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A Visit To The Zoo - Long and Short Essay

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Essay on A Visit To The Zoo

A zoo is a place where different kinds of animals, birds, reptiles, and fishes are kept in cages or enclosed areas for people to see. It needs a lot of land to be taken care of. Below is an essay about visiting a zoo in simple English. It has short sentences so students can understand it easily. After reading this essay, students can write their own paragraph about visiting a zoo.

Descriptive Essay on A Visit to a Zoo

Most people can't easily go to far-off jungles or well-known national parks to see different animals. It's tough to find all those animals in their own homes. Plus, taking kids on a safari in the forest is risky to see animals, birds, and reptiles. That's why many people like going to the zoo. It's a fun and safe way to see all kinds of animals.

There is a wide variety of animals, birds, and beasts that are kept in cages in a zoo. Zoo also keeps animals of rare species. Many animals and birds are brought from foreign lands. This gives the visitors an opportunity to watch such animals and birds of rare species brought from foreign lands, which they could have never seen otherwise. 

Zoos are like homes for animals from all around the world. Lions from Africa, kangaroos from Australia, gorillas, chimpanzees, zebras, white tigers, white peacocks, polar bears, colorful parrots, big pythons, and giant crocodiles – they all live in zoos. These places are important because they help protect animals that might disappear forever.

Almost a thousand types of animals, birds, and beasts stay in zoos. Some zoos even help animals have babies in a safe place, called captive breeding. This helps save species that are in danger, so they don't disappear forever. Zoos play a big role in making sure these amazing creatures continue to exist.

These zoos and their maintenance actually show that mankind has an immense love for animals. Man cannot ignore the fact that these animals, birds, reptiles, and beasts are a part of nature. People get to see the variety of animals that exist on this earth. People get to interact, learn and grow with these species of animals.


Visiting a zoo brings human beings closer to these living beings. It makes human beings develop a liking for animals and birds. They get to learn so much about these animals too. Zoos have an aspect of geographical importance as well. They play a vital role in uniting and educating different communities. When we as visitors watch a species of an animal brought from a foreign land, we get to learn about how and where these animals live, about the climate, and the habitat in which they thrive naturally.

The maintenance of a zoo is a huge task. Animals, birds, reptiles, and fishes, from foreign lands with different climatic conditions are to be kept in such surroundings, climate, and temperature that matches that of their natural habitat. If that arrangement is not done properly these animals would not survive. In hot summers, tigers and lions require access to water to keep cool. A gorilla or chimpanzee requires trees and lush green areas to roam. 

All these animals also need to be fed according to their original tastes and appetites. A leopard, a lion, or a tiger has to be served its due quantity of raw meat for every meal. A gorilla or a monkey should be served a vegetarian diet. There are some animals that are to be fed with fish. The python is capable of devouring a whole goat and so, it should be fed accordingly, without harming any other living being around it.


Going to the zoo is not just enjoyable; it's a great way to learn. Zoos teach us a ton about how different animals live and what they like. To make sure the animals stay healthy, the zoo has its own medical team and animal doctors. These doctors are well-trained and really good at their job. Animals at the zoo can get sick, and if their illnesses spread, it could be really bad for the whole zoo. Sometimes, the animals even need big surgeries and treatments to get better. So, keeping everything in good shape is really important at a zoo.

We visitors, at times, cause a great deal of risk to the lives of these animals and birds. Out of excitement, to feed the animals, we throw food in plastic bags to the animals inside their cages. The animals tend to swallow the plastic bags along with the food. The plastic gets stuck in their intestines and causes serious problems, and can even result in death sometimes. Along with this, to get some entertainment, the visitors sometimes risk their own lives. Out of curiosity, the visitors try playing around with wild animals, which, if triggered, can become violent. 

The visitors coming to zoos, mainly children, should be properly oriented and refrain from such activities. The zoo authorities also have to take care of the mental health of the animals. The animals may develop stereotypic behaviors or even die prematurely if not taken care of properly. Thus, zoological parks help us learn, grow and have fun. They help us bring human beings closer to nature. We get to understand and live God's beautiful creations through these parks. 

Short on a Visit to a Zoo Essay 

Last Sunday, my family and I went to the zoo. It was a sunny day and we got there at 8 am. When we arrived, there was a big crowd at the entrance. Some people were buying tickets, and others were just enjoying the nice weather and chatting.

Inside, we found a lovely lake with ducks and swans swimming around. It was pretty cool to see all those white ducks on the water. As we walked around, we came across a place with lots of birds – parrots, pigeons, eagles, and sparrows of different colors. The birds were making some enchanting music, and we stopped to enjoy it for a bit.

Next, we saw big cats like leopards, lions, tigers, and tigresses. One lion even rushed towards us, and its roars were really loud and scary. Moving on, we checked out a tiger's den. The tiger had sharp teeth and gave us a fierce look. It walked gracefully towards us, but its roar made us step back. We also saw bears and elephants. The elephants were majestic, swinging their trunks in the air, and the bears were happily playing together.

In another area, there were deer and stags taking strolls, and they were playful and beautiful. We then found a spot with baboons and monkeys in a big tree. They were jumping around, playing pranks, and some even came down for bananas. Kids were having fun making faces at them.

Later, we visited an aquarium with colorful fishes and dolphins happily playing in the water. Near the end, we saw sad polar bears in an enclosure, so we gave them some food. The black bear in another cage was doing tricks, and people were thrilled. We also checked out crocodiles, snakes like pythons and cobras, but the hissing cobras made us move away.

After going around the zoo, we sat in a garden, surrounded by the sweet smell of flowers. The calm wind made it a perfect place to relax. We enjoyed the view with some snacks and drinks. As the sun set, we left the zoo with happy memories and excitement.


Visiting a zoo makes us learn a lot many things about the various species of animals besides the fun and frolic that we have. We get to learn about the tastes and habits of so many varieties of birds, animals, reptiles, and beasts. A zoo is a place that brings us closer to the living beings that we co-exist with on this earth – the animals, birds, reptiles, insects, and so on. It tells us about the balance between the animal species and their habitats. It shows us that animal life is as important as human life. It tells us even more about the wondrous creations of God on this earth.


The value of zoos lies in their ability to bridge the gap between humans and the natural world. They offer us a glimpse into the lives of creatures we might never encounter otherwise, fostering a sense of wonder and respect for the diversity of life on Earth. However, this privilege comes with a responsibility – to ensure the well-being of the animals in our care and to constantly strive for improvement in their living conditions.

Ultimately, the future of zoos lies in striking a delicate balance between education, conservation, and animal welfare. By prioritizing the needs of the animals we hold captive, we can ensure that zoos become not just places of entertainment, but also sanctuaries for endangered species and vital centers for conservation education. Only then can these wondrous, complex institutions truly fulfill their potential as ambassadors of the wild.

FAQs on A Visit To The Zoo - Long and Short Essay

1. What is the importance of zoological parks?

Zoological parks help us preserve endangered species to prevent them from becoming extinct. The breeding procedures in these places help us increase their population.

2. How would you describe a zoo?

A zoo is also called a zoological park. It is a reserve where animals are confined by making arrangements similar to their natural habitat. These enclosures are open for public view. Some zoos also opt for breeding. There are more than 1000 such enclosures available to the public. However, most of them are situated in major cities.

3. What are the good things about zoos?

Zoos act as a source of economy for the community and the country as a whole. They help us interact closely with nature and preserve endangered species as well. They act as an educational source and help us understand God’s beautiful creations.

4. Should animals be kept in Zoos?

Animals should be left to live freely in their natural habitats with their families, and not trapped in cages in zoos.

5. What are the advantages of Zoos?

Zoos act as protected spaces for endangered species of animals. They act as an educational and economic resource for society.