Origin of The Word RIP
The word RIP, Rest in peace is an epitaph that was mainly found in the Western gravestones, honouring the deceased persons. In an informal usage of speech and writing, RIP is used to note the literal or any metaphorical death of someone or something.
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RIP, this acronym contains the same initial letters as belonging to the phrase rest in peace, this originates from the Latin phrase that has the same meaning in their own language -requiescat in pace, this means “may the dead person rest in peace.” This particular Latin phrase began to appear on the Christian gravestones in the 8th century and by the 1700s the phrase was widely used by Christian grave markers.
RIP Full Form
RIP full form in English is Rest in Peace. The early use of this phrase was in the Latin language as requiescat in pace (or rest in peace).
RIP Full Form and Meaning
If we discuss the RIP full form and what it means, this will indicate a prayer or a wish that the soul of the deceased person may find peace. This is often believed that the soul after living his mortal life on earth, rests in heaven thus it marks a wish for the deceased soul that it does so. The wish is generally cast by the family members, or by their loved ones.
Even now, the Catholic burial services incorporate the original Latin phrase - requiescat in pace in this way.
While, in others, it is more prevalent to use R.I.P, here the full form of RIP being Rest in Peace. This acronym is tagged or engraved on the gravestones and in the funeral services.
Appearance of RIP and Its Migration
The acronym that is R.I.P appeared first in the year 1613 as an abbreviation for the Latin phrase requiescat in pace, then in the year 1681, it appeared in the full form for Rest in Peace.
This phrase rest in peace and the acronym R.I.P. have migrated for secular use over the past centuries, given Christianity’s extensive influence on the secular system of Western culture. At the funeral settings, the phrase ‘rest in peace’ acquires a solemn tone which is appropriate for the occasion. Outside the burial ceremonies and on the gravestones, the phrase ‘rest in peace’ has come to be used in the obituaries and online in order to signify respect and good wishes for the beloved person who is dead. This is a trend - hashtag #RIP, this commonly appended in the social-media posts where the fans mourn the passing of an influential figure. These hashtags were used as an admiration to the life of the dead person and also with these hashtags they celebrated their lives which had an impact on the influential being.
The phrase Rest in Peace has developed light-hearted, humorous inclusion as well. In the 21st century, especially in social media the phrase is more often used in the form of RIP for the metaphorical deaths of such things as cancelled television shows or any banned apps and also for celebrity breakups.
RIP Used in The Churches and Their Literal Meaning
As mentioned, RIP is a phrase that originates from the Latin phrase ‘Requiescat In Peace”. In the English language the same means ‘Rest in Peace. The Latin phrase, at times, is used traditionally in the Christian services and in the prayers too. This term is very common in Catholic prayers, Lutheran prayers, Anglican Prayers and also in Methodist prayers. The inclusion of RIP in these prayers are for wishing the soul of the decedent eternal rest and peace.
This quote became very popular in the gravestones in the 18th century, now it became like common usage regardless of any religion.
In the catacombs of the early Christians, the phrase ‘dormit’ (he sleeps in peace) was used which indicated that the person died in the peace of the church, and his soul united with Jesus Christ. In the Tridentine Requiem Mass of the Catholic Church, the phrase appears quite a several time.
Other variations of this phrase also include “Requiescat in pace et in amore” which means “May he/she rest in peace and love”
Who Else can Use RIP?
R.I.P. is often found on the creepy themed props and in all sorts of Halloween decorations around. RIP serves as a short and recognizable reference to the death and the graveyards. This can easily create a spooky video at Halloween parties.
Rest in peace is used widely on the social internet, more commonly, to give the character limits and for the internet users to penchant the abbreviations.
These users may also include the phrase “RIP me” in posts where they talk of any circumstance which they are not favoured of. In order to express their unpleasant feelings on the same subject, they can write ‘RIP’ humorously. Also, they can also use “RIP me” in contrasting situations as well, when they feel or think so great and overwhelming, they might use the same phrase. For instance, there is a photo of a celebrity and in the comment section, fans might comment “They look adorable in those dresses, RIP me”, this humorously means as if the commentator got killed by their beauty.
The use of this phrase ‘RIP’ is also often associated with the young “fangirls” while posting about their favourite singers or their favourite actors.
Online users can also use RIP as hyperbole which indicates their mental health which might be a combination of frustration, resignation, or embarrassment. For example, someone accidentally pouring ketchup on their formal dress may exclaim with “RIP me!”
FAQs on RIP Full Form
Q1. Give Any Two Sentences as an Example Where There is The Usage of The Acronym RIP.
Ans. The examples of two sentences where the acronym RIP is used can be:
RIP me, I have to write 100 times this same spelling as I made mistake in class. (Here, the student is expressing his/her sorrow as he/she need to write the spelling 100 times)
Did you all check the trailer of infinity war? The movie will soon get released on the 15th of May. Anyway, this is unbelievable the trailer is superb, I literally feel my veins rushing! I am going to die! RIP me. (this dialogue is a fangirl/boy of infinity war where he/she is expressing his/her excitement as the movie is going to be released.)
Q2. What is Tridentine Requiem Mass?
Ans. A Requiem or Requiem Mass, which is known as a Mass for the dead (In Latin: Missa pro defunctis) meaning in English Mass of the dead (In Latin: Missa defunctorum), is a Mass where the Catholic Church offers the repose of the soul or the souls of one or more of the deceased persons, which uses a particular form of the Roman Missal.
Q3. What are Catacombs?
Ans. Catacombs are the subterranean passageways that were earlier used as a place of burial, this took place way back in centuries. The burials of the Jewish, pagan and early Christian Roman citizens in the catacombs began in the second century and this ritual ended in the fifth century.