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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science History Chapter 1 Introductionhow, When and Where


NCERT Solutions for Class 8 History (Our Past - III) Chapter 1 Questions and Answers - FREE PDF Download

Explore Vedantu's NCERT solutions for class 8 history chapter 1. These topics, aligned with the latest CBSE Class 8 Social Science syllabus, can be a guiding light. Explore the far-reaching effects of colonisation. Gain insights into periods, dates, official records, and more. Vedantu's class 8 history chapter 1 questions and answers make these complex historical concepts clear and concise.

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Empower your learning journey with Class 8 History NCERT Solutions to conquer your exams with a strong grasp of Chapter 1. Solidify your understanding with comprehensive question breakdowns provided. This is your gateway to a successful exploration of India's historical era.

Glance on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 History Chapter 1 - Introduction: How, When and Where

  • Discover the diverse sources historians rely on, from official documents and surveys to even old newspapers, with History Class 8 Chapter 1.

  • Learn how each source offers a unique perspective on the past from class 8 history chapter 1 questions and answers PDF.

  • Explore the concept of periodisation, a crucial tool for historians to organise vast periods into manageable eras discussed in History Chapter 1, class 8.

  • Develop your critical thinking skills with class 8 history ch 1 question answers, learn to analyse evidence, ask insightful questions, and form your conclusions about the past.

  • Learn how historians interpret silence in historical records from chapter 1, history class 8 to understand what might have been missing.

  • Discoveries and reinterpretations of existing evidence can change our understanding of the past from class 8 social science chapter 1.

  • How when and where Class 8 equips you with the tools to decode the past and appreciate its complexities and dynamism.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 8 History Chapter 1 – Introduction: How, When and Where

1. State whether true or false:

a) James Mill divided Indian History into three periods - Hindu, Muslim, and Christian. 

Ans: False

b) Official documents help us to understand what the people of the country think.

Ans: False

c) The British thought surveys were important for effective administration. 

Ans: True

2. What is the problem with the periodisation of Indian History that James Mill offers? 

Ans: James Mill had divided the entire history of India into three phases which were based on religion. He said in his book that the Indian History could be classified into the Hindu, Muslim, and the Christian ruled periods. However, there were a number of shortcomings into his depiction such as:

  • He said that the Asian Civilisations were inferior to those of the European ones, which is false as we have documented evidence of European students coming to Indian Universities, translating the Indian works on Algebra, Geometry, etc. into European Languages, etc.

  • He also said that the Hindus and the Muslims were not capable rulers which is false as well because without the efficiency of rulers, India could have been unstable and no civilisational development would have been possible. The Indian rulers efficiently administered their territories and pushed back the invaders multiple times.

  • James also said that there was no religious tolerance in India prior to the British. This is false too, as no ruler in ancient India was hostile to Buddha and Mahavira. In fact, the Buddhist University of Nalanda was established by a Hindu ruler Kumaragupta. So, ancient India had a higher degree of religious tolerance than modern Indian society.

Hence, we can conclude that what James Mill presented were his views based on ignorance and distortion of facts because he was not educated enough to derive meaningful conclusions from the literary and archaeological sources of Indian history.

3. Why did the British preserve official documents?

Ans: The British preserved the official documents due to the following reasons:

  • They could use the documents as a reference to track the progress of the decisions and actions taken by them accurately.

  • They could also use these documents as citations and avoid the repetition of mistakes.

  • They could also create copies of the data of the past and use it in future.

Other than that, they preserved the official documents because they were not based in India and they needed to send the important documents to the British Crown when asked. Hence, preservation and maintenance of an archive were important.

4. How will the information historians get from old newspapers be different from that found in police reports?

Ans: The historians get similar information from the news reports as well as the police reports. However, the police reports present the facts alone whereas the news reports provide an analysis of the facts as well. These reports are also influenced by the logical ability of the editor of that report whereas in a police report, the facts are stated as they are.

5. Can you think of examples of surveys in your world today? Think about how toy companies get information about what young people enjoy playing with or how the government finds out about the number of young people in school. What can a historian derive from such surveys?

Ans: There are several examples of surveys in the world as of now. We have various people talking to us at the end of school about our future plans for college, which stream we want to choose in future and so on. The toy companies get information about what young people enjoy playing using the surveys online or by feedback. They ask the young people about their existing experiences and also what they would love to see and, in this manner, they are able to find out the needs of the people.

The government finds out the number of young people in school using the records of each school. The government collects the data from each school and after compiling these records, it can find out the total number of enrolled students, their age, etc. in school.

For a historian, such surveys are an important and valuable source of information. They can tell the level of education prevalent in different regions of the country by analysing these records. The regions with more enrolment of students have more literacy and they would be technologically advanced as compared to other regions.

Topics Covered In Chapter 1 History Class 8

History Class 8 Chapter 1 Topics

  1. How Important are Dates?

  • Which dates?

  • How do we periodise?

  • What is colonial?

  1. How Do We Know?

  • Administration produces records

  • Surveys become important

  • What official records do not tell

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 History Chapter 1 Introduction: How, When and Where

  • Master Detective Skills: Develop critical thinking like a true historian with how when and where class 8 question answers.

  • Beyond Memorisation: Move beyond rote memorisation of dates and names from class 8 sst history chapter 1 and grasp the concepts of periodisation and historical evidence to understand the bigger picture.

  • Sharpen Your Source Savvy: Explore the various types of historical sources, from official documents to old newspapers with how when and where class 8.

  • Embrace the Mystery: Discover that history is not always black and white. Learn how to interpret the silence in historical records and understand the evolving nature of historical knowledge.

  • Develop Empathy: See history through the eyes of those who lived it. Analyse sources to understand the motivations and experiences of people from the past with class 8 Social Science Chapter 1.

Important Study Material Links for Class 8 History Chapter 1


NCERT Solutions for History Chapter 1 class 8 Introduction: How, When, and Where are your stepping stones into the captivating world of historical investigation? The class 8 history ch 1 question answers empower you to become a history detective by equipping you with critical thinking skills and an understanding of diverse historical sources. No longer will the past be a collection of dates and names but a rich tapestry waiting to be explored and understood. With a strong foundation built on this chapter, you're prepared to embark on a thrilling journey through time, uncovering the mysteries that lie within.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science History Chapter 1 Introductionhow, When and Where

1. How did James Mill classify the periods of Indian history mentioned in class 8 history chapter 1 questions and answers PDF?

James Mill divided Indian history into three different periods. They are Hindu, Muslim, and British. This is provided in the very first answer in NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science History Chapter 1. According to his theory, only British influence could civilise the Indians.

2. How many question solutions are there in NCERT History Chapter 1 class 8?

This chapter contains answers to four significant questions. The first question asks students to state whether the given statements are true or false. The second question discusses the limitation of James Mill’s periodisation theory of Indian history. The third question in NCERT solutions Class 8 SST history Chapter 1 tells how the British government used to preserve the official documents in those times. The last and the final question discusses how information in the newspaper was different from information drawn through police reports.

3. What is the meaning of colonisation from class 8 history ch 1 question answers?

Colonisation happens when the people of another origin start setting up a colony in another place. This is what was done by the British in India. With colonisation, the social, political, economic, as well as cultural front gets influenced or impacted. The colonisation of the British brought about many changes in Indian customs and practices. You can refer to Class 8 SST History Chapter 1 to understand colonisation.

4. How are the NCERT Solutions chapter 1 history class 8  helpful?

The NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science, History Chapter 1 provides in-depth answers to several key questions. The format of these solutions has also been kept consistent with the CBSE requirements, and hence, they are the most suitable from an exam point of view. You can download or view online the solutions from the page NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science of Vedantu’s website ( free of cost.

5. What are the surveys conducted by the British from class 8 social science chapter 1?

Part 1 of the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 History discusses the importance of surveys during British control, which is also discussed in Chapter 1. In order to assess the status of affairs in India, proper surveys and assessments were required on a variety of fronts. Some of the British surveys done at the time are Archaeological Survey, Zoological Survey, Forest Survey and Botanical Survey. 

6. What are the sources that Historians rely on as discussed in How when and Where class 8?

Administration records are one of the most important sources used by Historians. The records were kept by the British government at the time. In the offices of commissioners, tahsildars, and others, proper record rooms were created. Important documents were also copied and maintained by calligraphists. Museums and archives were also created according to the chapter, to preserve important documents and manuscripts from the ancient period.

7. How can I understand class 8 sst history chapter 1?

History can be difficult for a few, mainly because it contains a plethora of facts that might sometimes prove difficult to memorise. The best way to understand this chapter is to first read the chapter from NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science and underline whatever seems important. Then, you must solve all the NCERT questions and tally their solutions from Vedantu. After completing all this, you must revisit the chapter and read the underlined concepts for a quick revision.

8. Where can I find the how when and where class 8 question answers?

You can conveniently find the answers to all the NCERT questions Chapter 1 Class 8 on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science, where they provide the best possible answers free of cost. All the study material is also available freely on the Vedantu app. The format of these solutions has also been kept consistent with the CBSE requirements. Hence, to score maximum marks and cover every topic, you must refer to Vedantu NCERT Solutions.