How To Tell Animals Class 10 Summary
The poem “How to tell wild animals” is composed by Carolyn Wells who became popular after this piece of literary work. In the poem, Wells is trying to point out the different ways in which wild animals can be justified. Here in the poem, Miss Wells describes wildlife in an entertaining and lively manner. She says that if we visit Asia, we should be aware of the different animals, and how they attack. To understand what the poetess said in her poem, visit Vedantu and check the experts’ views.
How to Tell Wild Animals Class 10 Summary
The Poem How to tell wild animals is written by Carolyn Wells, who became quite well-known become of this Poem. In this Poem, Miss Wells tries to point out different ways in which we can identify wild animals. Here in this Poem, she describes the wildlife in a lively manner. She tells us that if we go to Asia, we must be aware of the different animals and their ways of attacking, which we should know off. She places grave importance on being informed and keeping a general knowledge of the various animals out there just if we ever find ourselves in a situation where it becomes an absolute necessity to know about these animals.
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The Poem is quite humorous as the poet talks about the fearful animals in a very light way. She says if the roar of an animal is so fearsome that you are scared you are going to die, then that must be an Asian Lion. She also talks about the fearful Bengal Tiger that she explains as an animal that only kills men. Then she moves on to talk about if an animal is black-spotted and pounces on you, it is probably a leopard. Then she comes to the Bear apparently, which will try to hug you tightly till death. She then tries to differentiate between a Hyena and a Crocodile, and she moves on to talk about the Chameleon.
Summary of the Poem How to tell Wild Animals
In this poem, the poet describes dangerous animals in a manner that would scare us humans but is funny. She introduces these animals differently and peculiarly, which makes these animals sound so interesting. First, she starts with the Asian Lion that she starts by telling her readers if they were ever to go to Asia and they say an animal with tawny skin roars so fearlessly, which may scare us to death, then that animal is the Asian Lion.
Then she moves on to the Bengal tiger, which she describes as a royal animal that kills a man once it attacks. Once again, here we can see her sense of her humour as she says if a beautiful black striped animal kills us and eats us, then indeed it is a Bengal Tiger. The next animal has black-spotted skin, and if it jumps on us, it is a Leopard. She says there is no point in crying out for help or in pain because once it attacks, it will not stop attacking.
Then she brings in the giant animal that is the Bear, which is known for hugging but not in s lovable manner but that it hugs so tight to kill its prey.
After talking about the Bear, Miss Wells poses the question to her readers if they would be able to recognize Beasts that hunt their prey; from there, she answers it by comparing Crocodiles and Hyenas. She compares them by saying Hyenas always have smiling faces, whereas Crocodiles always have tears in their eyes. Towards the end, she talks about Chameleons and describes it as a creature that does not have wings and ears like an ordinary lizard. She uses those key features to differentiate between lizard and Chameleon. She also talks about the Chameleon's unique feature where it can change colours according to background and surface. She further explains this by saying when we see a tree, we see a tree only and not a chameleon sitting on it, and this is because it must have already changed its colour to match the branch of the tree.
Class 10 How to Tell Animals Summary
The poet places great importance on remaining informed and having basic knowledge of various animals in case if we encounter them where it becomes essential to know the animals. The poem is humorous as the poet describes feared animals in a witty way. She makes the point that if the roar of the animal is so fearsome that you are afraid that you are going to die then that animal can be identified as the Asian lion.
The poet also makes a mention of the Bengal tiger and she depicts it as the animal that only maims and kills men. Then she talks about the black-spotting of the animal and if that animal pounces upon you then it is likely to be a leopard. Then she describes the bear by saying that it might try to hug you tightly until death. She then makes the differentiation between the crocodile and the hyena, and then she goes on to mention the Chameleon.
About the Poet
Carolyn Wells was born in New Jersey, the USA on the 18th of June 1862, and she died in 1942. Wells was deeply into literary work since 1900 and she wrote more than 170 books in various genres such as children's books and detective books. She was recognized for her incredibly popular Patty Fairfield, A Nonsense Anthology, which is one of her most popular books. The Marjorie’s vacation - beginning another series, The Rubaiyat of Motor Car, Chain of Evidence; the Maxwell Mystery, The Book of Limericks, The Book of Humorous Verse, Murder in the Bookshop, and Horror house are some of her most prominent work.
Carolyn Wells was particularly known for her wit and humor as people were fascinated and intrigued by her unique takes. “How to tell wild animals” is one illustration of her wit through her work that conveys specific ideas to the readers and enthralls them with the presentation of her prose.
Log on to Vedantu to find the well-elaborated summary of ‘How to tell wild animals’ compiled by the top experts. Find out what the poetess wants to express through her fabulous lines and understand the inner meaning of this poem. By understanding what she exactly wants to understand, you can write answers to all the questions without any hassle.
FAQs on How to Tell Wild Animals Summary: A Poem by Carolyn Wells
1. What is the main theme of the poem “How to tell wild animals”?
The poem “How to tell wild animals” describes several animal species that are considered dangerous, weirdly, and funnily. The poem makes use of the ferocity of the animals for attacking their prey and uses it wittily for pleasing the readers. In the poem, the poet talks about the Bengal tiger and how once it has killed you, you will come to know that it is a Bengal tiger.
2. Who is the poet of “How to tell wild animals” and what is the summary of the poem?
Carolyn Wells is the poet of ‘How to tell wild animals. This poem mainly talks about the several dangerous animals, and how you can identify them if you were to spot them in the forest. The poem casts its light on the various aspects of the dangerous animals and the different factors that make these animals unique plus distinct from each other.
3. Why are the books and poems written by Carolyn Wells popular amongst the readers?
Carolyn Wells has tackled different subjects and topics through her work over the years. Her books and work are particularly popular with the readers because she uses humour and wit to make her work more appealing. The readers are particularly thrilled and intrigued by the incorporation of wit in her work and thus tend to like the work she has done. For instance, she has described the different wild animals in her peculiar and hilarious way in the poem “How to tell animals” which resonates with the readers.
4. Can I refer to the Vedantu notes on “How to tell wild animals” for preparing for my English exam?
Yes, you can refer to the Vedantu notes on “How to tell wild animals” for studying for your English exam. The Vedantu notes on the poem provide a comprehensive description and summary of the poem thereby clarifying all the concepts as well as the central theme associated with the poem. When you are studying language or literature, it is important to understand the central theme and Vedantu notes are very helpful in this regard.
5. How can I download the Vedantu notes for “How to tell wild animals”?
If you want to download the Vedantu notes related to the poem “How to tell wild animals” then you need to visit the Vedantu website or go to the app. Once you are on the relevant section you will notice the “Download PDF” button towards the top of the page. Once you click on that button, the PDF file will be downloaded for free on your device.
6. What is the central theme of the poem how to tell wild animals?
The Poem tries to describe various species of animals that are considered dangerous in a very weird, funny manner. The Poem uses these animals' ferocity to attack their prey and uses that humorously to please their readers. In the Poem, she talks about how the Bengal tiger, once it kills you, is how you will know it is a Bengal tiger. Here we can see how the poet is trying to describe how the attack is so unexpected we would not know what killed us and by the time we realize we would be dead, she is being humorous and placing the facts before us.
7. Explain the summary of the poem and who is the poet of how to tell wild animals?
Carolyn Wells writes the Poem How to tell Wild Animals. This Poem talks about the various dangerous animals and how to identify them if we were ever to see them in the jungle. The PoemPoem brings into light the various aspects of these dangerous animals and what makes them unique from one another. The poet also brings a humorous sense into how these animals kill their prey and how we can never be prepared for them. She introduces these animals differently and peculiarly, which makes these animals sound so interesting. Miss Wells uses the different characteristics and traits of these animals in her poem.