Essay on Save Environment Day
The environment is the surrounding area of our dwelling. It plays a crucial role in our survival and existence. It is in the "environment" where a living thing has its chances of birth, growth, development, and life itself. The cues present in that environment gradually shape their survivability and habitation.
Right from a small age, we are being educated on how to save our environment and help this planet earth to be beautiful. The environment plays a crucial role in shaping the psychological condition and physical provision of a living creature. Over time, it gets to shape living things. Planet earth with loads of environmental issues will have a greater impact in future.
Therefore, it is vitally important to save the environment, since; the very existence of a favorable environment determines the chances for the survivability and development of life within its boundaries.
What is the Environment?
The environment is the area or region which supports certain conditions that enable and benefit the dynamic aspects of its inhabiting forms of life which leads to formation, development, maturity, birth, decay, and death.
What Forms the Environment?
The necessities involved and responsible for the formation of an environment is its conducive surrounding. The surrounding presents the proper cues to look for on which life can form and flourish.
A healthy environment depicts the abundance of suitable and appropriate cues that support the edification of life. Surroundings form the basis of the environment.
How does an Environment influences Life?
The natural environment consists of climate and nature, both of which can affect health. Climate depicts the natural weather conditions which influence nature. Natural environments ensure harmony in Nature.
A poor environment can reduce the lifespan of all creatures – humans and animals alike. It can seriously affect their psychological and physical conditions, that too, in a negative way.
In recent years, there have been many natural disasters or calamities giving out negative outcomes. Wildfires, earthquakes, floods, famine, and other issues are becoming very common.
The Effects of Pollution on Wildlife and Marine Life
Pollution has adverse effects on the natural environment along with its flora and fauna. It alters the natural genetic code of the organisms dwelling in its polluted surroundings. Pollution affects not just the food chain but, it ruins the entire food web. It endangers and is responsible for the extinction of living species.
Initiatives to Save the Environment
The plantation, restoration, and maintenance of green trees are vital to save the degenerating environment. Trees play a crucial role – not only to supply oxygen but also to consume carbon dioxide which is harmful to humans and animals. Deforestation should be discouraged at all costs. The more we plant trees, the more our environment can be conserved.
Deforestation leads to a large deterioration in soil quality and causes landslides. Improved tree plantation causes afforestation that helps to strengthen the integrity of soil strength. This helps to reduce soil erosion, landslides, and floods.
Pollution, of all sorts, is a major threat to the environment. Chemicals and pesticides can cause pollution to the same intensity as harmful gasses, smoke, or dust particles.
Another important initiative to follow for saving the environment is waste management. People should be educated about the proper disposal of waste in their houses, area, or city. Regularly cleaning of streets, managing garbage, and other aspects of waste management is important to consider
The environment refers to the natural surroundings and situations in which we exist. Regrettably, this habitat is now under significant jeopardy. This problem is almost entirely due to human actions. These human actions have unquestionably had a negative impact on the ecosystem. Most significantly, this catastrophe jeopardizes the existence of all living creatures on Earth. As a result, environmental protection is extremely important.
Environment-Friendly Strategies
First and foremost, there should be a strong emphasis on tree planting. A tree is, above all, a source of oxygen. As a result of the construction, several trees have been felled. The amount of oxygen in the atmosphere will surely decrease as a result of this. The greater the number of trees planted, the greater the amount of oxygen created. As a result, increasing the number of trees planted will improve people's quality of life.
People must also pay attention to forest conservation. Forests are extremely important to the environment. On the other side, deforestation reduces the size of forests all over the world. Government-led forest conservation activities are required. The government should make forest destruction a criminal offense.
Another important technique for environmental protection is soil conservation. In order to achieve this, landslides, floods, and soil erosion must all be controlled. To assist conserve the soil, afforestation and tree planting should be done. Terrace farming and the use of natural fertilizers are two other options.
The Advantages of Environmental Conservation
For starters, the global climate will remain normal. Pollution and environmental devastation have contributed to global warming. As a result, many humans and animals have died. As a result, environmental preservation will aid in the prevention of global warming.
People's health would improve. As a result of pollution and deforestation, many people's health is worsening. Environmental conservation will surely help people's health. Most importantly, preserving the environment will minimize the prevalence of numerous diseases.
If the environment is rescued, animals will surely be safeguarded. Many species will not become extinct as a result of environmental preservation. The population of many endangered animals would likewise increase.
The water level would rise as a result. Groundwater levels have been substantially lowered due to environmental damage. Additionally, clean drinking water is in low supply all throughout the world. As a result, a large number of people grew sick and perished. Such issues could be avoided by conserving the environment.
To summarize, the environment is a priceless treasure in this world. Our environment is in grave jeopardy. The necessity to save the environment is urgent. Without a doubt, it is Humanity's most serious concern right now. Any delay could be detrimental in this regard.
Therefore, we can see that the environment plays a far more important factor in shaping life than we can imagine. It is responsible not only for physical well-being but can impact the psychological factors of its constituents as well. Promoting a healthy and clean environment is the basic need of any individual living on this planet earth. Living a healthy environment can help our coming generation to live a healthy life.
FAQs on Save Environment Essay: Why Conservation is Crucial
1. What are the significant factors that harm the environment?
There are various circumstances at play, which can determine the condition of an environment like pollution, deforestation, and global warming. Human activity has been attributed to the cause of hundreds of extinctions over the past two centuries. These activities have also helped to increase global warming and other environmental issues. Some of the factors harming the environment are- Overpopulation, Pollution, Global Warming, Climate Change, Genetic Modification, and Ocean Acidification. Pollution is an increasing cause of harming the environment. The fog is seen as smog and increasing respiratory congestion.
2. How do we save the Environment?
For us to save the environment, we must first identify the factors that harm it and deal with them in a proper scientific manner. The first is to Control at Receiver’s End- It is best regarded if rigorous pollution controls are maintained strictly and occasionally. Experts and professionals must carry out thorough checking of the sources of pollution (e.g. automobiles). The second is Reducing Pollution from Emitting Sources- Vehicles or sources of pollution must have proper filters that reduce CO2 emissions in the environment. Filters are to be applied to all polluting sources. And the last is Encouraging more Tree Plantation- The increase in tree plantation can significantly reduce pollution in the environment.
3. Who should take precautions for Environmental Conditions?
People that are working in pollution control centers or at places where pollution or toxicity levels are high. We as humans have a greater responsibility to save our environment. Controlling population, following waste management, and following other aspects of environmental issues. The Government of India and even globally is doing its best to assist citizens to have a friendly environment. Providing waste management assistance, cleaning streets, garbage and lakes are some of the assistance offered to have a better life.
4. Why should one we deforestation?
We all know trees are an important part of human life. They provide us oxygen and take in the carbon dioxide we exhale. If we start cutting down the trees the lack of oxygen will result in various respiratory-related illnesses and diseases. Along with the deficiency of oxygen, the fresh air will get finished and global warming can increase. It is important to plant twice the amount of trees that are cut. Trees are very important as they provide a home to birds and animals. Hence one should stop deforestation.
5. How to write an essay on the Environment?
The Save Environment Essay for Students in English provides students and examples on how to write an essay on the topic. The main important part is to understand how to start and how to end. The introduction and conclusion of the important paragraphs in an essay. The body should consist of details and descriptions. After you read the essay from Vedantu, you’ll understand how to write it in a problem format. With regular practice and learning, students will be able to write essays with proper grammar.