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Magnetic Effect Of Electric Current Class 10 Notes: CBSE Science Chapter 12


CBSE Science Chapter 12 Magnetic Effects Of Electric Current Class 10 Notes: FREE PDF Download

In Class 10 Physics Magnetic Effect Of Electric Current Notes, Students will learn about the magnetic effects of electric current. This chapter explains how electric current flowing through a conductor creates a magnetic field around it. You will explore important concepts such as electromagnetism, magnetic fields, and electromagnetic induction. Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Notes also covers practical applications like electric motors, generators, and their role in everyday life. These Magnetic Effect of Electric Current Class 10 Notes help simplify these concepts according to the Class 10 Science Syllabus, making it easier for students to understand how electricity and magnetism are connected. By going through the Class 10 Science Notes, students can prepare effectively for their exams and grasp the practical use of these principles in modern technology.

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Magnetic Effect Of Electric Current Class 10 Notes: CBSE Science Chapter 12
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  • A magnet is a material that has the ability to attract metals such as iron, nickel, cobalt, and steel. There are two poles to a magnet: north and south.

  • When liberated, the two poles pursue the earth's north and south poles. Each component becomes a magnet when broken into parts.

Magnetic Field:

  • A magnetic field is the area around a magnet where its influence can be felt by any other magnetic element.

  • The magnetic field is measured in Tesla or \[\text{Weber/}{{\text{m}}^{\text{2}}}\]units.

  • Lines of Magnetic Fields

  • Externally, magnetic field lines exit the north pole of a magnet and enter the South Pole, forming closed loops.

  • At the poles, where the magnetic field strength is greatest, magnetic field lines are nearest. There are no magnetic field lines that cross one other.

  • The tangent at a place indicates the direction of the magnetic field at that point.

Natural Magnet:

  • Magnetite or Lodestone (\[\text{F}{{\text{e}}_{\text{3}}}{{\text{O}}_{\text{4}}}\]), a naturally occurring black iron ore, is a natural magnet.

Oersted’s Experiment:

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  • The needle has been deflected, indicating that an electric current has caused a magnetic effect across the copper wire.

  • As a result, we can say that electricity and magnetism are intertwined.

Magnet in a Magnetic Field:

  • When a magnet is placed in a magnetic field, it aligns itself along the field lines with the North Pole facing the magnetic field's direction of travel.

  • Due to the contents of the earth, a magnetic field exists on its surface, causing it to behave like a magnet. As a result, a magnetic needle is employed to determine the direction on the earth's surface.

Magnetic Field Around a Current Carrying Straight Conductor:

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When the current in the copper wire is altered, the needle deflection varies as well. In reality, as the current rises, the deflection rises with it.

It means that when the current through the wire increases, the magnitude of the magnetic field produced at a given spot grows.

Magnetic Field Around a Current Carrying Circular Conductor:

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A current-carrying wire's magnetic field at a particular place is directly proportional to the current flowing through it.

The field produced by a circular coil with n turns is n times larger than that produced by a single turn.

Magnetic Field Due To a Solenoid:

A solenoid is a coil comprising several circular turns of insulated copper wire wrapped tightly in the shape of a cylinder.

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A solenoid's magnetic field lines are seen in the diagram below. The solenoid's one end acts as a magnetic north pole, while the other acts as a magnetic south pole.


Inside the solenoid, the field lines are in the shape of parallel straight lines. This means that the magnetic field inside the solenoid is the same at all places. That means, the field inside the solenoid is uniform.

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Rules for Determining Direction of Magnetic Field: 

  • The direction of the curled fingers points in the direction of the magnetic field if a straight conductor is clutched in the palm of the right hand with the thumb pointing along the path of current flow.

  • For circular conductors, use the right hand thumb rule.

  • The thumb points in the direction of the magnetic field if the circular current's direction matches with the curled fingers' direction.

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The Cork Screw Rule of Maxwell:

If the current through a conductor is represented by the direction of linear motion of a corkscrew, then the magnetic field is represented by the direction of rotation of the corkscrew.

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Ampere’s Swimming Rule:

If a guy swims along a current-carrying wire with his face constantly facing the magnetic needle, current entering his feet and exiting his head, the magnetic needle's North Pole will always be deflected towards his left hand.

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Magnetizing a Material: 

The material can exhibit magnetic properties once it has been magnetised.

Permanent Magnets: 

A permanent magnet is one that retains its magnetic properties after it has been magnetised. This is a property of steel.

Electromagnets and Their Applications:

  • When a piece of magnetic material, such as soft iron, is placed inside the coil, a strong magnetic field produced inside the solenoid can be used to magnetise it. 

  • An electromagnet is a magnet that has been formed in this way.

  • Electric bells, loudspeakers, telephone diaphragms, and electric fans all use electromagnets. 

  • Cranes also employ massive electromagnets to transport large loads.

Force on Current Carrying Conductor in a Magnetic Field:

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When a current-carrying conductor is put in a magnetic field, it is subjected to a force. When the current in the conductor is reversed, the direction of force is reversed as well.

Fleming’s Left Hand Rule:

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When the thumb, forefinger, and middle finger of the left hand are held perpendicular to each other, with the forefinger pointing in the direction of the magnetic field and the middle finger pointing in the direction of the current, the thumb points in the direction of the force exerted on the conductor, according to Fleming's left hand rule.

5 Important Topics of Science Class 10 Chapter 12 you shouldn’t Miss!

S. No

Important Topics


Magnetic Field and Field Lines


Magnetic Field Due to a Current Carrying Conductor


Right hand Thumb Rule

Left hand Thumb Rule


Magnetic Field Due to a Current through a circular loop


Domestic Electric Circuits

Important formula in Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Magnetic Effect Of Electric Current

1. Magnetic Force on a Current-Carrying Conductor:
$F = BIl \sin \theta$

  • F = Magnetic force

  • B = Magnetic field strength

  • I = Current in the conductor

  • l = Length of the conductor

  • $\theta$ = Angle between the magnetic field and the conductor

2. Ampere’s Circuital Law:
$B = \frac{\mu_0 I}{2\pi r}$

  • B = Magnetic field at a distance rrr from a long straight conductor

  • $\mu_0$ = Permeability of free space $(4\pi \times 10^{-7} \, Tm/A)$

  • I = Current in the conductor

  • r = Distance from the conductor

3. Force on a Moving Charge in a Magnetic Field (Lorentz Force):
$F = qvB \sin \theta$

  • F = Force on the charge

  • q = Charge

  • v = Velocity of the charge

  • B = Magnetic field

  • $\theta$ = Angle between velocity and magnetic field direction

Importance of Class 10 Science Magnetic Effect of Electric Current Notes

  • Class 10 Physics Magnetic Effect Of Electric Current Notes explains how electricity and magnetism are related, which is essential for understanding the working of electric motors, generators, and other devices.

  • Magnetic Effect Of Electric Current Class 10 Short Notes simplify the key concepts of magnetic fields, electromagnetic induction, and the force on a current-carrying conductor.

  • Understanding these concepts helps students grasp the functioning of real-life applications like electric bells, loudspeakers, and transformers.

  • These notes are essential for clearing fundamental concepts that are frequently tested in board exams.

  • Students get clear explanations of important laws like Fleming’s Left Hand Rule, Right Hand Rule, and Ampere's Circuital Law.

  • Class 10th Magnetic Effect Of Electric Current Notes break down complex topics such as magnetic field lines and solenoids into simpler explanations.

  • Understanding this chapter is important for future studies in physics, engineering, and technology.

Tips for Learning the Class 10 Chapter 12 Science Magnetic Effect of Electric Current

  • Start by understanding the concept of a magnetic field and how it is created by electric current.

  • Learn and practice drawing magnetic field lines around a current-carrying conductor, coil, and solenoid.

  • Memorise key laws like Fleming’s Left and Right Hand Rules, which help in understanding the direction of force and current.

  • Use diagrams and flowcharts to visualise the working of devices like electric motors and generators.

  • Regularly solve numerical problems and questions based on electromagnetic induction and force on conductors.

  • Relate the chapter's content to real-life applications, such as how an electric motor works in household appliances.

  • Revise important definitions, laws, and diagrams frequently to keep the concepts fresh before exams.


Magnetic Effects Of Electric Current Class 10 Notes is essential in understanding the relationship between electricity and magnetism. It introduces fundamental concepts like magnetic fields, electromagnetic induction, and current-carrying conductors. By studying these notes, students can easily grasp complex topics and relate them to everyday devices like motors and transformers. The chapter is vital for board exams, with a strong focus on practical applications. Understandinging this topic not only helps with exam preparation but also provides a solid foundation for future studies in physics and engineering fields. With regular practice and revision, students can confidently answer the questions on this chapter.

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FAQs on Magnetic Effect Of Electric Current Class 10 Notes: CBSE Science Chapter 12

1. What does Chapter 12 of Class 10 Science depict?

Chapter 12 of Class 10 Science titled Magnetic Effects of Electric Current deals with Magnet and its various properties. Various subtopics covered under this chapter are - Magnetic field, Magnetic field produced by the straight conductor, Magnetic field produced due to circular loop, Magnetic field produced due to a solenoid, Strength of a magnetic field can be changed by, Electromagnet, Kicking wire experiment, Fleming's right-hand rule, Lenz's law, AC generator, Earthing etc.

This chapter includes the definition of the magnet as well i.e. Magnet is such an object which can attract various other objects made out of iron, cobalt, and nickel. Lodestone is a naturally occurring magnet. Magnet is used in various electronic devices: refrigerator, radio and stereo speakers, children’s toys, computer device, and electric wire.

2. What are the properties of the Magnet?

Below are the properties of Magnet.

    • Each magnet has north and south poles.

    • Opposite poles attract each other while the same poles repel each other. 

    • A freely suspended magnet will align itself in the north-south direction.

    3. What are the benefits of referring to CBSE Class 10 Science Notes Chapter 12 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current offered by Vedantu?

    CBSE Class 10 Science Notes Chapter 12 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current offered by Vedantu covers the complete chapter in a comprehensive and thorough manner. So that every student can gain a clear idea about all the points covered under the chapter.

    After going through Vedantu’s Magnetic Effect of Electric Current Revision Notes, you will certainly be able to hold a strong command over the topic which is honestly a must thing to pass the Class 10 Science examination with the highest possible grade. 

    Our in-house experts have specially customized the Magnetic Effects of Electric Current Notes by keeping you and your final exams in mind. These notes are extremely easy to understand, and all your doubts will be clarified after going through the entire notes. However, make sure that you touch the revision notes once you complete the entire Science syllabus. All the important points are formulated in such a way that you will be able to create a strong base for the topic and answer any kind of questions coming your way.

    4. How can I download Class 10 Science Revision Notes Chapter 12 from Vedantu website?

    You can easily download the revision notes for Magnetic Effect of Electric Current Class 10 PDF from our website. The best part of these revision notes is that these notes are strictly made according to the CBSE marking scheme and guidelines ensuring everything gets thoroughly covered from your end. So, these will boost a lot of confidence.

    5. What is the magnetic effect of electric current Class 10 notes?

    The topics covered in Class 10 Chapter 12 magnetic effect of electric current are as follows:

    • Magnetic field and field lines

    • The magnetic field of current-carrying conductors

    • Right-hand rule

    • The magnetic field of current in a circular loop

    • The magnetic field of current in the solenoid

    These topics are covered in detail in the CBSE Class 10 Science Notes  provided by Vedantu at free of cost.

    6. What are magnetic field lines?

    The imaginary lines depicting the magnetic field of a given magnet are referred to as the field lines or the field lines of a magnet. When we let iron fillings settle around bar magnets, they are automatically arranged into a pattern that mimics the field lines of that magnet. Field lines of magnets can also be known with the help of a compass. It is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitudes as well as direction.

    7. What is a magnet?

    A magnet refers to any material that can produce a field that can attract or repel other similar materials that are magnetic in nature.

    One such naturally occurring magnet is the Lodestone. This is able to attract materials such as Iron and Nickel.

    8. What is the magnetic effect of electric current?

    When an electric current is allowed to follow through a given current-carrying conductor, it is capable of producing a magnetic field along with the same. This may be understood through the experiment involving a magnetic needle that can show deflection. The greater the current flow, the higher the deflection will be. When the direction of this current gets reversed, the deflection direction also gets reversed.

    9. Explain Fleming’s right-hand rule.

    As explained in Fleming’s right-hand rule, when the thumb, index finger and middle finger of one's right hand are stretched to stand perpendicularly to each other, then the thumb will indicate the direction in which the conductor moves, fore-finger will indicate the magnetic field's direction, and the middle finger will indicate the direction of the flow of the induced current. For a more detailed explanation, visit Vedantu. 

    10. What is the Magnetic Effect of Electric Current?

    The Magnetic Effect of Electric Current refers to the phenomenon where a magnetic field is produced around a conductor carrying an electric current. This is the basis for many devices like electric motors and generators.

    11. Why are Magnetic Effect of Electric Current Class 10 Notes important?

    These notes help students understand key concepts like magnetic fields, electromagnetic induction, and the working principles of devices like motors and transformers, which are crucial for exams.

    12. What topics are covered in Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Notes?

    The Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Notes cover topics such as magnetic fields, magnetic field lines, Fleming’s Left and Right Hand Rules, electromagnetic induction, and the functioning of electric motors and generators.