memories of Childhood" shows how these early experiences deeply tell who we become and how we see the world.

Important Points of Class 12 Chapter 6 Memories of Childhood

  • Zitkala Sa was a Native American Writer, and Bama is a short-story writer from rural Tamil Nadu. 

  • In this chapter, both the authors explained their childhood memories and their experiences.

  • Zitkala Sa describes her time at a boarding school where Native American children were forced to combine into Euro-American culture, losing their identity.

  • She explains the struggles of Native American children torn between their traditional ways and the imposed Western education.

  • Bama describes the transformative power of education in empowering Dalit children to challenge social injustices and to have a better future.

  • Read the story to know who faced such discrimination.

Importance of Memories of Childhood Notes Class 12 English Chapter 6 

  • Revision notes summarise the chapter, saving time during revision by highlighting the main points.

  • They highlight key themes and concepts, making it easier to understand and remember the importance of the chapter.

  • The stories highlight the universal aspects of childhood that relate to readers, reflecting on how these early experiences shape individuals' lives.

  • Memories Of Childhood Class 12 Notes explores concepts such as the impact of education, cultural identity, resilience against adversity, and the role of nature in shaping personal growth.

  • These notes help quickly review important points before exams, ensuring students are well-prepared.

  • The Memories Of Childhood Notes PDF covers the entire syllabus, ensuring that every topic is included and that the chapter is fully understood.

Tips for Learning the Class 12 English Chapter 6 Memories of Childhood

  • The story is about childhood memories and the situations the authors face at an early age.

  • Look closely at characters Zitkala Sa and Bama to understand how they feel and what they experienced at a young age.

  • Relate the stories to your own experiences or other readings you've done. This can help you remember details and understand the themes more deeply.

  • Identify the themes such as identity, cultural heritage, childhood experiences, and the impact of education.

  • Engage with the text actively by highlighting key points and writing down the questions or thoughts that come to mind.

  • Connect the stories to your life or things happening now to understand it better.


Class 12 English Chapter 6, "Memories of Childhood," by various authors like Zitkala Sa and Bama, explores childhood experiences changed by cultural backgrounds, personal challenges, and the transformative power of education. Each author reflects on their unique journeys, from Bond's recollections of nature and books to Zitkala Sa's explanation of the challenges of minority groups. At the same time, Bama shows remarkable strength in overcoming social abuse.. These narratives remind us of the universal themes of identity, adversity, and the use of education, touching readers with their stories of childhood that influence our development.

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FAQs on Memories of Childhood Class 12 Notes: CBSE English Vistas Chapter 6

1. How can Memories Of Childhood Notes help students prepare for exams?

Revision notes contain important information, making reviewing and remembering key points easier. They serve as a quick reference for understanding themes and analysing literary techniques used by the authors.

2. How should I use Memories Of Childhood Class 12 Notes to practise answering exam questions?

Use your notes to practise writing summaries, analysing quotes, and connecting themes across different narratives. This helps in preparing for both objective and subjective exam questions.

3. Who are the main authors discussed in Memories Of Childhood Summary?

The chapter includes narratives by authors like Zitkala Sa, and Bama, each sharing their unique childhood memories and perspectives.

4. How can I use revision notes to improve my writing skills for essays and examinations?

Practice writing essays that analyse and compare the narratives, themes, and literary techniques used by the authors in "Memories of Childhood Summary." Use your notes to back up your points and give examples from the texts.

5. How can I connect the themes of "Memories of Childhood" to real-life experiences?

Reflect on your childhood memories and experiences related to education, identity, cultural heritage, and personal growth. Discuss how these themes connect with universal human experiences.

6. How can I effectively organise my revision notes for  Class 12 English Ch 6 Memories of Childhood?

Organise notes by the author, focusing on their narrative style, key events, and how they contribute to the theme of childhood memories and development.

7. What are the specific themes explored in Memories Of Childhood Summary?

Themes include childhood experiences, cultural identity, the impact of education, social issues (like abuse and discrimination), strength, and the role of nature in shaping personal growth.

8. Why is it important to remember childhood memories according to Memories Of Childhood Summary?

Childhood memories hold a treasure love of experiences and lessons that shape our identities and contribute to who we are today. 

9. In Memories Of Childhood Class 12 Notes, how much do childhood memories affect us?

Childhood memories affect us in every aspect of our lives. The things we do in childhood reflect deeply on how we form and maintain relationships today. By remembering those memories, we can cherish them for a long time.

10. Why is it important to make memories in childhood?

According to Memories Of Childhood Notes, childhood boosts confidence, encourages creativity, and inspires talent, which helps kids shine in adulthood. If you create long-lasting memories for your childhood, then they help you grow into healthy young adults who will deal with all sides of life.

11. How should I use  Class 12 English Ch 6 Memories of Childhood revision notes to practise answering exam questions?

Use your  Class 12 English Ch 6 Memories of Childhood notes to practise writing summaries, analysing quotes, and connecting themes across different narratives. This helps in preparing for both objective and subjective exam questions.