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Noise Pollution Prevention

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Last updated date: 19th Sep 2024
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What is Pollution?

We all are aware of the term pollution. Pollution is defined as the addition or introduction of harmful things which can be gases or materials into the environment. Pollution is divided into types such as air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution etc. In this article, we are going to learn everything about noise pollution.

What is Noise Pollution?

The sound created due to various environmental activities which are unpleasant to hear and causes problems is termed as noise pollution.

Effects of Noise Pollution

Noise pollution causes various effects on our health as well as on our environment. All the effects of noise pollution are given below.

  • Hearing Disorder – Due to noise pollution, we can get hearing disorders and continuous exposure to these can even cause damage to ear drums.

  • Sleeping Problems – Due to unpleasant sounds all around, one cannot sleep peacefully and can suffer from sleeping disorders.

Causes of Noise Pollution

The most common causes of noise pollution include all the following reasons.

  • Traffic – Most of the noise pollution is created due to traffic only. Traffic causes noise pollution as well as air pollution at the same time.

  • Industries – The huge machines used in factories create a large amount of noise pollution all around the area.

  • Construction – Due to drilling and other construction works, noise pollution is created in the surrounding area.

  • Social Events – Functions and celebrations which include mikes, speakers which ultimately create noise pollution for all the other surrounding people.

Noise Pollution Sources

The main sources of noise pollution include the following:

  • Car horns

  • Sound from machines

  • Thunderstorm

  • Lightning of clouds

Noise Pollution Control

In order to control noise pollution, the following measures should be taken:

  • Honking in traffic and at public places should be restricted and done only for adequate moments.

  • Industries should use sound proof systems to prevent noise pollution created from their end.

  • Speakers used at social events and public functions and celebrations should be played at restricted volume.

Types of Noise Pollution

On the basis of how the noise is created, noise pollution is divided into two broad categories.

  • Environmental Noise Pollution – The unpleasant and unwanted noise which is created due to various natural activities is termed as environmental noise pollution. For example, the noise produced due to lightning of clouds, thunderstorms etc.

  • Man-made Noise Pollution – The unpleasant and unwanted noise which is created due to various human activities is termed as man-made noise pollution. For example, the noise produced due to horns in traffic etc.

Interesting Facts

  • Noise pollution causes health issues other than only discomfort to most of the people.

  • There is a huge negative impact of noise pollution on children.

Key Features

  • The unwanted and unpleasant sound is termed as noise pollution.

  • The effects of noise pollution include hearing and sleeping disorders.

  • Causes of noise pollution are transportation, industries, and social events.

  • The two main types of noise pollution are environmental and man-made noise pollution.

FAQs on Noise Pollution Prevention

1. Explain How Can We Control Noise Pollution.

Some of the ways to control noise pollution are as follows: (1) Control at Receiver's End (2) Suppression of Noise at Source (3) Acoustic Zoning (4) Sound Insulation at Construction Stages.

2. What is the Comfortable Decibel Level for Humans?

A human healthy human ear responds to a very wide range of SPL from - the threshold of hearing at zero dB as uncomfortable at 100-120 dB and painful at 130-140 dB(3). This is all due to the various adverse impacts that we know is of noise that too on humans and the environment.

3. Explain Noise Pollution in Simple Words?

Noise pollution can be defined as any disturbing or we can also say that the unwanted noise interferes or harms humans or wildlife. Although noise is constantly surrounding us, noise pollution generally receives less attention than water quality and air quality issues because it cannot be seen and tasted, or smelled.

4. What are the Different Types of Noise?

The different types of noise generally include physical and the semantic and then the psychological and physiological. We can here see that each interferes with the process of communication in different ways. Physical noise is any sort of outside communication effort by someone or something for example a loud noise that interrupts or distracts you.

5. What are the two types of noise pollution?

On the basis of how the noise is created, noise pollution is divided into two broad categories. 

  • Environmental Noise Pollution – The unpleasant and unwanted noise which is created due to various natural activities is termed as environmental noise pollution. For example, the noise produced due to lightning of clouds, thunderstorms etc. 

  • Man-made Noise Pollution – The unpleasant and unwanted noise which is created due to various human activities is termed as man-made noise pollution. For example, the noise produced due to horns in traffic etc.

6. What is noise pollution and what are its harmful effects?

The sound created due to various environmental activities which are unpleasant to hear and causes problems is termed as noise pollution. Noise pollution causes various effects on our health as well as on our environment. 

There are several harmful effects which are caused due to noise pollution. Due to noise pollution, people suffer from hearing disorders,  sleeping problems, high blood pressure, stress related problems etc. 

7. Is noise pollution considered a crime?

Noise or noise pollution is a serious issue and is considered an environmental health problem. Thus, it is a crime and should be handled by the local council or police under laws. They submit complaints and take action accordingly.