The Last Lead Class 9 Questions and Answers - FREE PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Moments - Free Latest PDF (2024-25)
1. Is depression common among teenagers just like Johnsy is facing?
Yes, due to such modernization and hectic lifestyle, it is quite common among the teenagers of today’s time. In the case of Johnsy, it is a different case as she is having a critical issue like pneumonia. There was no certain treatment protocol at that time. The metaphor connects her condition with the falling of leaves from trees. The narrative conveys the falling of the last leaf from the tree and her deterioration of health. Teenagers must understand the value of life and be willing to live. This will help overcome obstacles in life.
2. What is the theme of The Last Leaf?
The story helps us understand the importance of dealing with reality. Teenagers have issues dealing with realities and often tend to feel depressed about certain things. It beautifully depicts the value of the moments we live in. Vedantu’s NCERT solutions Class 9 English Moments The Last Leaf provide efficient practice questions that help students deal with class 9 final exams.
3. Who wrote The Last Leaf Class 9 Chapter 7?
Henry wrote The Last Leaf. The last leaf tells about Johnsy, a young but poor woman who is facing pneumonia. She has a perception that when the ivy creeper outside her wall loses all its leaves, she'll die. She made up her mind that she would not be able to recover. It is an interesting chapter for which all the solutions are easily available on Vedantu.
4. Who suffered from pneumonia in Class 9 Chapter 7?
A poor young girl named Johnsy suffered from pneumonia. Vedantu offers NCERT solutions for free. You can download the PDF with just a single click. Further, it provides you with revision notes and important questions too. It will be of great help at the time of your exams. We have always received honest and good reviews along with remarkable outcomes.
5. What will happen when the last leaf falls in Class 9 Chapter 7?
According to the author, when the last leaf falls she will die. That’s what she has set in her mind. She lost all hopes of living and is depressed. She had no will to live and was waiting for her death. She never believed that she could be healthy again. So, she has given up. Vedantu offers complete solutions to help students understand and grasp these thoroughly.
6. What is the meaning of the last leaf?
The last leaf indicated the last hope. It tells the students that every setback has a comeback and that losing hope is never an option. Failing from your mind is your failure. You have to stay strong and keep going. Nowadays depression is very common in teenagers and this narrative urges students to hold on. To understand the concepts presented by the chapter, students can visit Vedantu for free solutions curated by experts.
7. What disease was Johnsy suffering from?
Johnsy was a poor and young girl. She was facing pneumonia. He lost all hopes of getting better ever. She had no will to live and was waiting for her death. She believes she will die when the ivy climber over her window sheds all of its leaves. She made the decision that she would never be able to rebuild.
8. Where can I find The Last Leaf Class 9 Questions and Answers PDF?
You can easily find and access comprehensive NCERT Solutions to The Last Leaf Class 9 PDF on Vedantu available for FREE to download in PDF format. These solutions cover everything you need to know about the chapter and all the textbook questions and answers.