Essay on Fundamental Rights
The history of Fundamental Rights (which were lawfully enforceable) probably starts from the Magna Carta, which was a list of Rights extracted from King John by the people of England in 1214 AD. The most significant advancement in the history of Fundamental Rights occurred when through the first 10 amendments, the USA incorporated certain Fundamental Rights into its constitution in the form of the "Bill of Rights." In this Essay on Fundamental Rights, we shall talk about the various Rights provided to Indian citizens and what they stand for.
Long Fundamental Rights Essay in English
Fundamental Rights were borrowed from the constitution of the United States of America.
The constituent assembly of India adopted the constitution of India on 26th November 1949, which came into effect on 26th January 1950. It contains 395 Articles, 22 Parts, and 12 Schedules. Part III (Articles 12 to 35) of the Constitution of India consists of Rights which are essential for the overall development of individuals, are also termed as Fundamental Rights. Fundamental Rights are universal, that is, they apply to all the citizens of India irrespective of their race, birthplace, Religion, caste, gender or gender identity. Earlier there were seven Fundamental Rights, but later on the ‘Right to Property’ was abolished. Currently, we have six Fundamental Rights.
Right to Equality
The Right to EQuality is guaranteed by the constitution of India through articles 14 to 18 (of which article 14 is the most important). Right to EQuality refers to everyone being equal in the eyes of the law. It prohibits discrimination on the grounds of race, caste, creed etc by providing equal opportunity for employment. The article also abolishes untouchability and titles.
Right to Freedom
Articles 19 to 22 guarantee the Right to Freedom in the constitution of India. It guarantees all Indian citizens with Freedom of speech and expression; Freedom to assemble peacefully; Freedom for forming cooperative societies or unions or companies; Freedom to move freely in India; Freedom to reside or settle anywhere in India and the Freedom to practice any profession or carry on any occupation, trade or business of their choice. Although the government has the right to impose certain restrictions on these Freedoms in the interest of the sovereignty and integrity of India.
Right to Information has been given the status of a Fundamental right in 2005, under article 19(1) of the Indian Constitution.
Right Against Exploitation
Articles 23 and 24 guarantees the right against Exploitation and focuses mainly on two provisions. The first being the abolition of human trafficking and Begar (Forced Labour) and secondly, the abolition of employment of children under the age of 14 in jobs with a risky environment like factories, mines etc.
Right to Freedom of Religion
Articles 25 to 28 provide religious Freedom to all Indian citizens. The main objective of this right is to sustain secularism in our country. It assures that all Religions are equal in the eyes of the state and none of them is given preference over the other. It allows the citizens to preach, practise, and propagate the Religion of their choice. It also provides religious communities to set up charitable institutions.
Cultural and Educational Rights
Articles 29 and 30 provide every Indian citizen with Rights to education and cultures. It assures that every citizen gets equal opportunities in terms of education while giving minority communities the right to admission in colleges and universities without any discrimination. It also gives minority communities the right to establish Educational institutions to preserve and develop their culture.
Right to Constitutional Remedies
Articles 32 to 35 empowers all Indian citizens to move to the court of law whenever they are denied their Fundamental Rights. Article 32 is also termed as the citizens right to protect and defend the constitution as it allows the citizens to enforce the constitution through the judiciary.
The main objective of Right to Constitutional Remedies is to enforce Fundamental Rights.
Short Fundamental Rights Essay in English
Fundamental Rights are considered the Rights that are integral to the advancement of the human race. All other Rights are derived as direct consequences or application of their principles from such Rights. Among philosophers, it is an accepted belief that these Rights are nothing but "natural human Rights" that distinguish between humans and animals. So, these have played a rather important role in bringing humans all the way from the Stone Age to the present. It was regarded that such Rights were beyond the complexities of politics. The constitution's protection meant that these Rights could not be put to the vote and were not dependent on politicians or the majority's whims.
Why do we Need Fundamental Rights?
Such Rights are a safeguard for citizens against the government as it is necessary to have the rule of law and not a government or a person. These Rights do not dare to be transgressed by authority as they are explicitly given to the people by the Constitution. The courts are fully required to uphold these Rights and the government is answerable to the courts. After living in subjugation for so long, people have forgotten what liberty means. These Rights offer people the hope and belief that their growth will not be halted. They're free from the rulers' whims. These Rights are, in that sense, the first fruits of the long struggle for Freedom and bring a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.
Even in Gulf countries or Communist countries, citizens are free. How is our liberty, then, different from theirs? A clear measure of how free we are in the list of Fundamental Rights. For example, every Indian citizen is free to practice a Religion of his choice, but that is not the case in Gulf countries. Our right to speech and expression enables us to criticize the government freely.
In conclusion, we can say that the Indian constitution was framed after a thorough analysis of all the constitutions in the world, and successfully incorporates all the good things existing in them.
Fundamental Rights Essay
Though the above content provided information about Fundamental Rights, it also gave you an outline of how an Essay should be written.
The Essay on Fundamental Rights contained some information about the topic and talked about long and short Essays.
Students might find it difficult to understand how they shall proceed whenever asked to write on any topic.
Since writing is a free form of expression and requires limited skills, there are no rules to it. But, in these times, when everything is advancing, you're expected to be able to deliver the best content.
To equip them with the relevant points, there are some tips listed below.
Go through them and master the skill of writing, thereafter!
Read and Understand the Prompt
Before you can start writing, it is important for you to understand the prompt that you're offered. Without comprehending what you've asked to do, your content would never be impactful. The best way to understand it is to dissect it into parts. You might also consider making a small flowchart that clearly defines the flow of ideas in your head. Students shall understand that it is better to spend the first few minutes planning and organising things than to present an unorganised and unclear content. This in no way means that you have to adopt a formulaic approach to it but just try to deliver the best that they can.Plan the Flow
The next important thing for you to do is pen down the flow of points, as specific as the alphabet. Each point should have a ‘what next’ factor attached to it and that is how you can expect yourself to deliver higher Quality content. The importance of working in a planned and organised way is not unknown to any of us and that is what can help us move ahead with the ideas in our heads. Preparing a web with all the details is a great way to do it.Make a Rough Draft
Brainstorming and organising all that you have inside your head related to a particular topic is a good way before you deliver. Students are advised to prepare a small, concise, rough draft of their topics. Drafts are often regarded as crappy stuff but the truth is that it makes you analyse and rethink whatever you've thought till then. And there's where the new flow of ideas comes from. Make sure that your content is answering and giving the information of the prompt.Follow a Simple Format
Students often think that complicating the format or using too many fancy words in a piece of content impresses the reader and that fetches you more marks. However, it doesn't work this way. For good content, words must be easy to understand and they should always have a relatability factor attached so that it becomes easier for the audience to connect and understand whatever you are trying to convey.Proofread your Content
Last but not least, the most important step to do before finalising the content is to proofread it. When we try to pen down things, we often make mistakes. However, reading it once again allows you to study it again and check for mistakes. In case that you've missed anything important, you can further review and add that piece of information too. It may take a little more time of yours but the results would be worth it.
FAQs on Essay on Fundamental Rights: The Rights Guaranteed by the Indian Constitution
1. What do we Conclude from this Essay on Fundamental Rights?
We can conclude that the Fundamental Rights embodied in the Indian Constitution act as a guarantee that as long as they live in Indian democracy, all Indian citizens can and will lead their lives in peace. Such civil liberties prevail over any other law of the land. Fundamental rights protect the citizen’s freedom, rights and liberties from any state invasion, and prevent the establishment of authoritarian and dictatorial rule in the country. They are very essential for the all-round progress of the people and the nation.
2. Which is the most important Fundamental Right?
The most important fundamental right is considered to be the Right to Constitutional Remedies because it ensures the protection of our fundamental rights. In the event of a violation of their fundamental rights, it helps citizens move to court. It also finds that the government does not violate or disrespect citizens' fundamental rights.
3. Can I use and cite resources while writing an Essay?
Of course, you can. In fact, resources make the content more interesting and engaging. Another advantage of using them is that it promotes research. However, you shall make sure the content should be rephrased and not plagiarized. For better clarity and understanding, you can go through some of the sample Essays available online. But, remember, the more you write, the more you learn. Hence, you need to practice writing on as many topics as possible and that way, you can upraise your skills.
4. How should an Essay be written? What should be its format?
The best way to write it is using a simpler format. It shall start with an introduction, have the body in between and should necessarily end with a conclusion. Make sure that whatever ideas you are putting forth to your readers should make absolute sense. Students can consider checking the prompts given on the website of Vedantu and practice writing about them to get better at it.
5. Can the body of the Essay be divided into small paragraphs?
Absolutely! In fact, it is the best way to present any piece of content. It makes your work look more organised and neat. Apart from this, if we consider the viewpoint of humans, they would prefer reading short paragraphs rather than big stories and that’s how you shall proceed. To understand it better, review the sample Essays available on the Vedantu website and their App.