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CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 - Free PDF


CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 - Free PDF Download

It is a known fact that the students who score well in board examinations have vast knowledge and a stronghold of the concepts. These concepts are built from solving questions of Science last year paper Class 10 to cover each topic. Moreover, solving question papers also tests your speed and recapitulation power. So in order to strengthen your fundamental concept and speed, it is important to Practice previous years question papers. You can download Previous Year Question Papers of Science Class 10 from this page. This will also help you in further competitive exams as it makes you basics strong. The Solutions curated by our Master Teachers are really Helpful. Register Online for Class 10 Science tuition on to score more marks in CBSE board examination. Vedantu is a platform that provides free CBSE Solutions (NCERT) and other study materials for students. Maths Students who are looking for the better solutions ,can download Class 10 Maths NCERT Solutions to help you to revise the complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

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CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 - Free PDF
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Science Question Paper for CBSE Class 10 - 2018 - Free PDF Download

According to the Exam pattern for CBSE, Science Exam is of total 100 marks where theory paper will be of 80 marks and practical of 20 marks. It is necessary to know the changes made in the question paper recently by CBSE board. The total number of questions is increased to 40 questions from 30 questions, keeping the total marks constant (i.e, 80marks). Undoubtedly, the number of questions has increased but marks per question are reduced converting maximum questions to objective types or very short answer type. 

The given PDF of CBSE previous year question papers Class 10 Science is divided into two sections namely Section A and B.


Paper Pattern

The CBSE Class 10 previous year question papers for science are divided into four sections which are A, B, C and D.

Section A: This section consists of objective types questions each of 1 mark. This section will have two questions and both the questions are to be answered. 

Section B: This section will have very short answer type questions which carry 2 marks. Three questions will be asked and all the questions are to be answered. 

Section C: This section is for 30 marks and will have ten short answers and they carry 3 marks each. 

Section D: This section is also for 30 marks and will have six long answer type questions and they carry 5 marks each. 

Section E: This section is also for 12 marks and will have six short answer type questions and they carry 2 marks each.

You can check the question and refer to the solutions from the CBSE previous year question papers Class 10 science with solutions prepared by the Experts of Vedantu with an intention to help you cover more questions in less time with the proper understanding of the concept.


What is the syllabus for CBSE Class 10 Science for the year 2018-19?

The detailed syllabus for Class 10 2018 described by the CBSE Board deals with five major units, namely, Chemical Substances - Nature and Behaviour (Unit I), World of Living (Unit II), Natural Phenomena (unit III), Effects of Current (Unit IV) and Natural Resources (Unit V). The unit I comprises 25 marks in the question paper, unit II comprises 23 marks, unit III comprises 12 marks, unit IV comprises 13 marks and unit V comprises 7 marks. This makes it a total of 80 marks. An internal assessment is also carried out of 20 marks which makes it a total of 100 marks. 

The first unit is dealt with for 55 periods. The unit includes topics like Chemical Reaction (chemical equation, types of chemical reactions like combination, decomposition, displacement, double displacement, precipitation, neutralization, oxidation, and reduction), Acids, Bases, and Salts (including the concept and importance of pH, preparation, and uses of baking soda, sodium hydroxide, baking powder, plaster of Paris and washing soda, properties of metals and non-metals, reactivity series, metallurgical processes, corrosion, and its prevention and formation and properties of ionic compounds), carbon compounds (including topics like covalent bonding, nature of carbon, homologous series, nomenclature, functional groups, saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons, chemical properties of carbon, soaps, detergents, ethanol, and ethanoic acid), periodic classification of elements (including topics like Dobereiner’s Triads, Newland’s law of octaves, Mendeleev’s periodic table and the modern periodic table, valency, atomic number, metallic and non-metallic properties).

The second unit of the Science syllabus of Class 10 deals with the world of living including concepts of life processes like nutrition, respiration, excretion, and transportation in plants and animals. Apart from this, control and coordination in animals and plants include tropic movements in plants, plant hormones, control and coordination in animals that include the nervous system, reflex action, and involuntary and voluntary motion, chemical coordination, and animal hormones. The unit also deals with sexual and asexual reproduction in plants and animals, methods of family planning, HIV/AIDS, and women's health. The chapter also deals with heredity, laws for the inheritance of traits, sex determination, and basic concepts of evolution. The complete syllabus of unit II is taught in 50 classes.

The third unit of Class 10 CBSE Science, that is Unit III of Science Class 10 deals with natural phenomena including concepts like the reflection of light by curved surfaces, Images formed by the spherical mirror, terminologies involved like principal axis, a center of curvature, focal length, principal focus, magnification, refractive index, laws of refraction, refraction of light and images formed by spherical lenses, Lens formula, and power of lenses, the human eye, defects of vision, refraction of light through a prism, scattering and dispersion of light. The complete course is scheduled for 23 classes.

The fourth unit of Class 10 CBSE Science, that is Unit IV deals with how things work. This unit includes effects of current, electric current, potential difference, Ohm’s law, resistivity, resistance, factors affecting the resistance of a conductor, resistance in series and parallel combination, the heating effect of electric current, electric power, the relation between P, V, I and R. This unit also deals with the magnetic effect of the current, magnetic field, field lines, field due to current carrying conductor, coil or solenoid, force on current-carrying conductor, Fleming’s left-hand rule, electric generator, direct current, alternating current and its advantages and electric circuits. The total number of classes in the course is 32 classes.

The last unit of Class 10 CBSE Science, that is, Unit V deals with natural resources. Topics like different forms of energy, conventional and non-conventional sources of energy, fossil fuels, biogas, solar, water, wind, nuclear and tidal energy, renewable and non-renewable resources of energy, ecosystem, ozone depletion, environmental problems, biodegradable substances, non-biodegradable substances, waste production and its remedies, conservation of natural resources, coal, petroleum, forest and wildlife, big dams, its advantages and limitations, alternatives of dams, water harvesting, and sustainability of natural resources. The total number of classes prescribed by the CBSE Board for unit V is 20 classes.

What is the best way to solve sample papers?

Solving the question paper is important because practice brings perfection to your answer as well as makes you confident. Student’s who consistently perform well in academics are found solving Question Papers to excel in speed and the method of approach in each question. Solve science previous year question paper Class 10 if you are preparing for CBSE exam this year as it will assist you to complete your paper on time with perfection and in turn, it makes you pass your exam with flying colours. Good marks are the building blocks of your career that helps you to get admissions in graduate and even postgraduate institutes in India and abroad. The method given below is the best way to solve the previous year’s question paper :

  1. Go through the syllabus and mark the chapters you are well with and the chapters you are not confident in. 

  2. Start with the chapters you need more work or time. Read the chapter well, make the note of important points and go through the examples or textbook questions well.

  3. Once you are sure about the chapters, start solving the question paper of that particular subject.

  4. Solve previous year question paper Class 10 Science under a timed condition so that you don’t lose the speed. If the paper is of sure hours then try to complete solving the paper in 2.30 hours or 2.45 hours. So that even if you get stuck on one or two questions, you don’t miss out on the other questions during the exam. 

  5. Make a rough note of all the important formulas and points and keep revising it from time to time to avoid forgetting or making mistakes in your Board Exams.

  6. Always try to analyse your mistakes and work on each question before attempting the next paper.

  7. Don’t be overjoyed if you are able to answer all the questions in one paper as the toughness of the paper sometimes varies. But also never get demotivated on finding the paper difficult, instead work on the type of question or the portion of a chapter you get stuck in.

Why is it important to solve last year's question paper of Class 10 CBSE Science?

Class 10th Board Exam is an important milestone in our educational system as it defines our higher studies and career choices. Since a large number of students compete in the board exams every year, there’s bound to be a cut-throat competition. Hence, it’s imperative that you put your best foot forward in preparing for your board exams and leave no stone unturned.

Because the board exam determines our career, it is important to set the right strategy to prepare for such a crucial and valuable exam.

Solving last year board paper Class 10 Science has the following benefits:

  • It makes you memorize formulas and important points while solving different types of questions.

  • It is an excellent way for self-evaluation as you get to track your own performance before the exam.

  • It leads to the better and comprehensive revision of all the chapters you studied.

  • You get to know the areas you are weak in. This way you can work on your weaknesses and rectify your mistakes.

  • While solving previous year science question paper Class 10 you familiarise yourself with the marking schemes as well as the weightage of each topic.

  • You realise that a few sections are repeated again and again in the question paper every year, which means it is considered important. So don’t ignore these demanding topics if you want to score good marks.

  • Pay attention to the marking scheme and the distribution of topics throughout the paper. 

  • Solving Class 10 Science previous year paper will enhance your writing speed, comprehension ability, and problem-solving attitude which will help you complete your paper on time with perfection. 

  • You overcome your fear of coming across a new question. You learn to manage your stress and anxiety during the exam, instead, you develop the talent of recalling the chapter and a new approach to the question.

  • You also become comfortable with the question-pattern and get habituated to the complexity level.

  • You get a sense of confidence after solving so many questions and revising them. You start believing in yourself which is more important for you to crack the exam with excellent marks. 

Vedantu made the CBSE Class 10 Science question paper 2018 pdf download available for you to get 100 percent accurate Class 10 Science board question paper 2018 PDF solved by Expert Maths Teachers. You also have all the liberty to explore courses you want to begin your learning from in Maths and Science. These solutions provide you detailed information about life processes and chemical reactions and step by step solutions for the questions given in Class 10 Science textbook as per CBSE Board guidelines. Every question of the given exercises is provided with solutions to help you to revise and score more marks.

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FAQs on CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 - Free PDF

1. How Vedantu’s last years’ science question paper will help me with the exams?

At Vedantu, we understand the necessity of practice and, hence, we provided you with the CBSE Class 10 Science Previous Year Question Papers with Solutions. We also help you with the free pdf download as well for CBSE last year Science Paper Class 10 board question paper, so that you can print it out, and appear for a mock examination by yourself.

At Vedantu, we desire to change the age-old ways of education as it has become inefficient. Getting enough practise by solving CBSE previous year question papers class 10 Science is something we, at Vedantu, believe in strongly. By practising CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper on a regular basis, students can overcome the fear of exams. These last year papers also aid in the pressure of taking a real exam.

2. Explain about 3R’s in chapter 16 sustainable management of natural resources.

In this chapter, you will know what 1985 the Ganga action plan is, and also how Ganga river is getting polluted with sewage dump from more than 100 cities at a strict till West Bengal. It also teaches about the toxicity of water by dumping excreta, chemicals from the industries and untreated sewage. The 3 R’s which are taught in this chapter are Reduce, Recycle and Reuse.

The 3R’s which is used to save our environment. 

  1. Reduce: You have to reduce the usage of products which are essential for living organisms. Such as wastage of food, less usage of water and saving electricity. 

  2. Reuse: The materials which can be reused again will be taught here. Such as reusing bottles and plastic utensils.

  3. Recycle: Here, you will read about the materials which can be recycled and used again. Such as paper, glass and metals.

3. What is a spherical mirror in chapter 10 light reflection and refraction?

In this segment of chapter 10, you shall know about the mirrors which are curved in shape and why they are called spherical mirrors. Further, it also teaches you about the two primary types of spherical mirrors which are Convex mirror and Concave mirror. 

Further, in Class 10 Science Light, Reflection and Refraction discuss the centre of curvature, the radius of curvature, pole, principal axis, principal focus, focal length and secondary axis. This chapter also focuses on:

  1. Image formation by the spherical mirror

  2. Representation of images which are formed by spherical mirrors with the use of ray diagrams

  3. Sign Convention for Reflection by Spherical Mirrors

  4. Mirror Formula and Magnification 

While calculating, they use positive and negative signs. The positive sign is an indication of the virtual image and a negative sign is an indication of a real image.

4. What are the main concepts that are covered in chapter 2 acids, bases and salts? How many exercise questions are there in this chapter?

Acids, Bases and Salts is the second chapter of CBSE Board Class 10 Science Book. This chapter will teach you about the chemical properties of various substances. You will also come across concepts like acids and bases in the laboratory, more about salts, the family of salts, PH of salts, chemicals from common salts, are the crystals of salts really dry, how strong are acid or base solution, the reaction of metallic oxides with acids, the reaction of non-metallic oxides with base and how do acids and bases react with metals. Our CBSE NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science consists of 1 exercise and 5 IN-Text question sets. The solutions given to them are in an easy to understand way.

5. How can I solve question 7 of CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018?

Question 7 of CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 asks the student to explain the difference between sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction. The question further asks the student about the chance of survival of these reproductive modes. To deal with this type of question, students must define what asexual reproduction and sexual mode of reproduction are. Further, since sexual reproduction facilitates variations in the new individuals, therefore, the survival of organisms with the sexual mode of reproduction is comparatively better than the survival of individuals with the asexual mode of reproduction.