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Khelen Mein Ko Kaako Gusaaiyaan, Murli Tau Gupalhin Bhaavati Class 11 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Antra) Chapter 10


Chapter 10 (Antra) Surdas Poem Class 11 Notes FREE PDF Download

Class 11 Hindi Chapter 10 Surdas's "Sursagar" focuses on a dialogue between the gopis and Uddhav. When Krishna does not return to Vrindavan and sends a message through Uddhav that he will not be coming back, the gopis express their sorrow and envy towards Uddhav. They feel that Uddhav, despite being close to Krishna, is spared from the sorrow they experience due to his absence. This excerpt reflects on their deep love and the pain caused by Krishna's departure.

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लेखक के बारे में

सूरदास जी हिंदी साहित्य के एक प्रमुख कवि और संत हैं, जिनका कार्य भक्तिपंथी काव्य में अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण है। वे अपने भक्ति साहित्य, विशेषकर सूरसागर के लिए प्रसिद्ध हैं, जिसमें उन्होंने श्री कृष्ण की लीलाओं और भक्तों की भावनाओं का सुंदर चित्रण किया है।

कविता के संक्षिप्त विवरण

इस पद में सूरदास जी ने गोपियों और उद्धव के बीच के संवाद का वर्णन किया है। जब श्री कृष्ण मथुरा से वापस नहीं आते और उद्धव के माध्यम से संदेश भेजते हैं कि वे नहीं आ पाएंगे, तो गोपियाँ उद्धव को भाग्यशाली मानती हैं क्योंकि वे खुद श्री कृष्ण के प्रेम में व्यथित हैं। गोपियाँ उद्धव की तुलना कमल के पत्तों और तेल के मटके से करती हैं, जो श्री कृष्ण के प्रेम से प्रभावित नहीं हैं। वे अपने दर्द और प्रेम को उद्धव से साझा करती हैं और उनका ताना मारती हैं कि श्री कृष्ण ने राजनीति का अध्ययन कर लिया है।

मुख्य विषय 

इस पद का मुख्य विषय गोपियों की कृष्ण के प्रति गहरी भावनाओं और उनके विरह की पीड़ा को व्यक्त करना है। इसमें प्रेम और राजनीति के बीच का संघर्ष दर्शाया गया है, साथ ही साथ सरकारी और सामाजिक जीवन में व्याप्त संवेदनहीनता पर भी टिप्पणी की गई है।

पात्र चित्रण

गोपियाँ: श्री कृष्ण की भक्त और प्रेमिका, जो उनकी अनुपस्थिति से गहरे दुःख और पीड़ा का अनुभव कर रही हैं। वे उद्धव को कृष्ण के प्रेम से अछूते मानती हैं और अपनी पीड़ा को व्यक्त करती हैं।

उद्धव: कृष्ण के मित्र, जो गोपियों के समक्ष कृष्ण के संदेश को लेकर आते हैं। गोपियों के अनुसार, वह कृष्ण के प्रेम के प्रभाव से दूर हैं और इसलिए भाग्यशाली हैं।


  • पद में गोपियाँ उद्धव से शिकायत करती हैं कि वह श्री कृष्ण के साथ रहने के बावजूद उनके प्रेम के प्रभाव से अछूते हैं, जबकि वे स्वयं कृष्ण के विरह में दुखी हैं।

  •  गोपियाँ उद्धव की तुलना कमल के पत्ते और तेल के मटके से करती हैं, जो कृष्ण के प्रेम से अप्रभावित हैं। 

  • वे बताती हैं कि कृष्ण के जाने के बाद उनकी भावनाएँ मन में ही रह गई हैं और अब वे कृष्ण की अनुपस्थिति के कारण और भी दुखी हैं। 

  • गोपियाँ उद्धव को ताना मारते हुए कहती हैं कि कृष्ण ने राजनीति का अध्ययन कर लिया है और अब उन्हें वापस आकर दर्शन देना चाहिए।

Learnings from Class 11 Chapter 10 (Antra) Surdas Summary 

  • The excerpt from Surdas's teaches about the profound impact of separation and unfulfilled desires on the human heart. 

  • It also illustrates the complexities of love and the expectations placed on those in positions of power, like Uddhav. 

  • The narrative underscores the emotional depth of devotion and the frustrations that arise when loved ones are absent.

Importance of Revision Notes Class 11 Hindi Chapter 10- Surdas 

  • Effective Study Tool: Organised and concise notes facilitate efficient revision, saving valuable time during exam preparation.

  • Enhanced Memorisation: Summarised key points in better retention and recall of information, improving overall learning effectiveness.

  • Focused Study: Highlighting important topics ensures concentrated efforts on crucial areas, optimizing study sessions.

  • Reduced Anxiety: Well-organised notes decrease stress and anxiety, boosting confidence in exam readiness.

  • Quick Reference: Handy for rapid review before exams, ensuring comprehensive coverage of all subjects.

  • Consistent Study Habits: Regular note updates promote consistency in study routines, aiding in sustained learning progress.

  • Enhanced Academic Performance: Thorough and effective revision notes improve exam outcomes by ensuring comprehensive preparation.

Tips for Learning the Class 11 Hindi Revision Notes Chapter 10 (Surdas )

  • Arrange your revision notes chapter-wise and topic-wise for easy access.

  • Use highlighters to mark important themes, characters, and events.

  • Write summaries for each chapter or poem to capture the main ideas.

  • Make flashcards for important quotes, dates, and character traits to aid memorisation.

  • Review your notes frequently to reinforce your understanding and retention.

  • Engage in group discussions to gain different perspectives and a deeper understanding of the material.

  • Create mnemonic devices to remember difficult concepts or sequences. 

Related Study Material Links Class 11 Hindi Chapter 10 Surdas 


Surdas’s portrayal of the gopis' anguish and their dialogue with Uddhav offers a poignant reflection on devotion, separation, and the emotional consequences of unfulfilled expectations. It highlights the depth of the gopis' love for Krishna and their sense of betrayal by Uddhav's apparent insensitivity. This reflection serves as a reminder of the powerful emotions tied to devotion and the challenges of reconciling personal feelings with external circumstances. Students can visit and download other important study materials on the Vedantu website beneficial for last min exam preparation. 

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FAQs on Khelen Mein Ko Kaako Gusaaiyaan, Murli Tau Gupalhin Bhaavati Class 11 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Antra) Chapter 10

1. What is the main theme of Class 11 Chapter 10 Surdas?

The main theme of the chapter "Surdas ka Pad" is the deep emotional pain and sense of betrayal experienced by the gopis due to Krishna's absence, and their perception of Uddhav as being unaffected by Krishna’s love.

2. Who are the key characters in Chapter 10 Surdas of Class 11 Hindi?

The key characters are the gopis and Uddhav. The gopis express their anguish and envy towards Uddhav, who, despite being close to Krishna, is perceived as not suffering from Krishna's absence.

3. In Class 11 Chapter 10, How do the gopis describe their feelings about Uddhav in Surdas?

The gopis describe Uddhav as fortunate because he remains unaffected by Krishna's absence. They use metaphors like the lotus leaf and oil pot to highlight how Uddhav, despite his closeness to Krishna, does not feel the emotional impact of Krishna's love.

4. What metaphors are used in Class 11 Hindi  Chapter 10 Surdas to describe Uddhav's situation?

The gopis use metaphors such as the lotus leaf and the oil pot to describe Uddhav’s situation, suggesting that he, like these items, is not affected by Krishna's love despite being in Krishna’s company.

5. How do the gopis express their pain and frustration in Chapter 10 of Class 11 (Antra)?

The gopis express their pain and frustration by lamenting their unfulfilled desires and the depth of their love for Krishna, which remains unfulfilled due to His absence.

6. What criticism do the gopis direct towards Uddhav in Surdas ka Pad of Class 11 Chapter 10?

The gopis criticize Uddhav for his insensitivity towards their suffering and for being unaffected by Krishna's love, which they believe reflects his detachment from true devotion.

7. What do the gopis wish Krishna would do according to chapter 10 Surdas of Class 11 Hindi?

The gopis wish that Krishna would return to alleviate their suffering and resolve their pain caused by His absence. They believe He should not leave them in such a state.

8. How does Surdas of Class 11 Hindi highlight the nature of devotion and separation?

The chapter highlights the intense emotional impact of separation from a loved one. It contrasts the experiences of those who are deeply affected by the absence with those who appear detached. 

9. What message about dealing with absence is conveyed in Surdas Chapter 10 of Class 11 Hindi?

The chapter conveys that dealing with the absence of a loved one can lead to profound emotional pain and highlights the difference between those who are truly affected and those who seem indifferent.

10. How does chapter 10 Surdas of Class 11  reflect on the concept of political and social duty?

The chapter reflects on the concept of political and social duty by critiquing Uddhav's apparent detachment from the gopis' emotional needs and suggesting that true leadership should address and empathise with the people’s suffering.