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CBSE Class 8 Hindi Sample Paper Set 2 with Solutions (2024-25)


CBSE Sample Paper Set 2 for Class 8 Hindi with Solutions - FREE PDF Download

CBSE Class 8 Hindi Sample Paper Set 2 adheres to the latest guidelines and helps students understand the types of questions and their weightage, helping them strategise their exam preparation. Our expert educators at Vedantu have designed the CBSE Class 8 Hindi Sample Paper in line with the updated exam pattern and the CBSE Class 8 Hindi Syllabus. Click on the FREE PDF download below for easy access and to begin their final preparations with confidence.

Class 8 Hindi Sample Paper Set 2 - General Instructions and Exam Pattern

  1. इस प्रश्न पत्र में कुल 100 अंक हैं: 60 अंक सिद्धांत (थ्योरी) के लिए तथा 40 अंक मूल्यांकन (असेसमेंट) के लिए। परीक्षा का कुल समय 2.5 घंटे (ढाई घंटे) निर्धारित है।

  2. प्रश्न पत्र को चार सेक्शन (A, B, C, और D) में बाँटा गया है। सभी चारों सेक्शन से प्रश्नों के उत्तर देना अनिवार्य है।

  3. प्रत्येक उत्तर समाप्त करने के बाद, अगले उत्तर को प्रारम्भ करने से पहले एक या दो पंक्ति का अंतर छोड़ें।

  4. प्रश्नपत्र का यह ढाँचा (फ़ॉर्मैट) यह सुनिश्चित करता है कि विद्यार्थी सभी महत्वपूर्ण विषयों या कौशलों को कवर करें।

  5. समय प्रबंधन: 2.5 घंटे (150 मिनट) में 60 अंक के सिद्धांत और 40 अंक के मूल्यांकन को हल करना है। अतः प्रत्येक सेक्शन को प्राथमिकता के अनुसार समय बाँटें।

  6. सही क्रम में प्रश्नों के उत्तर देने से आपकी प्रस्तुति प्रभावी होती है और मूल्यांकनकर्ता के लिए उत्तरपत्र की जाँच आसान होती है।





खंड - क

अपठित गद्यांश एवं पद्यांश



खंड - ख

व्याकरण (Grammar)



खंड - ग

लघु उत्तरीय प्रश्न (Short Answer Questions)



खंड - घ

दीर्घ उत्तरीय प्रश्न (Long Answer & Creative Writing)






Links for Set-wise Sample Papers for Class 8 Hindi 2024-25

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Other Related Study Materials for CBSE Class 8 Hindi

The CBSE Class 8 Hindi Sample Paper Set 2 (2024-25) is helpful for students to strengthen their Hindi skills and perform well in exams. By practising this sample paper, students can understand the exam pattern, improve their time management, and enhance their grammar and writing abilities. 

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FAQs on CBSE Class 8 Hindi Sample Paper Set 2 with Solutions (2024-25)

1. What topics are covered in this Class 8 Hindi Sample Paper Set 2?

It covers key areas like reading comprehension, grammar, literature, and writing skills, all aligned with the latest CBSE Class 8 curriculum.

2. Is this Class 8 Hindi Sample Paper Set 2 updated for the 2024‑25 academic year?

Yes, the paper is designed according to the CBSE guidelines and syllabus for the 2024‑25 session.

3. How do I download the Class 8 Hindi Sample Paper Set 2 FREE PDF?

Simply click on the “FREE PDF Download” link on the Vedantu page to access the sample paper immediately.

4. Are detailed solutions or answer keys provided for this Class 8 Hindi Sample Paper Set 2?

Vedantu typically offers answer keys and step‑by‑step explanations, making it easier for students to understand and learn from their mistakes.

5. How will this sample paper help in my exam preparation?

It simulates the actual exam format, helping you identify your strengths and weaknesses while familiarising you with the question patterns.

6. Can I access the PDF on my mobile device?

Absolutely—the PDF is optimised for both desktop and mobile devices, ensuring seamless access anywhere.

7. Do I need to register on Vedantu to download the paper?

Most FREE resources can be downloaded without registration, although creating an account might find additional study materials.

8. What makes this sample paper reliable?

The paper is curated by subject experts and is based on the latest CBSE syllabus, ensuring its accuracy and relevance.

9. Is there any practise material for other subjects on Vedantu?

Yes, Vedantu provides a wide range of sample papers and practise materials across multiple subjects and classes.

10. How is the Class 8 Hindi Sample Paper Set 2 structured?

It is divided into sections that include comprehension, literature, grammar, and writing—mirroring the CBSE exam structure.

11. Will practising with this sample paper improve my Hindi skills?

Regular practise can enhance your language proficiency by building vocabulary and improving grammar and overall comprehension.

12. Where can I find additional exam preparation resources on Vedantu?

Vedantu offers live classes, video tutorials, practice tests, and other study aids across various subjects for comprehensive exam preparation.