English Class 11 Chapter 2 (Prose) A Pair of Mustachios Summary - FREE PDF Download
FAQs on A Pair of Mustachios Class 11 Notes: CBSE English (Woven Words) Chapter 2
1. What is the primary theme of English Class 11 Chapter 2 A Pair of Mustachios?
The primary theme is the irrational pride and social status attached to different styles of moustaches.
2. Who wrote Class 11 English (Woven Words) Chapter 2 A Pair of Mustachios?
The story is written by Mulk Raj Anand.
3. What do the various moustache styles symbolise in the Class 11 English Chapter 2 A Pair of Mustachios?
Moustache styles symbolise different social classes and statuses.
4. Why is Khan Azam Khan upset with Seth Ramanand according to A Pair of Mustachios Notes?
Khan Azam Khan is upset because he believes Seth Ramanand's moustache style mimics his own, undermining his social status.
5. How does Khan Azam Khan react to seeing Seth Ramanand’s moustache as discussed in the English Chapter 2 A Pair of Mustachios Notes?
Khan Azam Khan becomes furious and demands Seth Ramanand lower his moustache tips.
6. What does Seth Ramanand do to appease Khan Azam Khan initially in English Class 11 Chapter 2 A Pair of Mustachios?
Seth Ramanand lowers one side of his moustache, but later raises it again, angering Khan further.
7. What is the satirical element in English Chapter 2 A Pair of Mustachios?
The satire lies in how people’s sense of honour and pride can be tied to something as trivial as a moustache style.
8. How does the Class 11 English Chapter 2 A Pair of Mustachios reflect societal norms?
The story reflects societal norms by showcasing how superficial symbols like moustache styles can dictate respect and social status.
9. What is the significance of the story’s title "A Pair of Mustachios"?
The title emphasises the importance of moustache styles and the conflict arising from them between two individuals.
10. What lesson can be learned from "A Pair of Mustachios"?
The story teaches that excessive pride in superficial attributes can lead to irrational decisions and self-destruction.