Class 11 Accountancy NCERT Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation, Provisions & Reserves
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Access NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Accountancy Chapter 7- Depreciation, Provisions and Reserves
1. What is ”Depreciation”?
Ans: Depreciation is the decrease in the value of fixed assets caused by wear and tear over time. These fixed assets could be anything from furniture to machinery to a building. It is important to note that such fixed assets do not include land, as the value of land increases over time.
2. State briefly the need or providing depreciation.
Ans: The following are the requirements for providing depreciation:
The value of fixed assets depreciates over time as a result of wear and tear, reducing the asset's capacity. As a result, depreciation must be recorded in order to reflect such an effect on the books of account.
Depreciation depicts the true financial position of the business because it eliminates the possibility of assets being overvalued.
Depreciation meets the need and requirements of tax regulations and other compliances.
Depreciation allows the business to meet the revenue matching principles, which require that the expenses incurred by the business be incurred in the same period that the income is recognized.
3. What are the causes of depreciation?
Ans: The following are the causes of depreciation:
Some current assets have a finite life after which they become perishable. Inventory is an example of such an asset.
Because fixed assets wear and tear over time, it is necessary to record the reduction in the cost of such fixed assets.
As new technological innovations emerge, fixed assets such as equipment and machinery become obsolete. This must be properly recorded in the books of account, and depreciation accomplishes this.
The use of some assets depletes over time, and this depletion of assets is recorded using accounting depreciation. Gas and oil reservoirs are examples of such assets.
4. Explain basic factors affecting the amount of depreciation.
Ans: The following are the primary factors that influence the amount of depreciation:
Depreciable cost – This is the cost that remains after deducting both the residual cost and the various costs of the asset. The total depreciation should be equal to the total depreciation charged over the useful life of the asset.
Net residual value – This is the value of the asset's sales after its useful life has ended. It is calculated by deducting all expenses incurred during the disposal of the asset.
Various Costs of the Asset – Aside from the basic purchase cost of the asset, an asset will incur various costs. These expenses can take the form of transportation, commission fees, insurance premiums, and so on. These are the expenses incurred in order to restore the asset to working order.
Estimation of useful life – The useful life of any asset is defined as its actual commercial life. As a result, the concept of the asset's physical life is excluded because it considers the fact that the asset will continue to sustain even after its useful life has ended, which may not be of commercial productivity for the business.
5. Distinguish between straight line method and the written down value method of calculating depreciation.
Ans: The following are the differences between the straight line and written down value methods:
The straight-line method calculates depreciation based on the original cost, whereas the written down value method calculates depreciation based on the net cost.
In the straight line method, the amount of annual depreciation is fixed, whereas in the written down value method, depreciation decreases the asset's value each successive year.
The straight line method charges on the depreciation of the total charge of the asset, which includes the depreciation charge and other repair expenses. However, the charge of depreciation decreases year after year in written down value, so the total charge remains constant.
The income tax authority recognizes the written down value method of depreciation but does not recognize the straight line method. Straight-line depreciation is appropriate for assets that require fewer repairs and thus become less scrap and obsolete over time. Land and buildings are two examples of such assets. The written down value method, on the other hand, is used in cases where there is a significant amount of repair expense or the market is affected by technological change.
6. “In case of a long term asset, repair and maintenance expenses are expected to rise in later years than in earlier years”. Which method is suitable for charging depreciation if the management does not want to increase the burden on profits and loss account on account of depreciation and repair.
Ans: When the assets have long-term utility and the repair and maintenance costs are expected to rise in the later years of the asset's life, the written down value method is more useful than the straight-line method of depreciation. As a result, this method of depreciation does not impose a burden on the profit or loss accounts. This occurs because the rate of depreciation in this method of depreciation decreases year after year.
7. What are the effects of depreciation on profit and loss account and balance sheet?
Ans: Depreciation has a direct impact on the profit and loss account because it is recorded as an expense. When the amount of depreciation is greater, the net company of income is less than in the case where the rate of depreciation was lower. The effect of depreciation on the balance sheet reduces the net amount of assets, which has a further impact on the business's net income on the balance sheet.
8. Distinguish between “provision” and “reserve”.
Ans: The distinction between provision and reserve is as follows:
Provision refers to the charge against profit for determining net profit, whereas reserve refers to the appropriation of profit to determine the business's strengthened financial position.
Provision determines the likely expenses that the business will incur in a given accounting period, whereas reserves are used to strengthen the business's financial position.
Provision is shown on the asset side of the balance sheet, whereas reserves are shown as the current liability on the liabilities side of the balance sheet.
Provisions reduce taxable profit because they are deducted from pre-tax profits. The reserves, on the other hand, are calculated on the basis of profits after taxes, which does not show the effect on profits.
The creation of provisions in accordance with regulations is required to determine fair profits, whereas the creation of reserves, with the exception of specific reserves, is at the discretion of a company.
Provisions cannot be used to distribute dividends, whereas a company's general reserve can be used to do so.
9. Give four examples each of “provision” and “reserves”.
Ans: It is required to make provisions, which are undertaken and determined based on the identifiable expenses that any business incurs in an expected manner during the accounting period. The reserves, on the other hand, are intended to strengthen the company's financial position. The four examples of each are:
Provision for bad and doubtful debts
Provision for repairs and maintenance
Provision for depreciation
Provision for taxes
General reserve
Capital reserve
Workmen compensation reserve
Dividend equalisation reserve
10. Distinguish between “revenue reserve” and “capital reserve”.
Ans: The following are the distinctions between revenue reserves and capital reserves:
Revenue reserves are created to strengthen the financial position of the business, whereas capital reserves are created to meet legal requirements.
Revenue reserves are generally used to meet contingencies and general needs such as dividend distributions, whereas capital reserves are used to meet legal requirements.
Revenue reserves are created on the basis of revenue profits that occur in a routine manner during the regular operation of the business. The capital reserve, on the other hand, is created from the business's capital and is used for purposes that do not occur in regular business operations.
11. Give four examples of “revenue reserve” and “capital reserves”.
Ans: Here are four examples of revenue reserves:
General reserve
Dividend equalization reserve
Workers' compensation reserve
Debenture redemption reserve
The four examples of capital reserves are as follows:
Premium on share or debenture issuance
Profit from the sale of fixed assets;
Profit from the revaluation of fixed assets and liabilities; and
Profit from the redemption of debentures.
12. Distinguish between ‘general reserve’ and ‘specific reserve’.
Ans: The 'general reserve' is established to strengthen the company's financial position, and it can thus be used for any purpose the management sees fit. On the other hand, the creation of a "specific reserve" is done to address a specific need of the organization. Thus, when specific reserves are used for the purpose for which they were created, they outlive their usefulness.
13. Explain the concepts of “secret reserve”.
Ans: The secret reserve is established to deal with the reduction of the business's tax liability and to combine it with the profits made by the business in years when it is incurring losses in order to increase net profits. The secret reserve is not shown on the company's Balance Sheet, and it is created on the basis of highly charged depreciation on assets, showing contingent liabilities as actual liabilities, and making an excessive provision for doubtful debts. Thus, the establishment of a secret reserve is permissible if it is within reasonable limits.
14. Explain the concept of depreciation. What is the need for charging depreciation and what are the causes of depreciation?
Ans: Depreciation is defined as the reduction in the value of a business's asset over time. Fixed assets that must be depreciated include machinery, furniture, buildings, offices, and so on. (It is important to note that land is not a depreciable asset, and its value increases over time.)
The following are the requirements for providing depreciation:
Every fixed asset loses value over time due to wear and tear, reducing the working capacity of these assets. As a result, the depreciation is carried out in order to reflect this decrease in the books of accounts.
The depreciation thus depicts the company's true financial position because it does not overestimate the prices of assets in the books of account. Companies are required to meet the obligations imposed by the tax authorities, which necessitates the recording of depreciation in the books of accounts. According to the revenue matching principles, expenses incurred by the business must be accounted for in the same accounting period in which they occurred in order for the business to gain revenue.
The following are the causes of depreciation:
The value of fixed assets decreases over time as fixed assets such as equipment and machinery become obsolete due to the introduction of new technology and equipment. As a result, such asset obsolescence must be recorded in the books of account through accounting depreciation.
Some fixed assets have a very short life span and die after their life is over. This occurs with current assets such as inventory, and it is critical for the business to record this depreciation in the price of the business's assets.
Every fixed asset is bound to suffer from wear and tear over time, which reduces the value of the asset, and such depreciation is required to account for the reduction in the amount of the asset.
As the use of some assets depletes, depreciation becomes the means by which the asset's decrease in value can be accounted for.
15. Discuss in detail the straight-line method and written down value method of depreciation. Distinguish between the two and also give situations where they are useful.
Ans: The Straight-line method is a technique for calculating the depreciation that occurs to the asset's original cost. The amount with which the depreciation must be done is fixed under this method, and thus the depreciation occurs every year with the specified fixed amount.
The written down value method, on the other hand, refers to a depreciation technique in which the depreciation to the value of the fixed asset occurs with the reduction decreasing year after year. It subtracts the amount of the original cost from the amount of depreciation, which is calculated based on the asset's usage until it is used.
The straight-line method has the following advantages:
The straight-line method is easier and simpler to calculate than the written down value method.
Assets can be depreciated until the asset's value is zero.
Because the same amount of depreciation is charged each year, comparing figures in the Statement of Profit or Loss becomes easier.
It is used for assets that have incurred low repair and maintenance costs as a result of continuous use of the asset over a period of time.
The Straight Line Method has the following limitations:
The burden of depreciation increases on the profit or loss account in the later years of the asset as the cost of repairs and maintenance rises and the age of the asset.
Even if the asset is in usable condition for the business, its value becomes zero.
Similarly, the Written Down Value Method has a number of advantages, which are as follows:
This method of depreciation is based on the logical assumption that the asset is used more in its early years and less in its later years.
As a result, it is appropriate for assets that have a higher cost of repair I the later years of the asset's life as the amount of depreciation decreases I the later years of the asset's life
The income tax authorities recognize this method.
The loss due to asset obsolescence decreases as more depreciation is charged in the early years of the asset.
The written down value method has the following limitations:
The written down value method of calculation can be complex and difficult.
The asset cannot be completely written off while it is being used in the business because the asset's value does not become zero at any time.
16. Describe in detail two methods of recording depreciation. Also, give the necessary journal entries.
Ans: Depreciation is recorded using one of two methods:
Charging depreciation directly to the asset account – In this method, depreciation is first charged from the asset's cost, then to the profit and loss account. The balance sheet thus shows the net value of the asset after depreciation is deducted. The journal entries in this method are as follows:
Subtracting depreciation from the asset's cost
Depreciation ac DrTo Asset ac Cr
To charge the depreciation to profit and loss account
Profit and Loss ac Dr
To Depreciation CrMaking a provision for accumulated depreciation – The amount of depreciation to be charged in the accumulated under the separate account under this method of charging depreciation. Thus, in the balance sheet, the asset's value is shown in its original value, and the accumulated amount of depreciation is shown in the liabilities side of the balance sheet.
The journal entries in this method are as follows:
Including depreciation in the depreciation provision
Depreciation ac Dr
To Provision for depreciation Cr
To charge the depreciation to profit and loss account
Profit and Loss ac Dr
To Depreciation Cr
17. Explain determinants of the amount of depreciation.
Depreciable cost – This is the cost that remains after deducting both the residual cost and the various costs of the asset. The total depreciation should be equal to the total depreciation charged over the useful life of the asset.
Net residual value – This is the value of the asset's sales after its useful life has ended. It is calculated by deducting all expenses incurred during the disposal of the asset.
Various Costs of the Asset – Aside from the basic purchase cost of the asset, an asset will incur various costs. These expenses can take the form of transportation, commission fees, insurance premiums, and so on. These are the expenses incurred in order to restore the asset to working order.
Estimation of useful life – The useful life of any asset is defined as its actual commercial life. As a result, the concept of the asset's physical life is excluded because it considers the fact that the asset will continue to sustain even after its useful life has ended, which may not be of commercial products for the business.
18. Name and explain different types of reserves in detail.
Ans: A business establishes a reserve in order to strengthen its financial position through retained earnings. There are several types of reserves:
Revenue Reserve: The revenue reserve is a reserve created from profits generated by the business's normal routine operations. These can be used to meet either a general or a specific purpose. There are two kinds of reserves: general reserves and specific reserves.
General Reserve: These reserves are created without a specific purpose in mind, so they can be used for anything, including the goal of expansion and growth. For example, retained earnings, contingency reserves, and so on.
Specific Reserve: These are reserves that are created for a specific purpose.
Examples of such reserves include debenture redemption reserves, dividend equalization reserves, and so on.
Capital Reserve: It is created from capital profit, i.e., profit from activities other than normal business operations, such as the sale of fixed assets, and so on. It was created to compensate for the capital loss. It cannot be paid out as a dividend. The following is an example of capital reserves.
Premium on share issuance
Premium on debenture issuance
Profit on debenture redemption
Profit on fixed asset sale
Profit on the reissue of forfeited shares vi. Profit before incorporation
Secret Reserves: Secret reserves are reserves created by overstating liabilities or understating assets. They are not reflected in the Balance Sheet. Because the liabilities are overstated, this reduces tax liabilities. Management creates it to avoid competition by lowering profit. The Companies Act of 1956 forbids the establishment of a secret reserve and requires full disclosure of all material facts and accounting policies when preparing final statements.
19. What are the provisions. How are they created? Give the accounting treatment in case of provision of doubtful debts?
Ans: Provisions are created by businesses to allow them to incur expenses and losses that are known to the business and that they may incur in the future. Provisions are charged on the business's revenue and are thus shown as a deduction from assets or as the business's current liability. Some examples of provisions are as follows:
Provision for bad and doubtful debts
Provision for depreciation
Provision for repairs and maintenance
The accounting treatment of provision for doubtful debts is as follows:
Doubtful debts are those for which the company is unsure of the recovery, so they make a provision to account for such losses. The following is the journal entry:
Profit and loss ac Dr
To provision for doubtful debts Cr
20. On April 01, 2010, Bajrang Marbles purchased a Machine for Rs 2,80,000 and spent Rs 10,000 on its carriage and Rs 10,000 on its installation. It is estimated that its working life is 10 years and after 10 years its scrap value will be Rs 20,000.
(a) Prepare a Machine account and Depreciation account for the first four years by providing depreciation on the straight-line method. Accounts are closed on March 31st every year.
(b) Prepare Machine account, Depreciation account and Provision for depreciation account (or accumulated depreciation account) for the first four years by providing depreciation using straight-line method accounts are closed on March 31 every year.
Ans: (a) Books of Bajrang Marbles
Machinery Account
Dr. Cr.
Date | Particulars | J.F. | Amount Rs. | Date | Particulars | J.F. | Amount Rs. |
2010 Apr. 01 | Bank | 3,00,00 0 | 2011 Mar.31 | Depreciation on Balance c/d | 28,000 2,72,00 0 | ||
3,00,00 0 | 3,00,00 0 | ||||||
2011 Apr. 01 | Balance b/d | 2,72,00 0 | 2012 Mar.31 Mar.31 | Depreciation on Balance c/d | 28,000 2,44,00 0 | ||
2,72,00 0 | 2,72,00 0 | ||||||
2012 Apr. 01 | Balance b/d | 2,44,00 0 | 2013 Mar.31 Mar. 31 | Depreciation on Balance c/d | 28,000 2,16,00 0 | ||
2,44,00 0 | 2,44,00 0 | ||||||
2013 Apr. 01 | Balance b/d | 2,16,00 0 | 2014 Mar.31 Mar.31 | Depreciation on Balance c/d | 28,000 1,88,00 0 | ||
2,16,00 0 | 2,16,00 0 |
Note: According to the solution, the closing balance of the machinery account at the end of the fourth year is Rs 1,88,000; however, the answer in the book is Rs 1,28,000
However, if we had taken the machine's purchase price of Rs 1,80,000 rather than Rs 2,80,000, the closing balance would have been Rs 1,28,000 instead of Rs 2,80,000.
Working notes: Calculation of Annual depreciation
$\text {Depreciation (p.a)}$ = $\dfrac{(\text { original cost - scrap value) }}{\text { Estimated life of asset (years) }}$
$=\text{Rs.}28,000\; \text{per annum}$
Depreciation Account
Dr. Cr.
Date | Particulars | J.F. | Amount Rs. | Date | Particulars | J.F. | Amount Rs. |
2011 Mar. 31 | Machinery | 28,000 | 2011 Mar.31 | Profit and loss | 28,000 | ||
| 28,000
| ||||||
2012 Mar. 31 | Machinery | 28,000
| 2012 Mar.31 | Profit and loss | 28,000 | ||
| 28,000 | ||||||
2013 Mar. 31 | Machinery | 28,000 | 2013 Mar.31 | Profit and loss | 28,000 | ||
| 28,000
| ||||||
2014 Mar. 31 | Machinery | 28,000
| 2014 Mar.31 | Profit and loss | 28,000 | ||
| 28,000 |
(b) Machinery Amount
Machinery Account
Dr. Cr.
Date | Particulars | J.F. | Amount Rs. | Date | Particulars | J.F. | Amount Rs. |
2010 Apr. 01 | Bank | 3,00,00 0 | 2011 Mar.31 | Depreciation on Balance c/d | 3,00,00 0 | ||
3,00,00 0 | 3,00,00 0 | ||||||
2011 Apr. 01 | Balance b/d | 3,00,00 0 | 2012 Mar.31 Mar.31 | Depreciation on Balance c/d | 3,00,00 0 | ||
3,00,00 0 | 3,00,00 0 | ||||||
2012 Apr. 01 | Balance b/d | 3,00,00 0 | 2013 Mar.31 Mar. 31 | Depreciation on Balance c/d | 3,00,00 0 | ||
3,00,00 0 | 3,00,00 0 | ||||||
2013 Apr. 01 | Balance b/d | 3,00,00 0 | 2014 Mar.31 Mar.31 | Depreciation on Balance c/d | 3, 00,00 0 | ||
3,00,00 0 | 3,00,00 0 |
Provision for Depreciation Account
Dr. Cr.
Date | Particulars | J.F. | Amount Rs. | Date | Particulars | J.F. | Amount Rs. |
2011 Mar.31 | Balance c/d | 28,000
| 2011 Mar.31 | Depreciation on | 3,00,00 0 | ||
28,000 | 3,00,00 0 | ||||||
2012 Mar.31 | Balance c/d | 56,000 | 2011 Apr.01 2012 Mar.31 | Balance c/d Depreciation on | 28,000
28,000 | ||
| 56,000
| ||||||
2013 Mar. 31 | Balance c/d | 84,000
| 2012 Mar.31 2013 Mar. 31 | Balance c/d Depreciation on | 56,000
28,000 | ||
| 84,000 0 | ||||||
2014 Apr. 01 | Balance c/d | 1,12,00 0 | 2003 Apr.01 2014 Mar.31 | Balance b/d Depreciation on | 84,000
28,000 | ||
1,12,00 0 | 1,12,00 0 |
Depreciation Account
Dr. Cr.
Date | Particulars | J.F. | Amount Rs. | Date | Particulars | J.F. | Amount Rs. |
2011 Mar. 31 | Provision for depreciation | 28,000 | 2011 Mar.31 | Profit and loss | 28,000 | ||
| 28,000
| ||||||
2012 Mar. 31 | Provision for depreciation | 28,000
| 2012 Mar.31 | Profit and loss | 28,000 | ||
| 28,000 | ||||||
2013 Mar. 31 | Provision for depreciation | 28,000 | 2013 Mar.31 | Profit and loss | 28,000 | ||
| 28,000
| ||||||
2014 Mar. 31 | Provision for depreciation | 28,000
| 2014 Mar.31 | Profit and loss | 28,000 | ||
| 28,000 |
Note: According to the solution, the closing balance of the Provision for Depreciation Account at the end of the fourth year is Rs 1,12,000; however, the answer in the book is Rs 72,000.
However, if we had taken the machine's purchase price of Rs 1,80,000 rather than Rs 2,80,000, the closing balance would have been Rs 72,000.
21. On July 01, 2010, Ashok Ltd. Purchased a Machine for Rs 1,08,000 and spent Rs 12,000 on its installation. At the time of purchase, it was estimated that the effective commercial life of the machine will be 12 years and after 12 years its salvage value will be Rs 12,000. Prepare machine account and depreciation Account in the books of Ashok Ltd. For the first three years, if depreciation is written off according to straight-line method. The account is closed on December 31st, every year.
Machinery Account
Dr. Cr.
Date | Particulars | J.F. | Amount Rs. | Date | Particulars | J.F. | Amount Rs. |
2010 Jul-01 | Bank | 12,000
| 2010 Dec-31 | Depreciation Balance c/d | 4500 115500 | ||
12,000 | 120000 | ||||||
2011 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 115500 | 2011 Dec-31 | Depreciation Balance c/d | 9000
106500 | ||
| 115500
| ||||||
2012 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 106500
| 2012 Dec-31 | Depreciation Balance c/d | 9000 97500 | ||
106500 | 106500 | ||||||
2013 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 97500 |
Depreciation Account
Dr. Cr.
Date | Particulars | J.F. | Amount Rs. | Date | Particulars | J.F. | Amount Rs. |
2010 Dec- 31 | Machinery | 4500 | 2010 Mar.31 | Profit and loss | 4500 | ||
| 4500
| ||||||
2011 Dec- 31 | Machinery | 9000
| 2011 Mar.31 | Profit and loss | 9000 | ||
| 9000 | ||||||
2012 Dec- 31 | Machinery | 9000 | 2012 Mar.31 | Profit and loss | 9000 | ||
| 9000
Working Note:
Calculation of Annual Depreciation
$\text{Depreciation} = \dfrac{108000+12000-12000}{12}=\text{9000p.a}$
22. Reliance Ltd. Purchased a second-hand machine for Rs 56,000 on October 01, 2011, and spent Rs 28,000 on its overhaul and installation before putting it into operation. It is expected that the machine can be sold for Rs 6,000 at the end of its useful life of 15 years. Moreover, an estimated cost of Rs 1,000 is expected to be incurred to recover the salvage value of Rs 6,000. Prepare machine account and Provision for depreciation account for the first three years charging depreciation by fixed Instalment Method. Accounts are closed on March 31, every year.
Machinery Account
Dr. Cr.
Date | Particulars | J.F. | Amount Rs. | Date | Particulars | J.F. | Amount Rs. |
2011 Oct-01 | Bank | 84000
| 2011 Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 84000
| ||
| 84000
| ||||||
2012 Jan-01 | Balance c/d | 84000
| 2012 Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 84000
| ||
| 84000
| ||||||
2013 Jan-01 | Balance c/d | 84000
| 2013 Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 84000
| ||
| 84000
Provision for Depreciation Account
Dr. Cr.
Date | Particulars | J.F. | Amount Rs. | Date | Particulars | J.F. | Amount Rs. |
2011 Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 1316
| 2011 Dec-31 | Depreciation | 1316
| ||
| 1316
| ||||||
2012 Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 6583
| 2012 Jan-01 Dec-31 | Balance c/d Depreciation | 1316
5267 | ||
| 6583
| ||||||
2013 Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 11850
| 2013 Jan-01 Dec- 31 | Balance c/d Depreciation | 6583 5267 | ||
| 11850
| ||||||
2014 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 11850 |
Working Note:
Calculation of Annual Depreciation
$\text{Depreciation = }\frac{56000+28000-6000+1000}{15}=5267\text{p}\text{.a}$
23. Berlia Ltd. Purchased a second-hand machine for Rs 56,000 on July 01, 2015, and spent Rs 24,000 on its repair and installation and Rs 5,000 for its carriage. On September 01, 2016, it purchased another machine for Rs 2,50,000 and spent Rs 10,000 on its installation.
(a) Depreciation is provided on machinery @10% p.a on original cost method annually on December 31. Prepare machinery account and depreciation account from the year 2015 to 2018.
(b) Prepare machinery account and depreciation account from the year 2015 to 20018, if depreciation is provided on machinery @10% p.a. on written down value method annually on December 31.
Machinery A/c (Original Cost Method)
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2015 | 2015 | ||||
Jul-01 | Bank (i) | 85000 | Dec-31 | Depreciation | 4250 |
(5600+24000+5000) | Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 80750 | ||
85000 | 85000 | ||||
2016 | 2016 | ||||
Jan-01 | Balance b/d (i) | 80750 | Dec-31 | Depreciation | 17167 |
Sep-01 | Bank (ii) | 26000 0 | (i) 8500 (ii) 8667 | ||
(250000 + 10000) | Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 323583
| ||
(i) 72250 (ii) 251333 | |||||
340750 | 340750 | ||||
2017 | 2017 | ||||
Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 323583 | Dec-31 | Depreciation | 34500 |
(i) 72250 (ii) 251333 | (i) 8500 (ii) 26000 | ||||
Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 289083 | |||
(i) 63570 (ii) 225333 | |||||
323583 | 323583 | ||||
2018 | 2018 | ||||
Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 289083 | Dec-31 | Depreciation | 34500 |
(i) 63750 (ii) 225333 | (i) 8500 (ii) 26000 | ||||
Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 254583 | |||
(i) 55250 (ii) 199333 | |||||
289083 | 289083 |
Depreciation Account
Dr. Cr.
Date | Particulars | J.F. | Amount Rs. | Date | Particulars | J.F. | Amount Rs. |
2015 Dec- 31 | Machinery | 4250 | 2015 Dec-31 | Profit and loss | 4250 | ||
| 4250
| ||||||
2016 Dec- 31 | Machinery (i) 8500 (ii) 8667 | 17167
| 2016 Dec-31 | Profit and loss | 17167 | ||
| 17167 | ||||||
2017 Dec- 31 | Machinery (i) 8500 (ii) 26000 | 34500 | 2017 Dec-31 | Profit and loss | 34500 | ||
| 34500
| ||||||
2018 Dec-31 | Machinery (i) 8500 (ii) 26000 | 34500 | 2018 Dec-31 | Profit and loss | 34500 | ||
34500 | 34500 |
Working Note:
Calculation of Annual Depreciation
(i) Depreciation (p.a.) on machinery purchased on Jul 01, 2015 $=\dfrac{56000+24000+5000\times 10}{100}=Rs.8500\;p.a.$
(ii) Depreciation (p.a.) on machinery purchased on Sep 01, 2016 $=\dfrac{250000+10000\times 10}{100}=Rs.26000\;p.a.$
(b) Machinery A/c (Written Down Value Method)
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2015 | 2015 | ||||
Jul-01 | Bank (i) | 85000 | Dec-31 | Depreciation | 4250 |
(5600+24000+5000) | Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 80750 | ||
85000 | 85000 | ||||
2016 | 2016 | ||||
Jan-01 | Balance b/d (i) | 80750 | Dec-31 | Depreciation | 16742 |
Sep-01 | Bank (ii) | 26000 0 | (i) 8075 (ii) 8667 | ||
(250000 + 10000) | Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 324008
| ||
(i) 72675 (ii) 251333 | |||||
340750 | 340750 | ||||
2017 | 2017 | ||||
Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 324008 | Dec-31 | Depreciation | 32401 |
(i) 72675 (ii) 251333 | (i) 7268 (ii) 25133 | ||||
Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 291607 | |||
(i) 65407 (ii) 226200 | |||||
324008 | 324008 | ||||
2018 | 2018 | ||||
Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 291607 | Dec-31 | Depreciation | 29160 |
(i) 65407 (ii) 226200 | (i) 6540 (ii) 22620 | ||||
Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 262447 | |||
(i) 58867 (ii) 203580 | |||||
291607 | 291607 |
Depreciation Account
Dr. Cr.
Date | Particulars | J.F. | Amount Rs. | Date | Particulars | J.F. | Amount Rs. |
2015 Dec- 31 | Machinery | 4250 | 2015 Dec-31 | Profit and loss | 4250 | ||
| 4250
| ||||||
2016 Dec- 31 | Machinery (i) 8075 (ii) 8667 | 16742
| 2016 Dec-31 | Profit and loss | 16742 | ||
| 16742 | ||||||
2017 Dec- 31 | Machinery (i) 7268 (ii) 25133 | 32401 | 2017 Dec-31 | Profit and loss | 32401 | ||
| 32401
| ||||||
2018 Dec-31 | Machinery (i) 6540 (ii) 22620 | 29160 | 2018 Dec-31 | Profit and loss | 29160 | ||
29160 | 29160 |
24. Ganga Ltd. purchased machinery on January 01, 2014, for Rs 5,50,000 and spent Rs 50,000 on its installation. On September 01, 2014, it purchased another machine for Rs 3,70,000. On May 01, 2016, it purchased another machine for Rs 8,40,000 (including installation expenses). Depreciation was provided on machinery @10% p.a. on the original cost method annually on December 31. Prepare:
(a) Machinery account and depreciation account for the years 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.
(b) If depreciation is accumulated in provision for Depreciation account then prepare machine account and provision for depreciation account for the years 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.
(a) Machinery A/c
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2014 | 2014 | ||||
Jan-01 | Bank (i) | 600000 | Dec-31 | Depreciation | 72333 |
(550000+50000) | (i) 60000 (ii) 12333 | ||||
Sep-01 | Bank (ii) | 370000 | Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 897667 |
(i) 540000 (ii) 357667 | |||||
970000 | 970000 | ||||
2015 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 897667 | Dec-31 | Depreciation | 153000 |
(i) 540000 (ii) 357667 | (i) 60000 (ii) 37000 | ||||
May- 01 | Bank (iii) | 840000 | (iii) 56000 | ||
Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 1584667 | |||
(i) 480000 (ii) 320667 | |||||
(iii) 784000 | |||||
1737667 | 1737667 | ||||
2016 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 1584667 | Dec-31 | Depreciation | 181000 |
(i) 480000 (ii) 320667 (iii) 784000 | (i) 60000 (ii) 37000 (iii) 84000 | ||||
Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 1403667 | |||
(i) 420000 (ii) 283667 (iii) 700000 | |||||
1584667 | 1584667 | ||||
2017 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 1403667 | Dec-31 | Depreciation | |
(i) 420000 (ii) 283667 (iii) 700000 | (i) 60000 (ii) 37000 (iii) 84000 | ||||
Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 1222667 | |||
(i) 360000 (ii) 246667 (iii) 616000 | |||||
1403667 | 1403667 |
Depreciation Account
Dr. Cr.
Date | Particulars | J.F. | Amount Rs. | Date | Particulars | J.F. | Amount Rs. |
2014 Dec- 31 | Machinery | 72333 | 2014 Dec-31 | Profit and loss | 72333 | ||
| 72333
| ||||||
2015 Dec- 31 | Machinery | 153000
| 2015 Dec-31 | Profit and loss | 153000 | ||
| 153000 | ||||||
2016 Dec- 31 | Machinery | 181000 | 2016 Dec-31 | Profit and loss | 181000 | ||
| 181000
| ||||||
2017 Dec-31 | Machinery | 181000 | 2017 Dec-31 | Profit and loss | 181000 | ||
181000 | 181000 |
(b) Machinery A/c
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2014 | 2014 | ||||
Jan-01 | Bank (i) | 600000 | Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 970000 |
(550000+50000) | (i) 60000 (ii) 370000 | ||||
Sep-01 | Bank (ii) | 370000 | |||
970000 | 970000 | ||||
2015 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 970000 | 2015 Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 181000 |
(i) 600000 (ii) 370000 | (i) 600000 (ii) 370000 | ||||
May- 01 | Bank (iii) | 840000 | (iii) 840000 | ||
1810000 | 181000 | ||||
2016 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 1810000 | Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 181000 |
(i) 600000 (ii) 370000 (iii) 840000 | (i) 600000 (ii) 370000 (iii) 840000 | ||||
1810000 | 181000 | ||||
2017 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 1403667 | Dec-31 | Depreciation | |
(i) 600000 (ii) 370000 (iii) 840000 | (i) 600000 (ii) 370000 (iii) 840000 | ||||
1810000 | 1810000 |
Provision for Depreciation Account
Dr. Cr.
Date | Particulars | J.F. | Amount Rs. | Date | Particulars | J.F. | Amount Rs. |
2014 Dec- 31 | Balance c/d | 72333 | 2014 Dec-31 | Depreciation | 72333 | ||
| 72333
| ||||||
2015 Dec- 31 | Balance c/d | 225333
| 2015 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 72333 | ||
| Dec-31 | Depreciation | 153000 | ||||
225333 | 225333 | ||||||
2016 Dec- 31 | Balance c/d | 406333 | 2016 Jan- 01 | Balance b/d | 225333 | ||
| Dec-31 | Depreciation | 181000
| ||||
406333 | 406333 | ||||||
2017 Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 587333 | 2017 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 406333 | ||
Dec-31 | Depreciation | 181000 | |||||
587333 | 587333 |
25. Azad Ltd. purchased furniture on October 01, 2014 for Rs 4,50,000. On March 01, 2015 it purchased another furniture for Rs 3,00,000. On July 01, 2016 it sold off the first furniture purchased in 2014 for Rs 2,25,000. Depreciation is provided at 15% p.a. on the written down value method each year. Accounts are closed each year on March 31. Prepare furniture account, and accumulated depreciation account for the years ended on March 31, 2015, March 31, 2016, and March 31, 2017. Also, give the above two accounts if the furniture disposal account is opened.
Furniture A/c | |||||
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2014 Oct-01 | Bank (i) | 450000 | 2015 Mar-31 | Balance c/d | 750000 |
2015 Mar-01 | Bank (ii) | 300000 | |||
750000 | 750000 | ||||
2015 Apr-01 | Balance b/d | 750000 | 2016 Mar-31 | Balance c/d | 750000 |
750000 | 750000 | ||||
2016 Apr-01 | Balance b/d | 750000 | 2016 Jul-01 | Furniture Disposal | 450000 |
2017 Mar-31 | Balance c/d | 300000 | |||
750000 | 750000 | ||||
Accumulated Depreciation A/c | |||||
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2015 Mar-31 | Balance | 37500 | 2015 Mar-31 | Depreciation | 37500 |
37500 | |||||
2016 Mar-31 | Balance c/d | 144376 | 2015 Apr-01 | Balance b/d | 37500 |
2016 Mar-31 | Depreciation | 106876 | |||
(i) 62438 (ii) 44378 | |||||
144376 | 144376 | ||||
2016 Jul-01 | Furniture Disposal | 109456 | 2016 Apr-01 | Balance b/d | 144376 |
2017 | Jul-01 | Depreciation (i) | 13268 | ||
Mar-31 | Balance c/d | 85960 | 2017 Mar-31 | Depreciation (ii) | 37772 |
195416 | 195416 |
Furniture Disposal A/c | |||||
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2016 Jul-01 | Furniture | 450000 | 2016 Jul-01 | Accumulated depreciation | 109456 |
Jul-01 | Bank | 225000 | |||
Jul-01 | Profit and loss (loss) | 115544 | |||
450000 | 450000 |
Working Note:
Furniture (i)
Years | Opening Balance - Depreciation | = Closing Balance |
2014-15 | 450000 - 33750 | = 416250 |
2015-16 | 416250 - 62438 | = 353812 |
2016 | 33812 - 13268(3 months) | = 340544 |
109456 | ||
Balance on Jul 01, 2016 | 340544 | |
Sale on Jul 01, 2016 | 225000 | |
Loss on sale of furniture | Rs. 115544 |
26. M/s Lokesh Fabrics purchased a Textile Machine on April 01, 2011, for Rs 1,00,000. On July 01, 2012, another machine costing Rs 2,50,000 was purchased. The machine purchased on April 01, 2011, was sold for Rs 25,000 on October 01, 2015. The company charges depreciation @15% p.a. on the straight-line method. Prepare machinery account and machinery disposal account for the year ended March 31, 2016.
Machinery A/c | |||||
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2011 Apr-01 | Bank (i) | 100000 | 2012 Mar-31 | Depreciation | 15000 |
Mar-31 | Balance c/d | 85000 | |||
100000 | 100000 | ||||
2012 Apr-01 | Balance b/d | 85000 | 2013 Mar-31 | Depreciation | 43125 |
Jul-01 | Bank (ii) | 250000 | (i) 15000 (ii) 28125 | ||
Mar-31 | Balance c/d | 291875 | |||
(i) 70000 (ii) 221875 | |||||
335000 | 335000 | ||||
2013 Apr-01 | Balance b/d | 291875 | 2014 Mar-31 | Depreciation | 52500 |
(i) 70000 (ii) 221875 | (i) 15000 (ii) 37500 | ||||
Mar-31 | Balance c/d | 239375 | |||
(i) 55000 (ii) 184375 | |||||
291875 | 291875 | ||||
2014 Apr-01 | Balance b/d | 239375 | 2015 Mar-31 | Depreciation | 52500 |
(i) 55000 (ii) 184375 | (i) 15000 (ii) 37500 | ||||
Mar-31 | Balance c/d | 186875 | |||
(i) 40000 (ii) 146875 | |||||
239375 | 239375 | ||||
2015 Apr-01 | Balance b/d | 186875 | 2015 Oct-01 | Depreciation | 7500 |
(i) 40000 (ii) 146875 | Oct-01 | Machinery Disposal | 32500 | ||
2016 Mar-31 | Depreciation (ii) | 37500 | |||
Mar-31 | Balance c/d | 109375 | |||
186875 | 186875 |
Machinery Disposal A/c | |||||
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2015 | 2015 | ||||
Oct-01 | Machinery | 32500 | Oct-01 | Bank | 25000 |
Oct-01 | Profit and loss (loss) | 7500 | |||
32500 | 32500 |
27. The following balances appear in the books of Crystal Ltd, on Jan 01, 2015
Machinery account on Rs 15,00,000
Provision for depreciation account Rs 5,50,000
On April 01, 2015, machinery which was purchased on January 01, 2012, for Rs 2,00,000 was sold for Rs 75,000. A new machine was purchased on July 01, 2015, for Rs 6,00,000. Depreciation is provided on machinery at 20% p.a. on the Straight line method and books are closed on December 31 every year. Prepare the machinery account and provision for depreciation account for the year ending December 31, 2015.
Machinery A/c | |||||
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2015 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 1500000 | 2015 Apr-01 | Machinery disposal | 200000 |
(1300000+200000) | Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 1900000 | ||
Jul-01 | Bank | 600000 | |||
2100000 | 2100000 | ||||
Provision for depreciation A/c | |||||
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2015 Apr-01 | Machinery Disposal | 130000 | 2015 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 550000 |
Apr-01 | Balance c/d | 750000 | Apr-01 | Depreciation | 10000 |
Dec-31 | Depreciation | 32000 | |||
(i) 260000 | |||||
(ii) 60000 | |||||
880000 | 880000 |
Working Note:
Machine sold on Jul 01, 2015
Years | Opening Balance - Depreciation | = Closing Balance |
2012 | 200000 - 40000 | = 160000 |
2013 | 160000 - 40000 | = 120000 |
2014 | 120000 - 40000 | = 80000 |
2015 | 80000 - 10000 | = 70000 |
Accumulated Depreciation | = 130000 | |
Balance on Jul 01, 2016 | 340544 | |
Value on Apr 01, 2015 | 70000 | |
Sale | 75000 | |
Profit on sale of furniture | Rs. 5000 |
Machinery Disposal A/c | |||||
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2015 | 2015 | ||||
Apr-01 | Machinery | 200000 | Apr-01 | Prov. For depreciation | 130000 |
Apr-01 | Profit and loss (profit) | 5000 | Oct-01 | Bank | 75000 |
205000 | 205000 |
28. M/s. Excel Computers has a debit balance of Rs 50,000 (original cost Rs 1,20,000) in computers account on April 01, 2010. On July 01, 2010 it purchased another computer costing Rs 2,50,000. One more computer was purchased on January 01, 2011, for Rs 30,000. On April 01, 2014, the computer which has purchased on July 01, 2010, became obsolete and was sold for Rs 20,000. A new version of the IBM computer was purchased on August 01, 2014, for Rs 80,000. Show Computers account in the books of Excel Computers for the years ended on March 31 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015. The computer is depreciated @10 p.a. on a straight-line method basis.
Machinery A/c | |||||
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2010 Apr-01 | Balance b/d (i) | 50000 | 2011 Mar-31 | Depreciation | 31500 |
Jul-01 | Bank (ii) | 250000 | (i) 12000 (ii) 18750 (iii) 750 | ||
2011 Jan-01 | Bank (iii) | 30000 | Mar-31 | Balance c/d | 298500 |
(i) 38000 (ii) 231250 (iii) 29250 | |||||
330000 | |||||
2011 Apr-01 | Balance b/d | 298500 | Mar-31 | Depreciation | 40000 |
(i) 38000 (ii) 231250 | (i) 12000 (ii) 25000 | ||||
(iii) 29250 | (iii) 3000 | ||||
Mar-31 | Balance c/d (i) 26000 (ii) 206250 (iii) 26250 | 258500 | |||
298500 | 298500 | ||||
2012 Apr-01 | Balance b/d | 258500 | 2013 Mar-31 | Depreciation | 40000 |
(i) 26000 (ii) 206250 (iii) 26250 | (i) 12000 (ii) 25000 (iii) 3000 | ||||
Mar-31 | Balance c/d | 218500 | |||
(i) 14000 (ii) 181250 (iii) 23250 | |||||
258500 | 258500 | ||||
2013 Apr-01 | Balance c/d | 218500 | 2014 Mar-31 | Depreciation | 40000 |
(i) 14000 (ii) 181250 (iii) 23250 | (i) 12000 (ii) 25000 (iii) 3000 | ||||
Mar-1 | Balance c/d | ||||
(i) 2000 (ii) 156250 (iii) 20250 | |||||
218500 | 218500 | ||||
2014 Apr-01 | Balance c/d | 178500 | Apr -01 | Bank (ii) | 20000 |
(i) 2000 (ii) 156250 (iii) 20250 | Apr-01 2015 | Profit and loss (loss) | 136250 | ||
Aug -01 | Bank (iv) | 80000 | Mar-31 | Depreciation | 10333 |
(i) 2000 (ii) 3000 (iii) 5333 | |||||
Mar-31 | Balance c/d | 91917 | |||
(iii) 17250 (iv) 74667 | |||||
258500 | 258500 |
29. Carriage Transport Company purchased 5 trucks at the cost of Rs 2,00,000 each on April 01, 2011. The company writes off depreciation @ 20% p.a. on original cost and closes its books on December 31, every year. On October 01, 2013, one of the trucks is involved in an accident and is completely destroyed. Insurance company has agreed to pay Rs 70,000 in full settlement of the claim. On the same date, the company purchased a second-hand truck for Rs 1,00,000 and spent Rs 20,000 on its overhauling. Prepare truck account and provision for depreciation account for the three years ended on December 31, 2013. Also, give a truck account if a truck disposal account is prepared.
Truck A/c | |||||
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2011 Apr-01 | Bank | 1000000 | 2011 Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 1000000 |
| 1000000 | 1000000 | |||
2012 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 1000000 | 2012 Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 1000000 |
1000000 | 1000000 | ||||
2013 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 1000000 | 2013 Oct-01 | Truck Disposal | 200000 |
Oct-01 | Bank | 120000 | Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 920000 |
1120000 | 1120000 |
Provision For Depreciation A/c | |||||
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2011 Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 150000 | 2011 Dec-31 | Depreciation (i) | 150000 |
| 150000 | 150000 | |||
2012 Dec-31 | Balance b/d | 350000 | 2012 Jan-01 | Balance c/d | 150000 |
Depreciation | 200000 | ||||
350000 | 350000 | ||||
2013 Oct-01 | Truck Disposal | 100000 | 2013 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 350000 |
Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 446000 | Oct-01 | Depreciation (9 months) | 30000 |
Dec-31 | Depreciation (160000+6000) | 166000 | |||
546000 | 546000 |
Truck Disposal A/c | |||||
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2013 Oct-01 | Truck | 200000 | 2013 Oct-01 | Provision of depreciation | 100000 |
Oct-01 | Insurance Co. (Claim) | 70000 | |||
Oct-01 | Profit and loss (loss) | 30000 | |||
200000 | 200000 |
Working Note:
$\text{Date Opening Balance - Depreciation = Closing Balance }$
$\text{Apr 01,2011 200000 - 30000 = 170000 }$
$\text{Jan 01,2012 170000 - 40000 = 130000 }$
$\text{Jan 01,2013 130000 - 30000 = 100000 }$
$\text{Accumulated Depreciation = 100000 }$
$\text{Value on Oct 01, 2013 100000 }$
$\text{Insurance Claim 70000 }$
$\text{Loss on Accident Rs}\text{. 30000}$
30. Saraswati Ltd. purchased machinery costing Rs 10,00,000 on January 01, 2011. New machinery was purchased on 01 May 2012 for Rs 15,00,000 and another on July 01, 2014, for Rs 12,00,000. A part of the machinery that originally cost Rs 2,00,000 in 2011 was sold for Rs 75,000 on October 31, 2014. Show the machinery account, provision for depreciation account and machinery disposal account from 2011 to 2015 if depreciation is provided at 10% p.a. on original cost and account are closed on December 31, every year.
Machinery A/c | |||||
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2011 Jan-01 | Bank (i) (800000 + 200000) | 1000000 | 2011 Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 1000000 |
| 1000000 | 1000000 | |||
2012 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 1000000 | 2012 Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 2500000 |
May-01 | Bank (ii) | 1500000 | 1000000 | ||
2500000 | 2500000 | ||||
2013 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 2500000 | 2013 Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 2500000 |
2500000 | 2500000 | ||||
2014 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 2500000 | 2014 Apr-30 | Machinery Disposal | 200000 |
Jul-01 | Bank (iii) | 1200000 | Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 3500000 |
(i) 800000 (ii) 1500000 (iii) 1200000 | |||||
3700000 | 3700000 | ||||
2015 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 3500000 | 2015 Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 3500000 |
3500000 | 3500000 |
Provision For Depreciation A/c | |||||
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2011 Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 100000 | 2011 Dec-31 | Depreciation (i) | 100000 |
| 100000 | 100000 | |||
2012 Dec-31 | Balance b/d | 300000 | 2012 Jan-01 | Balance c/d | 100000 |
Dec-31 | Depreciation (i) 100000 (ii) 100000 (8 months) | 200000 | |||
300000 | 300000 | ||||
2013 Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 550000 | 2013 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 300000 |
Dec-01 | Depreciation | 250000 | |||
(i) 100000 (ii) 150000 | |||||
550000 | 550000 | ||||
2014 Apr-30 | Machinery Disposal | 66667 | 2014 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 550000 |
Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 780000 | Apr-30 | Depreciation | 6667 |
Dec-31 | Depreciation | ||||
(i) 80000 (ii) 150000 (iii) 60000 (6 months) | |||||
846667 | 846667 | ||||
2015 Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 1130000 | Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 780000 |
Dec-31 | Depreciation | 350000 | |||
(i) 80000 (ii) 150000 (iii) 120000 | |||||
11300000 | 1130000 |
Machinery Disposal A/c | |||||
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2014 Apr-30 | Machinery | 200000 | 2014 Apr-30 | Depreciation | 66667 |
Apr-30 | Bank | 75000 | |||
Apr-30 | Profit and loss (loss) | 58333 | |||
200000 | 200000 |
Working Note:
$\text{Years}\quad\text{Opening Balance}\quad-\quad\text{Depreciation} \quad=\quad\text{Closing Balance}$
$2011\qquad200000\qquad -\qquad 20000\qquad=\qquad 180000$
$2012 \qquad 180000\qquad - 20000\qquad= \qquad 160000$
$2013 \qquad 160000\qquad - 20000\qquad=\qquad 140000$
$2014 \qquad 140000 \qquad - 6667\qquad=\qquad 133333$
$\text{Accumulated Depreciation}=\; 66667$
$\text{Value on Apr 30, 2014}\qquad 133333$
$\text{Sale on Apr 30, 2014} \qquad 75000$
$\text{Loss on Sale Rs}\text{. 58333}$
31. On July 01, 2011, Ashwani purchased a machine for Rs 2,00,000 on credit. Installation expenses of Rs 25,000 are paid by cheque. The estimated life is 5 years and its scrap value after 5 years will be Rs 20,000. Depreciation is to be charged on a straight-line basis. Show the journal entry for the year 2011 and prepare necessary ledger accounts for the first three years.
Date | Particular | Debit | Credit |
2011 Jul-01 | Machinery A/c Dr To Creditors for Machinery A/c To Bank A/c (Machinery bought on credit and Rs.25000 paid for installation through cheque) | 225000 | 200000 25000 |
2012 Dec-31 | Depreciation A/c Dr To Machinery A/c (Depreciation charged on machinery) Profit & Loss A/c Dr To Depreciation A/c (Depreciation transferred to profit and loss account) | 41000 41000 | 41000 41000 |
2013 Dec-31 | Depreciation A/c Dr To Machinery A/c (Depreciation charged on machinery) Profit & Loss A/c Dr To Depreciation A/c (Depreciation transferred to profit and loss account) | 41000 41000 | 41000 41000 |
Machinery A/c | |||||
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2011 Jul-01 | Creditors for machinery | 200000 | 2011 Dec-31 | Depreciation | 20500 |
Jul-01 | Bank | 25000 | Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 204500 |
| 225000 | 225000 | |||
2012 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 204500 | 2012 Dec-31 | Depreciation | 41000 |
May-01 | Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 163500 | ||
204500 | 204500 | ||||
2013 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 163500 | 2013 Dec-31 | Depreciation | 41000 |
Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 122500 | |||
163500 | 163500 |
Working Note:
Calculation of annual depreciation
Depreciation = $\dfrac{(200000+25000- 20000)}{(5)}$=Rs.41000 p.a
32. On October 01, 2010, a Truck was purchased for Rs 8,00,000 by Laxmi Transport Ltd. Depreciation was provided at 15% p.a. on the diminishing balance basis on this truck. On December 31, 2013, this Truck was sold for Rs 5,00,000. Accounts are closed on 31st March every year. Prepare a Truck Account for the four years.
Truck A/c | |||||
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2010 Oct-01 | Bank | 800000 | 2011 Mar-31 | Depreciation | 60000 |
Mar-31 | Balance c/d | 740000 | |||
| 800000 | 800000 | |||
2011 Apr-01 | Balance b/d | 740000 | 2012 Mar-31 | Depreciation | 111000 |
May-01 | Mar-31 | Balance c/d | 629000 | ||
740000 | 740000 | ||||
2012 Apr-01 | Balance b/d | 629000 | 2013 Mar-31 | Depreciation | 94350 |
Mar-31 | Balance c/d | 534650 | |||
629000 | 629000 | ||||
2013 Apr-01 | Balance b/d | 534650 | 2013 Dec-31 | Depreciation (9 months) | 60148 |
Dec-31 | Profit and loss (profit) | 25498 | Dec-31 | Bank | 500000 |
560148 | 560148 |
33. Kapil Ltd. purchased a machinery on July 01, 2011 for Rs 3,50,000. It purchased two additional machines, on April 01, 2012 costing Rs 1,50,000 and on October 01, 2012 costing Rs 1,00,000. Depreciation is provided @10% p.a. on straight line basis. On January 01, 2013, first machinery become useless due to technical changes. This machinery was sold for Rs 1,00,000, prepare machinery account for 4 years on the basis of calendar year.
Machinery A/c | |||||
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2011 Jul-01 | Bank (i) | 350000 | 2011 Dec-31 | Depreciation (6 months | 17500 |
Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 332500 | |||
| 350000 | 350000 | |||
2012 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 332500 | 2012 Dec-31 | Depreciation | 48750 |
Apr-01 | Bank (ii) | 150000 | (i) 35000 (ii) 11250 (9 months) (iii) 2500 (3 months) | ||
Oct-01 | Bank (iii) | 100000 | |||
Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 533750 | |||
(i) 297500 (ii) 138750 (iii) 97500 | |||||
582500 | 582500 | ||||
2013 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 533750 | Jan-01 | Bank (i) | 100000 |
(i) 297500 (ii) 138750 | Jan-01 | Profit and loss (loss) | 197500 | ||
(iii) 97500 | Dec-31 | Depreciation (ii) 150000 (iii) 10000 | 25000 | ||
Dec-31 | Balance c/d (ii) 123750 (iii) 87500 | ||||
533750 | 533750 | ||||
2014 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 211250 | Dec-01 | Depreciation | 25000 |
(i) 123750 (ii) 87500 | Jan-01 | (ii) 15000 (iii) 10000 | |||
Dec-31 | Balance c/d (ii) 108750 (iii) 77500 | ||||
211250 | 211250 | ||||
2015 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 186250 | |||
(i) 108750 (ii) 77500 |
34. On January 01, 2011, Satkar Transport Ltd, purchased 3 buses for Rs 10,00,000 each. On July 01, 2013, one bus was involved in an accident and was completely destroyed and Rs 7,00,000 were received from the Insurance Company in full settlement. Depreciation is written off @15% p.a. on the diminishing balance method. Prepare bus account from 2011 to 2014. Books are closed on December 31 every year.
Bus A/c | |||||
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2011 Jan-01 | Bank | 3000000 | 2011 Dec-31 | Depreciation | 450000 |
Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 2550000 | |||
| 3000000 | 3000000 | |||
2012 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 2550000 | 2012 Dec-31 | Depreciation | 382500 |
Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 2167500 | |||
2550000 | 2550000 | ||||
2013 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 2167500 | Jan-01 | Depreciation (6 months) | 54187 |
Jul-01 | Profit and loss (profit) | 31687 | Jul-01 | Insurance Co. (claim) | 7000000 |
(iii) 97500 | Dec-31 | Depreciation | 216750 | ||
Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 1228250 | |||
2199187 | 2199187 | ||||
2014 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 1228250 | Dec-31 | Depreciation | 184237 |
Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 1044013 | |||
1228250 | 1228250 |
35. On October 01, 2011, Juneja Transport Company purchased 2 Trucks for Rs 10,00,000 each. On July 01, 2013, One Truck was involved in an accident and was completely destroyed and Rs 6,00,000 were received from the insurance company in full settlement. On December 31, 2013, another truck was involved in an accident and was destroyed partially, which was not insured. It was sold off for Rs 1,50,000. On January 31, 2014, company purchased a fresh truck for Rs 12,00,000. Depreciation is to be provided at 10% p.a. on the written down value every year. The books are closed every year on March 31. Give the truck account from 2011 to 2014.
Truck A/c | |||||
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2011 Oct-01 | Bank | 2000000 | 2012 Mar-31 | Depreciation | 100000 |
Mar-31 | Balance c/d | 1900000 | |||
| 2000000 | 2000000 | |||
2012 Apr-01 | Balance b/d | 1900000 | 2012 Mar-31 | Depreciation | 1900000 |
Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 1710000 | |||
1900000 | 1900000 | ||||
2013 Apr-01 | Balance b/d | 1710000 | Jul-01 | Depreciation (3 months) | 21375 |
Jan-01 | Bank | 1200000 | Jul-01 | Bank (Insurance claim) | 6000000 |
Jul-01 | Profit and loss (loss) | 233625 | |||
Dec-31 | Depreciation (9 months) on truck 2 | 64125 | |||
Dec-31 | Bank | 150000 | |||
Dec-31 | Profit and loss (loss) | 640875 | |||
2014 Mar-31 | Depreciation (2 months) | 20000 | |||
Mar-31 | Balance c/d | 1180000 | |||
2910000 | 2910000 |
Working note:
Truck 1
$\text{Date}\quad\text{Opening Balance}\quad-\quad\text{Depreciation}\quad=\quad\text{Closing Balance}$
$\text{Oct 01 2011}\quad 1000000\quad-\quad 50000( \text{6 months})\quad =\quad 950000$
$\text{Apr 01 2012}\quad 950000 \quad - \quad 95000\quad =\quad\quad\quad 855000$
$\text{Apr 01 2013}\quad 855000\quad -\quad 21375(\text{3 months})\quad=\quad 833625$
$\text{Value on Jul 01, 2013=833625 }$
$\text{Insurance Claim = 600000 }$
$\text{Loss on Truck 1 Rs}\text{. 233625}$
Truck 2
$\text{Date}\quad\text{Opening Balance}\quad-\quad\text{Depreciation}\quad=\quad\text{Closing Balance}$
$\text{Oct 01 2011}\quad 1000000\quad -\quad 50000 (\text{6 months})\quad =\quad 950000$
$\text{Apr 01 2012}\quad 950000 \quad-\quad 95000\quad=\quad\quad\quad 855000$
$\text{Apr 01 2013}\quad 855000\quad -\quad 64125(\text{9 months})\quad=\quad 790875$
$\text{Value on Dec 31, 2013 = 790875 }$
$\text{Sale of Truck = 150000 }$
$\text{Loss on Truck 2 = Rs}\text{. 640875}$
36. A Noida based Construction Company owns 5 cranes and the value of this asset in its books on April 01, 2017, is Rs 40,00,000. On October 01, 2017, it sold one of its cranes whose value was Rs 5,00,000 on April 01, 2017, at a 10% profit. On the same day, it purchased 2 cranes for Rs 4,50,000 each. Prepare cranes account. It closes the books on December 31 and provides for depreciation on 10% written down value.
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular |
2017 Apr-01 | Machinery | 4000000 | 2017 Oct-01 | Depreciation |
(3500000 + 500000) | Oct-01 | Bank | ||
Oct-01 | Profit and loss (profit) | 47500 | Dec-31 | Depreciation |
Oct-01 | Bank | 900000 | $3500000 \times(10 / 100) \times(9 / 12)$ $262500$ | |
$900000 \times(10 / 100) \times(6 / 12)$ $22500$ | ||||
Dec-31 | Balance c/d | |||
(3237500+877500) | ||||
4947500 |
37. Shri Krishan Manufacturing Company purchased 10 machines for Rs 75,000 each on July 01, 2014. On October 01, 2016, one of the machines got destroyed by fire and an insurance claim of Rs 45,000 was admitted by the company. On the same date, another machine is purchased by the company for Rs 1,25,000. The company writes off 15% p.a. depreciation on a written down value basis. The company maintains the calendar year as its financial year. Prepare the machinery account from 2014 to 2017.
Machinery A/c | |||||
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2014 Jul-01 | Bank | 750000 | 2014 Dec-31 | Depreciation | 56250 |
Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 693750 | |||
| 750000 | 750000 | |||
2015 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 693750 | 2015 Dec-31 | Depreciation | 104063 |
Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 589687 | |||
693750 | 693750 | ||||
2016 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 589687 | 2016 Oct-01 | Depreciation (9 months for 1 machine) | 6634 |
Oct-01 | Bank | 125000 | |||
Oct-01 | Insurance Co. | 45000 | |||
Oct-01 | Profit and loss (loss) | 7335 | |||
Dec-31 | Depreciation | 84296 | |||
(i) 79608 (ii) 4688 | |||||
Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 571422 | |||
(i) 451110 (ii) 120312 | |||||
714687 | 714687 | ||||
2017 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 571422 | 2017 Dec-31 | Depreciation | 85714 |
(i) 451110 (ii) 120312 | (i) 67667 (ii) 18047 | ||||
Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 485708 | |||
(i) 383443 (ii) 102265 | |||||
571422 | 571422 |
Working Note: Machine costing Rs.75000 destroyed by fire on Oct 01st 2016
$\text{Date} \quad \text{Opening Balance} \quad - \quad\text{Depreciation}\quad = \quad\text{Closing Balance }$
$\text{Jul 01 2014}\quad 75000 \quad - \quad 5625\text{( 6 months)} \quad = \quad 69375 $
$\text{Jan 01 2015}\quad 69375\quad - \quad 10406 \quad = \quad\quad\quad 58969$
$\text{Jan 01 2016}\quad 58969\quad - \quad 6634\text{(9 month)}\quad = \quad 52335 $
$\text{Value on Oct 01, 2016 = 52335 }$
$\text{Insurance Claim = 45000 }$
$\text{Loss = Rs}\text{. 7335}$
38. On January 01, 2014, a Limited Company purchased machinery for Rs 20,00,000. Depreciation is provided @15% p.a. on the diminishing balance method. On March 01, 2016, one-fourth of machinery was damaged by fire and Rs 40,000 were received from the insurance company in full settlement. On September 01, 2016, another piece of machinery was purchased by the company for Rs 15,00,000. Write up the machinery account from 2016 to 2017. Books are closed on December 31, every year.
Machinery A/c | |||||
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2016 Jan-01 | Balance b/d (i) | 2016 Mar-01 | Depreciation (1/4 machine for 2 months) | 9031 | |
(1083750+361250) | 1445000 | ||||
Sep-01 | Bank (ii) | 1500000 | Mar-01 | Bank | 40000 |
Mar-01 | Profit and loss | 312219 | |||
Dec-31 | Depreciation (i) | 237563 | |||
(i) 162563 (3/4th of the machine) (ii) 75000 | |||||
Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 2346187 | |||
(i) 921187 (ii) 1425000 | |||||
2945000 | 2945000 | ||||
2017 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 246187 | 2017 Dec-31 | Depreciation | 351927 |
(i) 1381777 (ii) 213750 | |||||
Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 1994260 | |||
(i) 783009 (ii) 1211250 | |||||
2346187 | 2346187 |
Working Note:
Machine (i)
$\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\quad\qquad(15\; \%\text{p.a}.)\quad$
$2014\quad\quad 2000000\quad\quad-\quad300000\quad=\quad1700000\quad$
$2015\quad\quad 1700000\quad \quad -\quad 255000\quad =\quad 1445000\quad$
$2016\quad\quad 1445000$
1/4th of Machine (i)
$\text{Years}\qquad \text{Opening Balance}\;-\; \text{Depreciation}\;=\;\text{Closing Balance}$
$\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad \quad(\text{15}\; \% \text{p.a}\text{.})$
$2014\quad \quad 500000 \quad\quad - \quad 75000 \quad=\quad 425000$
$2015\quad\quad 425000\quad \quad - \quad 63750 \quad=\quad361250 $
$2016\quad\quad 361250\quad\quad- \quad9031\text{(2 months)}=\quad 352219$
$\text{Value on 1 Mar 2016 = 352219 }$
$\text{Insurance Claim=}\;\text{. 40000 }$
$\text{Loss = Rs}\text{. 312219}$
Note: In this question, the machine was purchased on January 1, 2014, but they request machinery accounts from 2010 to 2013.
As a result of these years being printed by mistake, we make an account for machinery from 2016 to 2017.
39. A Plant was purchased on 1st July 2015 at a cost of Rs 3,00,000 and Rs 50,000 were spent on its installation. The depreciation is written off at 15% p.a. on the straight-line method. The plant was sold for Rs 1,50,000 on October 01, 2017, and on the same date, a new Plant was installed at the cost of Rs 4,00,000 including purchasing value. The accounts are closed on December 31 every year. Show the machinery account and provision for depreciation account for 3 years.
Plant A/c | |||||
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2015 Jul-01 | Bank | 350000 | 2015 Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 350000 |
350000 | 350000 | ||||
2016 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 350000 | 2016 Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 350000 |
350000 | 350000 | ||||
2017 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 350000 | 2017 Oct-01 | Prov. For Depreciation | 118125 |
Oct-01 | Bank | 400000 | Oct-01 | Bank | 150000 |
Oct-01 | Profit and loss | 81875 | |||
Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 4000000 | |||
750000 | 750000 |
Provision for Depreciation A/c | |||||
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2015 Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 26250 | 2015 Dec-31 | Depreciation | 26250 |
26250 | 26250 | ||||
2016 Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 78750 | 2016 Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 26250 |
Dec-31 | Depreciation | 52500 | |||
78750 | 78750 | ||||
2017 Oct-01 | Plant | 118125 | Jan-01 | Balance b/d | 78750 |
Dec-31 | Balance c/d | 15000 | Oct-01 | Depreciation (i) (9 months) | 39375 |
Dec-31 | Depreciation (ii) (3 months) | 15000 | |||
133125 | 118125 | ||||
40. An extract of the Trial balance from the books of Tahiliani and Sons Enterprises on Marc 31 2017 is given below:
Name of the Account Debit Credit
Amount Amount
Rs Rs
Sundry debtors 50,000
Bad debts 6,000
Provision for doubtful debts 4,000
Additional Information:
Bad Debts proved bad; however, not recorded amounted to Rs 2,000.
Provision is to be maintained at 8% of debtors Give necessary accounting entries for writing off the bad debts and creating the provision for doubtful debts account. Also, show the necessary accounts.
Journal | |||
Date | Particular | Debit | Credit |
Bad Debts A/c Dr To Debtors A/c (Further bad debts charged from debtor account) | 2000 | 2000 | |
Provision for Doubtful Debt A/c Dr To Bad Debts A/c (Amount of bad debt transferred to provision for doubtful debt account) | 4000 | 4000 | |
Profit and Loss A/c Dr To Provision for Doubtful Debt A/c (Amount of provision for doubtful debt transferred to profit and loss account) | 7840 | 7840 |
Bad Debts A/c | |||||
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2017 Mar-31 | Balance b/d | 6000 | 2017 Mar-31 | Prov. For Bad Debts | 8000 |
Mar-31 | Debtors | 2000 | |||
| 8000 | 8000 |
Debtor A/c | |||||
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2017 Mar-31 | Balance b/d | 50000 | 2017 Mar-31 | Bad Debts | 2000 |
Mar-31 | Balance c/d | 48000 | |||
| 50000 | 50000 |
Provision for Doubtful Debts A/c | |||||
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2017 Mar-31 | Bad Debts | 8000 | 2017 Mar-31 | Balance b/d | 4000 |
(6000+2000) | Mar-31 | Profit and loss | 7840 | ||
Mar-31 | Balance c/d | 3840 | |||
11840 | 11840 |
41. The following information is extracted from the Trial Balance of M/s Nisha Traders on 31 March 2017.
Sundry Debtors 80,500
Bad Debts 1,000
Provision for Bad Debts 5,000
Additional Information
Bad Debts Rs 500
Provision is to be maintained at 2% of Debtors Prepare bad debts account, Provision for bad debts account and profit and loss account.
Bad Debts A/c | |||||
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2017 Mar-31 | Balance b/d | 1000 | 2017 Mar-31 | Prov. For Bad Debts | 1500 |
Mar-31 | Debtors | 500 | |||
| 1500 | 1500 |
Provision for Doubtful Debts A/c | |||||
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2017 Mar-31 | Bad Debts | 1500 | 2017 Mar-31 | Balance b/d | 5000 |
Mar-31 | Profit and loss | 1900 | |||
Mar-31 | Balance c/d | 1600 | |||
5000 | 5000 | ||||
Profit and Loss A/c | |||||
Date | Particular | Amount | Date | Particular | Amount |
2017 Mar-31 | Provision for Bad Debts | 1900 |
NCERT Accountancy Class 11 Solutions
Introduction to Accounting
In very simple terms you can understand accounting to be a process in which we record the financial transactions of a business systematically. This process requires the understanding of mainly three aspects. They are as follows.
1. Record Keeping System: To keep a track record of all the transactions that have taken place one needs to be aware of certain policies, procedures, and standardized forms.
2. Transaction Tracking: While recording transactions it is also important to know about the types of transactions such as customer orders, payments made, etc.
3. Financial Reporting: Some of the financial transactions need to be treated differently than others and recorded accordingly. Financial reporting involves the tracking of expenses, revenues, profits, capital invested, etc. and gaining a deep insight into them.
The Layers of Accounting
In Class 11 Accounts Chapter 7 NCERT Solutions, you will come across questions on the different layers of accounting as an overview of the chapter.
Accounting has different parts, layers, or types. Every organization is independent to decide these layers on its own but some of the layers which are common everywhere are mentioned below.
1. Taxes: It is pretty obvious that since it is a business, taxes play an important role and every business organization has to be completely transparent about it. Thus, accounting involves keeping a record of taxes paid, pending, etc.
2. Payroll: Payrolls deal with not just paying the employees that are currently working but also other employee-related payments such as social security, workman's comp, etc.
3. Payable and Receivable Accounts: A business runs smoothly when funds run smoothly. So, the accountant has to keep a track record of money that has been spent at a particular place and money that is received after-sales.
4. Bookkeeping: If the accountant ignores certain small-sized transactions after a time those gather into big numbers and ruin the complete accounting. Hence, every small and every big transaction has to be recorded.
(Image to be added soon)
The End Result of Accounting
Once the transactions are recorded and stored it is time that you analyze the result. But, how? Does one have to go through all the spreadsheets and the smallest transactions? Well, no.
Records are generated in case the investor or owner of the business wants to analyze the performance of his business. The main kinds of reports generated are as follows.
Statement of Profit and Loss
Balance Sheets
Assets and Liabilities Report
Retained Equity
A Brief Introduction to Depreciation
In NCERT Accountancy Book Class 11 Solutions Chapter 7, one term that you will come across is 'Depreciation'. Let us discuss it briefly. To begin with, depreciation in accounting refers to the cost that has been allocated to a particular asset in a given period. It gives an idea about how much of the value of an asset has been used up or exhausted in the previous years. Depreciation can greatly contribute to a company's profits if calculated in the right way.
This short overview and the NCERT Solutions Class 11 Accountancy Chapter 7 PDF will help you to learn more about the topic and understand depreciation Class 11 CBSE Solutions thoroughly.
Fun Facts
Some of the very interesting and exciting fun facts related to accounting are as follows.
World Accounting Day is celebrated on November 10.
The very popular bubblegum was invented by an accountant named Walter Diemer in the year 1928.
Bookkeeping and the words that can be derived from it are the only words in the English language that have three consecutive sets of repeating letters.
Solved Examples
Q1. Which of These Is Not an Example of Revenue?
1. Dividends
2. Interest received
3. Taxes
4. Sales Revenue
Ans: 3. Taxes
Benefits of Referring to Depreciation, Provisions & Reserves Chapter 7 Class 11 Accountancy NCERT Solutions
NCERT Solutions are invaluable for students, offering comprehensive support through expert-crafted solutions that enhance understanding, facilitate exam preparation, and empower self-assessment. Few more points to consider are:
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CBSE Class 11 Accountancy Chapter 8 Other Study Materials
S. No | Important Study Material Links for Chapter 7 Depreciation, Provisions & Reserves |
1. | Class 11 Depreciation, Provisions & Reserves Important Questions |
2. |
Students can effortlessly access NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Accountancy Chapter 7 - "Depreciation, Provisions & Reserve" by clicking 'Download PDF,' allowing them to study anytime, anywhere. This chapter delves into crucial concepts related to managing assets and financial provisions. For additional study materials about this chapter or any other topic, Vedantu offers comprehensive resources. Doubts specific to Chapter 7 or any other area can be clarified on our website or through the mobile app, providing flexibility for doubt resolution at any time and from any location.
Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Accountancy
S. No | NCERT Solutions Class 11 Accountancy Chapter-wise List |
PART 1 | |
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 | Chapter 6 - Trial Balance and Rectification of Errors Solutions |
PART 2 | |
7 | |
8 |
Important Related Links for CBSE Class 11 Accountancy
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Accountancy Chapter 7 Depreciation, Provisions & Reserve
1. What are the objectives of accounting?
Accounting is a study that allows a business organization to maintain and track books of accounts efficiently. The objectives of accounting are listed below.
To calculate the cost of production of a particular item.
To find out net profit or net loss a business organization has gone through in a particular period.
To detect fraud or missing money.
To keep a record of expenses and income in a particular period.
To find out the Cash Balance of a particular day.
To find the position of assets and liabilities on a particular day.
To help the management department in formulating policies that will benefit the organization.
2. What do you mean by asset and what are the different types of assets?
In order to function in a competitive market, a business organization must possess assets that add value to the specific business objective. An asset in accounting is any resource with an economic value which is owned by a particular individual or any organization collectively with the hope of extracting greater benefits in the future.
The characteristics of an asset are as follows.
An asset is both owned and controlled by only the owner.
An asset may or may not become a source of finance in the future.
The types of assets are Current assets, Non-Current assets, Tangible assets, Intangible assets, Operating assets, Non-operating and Fictitious assets.
3. What are the topics in Chapter 7 Class 11 Accountancy?
The three main topics in Chapter 7 of Class 11 Accounts are Depreciation, Provisions and Reserves. All three topics are very important for the students of Class 11 Accounting. These topics can be said to be the foundation. Once you analyse the facts of these topics, it will be very easy for you to understand the proper concept.
4. How can I prepare well for this Chapter?
Reading and understanding each topic of Chapter 7 of Class 11 Accounts is very important. Sometimes, it happens that when you read the chapter for the first time, you might not understand much. This will make you feel that maybe the chapter is difficult. But in actuality, it is not. Just take a break and come back and read again, and you will understand a little more. Read it for the third time. You can make out the difference. As you begin to understand, you will feel happy and gain interest to read more.
5. What are important topics to focus on for Class 11 Accounts?
All the topics in Class 11 Accounts are very important, but mainly, you can focus on Depreciation, Features Of Depreciation, Compliance With The Law, Causes Of Depreciation, Residual Revenue, Depreciable Cost, Factors That Affect Depreciation On. The content related to this is available on the Vedantu website for free and also on the Vedantu Mobile app.
6. What are the Features Of Depreciation?
The Features Of Depreciation are:
The depreciation is declined in the book value of the fixed assets.
It does not involve any cash flow.
It is a loss of value.
It is considered an expired cost and should be deducted before the taxable profit.
7. What is the annual charge of depreciation?
In Chapter 7 of Class 11 Accounts, the annual amount of depreciation that is charged every year remains unchanged. The annual amount of depreciation is higher in the first year and gets reduced in the later years. This is because it is calculated in both ways and is the straight-line method, which is calculated on the original cost, whereas the written down value is calculated on the written down value.