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Birth Summary

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Last updated date: 19th Sep 2024
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Birth Summary: A Journey Through Life's Beginning

The arrival of a newborn baby is a momentous occasion, filled with joy, wonder, and a touch of nervous excitement. In literature, childbirth often takes center stage, serving as a turning point in narratives and revealing the complexities of human relationships. If you're studying a chapter on birth in your English class, understanding its summary can be key to unlocking the deeper meaning of the text.

This is a part of a famous book called 'The Citadel' written by A.J. Cronin. It's a groundbreaking book about how doctors should behave. It had such a big impact that it influenced the creation of the National Health System in Great Britain. The story is about a doctor who faces a tough case while he's not feeling well mentally. Despite this, he works hard and ends up giving great care to the patient. The part we're talking about here is about the doctor's incredible effort to help the patient, like a medical miracle. 'The Citadel' is a mix of sad moments, loss, and the doctor's journey to make things right again.

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Birth Summary for Class 11

Andrew Manson is a new doctor who just graduated from medical school. He and his girlfriend, Christine, had a disagreement because Andrew is very outspoken. Feeling guilty, he goes home and finds Joe Morgan waiting for him. Joe's wife is expecting their first child after 20 years of marriage. Despite being late at night, Andrew agrees to accompany Joe to their house.

At the Morgans' house, Andrew sees a midwife helping Lady Morgan, who is in severe labor. Although he wants to focus on his patient, Andrew's mind wanders to thoughts of other people's relationships. However, he pushes these thoughts aside and concentrates on Lady Morgan. She is under anesthesia, and after an intense hour-long effort, she delivers a stillborn baby.

Andrew is shocked but realizes he needs to choose between attending to the mother or the lifeless child. He decides to prioritize the mother, handing the child to the midwife. Lady Morgan is unconscious, but Andrew successfully treats her, and she regains consciousness.

Concerned about the child, Andrew learns from the midwife that it was placed under the bed wrapped in soaked newspaper. He examines the child and discovers signs of suffocation. Initially not recognizing it as asphyxia, Andrew could have given up, but he refuses to lose hope. Ignoring the midwife's discouragement, he recalls a similar case from medical school and starts giving the child medical treatment.

After almost giving up, Andrew remembers a technique from school. He rubs the child's back with a crushed towel, fills air into the body, and, after a half-hour struggle, the child starts crying and shows signs of life. Relieved, Andrew hands the child to the midwife, shares the story with Mr. Morgan, and gets permission to leave. As he walks away, he feels a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.

Understanding Themes present in the Birth Summary for Class 11

The Birth story talks about important lessons for both doctors and regular people. It shows how focusing on the current situation, like delivering a baby, is crucial instead of getting caught up in personal problems. Andrew, the main character, sets aside his fight with his girlfriend to help Mrs. Morgan give birth.

The story also teaches how to handle stressful situations by prioritizing. Andrew chooses to save the mother first, even though the couple had waited 20 years for a baby. He sticks to his decision, showing faith in it.

Another lesson is about avoiding quick satisfaction and giving our best to overcome challenges. After saving the mother, Andrew doesn't stop. He tries everything to revive the stillborn baby and succeeds.

In the end, Andrew feels satisfied. The story shows that putting in effort, even when others doubt it, can lead to success. It emphasizes the importance of not giving up and giving your all in whatever you do.

Quick Breaking Down of the chapter “Birth”:

Whether you're tackling a classic like The Catcher in the Rye or a contemporary novel like Everything I Never Told You, birth summaries typically follow a common structure:

  1. Setting the Stage: The summary introduces the characters involved in the childbirth, their relationships, and any relevant background information. This helps paint a picture of the circumstances surrounding the birth.

  2. Labor and Delivery: The heart of the summary focuses on the eigentliche birthing process. This might include details about the mother's contractions, the midwife or doctor's actions, and any complications that may arise.

  3. The Arrival: The moment of the baby's arrival is a pivotal point in the summary. It describes the physical characteristics of the newborn, the reactions of the parents and other characters present, and the overall emotional atmosphere.

  4. Aftermath and Significance: The summary often concludes by exploring the immediate and long-term consequences of the birth. This could involve changes in family dynamics, personal growth for the characters, or the symbolic meaning of the birth within the broader narrative.


Birth is more than just the beginning of a life; it's a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, the power of love, and the awe-inspiring beauty of nature. It's a reminder that life, in all its messy, miraculous glory, is a precious gift to be cherished. So, the next time you witness the miracle of birth, take a moment to appreciate the wonder of it all

FAQs on Birth Summary

1. How will the Birth Summary for Class 11 help me in my exams?

Birth Summary is a chapter present in NCERT English Supplementary Snapshot Book for Class 11. It is a lengthy chapter and it might become difficult for you to remember the story at the last moment during the exam. To help you with this, Vedantu has brought Birth Summary for Class 11. Here the entire story has been summarized for you to read in a short span of time and answer the questions related to it in the exam hall. It will also help you save time and keep you calm and composed during the exams.

2. How has the Birth Summary for Class 11 been summarized?

Vedantu has taken utmost care while summarizing the Birth Summary for Class 11 for everyone. The story has been summarized in such a way that you get to understand the pace and structure of the story. Names of all the characters have been included and unnecessary dialogues have been eliminated or mentioned in the third person. The whole story has been summarized in less than 800 words without compromising on the quality and the central theme of the story. You can find essays as well as summaries of other chapters in English from Vedantu’s website.

3. What is the central message of the Birth Summary for Class 11?

Birth Summary for Class 11 is based on the struggles and never giving up spirit of medical practitioners. In this story, a newly graduated doctor finds himself in a situation wherein he is to deliver a child in a very critical condition. This story carries the central message of never giving up, staying calm in stressful situations and giving your best even if the results are highly uncertain, and keeping your personal and private life separate. It also emphasizes how wheels of destiny can be turned if a person is strong-willed.

4. In how many words does Vedantu provide the Birth Summary for Class 11?

Vedantu is providing Birth Summary for Class 11 in less than 800 words for free on its website. It is part of Vedantu’s free study materials. This summary has been prepared by subject matter experts of English who have ensured that the essence of the actual story remains intact and the central message is not missed in the process of summarization. Reading this summary during exams will put you in a position wherein you will be able to answer all the questions asked and score excellent marks in CLass 11 English exams.

5. From which novel has the Birth Summary for Class 11 been taken?

Birth Summary for Class 11 is a summary of an extract from the famous author named A.J.Cronin’s novel ‘The Citadel'. It is part of NCERT Class 11 English Snapshot Book which is available on Vedantu’s website. This novel was published by the Scottish author who was also a Physician in the year 1937. This novel is based on the theme of medical ethics. The National Health System of Great Britain was set based on this novel. Even after so many years, this book continues to leave an impact on its readers.

6. What is the Theme of the Chapter 'Birth Summary'?

The theme of the story revolves around the efforts being put in by medical practitioners in treating their patients. Andrew, the protagonist, is dealing with a critical medical birth case. Unfortunately, the baby born is lifeless. However, Andrew does not let go and makes his best of efforts in saving the patient. He not only succeeded in reviving the baby but also ended up saving the mother.

7. What Steps Did Andrew Take to Restore the Lifeless Child?

It was Andrew's major achievement when he was able to revive the stillborn baby. The medical case was a difficult one, but Andrew was able to get a positive outcome for the case. He initially lays the baby on the blanket, and then he begins the process of respiration. He then moves on to giving hot as well as cold water treatment to the baby. Further, he presses and releases the baby's chest with his hands.