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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Chapter 14 - Ramdhari Singh Dinkar


NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Sparsh Chapter 14 - Ramdhari Singh Dinkar PDF Download

Hindi is an excellent subject that conveys beautiful thoughts and inner messages via the chapters. Chapter 14 of the Class 9 CBSE Hindi book is an important chapter. Students will find it quite intriguing to read and find out what the author wants to say to the kids. To answer the questions in the exercise, you will need a base. It can be found in NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Sparsh Chapter 14 provided by the experts of Vedantu. The solution makes it easier for you to realize how the author has used brilliant words to explain his thoughts and encourages you to prepare the answers on your own. You can download this Ch 14 Hindi Class 9 Sparsh PDF file on your computer and refer to it while preparing the chapter. You will be able to get a hold on the concept and find the right format to answer all the questions in the exam by using the method explained in the Hindi Class 9 Chapter 14 solution.


NCERT Solutions For Class 9


Class 9 Hindi Sparsh

Chapter Name:

Chapter 14 - Ramdhari Singh Dinkar

Content Type:

Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

Chapter Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

Subjects like Science, Maths, English and Hindi will become easy to study if you have access to NCERT Solution for Class 9 Science, Maths solutions and solutions of other subjects. You can also download NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths to help you to revise complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Sparsh पाठ १४ - हरिवंशराय बच्चन (कविता)

निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए:

1. कवि ने ‘अग्निपथ’ किसके प्रतीक स्वरुप प्रयोग किया है?

उत्तर: कवि ने ‘अग्निपथ’ को संघर्ष से पूर्ण जीवन के प्रतीक स्वरुप प्रयोग किया है। कवि का मानना है कि मनुष्य का जीवन संघर्षो चुनौतियों से परिपूर्ण है। उसे कदम-कदम पर कठिनाइयों का सामना करना पड़ता है।

2. 'माँग मत', 'कर शपथ', 'लथपथ' इन शब्दों का बार-बार प्रयोग कर कवि क्या कहना चाहता है?

उत्तर: ‘माँग मत’, ‘कर शपथ’, ‘लथपथ’ इन शब्दों का बार-बार प्रयोग  कर कवि कहना चाहते है।मनुष्य को अपने लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करने के लिए अपने रास्ते में आने वाली किसी भी प्रकार की परिस्थिति या चुनौती से बिना घबराए उसका सामना करना चाहिए। और उसे किसी से भी सहारे की उम्मीद नहीं करनी चाहिए। अपने लक्ष्य को ध्यान में रखते हुए निरंतर प्रयास करते हुए आगे बढ़ते रहना चाहिए।


3. एक पत्र-छाह भी माँग मत' इस पंक्ति का आशय स्पष्ट कीजिए।

उत्तर: 'एक पत्र-छाह भी माँग मत' इस पंक्ति का आशय यह है मनुष्य को अपने  जीवन के रास्ते में आने वाली उन कठिनाईयों का सामना बिना किसी से सहारा लिए अपने आप करना चाहिए। अपने लक्ष्य की प्राप्ति के लिए मनुष्य को निरंतर प्रयास करते रहना चाहिए।

निम्नलिखित का भाव स्पष्ट कीजिए।

4. तू न थमेगा कभी 

तू न मुड़ेगा कभी 

उत्तर: भाव-प्रस्तुत पंक्ति का भाव यह है कवि कहते हैं कि अपने लक्ष्य को ध्यान में रखते हुए मनुष्य को निरंतर आगे बढ़ते रहना चाहिए रास्ते में आने वाली चुनौतियों का बिना घबराए सामना करते हुए आगे बढ़ने का प्रयास करना चाहिए।

5. चल रहा मनुष्य है

अश्रु-स्वेद रक्त से लथपथ, लथपथ, लथपथ

उत्तर: भाव-प्रस्तुत पंक्ति का भाव यह है कि ऐसे मनुष्य अवश्य ही सफलता प्राप्त करते हैं जो अपने संघर्ष से परिपूर्ण रास्ते में बिना किसी चिंता के चलते रहते है। संघर्ष से भरे इस मार्ग में सबसे सुंदर दृश्य यही होता है कि - जब मनुष्य अपना पसीना बहाते हुए उस रास्ते पर अपने लक्ष्य को ओर बढ़े चला जा रहा हो। शरीर से पसीना बहाते और खून से लथपथ हुए बिना किसी चिंता के आगे बढ़ता जा रहा हो।

6. इस कविता का मूलभाव क्या है? स्पष्ट कीजिए।

उत्तर: ‘अग्निपथ’ कविता कवि ‘हरिवंशराय’ द्वारा रचित एक प्रेरणादायक कविता है। इस कविता के द्वारा कवि मनुष्य के जीवन को संघर्ष से परिपूर्ण बताते हुए कहते हैं कि वह मनुष्य ही सफलता को प्राप्त करता है जो बिना किसी कठिनाई से घबराकर प्रत्येक चुनौती को स्वीकार करता है वह मनुष्य अपने जीवन के लक्ष्य को अवश्य ही प्राप्त करता है। कवि मनुष्य के जीवन को आग से भरा हुआ मानते हैं वह मनुष्य को बिना घबराए निरंतर उस पर चलते रहने के लिए कहते हैं।

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Sparsh Chapter 14 - Ramdhari Singh Dinkar

Why Do You Need Hindi Class 9 Chapter 14 Solution?

Class 9 is not an easy part of the curriculum to follow and complete the syllabus when you do not have the right material to study. Classroom lectures might not be enough for the students of Class 9. Finding out the right study material is very important for your preparation. How can you get one? You can easily download the solutions for all chapters in the Hindi syllabus. For instance, the use of NCERT solutions for Class 9 Hindi Sparsh Chapter 14 will deliver the following benefits to your study course

Proper Material to Follow

The notes you make from the lectures given by the school teachers might not be enough to understand what the author has to say in this chapter. You also might have doubts that need to be cleared. How can you find a solution to all the above hurdles? By downloading the solution for this chapter from Vedantu, you can cross all the obstacles and prepare the subject perfectly. There is no need to collect notes regarding the exercises in the chapter when you can easily get the answers from this NCERT Solutions Class 9 Hindi Sparsh Chapter 14. All the answers are prepared by the top experts from different reputed institutions. It means you can rely on the quality of the answers and use them to prepare your own.

There is No Need to Wait

Why wait for the entire chapter to be completed when you can easily do it all by yourself? You will not need any help when you have the perfect solution to refer to and prepare the chapter. When the school has already started the chapter, you can use the NCERT solutions for Class 9 Hindi Sparsh Ch 14 without waiting. You can complete the chapter beforehand and stay ahead of the class. Before any exam arrives, you will be able to revise the chapter multiple times as you have already finished it. In this way, you can easily tackle the entire syllabus of Class 9 Hindi without any hassle.

Save Time for Other Chapters

The smart students prefer using the solution for this crucial chapter so that they can stay ahead of the competition. The prime reason for using NCERT Hindi Class 9 Chapter 14 solution is to save time by discovering the best answers in it. There is no need to hurry or wait for the class to finish it. You can save time and proceed to the next chapter in the syllabus. By using the solution, make your preparation better. Your method of memorizing the answers to questions will become much better and you will feel more confident. In a nutshell, you can use such solutions for all subjects and complete the entire syllabus without any hassle.

Writing in the Preferred Format

How can you find the right format preferred by CBSE? The best way to discover the right format is by referring to the Class 9 Hindi Sparsh Chapter 14 Solutions prepared by the top teachers of Vedantu. All the answers are framed in the right method so that the students can consciously follow it. Your skill will be automatically uplifted by using this solution as a reference. Hence, the answers written by you will bring more marks and give you a better chance to excel in your exams.

Why Prefer Vedantu for Class 9 Hindi Sparsh Chapter 14 Solutions?

What you need to make your preparation more effective is quality solutions for all the chapters in each subject. Consider downloading the Hindi NCERT Solutions Class 9 Sparsh Chapter 14 and check the quality of the answers mentioned in them. Compare them with yours and find out how you can make your preparation better.

Vedantu has always been the right online platform to find such solutions for all subjects. Class 9 students get extremely benefitted from these solutions. They can save time, make their preparations better, and score more in the exams.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Chapter 14 - Ramdhari Singh Dinkar

1. Why Should I Use Class 9 Hindi Sparsh Chapter 14 Solution?

The entire format of the solution is prepared by the teachers by following the CBSE format. The proper presentation offers an organized platform where students will find reliable answers to all the questions in the chapter. This will elevate their confidence in answering the questions in the exams to score better.

2. How Can You Compare Your Answers to Questions of Chapter 14 Hindi Class 9 With Experts?

The best way to compare your answers is by referring to the Class 9th Hindi Sparsh Chapter 14 solution prepared by the top mentors. You will find a difference in quality and approach between your answers and what the experts have formed. Practice and omit the difference.

3. Where Can You Find CBSE-Specific Answers to Class 9 Hindi Sparsh Chapter 14?

Follow the NCERT solutions for Class 9 Hindi Sparsh Chapter 14 Ramdhari Singh Dinkar to find the CBSE-specific answers and make your preparation better.

4. Why do students prefer Vedantu for studying Chapter 14 of the Class 9 Hindi exam?

Vedantu is the best online platform that students are looking for. You can find the right study material for Chapter 14 of Class 9 Hindi on the Vedantu website and mobile app. Vedantu works according to CBSE guidelines. It delivers you the best content made according to the CBSE format. You can find NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Hindi, revision notes, important questions, and many more things. All the content is curated under the supervision of subject matter experts. These study materials are very beneficial to the students and help them in exam preparation.

5. How to download the PDF file of Chapter 14 of Class 9 Hindi Sparsh?

Following steps should be taken to download the PDF file of NCERT Solution of Chapter 14 of Class 9 Hindi Sparsh free of cost:

  • Visit the given page NCERT Solution of Chapter 14 of Class 9 Hindi Sparsh.

  • The website of Vedantu will open.

  • If you want to study online, questions will appear on Vedantu's page.

  • The icon of "download" will appear on top of the page.

  • Tap the icon "download".

  • The PDF file will get downloaded.

  • Now you can study offline.

6. What is the study plan to prepare Chapter 14 of Class 9 Hindi?

The following tips can help to prepare Chapter 14 of Class 9 Hindi:

  • Create a timetable such that it includes Hindi subjects.

  • Use the NCERT Hindi book to read Chapter 14 of Class 9.

  • Thoroughly understand the chapter.

  • Attend the school lectures.

  • Solve the NCERT questions given at the back of the chapter.

  • Work out on extra questions to comprehend the chapter easily.

  • Try to clear your doubts so that you do not face any problems while solving questions of Chapter 14 of Class 9 Hindi.

7. Is Chapter 14 of Class 9 Hindi tough?

The solution to this query varies from student to student. It depends on the student's calibre on how easily they can grasp things or concepts.  If they are provided with the best study material, then every subject becomes easy for them. On Vedantu, you will find even more, including all NCERT Solutions, revision notes, question papers, and explanations. Students can practice and can study Chapter 14 of Class 9 Hindi from Vedantu and easily prepare for their exams.

8. Which chapter of Hindi Sparsh Class 9 is written by Ramdhari Singh Dinkar?

Chapter 14 of Hindi Sparsh Class 9, which is written by Ramdhari Singh Dinkar is "Geet Ageet". In this chapter, the author describes the beauty of nature. Here, the poet compares nature with a singer. He says that everyone, the river, birds, and lovers, is singing a song.

Through this poem, the poet conveys the message that every creature has emotions or feelings.