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Universal Law of Gravitation

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Gravitation Definition

In 1665, the concept of gravitation was put forth by Sir Isaac Newton when he was sitting under the tree, an apple fell down from that tree on the earth.

This sparked an idea in his mind that all bodies are attracted towards the center of the earth where he said that gravitation is the force of attraction between any two bodies separated from each other by a distance.

This concept played a major role in the initiating birth of stars, controlling the entire structure of the universe.

At present, this concept has significant applications in the advancement of physics. 

Gravitational force is the weakest force among all the basic forces of nature.

Universal Law of Gravitation

In 1687, an English mathematician and physicist, Isaac Newton put forward this law to explain the observed motions of planets and their moons.

Newton’s law of universal gravitation states that any particle of matter in the universe attracts another one with a force varying directly as the product of the masses and inversely as the square of the distance between them. 

Consider two bodies A and B of mass m1 and m2  separated by a distance r such that the force of attraction acting on them are represented as shown in the figure below:

In figure.1, the two bodies having forces of attraction F1 and F2 have a tendency to move towards the center of gravity.. 

Such that F1 = F2.

 Therefore, the universal law of gravitation formula is given by,

 F ∝ m1 . m2 / r2


F = \[\frac {G(m_1.m_2)} {r^2}\].... (1)

Here, G is called the Universal gravitational constant (a scalar quantity).

The value of G remains constant throughout the universe and is independent of the nature and size of the bodies.

Definition of G 

When m1 = m2 = 1  and r =1 

Then from eq (1) 

F = G

It says that the magnitude of the attractive force F is equal to G, multiplied by the product of the masses and divided by the square of the distance between them.

State Two Applications of Universal Law of Gravitation 

Newton’s law of gravitation holds good for objects lying at very large distances and at short distances as well.

It fails when the distance between the two bodies is less than 10−9 m. 


There are various applications where Newton’s law , two of them are discussed below:   

  • The predictions about the orbits and time period of the modern artificial satellites made on the basis of this law proved to be very accurate.

  • The prediction about solar and lunar eclipses, made on the basis of this law, came out to be very true. 

Importance of Universal Law of Gravitation

  • The gravitational force of earth ties the terrestrial objects to the earth. 

  • This law explains the attractive force between any two objects having a mass. 

  • The formation of tides in the ocean is due to the force of attraction between the moon and ocean water.

  • All planets make an elliptical revolution with the sun.

  • The rotation of the earth around the sun.

  • The rotation of the moon around the earth.

Derivation of Universal Law of Gravitation

This law states that any two objects pull on each other with force gravity.

Newton’s law brought up the new concept where he said:

Total force  acting on an object = object’s mass  x  object’s acceleration

Total force is the force of gravity or Fg.

 So,Fg  (gravity force pulling on object) ∝ object’s mass (m)

The earth pulls the object towards itself.

The mass of earth  = M and gravity force = Fg

So, Fg  (gravity force) ∝ Earth’s mass (M)

Planets move around the sun in an elliptical orbit because gravity force provides the net centripetal force pulling the planet towards the center of its circle given by

               Fg = \[\frac {m} {r v_2}\] …(2)

Since moon orbits the circumference of the circle in one period given by 

velocity,   v = \[\frac {2\Pi r} {T}\] 

putting in eq(2)

Fg = \[\frac {m} {r}\]. 

\[\frac {2\Pi r} {T}^2\]

On solving,

Fg = 4  

\[\frac {\Pi 2 mr} {T_2}\]

Multiplying both the sides by  

\[\frac {T_2} {r}\] 

we get


\[\frac {T_2} {r}\] =   \[\frac {4\Pi 2 mr} {T_2}\] . \[\frac {T_2} {r}\]

\[\frac {T_2} {r}\] Fg = 4 π2 m …(3) 

Since Fg ∝ r2

 we get F = k r2

 putting it in eq(3)

We get that 

 \[\frac {T_2} {r(k/(r^2))}\] = 4 π2 m π2

equivalent to the equation of kepler’s third law

 i.e., \[\frac {T_2} {r^3}\] = constant (Newton considered Fg ∝ 1/ r2

Therefore, we inferred that 

Fg ∝m       \[\frac {M_1} {r^2}\]

 Combining these three terms we get,

 Fg ∝ \[\frac {mM} {r^2}\]

Removing this proportionality constant we get

F = \[\frac {G(MM)} {r^2}\] and G = \[\frac {F.r^2} {(m_1.m_2)}\]. 

Story Behind Law of Gravitation :

Once upon a time, Isaac Newton saw an apple fall from the tree. Looking at the motion of the apple while it was falling, he wondered if the same force would work on the moon as well. Drowning deep in this theory, he decided about 'why did this apple fall on earth but not on the moon'? Then, newton realized the forces acting on the falling objects otherwise they would not move from the position of rest. 

FAQs on Universal Law of Gravitation

1. What is the value of G?

According to the universal gravitational law formula:

                    F = \[\frac {G(mM)} {r^2}\]

Where, Value of G In international systems, SI is 6.67 x 10-11N m2 kg-2.

In the cgs system, it is 6.67 x 10-8 dyne cm2 g-2.  Also, it has the following values on the respective planets :

  • Earth - 9.8

  • Mercury - 3.61

  • Venus - 8.83

  • Mars - 3.75

  • Jupiter - 26.0

  • Saturn - 11.2

  • Uranus - 10.5

  • Neptune - 13.3

  • Pluto - 0.61

2. How to prove that the value of g is 9.8 m/s2?

Since we know that acceleration due to gravity is given by 

g = \[\frac {GM} {r^2}\] ... (a)

(F= \[\frac {G(MM)} {r^2}\] = mg)

The mass of earth M -6 x 1024 Kg, G = 6.67 x 10-11N m2 kg-2 and radius of earth

(r) = 6.4 x 106 m.

Putting these values in eq(a) we get,

g = 6.67 x 10-11N m2 kg-2 x (6 x 1024 Kg)2 / (6.4 x 106 m)2... (b) On solving, eq(b) we proved the value of gravity

g = 9.7705~ 9.8 m/s2

3. What are the principles of the Universal law of gravitation?

According to this law, the bodies in space exert force to pull each other, this force is proportional to the masses and distance between the two bodies. Here, 'G' is the gravitational constant because its value is the same across the universe and it is independent of mass. The value of G on earth is 9.8 m/s2. It is also used to calculate the gravitational force in a particular unit area. 

4. Describe the following terms related to the universal law of gravitation

(i) Center of Gravity

(ii) Gravitational Fields

(i) Center of gravity 

  • It is the location in the body where total weight is concentrated. 

  • It is an imaginary point. 

  • Around this point, the torque due to gravitational forces vanishes. 

  • The center of gravity for an object is basically the point or location of the object's body over which it can be perfectly balanced (without any support).

  • In aircrafts, this position is calculated by placing the aircraft on two weighted scales. The weight shown on this scale is noted. In the case of objects like aircrafts and vehicles, the center of gravity must lie between a fixed measure. Otherwise, this can lead to crashing of the plane or other accidents.

(ii) Gravitational Fields

  • When two objects exert some amount of push or pull, due to gravitation, this force is experienced under a certain area or range. Wherever the force is experienced, it is due to the gravitational field. 

  • Therefore, if earth and moon are exerting a force even without coming in contact. It is because of the gravitational field lines. 

  • The strength of these field lines is directly proportional to the mass of the object. Also, the strength of their gravitational field lines decreases with increase in distance traveled by the field lines.

  • These lines are measured in newtons per kilogram (N/kg).

  • On the surface of earth, the magnitude of the gravitational field is around 9.8 N kg-1.

5. Differentiate between the following 

(i) Gravitation and gravity

(ii) gravitational force and magnetic force

(iii) gravitational mass and inertial mass

(i) Diff. between Gravitation and gravity

 are :

  • Gravitation is a universal force whereas gravity is not a universal force.

  • Gravitation is a weak force. On the other hand, gravity is a stronger force. 

  • The formula for Gravitational force is F =  \[\frac {(GM_1M_2)} {R^2}\]   and the formula for finding force due to gravity is F=mg. 

  • The direction of gravitational force lies in the radial direction from the mass and the direction of gravity lies towards the center of the earth.

  • In gravitation, the force can be 0 during the infinite separation between bodies. In gravity, the force of gravity is zero at the center position of the earth. 

(ii) Diff. between gravitational force and magnetic force :

  • Gravitational force is a type of force that acts on the object due to the phenomenon of gravity. Magnetic force is a type of attraction force and occurs between charged particles.

  • Gravitational force acts on mass objects whereas magnetic force can act on some iron containing objects and charged particles.

  • Gravitational force is not a strong force as compared to the magnetic force. Also, magnetic force can be increased by change in properties and conditions.

  • Gravity helps in walking on earth surface whereas magnetic forces are used in applications like electric motors.

(iii) Diff. between gravitational mass and inertial mass

  • Gravitational mass is due to gravitational force whereas inertial mass is the resistance taking place due to any other type of force.

  • Gravitational mass can be measured and noted during the motion of the object under gravitational field lines. Inertial mass is experienced when the object is in motion due to some amount of applied force. 

  • Gravitational mass can be calculated using Newton's universal law of gravitation. Inertial mass can be calculated using Newton's second law of gravity.