Computer from the Word ‘Compute’
The computer is actually not an acronym. It is a word that is derived from the word "compute" which means to calculate. Hence, in simpler words, this can be said that a computer is an electronic device that serves in fast calculation.
If a computer needs a justified full form, this can be as - Common Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and Educational Research. Though this is only a myth as the definition of computer does not agree with its full form. Secondly, when the computer was first invented, they were merely machines that were used only for calculation. Also, this machine required a lot of space for its establishment.
Full-Form of Computer
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Computer full form can be written as Commonly Operated Machine Particularly used for Technical and Educational Research. After knowing the full form of computer, which is actually just a long form of the acronym that is not certified as so, we must know the definition of the computer.
“A computer is a general-purpose electronic device that is used to perform arithmetic and logical operations automatically. A computer consists of a central processing unit and some form of memory.”
Now We will Categorize Computers on the Basis of Generation:
First-generation Computers: (the year 1940-1956) based on the Vacuum tubes.
Second-generation Computers: (the year 1956-1963) which are based on Transistors.
Third-generation Computers: (the year 1964-1971) based on the Integrated Circuits
Fourth-generation Computers: (the year 1971- to Present) Based on the Microprocessors
Fifth-generation Computers: (Present and Beyond) which are based on Artificial Intelligence
There are also varied computer types which are available on the basis of their working areas: supercomputer, work frames, personal computer, laptops, desktops, palmtops, etc.
Expand Computer
The full form of computer in English as already mentioned is Commonly Operated Machine Particularly used for Technical and Educational Research.
Further, we will know about the computer, parts, classification, generation, and the full form of other important definition of computer like ALU, CPU, etc.
Let’s Put the Acronym in its Expanded Form. The Initials of the Computer are:
C – Commonly
O– Operated
M – Machine
P – Particularly
U – Used for
T – Technical
E – & Education
R – Research
You can find many full forms on different websites, while there is no unified or widely agreed Computer Full Form.
What is Computer and what are its Components?
A computer is basically an electronic system that uses the instructions given by the instructor in the form of a programming language. The instructions are to store, retrieve, and also instructed to process the data by using the hardware and software.
The computer uses its programming to perform an arithmetical or a logical operation in definite sequences. The computer contains particularly arithmetic and logical unit known as ALU. Computers are based on be technology – they can be digital, analogue, and also hybrid. There are several other Super Computers, Desktops, Personal Computers, Laptops, etc.
This device is often known to be a computing machine as without the software, it cannot do anything.
It takes the user raw data which acts as an input process and then produces user output data.
In simpler words, this can be said that the digital computer is actually an electronic device which is along with the components i.e., hardware and software (like apps in mobile).
This makes our life quite easier by processing the raw data output in any format required, into meaningful data as is desired by the user.
There is also a lot of software and even hardware that are available in the market as per the requirements of the user.
Workings of a Computer
For the functioning of the components, there are two major components that are required; they are known as Hardware and Software.
The Hardware of a computer consists mainly of two categories namely- the processing hardware and other peripheral devices.
Central Processing Unit (CPU) falls under the processing hardware which helps in processing the data. While the peripheral devices (like the Keyboard, Mouse, etc.) helps the user to interact with the computer easily.
We will discuss both these hardware and software components in the later section. First, we will discuss the working of the computer which can be divided into the below mentioned four functions or four steps: -
Input – this means receiving input in the form of data or information from the user. The input is being inserted with the help of various input devices like the scanner, keyboard, mouse, etc.
Processing – In order to process the information or the data, this function works. It performs logical and Athematic operations on the data or information.
Storage of the Information – After the successful processing of data the data or the information is afterwards stored in the storage devices like the Hard Disk, Pen Drive. CD etc.
Output – At the end, the processed and the final data which is the information is then received by the user through the output devices like the printers and monitors.
Hardware and Software
Computer Hardware can be defined as the physical parts of the computer which can be felt when we touch, we can see these hardware devices. Examples are - CPU, Monitor, Mouse, Keyboard, etc.
Below are the Examples of the Internal Hardware Consisted in a Computer: -
CPU (Central Processing Unit)
Drive (like Hard disk drive, CD-ROM, Floppy Drive, DVD)
RAM- Random Access Memory
Sound Card
Video Card
External Hardware of Computer: -
What is a Software in Computer?
The software in a computer can be defined as a set of instructions or the programs which tell the computer how to compute the raw data in order to get the desired or required output.
Examples of Software that are Commonly used in a Computer are: -
Internet Browser (Example Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer)
Movie player (like VLC and Windows Media Player)
Operating System (like Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, and windows)
Adobe photoshop
Microsoft office
Classification of the computer on the basis of technology: -
Analog Computer
Digital Computer
Hybrid Computer
Super Computer
Mainframe Computer
Mini Computer
Micro or Personal Computer
Basic Application of Computer in Different Fields
At Home for online education, bill payment, watching movies etc.
For Education
In Defence Forces
Healthcare/ Medical
Government Administration and Services
Banking and Financial Hubs
Engineering Industry
Transport System
Entertainment and Recreation
Security and Surveillance
Product Simulations
Artificial Intelligence
FAQs on COMPUTER Full Form
Q1. Name Some Computer Brands in the World.
Ans. Some computer brands popular in the world are as follows:
Apple Inc.
Hewlett Packard (HP)
Samsung Electronics
Q2. What are Peripheral Devices?
Ans. A peripheral device can be defined as any auxiliary device, like for example a computer mouse or a keyboard, this is connected to and this works with the computer in a way. Other examples of such peripherals are the expansion cards, and graphics cards, the image scanners, also tape drives, microphones, loudspeakers, webcams, and digital cameras all come under peripheral devices.
Q3. What are Vacuum Tubes in Computers?
Ans. A vacuum tube computer which is also termed the first-generation computer, this computer uses vacuum tubes for the logic of circuitry. Although this is taken up by the second generation which is known as the transistorized computers, these vacuum tube computers continued to be built even in the later 1960s. These computers were mostly had one-of-a-kind designs.