Motion of Systems of Particles and Rigid Body MCQs NEET
The idea of the motion of a system of particles and rigid body forms an essential part of the NEET Physics syllabus. As the chapter consists of various concepts and numerical, students often feel tense about what kind of questions will come in the exam from this part.
Before starting with the MCQs, you should get your basics clear.
Some Important Definitions
Motion: Motion is defined as an object's change in position through time and in relation to its surroundings.
Axis: An axis is a set of fixed imaginary lines characterizing an object's position in space. The point of intersection when all three axes are mutually perpendicular to one other is considered the center of the axis in the Cartesian coordinate system. It's also referred to as the start.
The Centre of Mass of a Body and Its Motion: The center of mass of a body is a point where all of the body's mass is meant to be concentrated. The nature of the body's motion would be unaltered if all of the forces acting on it were applied to the Center of Mass.
Equilibrium: The lowest energy state is known as stable equilibrium. The energy state that is not always the lowest is called neutral equilibrium. Is the same all around. Unstable equilibrium occurs when all forces are balanced, and the potential energy is higher than the lowest energy state, implying that any change in the system will cause it to seek the lowest energy level as its ultimate state.
Principal of Moments: When a rigid body is in equilibrium, and a number of like or unlike parallel forces occur on it, the algebraic sum that we obtain by adding the moments in the clockwise direction is always equal to the resulting sum that we obtain by adding the moments in the anti-clockwise direction. In other words, at equilibrium, the algebraic sum of all individual forces' moments about any point equals zero.
There are Four Situations in Which Force Cannot Produce Torques
A body does not start spinning if no force is applied to it.
The object will not spin if two or more forces are applied to the same place and cancel each other out.
The force acts on the rotational axis.
The force is directed towards the rotational axis.
So, here you can take a look at the following motion of systems of particles and rigid body MCQ to get an idea of the questions you can expect in NEET.
Crucial MCQs
1. A uniform rod having length L passes across a mass's center. Find its gyration radius.
a) L / root over three
b) L / root over two
c) L / two root over three
d) L2 / twelve
2. If the linear momentum is increased by 50%, kinetic energy will increase by what percent.
a) 25 %
b) 50 %
c) 100 %
d) 125 %
3. What does a couple produce?
a) pure rotation
b) rotation and translation
c) no motion
d) pure translation
4. Maintaining constant velocity, a particle is traveling down a line that is parallel to X-axis (positive). What will be the angular momentum magnitude with regards to origin?
a) zero
b) increasing along with x
c) decreasing along with x
d) remains constant
5. A rope coils an empty cylinder whose mass and radius are 3 kg and 40 cm respectively. Determine the cylinder's angular acceleration if someone pulls the rope with 30 N force.
a) 0.25 rad s-2
b) 25 rad s-2
c) 5 m s-2
d) 25 m s-2
6. A closed vessel of cylindrical shape is partly filled with water. What happens to the moment of inertia if the vessel rotates along a horizontal plane around the perpendicular bisector?
a) increases
b) decreases
c) stays constant
d) depends on the rotation direction
7. One rigid body having angular momentum L is rotating, and its K.E (kinetic energy) is divided into two parts. What will be its angular momentum then?
a) L
b) L2
c) 2 L
d) L / 2
8. A particle is in UCM (uniform circular motion). Its angular momentum remains intact about:
a) middle point of the circle
b) at any point within the circle
c) circumference point of the circle
d) at any point exterior to the circle.
9. An object round in shape having radius R and mass M rolls down by an inclined surface but does not slip. Its frictional force:
a) vanishes K.E as heat
b) reduces rotational motion
c) changes translational energy to rotational energy
d) reduces both translational and rotational motion.
10. What will be a body's angular momentum if the time period is doubled and its moment of inertia is kept constant?
a) remain constant
d) become half
c) doubles
d) quadruples
11. L2 / 2 I expresses:
a) rotational K.E of a body
b) P.E of a body
c) torque
d) power
12. Find the moment of inertia if 2000Nm torque is acting on a body with 2 rad/ s2 angular acceleration.
a) 1200 kgm2
b) 900 kgm2
c) 1000 kgm2
d) Cannot be determined
13. If an object's angular velocity is increased by 10 percent, then K.E must be increased by what percentage?
a) 40 %
b) 20 %
c) 10 %
d) 21 %
14. What is angular momentum?
a) a scalar
b) scalar as well as vector
c) a polar vector
d) an axial vector
15. Choose the wrong relation to the following options.
a) T = I x α
b) F = m x a
c) L = I x ω
d) I = T x α
16. Two discs A and B circular in shape have a uniform thickness and similar masses. But the density of disc 1 is greater than disc 2. What is the moment of inertia?
a) I1> I2
b) I1>> I2
c) I1< I2
d) I1 = I2
17. Calculate the angular momentum of a body when its K.E and M.I are 4 joules and 2 kg m2 respectively.
a) 4 kg m2 / sec
b) 5 kg m2 / sec
c) 6 kg m2 / sec
d) 7 kg m2 / sec
18. On which of the following options does M.I depend?
a) particle distribution
b) mass
c) axis of rotation position
d) all of these
19. A disc having a diameter of 2 m and a mass of 2 kg undergoes rotational motion. Consider the rotation of the disc from 300 to 600 rpm. Evaluate the work done.
a) 1479 J
b) 14.79 J
c) 147.9 J
d) 1.479 J
20. Suppose a gymnast is sitting on a rotating chair and his arms are outstretched. If he suddenly shortens his arms, what will happen?
a) angular velocity will decrease
b) moment of inertia will decrease
c) angular velocity will stay constant
d) angular momentum will increase.
You can Tally with the Answers Provided in the Following Table
In order to get admission to one of the renowned institutes, you must score remarkably in NEET. So, you will have to put in your best effort as NEET is not an easy entrance exam. Make the best use of the last few weeks by revising each chapter thoroughly.
Regarding the motion of the system of particles and rigid body, it is observed that questions get repeated from this chapter. So, preparing from a system of particles and rotational motion previous year questions of NEET is a must.
Also, provide yourself with short breaks and do not forget to take care of your health.
FAQs on Motion of Systems of Particles and Rigid Body MCQs
1. What Type of Motion Does a Rigid Body Undergo?
The two kinds of motion which a rigid body can have are rotational and translational motion.
2. What is the Meaning of a Motion of a System of Particles and Rigid Body?
A system of particles refers to a particle group in which particles are interrelated. A rigid body means a solid object within which distortion is zero or negligible and they are in a state of motion.
3. Which is the Perfect Example of a Rotational Motion?
The rotation of the earth about its axis is a perfect example of rotational motion.
4. What physical significance does the moment of inertia have?
The physical importance of the moment of inertia in translational motion is similar to the mass. The mass of a body we have is actually used to find out the resultant inertia in translational motion. The inertia increases as the mass increase gradually. The larger the moment of inertia in a rotating motion, the more torque is required for angular acceleration. The force required to generate linear acceleration will also rise in this situation.
5. Can you explain the distinction between slipping and sliding?
When a body has no angular velocity and just skids on a surface, it is said to be sliding. As if you were sliding a brick down an inclined plane. And sliding occurs when the body has an angular velocity, yet the point of contact with the ground also slips, meaning the relative velocity between the point of contact and the surface is non-zero.
6. What is the definition of a couple?
According to Newton's third law, when a force is applied to make a body rotate, an equal and opposite reaction force is exerted on the point about which the body rotates (because forces are always applied in pairs). Still, this reaction force is the moment of a force about the point of rotation is zero because the reaction force's perpendicular distance from the point of rotation is zero. As a result, the body rotates only when torque, = Fxr, is applied. Two equal and opposite forces, "F", can be applied to the body at two separate places A and B, to augment the rotating effect.
7. What are the properties of angular momentum conservation?
L=I, or L=rxp, is the mathematical definition of angular momentum. This is the moment of inertia multiplied by the angular velocity or the object's radius multiplied by the linear momentum.
Because momentum is conserved, once an item begins to spin following a collision, some of the momenta in the collision may become angular momentum.
8. What is the definition of static equilibrium?
If we define it in the simplest manner, it is the state of equilibrium of a system with all of its components at rest. The physical state in which a system's components are at rest and the net force through the system is zero is known as static equilibrium. When all of the forces operating on an object are balanced, and the object is not moving regarding the relative plane, the object is in static equilibrium.
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