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NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Kaliedoscope Chapter 7 Time & Time Again


NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Kaliedoscope Poetry Chapter 7

NCERT Solutions Class 12 English Kaleidoscope Chapter 7 poetry is prepared by the in-house subject matter experts at Vedantu who have explained the concept in detail so that students can get through with the topic. The solutions let them thoroughly understand the concept. It is important from exams perspective. If the basics are not clear now, then this would create gaps in their learning. Download the solutions available in the free PDF format and clear your basics now!


NCERT Solutions for Class 12


Class 12 English

Subject Parts:

Part 2 Kaleidoscope

Chapter Name:

Chapter 7 Poetry- Time & Time Again


Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

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  • Important Questions

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Get Ahead in Class 12 English with NCERT Solutions for Chapter 7 - Time & Time Again

Responding to the Poem

1. What did you think the poem was about when you read the first few lines? 

Ans: The poem started with the description of clocktowers in well-managed cities and how each city’s time is different on a small scale. The poet explains how time affects cities and their people and how small changes occur over their course. Small changes result in big effects on the city. The time and the clocktowers are observers of these changes and movements around the city. But whatever these changes might be, they won’t last long, and the time cycle would start again.

2. From which line does the import of the title strike the reader? 

Ans: The following lines “through the knocked-out clockwork, after a riot, a peace-march time bomb, or a precise act of nature in a night of lightning,” of the last stanza of the poem express how the nature of time is. In the poem, the poet points out how changes take place over the city over time, sometimes leading to anger between communities, leading to riots and disharmony. But in the end, the harmony and peace restore themselves in that city as the time cycle starts all over again.

3. What makes for the differences between the timekeeping of the various clocks? What is the implicit comparison? 

Ans: The difference in the timekeeping between clocks can happen due to various reasons like the gongs of the clock swinging at a different frequency, the shaking hand of the maker of the clock in Switzerland, or simply some conditions caused due to the material of the clock. This is a poetic device used by the poet to compare how the situation in different cities varies from each other and how there is a minute difference between them that could’ve been due to communal or political issues. Hence pointing out how, for each city pace of change over time is different.

4. Why is the act of nature described as ‘precise’?

Ans: Several religious riots have broken out in the city on several occasions. They generate discord and unbalance in our country, but as the poet has pointed out, time heals all wounds and all things must come to an end. When it's all over, it'll be a new day for everyone. The communal discords eventually fade away, and we emerge stronger as citizens of one country.

5. Which of the following reflects the poet’s attitude towards communal disharmony?

  1. Critical condemnation 

  2. Helpless acceptance 

  3. Wistful lament 

Ans: (i) Critical condemnation poet critically condemns the riots caused due to religions and disharmony between communities. He believes that all these activities and mishappenings that disrupt the nation’s balance eventually end, and we all wake up to a peaceful and grudge-less new day. He trusts nature’s precision and says that these issues will resolve themselves over time.

6. Is the poet’s attitude a representation of how the average Indian feels both towards human violence and nature’s fury?

Ans: Yes, the poet perfectly depicts how the average Indian feels towards human violence and nature’s fury. On the outside, one might get aggravated on religion, as nowadays, religion is one’s identity. Still, inside, everyone wants peace of mind and soul and doesn’t want to get involved in useless issues like these. We truly get affected when lives get lost, and nature faces harm due to these unnecessary riots. Time and again, nature reminds us how in the end, lives matter; these issues don’t.

NCERT Solutions For Class 12 English Kaliedoscope Poetry Chapter 7 Time & Time Again

NCERT Solutions For Class 12 English – Free PDF Download

Class 12 English NCERT Solutions Kaleidoscope CH 7 can be downloaded on Vedantu’s platform. Students can download it for free and refer to it whenever they wish to. These solutions are handy, and students can refer to them when in doubt. All that the student has to do is to check out English Class 12 NCERT Solutions Chapter 7 Poetry Solutions and understand how the problem was approached. This gives them confidence, and they will be able to solve even tougher questions on this subject in the exam.

Chapter 7 – Time and Time Again - Explanation and Summary


"Kaleidoscope" by P.K. Page is a poem that explores the theme of time and how it is experienced differently by individuals. The poet describes time as a “kaleidoscope” that constantly changes and shows different patterns, colors, and shapes. The poem is structured into three stanzas, with each stanza having a distinct focus on the theme of time.

In the first stanza, the poet uses imagery of the “fly” and the “pebble” to show how time can be experienced in different ways. The “fly” represents a short period of time, while the “pebble” represents a longer period. The poet suggests that time can be experienced as a “drop of honey” or a “razor’s edge,” depending on the situation.

In the second stanza, the poet explores the idea that time can be both fleeting and eternal. She uses the metaphor of “the shadow of a bird on the water” to represent the fleeting nature of time, while the “clouds across the moon” symbolize the eternal and cyclical nature of time.

In the final stanza, the poet describes time as a “tremendous wheel” that is constantly turning. She suggests that the patterns and colors of the kaleidoscope change with each rotation, just as our experiences of time change with each passing moment. The poem concludes with the idea that time is a “mystery” that cannot be fully understood or controlled.

Overall, the poem “Kaleidoscope” is a reflection on the nature of time and its various manifestations. Through vivid imagery and metaphors, the poet captures the complexity and mystery of time, and the ways in which it shapes our experiences of the world.


"Time and Time Again" is a poem from the chapter "Kaleidoscope" in Class 12 English. The poem explores the theme of time and its impact on human life. It emphasizes that time is always moving forward and can never be stopped or reversed. The poet uses imagery and metaphors to illustrate the fleeting nature of time and how it can affect people differently. The poem also highlights the importance of living in the present and making the most of every moment. Overall, "Time and Time Again" is a reflective poem that urges readers to appreciate the present and not waste time in regrets about the past or worries about the future.

Key Features of NCERT Solutions For Class 12 English Chapter 7

NCERT Solutions Class 12 English Kaleidoscope Chapter 7 helps you to grasp the concepts of the poem better, and you are also able to fare well in your board exams. NCERT Class 12 English Chapter 7 Time and Time Again Solutions are specially made for students to prepare for the exams. These solutions are detailed and have been approached in a step-by-step way so that students build on their foundation.

  • The solutions have been prepared by the subject matter experts who have left no stone unturned to give students a complete knowledge of the topic.

  • When students solve these answers, it gives students a thorough hold of the topic.

  • Practising these solutions, again and again, makes one confident, and he or she can then approach any tough questions to go forward.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Kaleidoscope (Non-Fiction) - Chapter-wise List

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Kaleidoscope (Non-Fiction)" provides chapter-wise answers to all questions from the non-fiction section. These solutions help students grasp key ideas, arguments, and writing techniques, improving their comprehension and exam performance.

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Kaleidoscope (Drama) - Chapter-wise List

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Kaliedoscope Chapter 7 Time & Time Again

1. How does the poet highlight the religious disputes in the poem?

Through this poem, the poet makes attempts to condemn the hatred in people caused because of practitioners that belong to various religious communities. The poet has highlighted the need to stay in a state of harmony and brotherhood and keep the religious differences away. The poet has asked his readers to promote humanitarianism in society to ensure that there are coexistence and well-being of society and citizens. This should be done irrespective of one's creed, caste or religion. It is also important that false religious preachers should be thrown out of society.

2. Why should we throw the false preachers from society?

There is a need to throw out the fake preachers because they create differences in humans in the name of religion. There is a need to create a rational temperament in society so that they can identify the false practitioners and disregard all their attempts to promote differences in people based on religion. This is done by the stakeholders to meet their selfish objectives, but in turn, it causes violence, riots and even deaths.

3. Who is the poet?

The poet of this poem from Class 12 NCERT Kaleidoscope English is A.K Ramanujan. He is considered to be a pioneer and one of the best poets of the country. He single-handedly translated several ancient Tamil poems to English. Before his death, he used to teach linguistics at the University of Chicago and was looked at as a profound scholar of South Indian culture and literature alike. 

4. Where can I download the NCERT solutions of this poem?

Vedantu has greatly empowered students by curating the solutions of all the chapters covered in all the subjects of the CBSE curriculum. The solutions of this poem: Time and Time Again, can easily be accessed on the page NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Kaleidoscope. If you are looking to get an edge over your schoolmates, you should definitely check these out. These solutions are highly recommended by expert teachers too and Vedantu provides them at free of cost. Students can access these PDFs on the Vedantu app as well.

5. What are the first few lines of the poem about?

The poet begins the poem by mentioning a clock tower that has been built in a city. Each half hour signalled by the gong seems to be slightly different. This is indicative of the differences in time zones literally while metaphorically, it signifies how the mindsets of the people vary according to the way they experience things. Small changes can make a big difference in people’s lives. 

6. What is the reason behind the difference in the clocks?

This difference between the timekeeping of clocks could be a result of human error. An example is given to further elaborate this point. The poet explains that in Switzerland, where most clocks are made, the bronze material of the clock could have caused this difference along with the trembling hand of the maker. Thus, symbolism is used to demonstrate how different people in different cities perceive time, highlighting its subjective nature. 

7. Can I score good marks if I follow NCERT Solutions Chapter 7 Kaleidoscope?

If you refer to NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Kaleidoscope Poetry Chapter 7, you can rest assured that you will be able to grasp concepts better. This will directly lead to an increment in your marks. Moreover, the way the solutions are written will also help you frame your own answers during the examination. As long as you follow these solutions diligently, you need not worry about marks.