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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English It So Happened Chapter 4 The Treasure Within


Class 8 English (It So Happened) Chapter 4 The Treasure Within - FREE PDF Download

"The Treasure Within" unveils the transformative journey of Mr. Hafeez Contractor, India's renowned architect, as recounted by Ms. Bela Raja. From a schoolboy disinterested in academics and prone to pranks, Mr. Contractor's path took a pivotal turn with guidance from mentors. His evolution from a reluctant student to a visionary architect highlights the profound impact of personal growth and determination in shaping one's professional success.

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You can easily find and access the NCERT Class 8 English Chapter The Treasure Within Question Answers on Vedantu along with all other study material for NCERT Class 8. All Class 8 English NCERT Solutions are frequently checked and updated by top master teachers to ensure their accuracy and keep them updated for the latest CBSE Class 8 English syllabus.

Glance on Class 8 English Chapter 4 The Treasure Within

  • Mr. Hafeez was initially disinterested in academics and disliked studying, particularly fearing Mathematics exams during his school days.

  • He excelled in sports, becoming senior champion and cricket captain, but also indulged in pranks and was known for creating distractions in class.

  • In eleventh grade, his Principal advised him to focus on studies. This advice led him to change his approach, dedicating more time to study and achieving a 50 percent score in his SSC exams.

  • Initially interested in joining the army, he later shifted towards architecture after displaying natural talent in architectural sketches.

  • He faced challenges with languages like French but overcame them with determination, later excelling in architecture studies after impressing an architect with his sketching ability.

  • As an architect, he values personal interactions with clients and uses his sketches as creative solutions tailored to their preferences, likening the process to solving mathematical problems he once feared.

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Comprehension Check 

1. What did Hafeez Contractor have nightmares about?

Ans: Appearing in a mathematics exam in which he knew nothing was the nightmare that Hafeez Contractor had.

2. What did the Principal say to him, which influenced him deeply?

Ans: The Principal made him realize the struggle his mom goes through to raise him, despite his father’s death. He must, as a grown-up, start taking care of himself and focus on his studies, instead of being concentrated on sports.

3. "... that year I did not step out onto the field." What was he busy doing that year?

Ans: After his Principal inspired him to focus on his studies, he left the playground. He didn't indulge himself in cricket and just studied, ate, and went for prayers. 

4. (i) What "distraction" did Hafeez Contractor create one day?

Ans: He was a schoolboy and like other schoolboys, he played chor-police for an hour when he wasn't in a mood to study.

(ii) Would you have liked to participate in the "distraction" had you been with him?

Ans: I would have participated in such a distraction if I were Hafeez Contractor.

5. Hafeez Contractor wanted to join the police force. Why didn't he? 

Ans: Hafeez Contractor’s mother didn't want to lose him. She told him to complete his graduation instead of joining the police force.

6. In the architect's office, Hafeez Contractor was advised to drop everything and join architecture. Why?

Ans: Somebody in the architect’s office was making a technical sketch of the window. Hafeez immediately noticed some lacunae in the drawing. He tried to convince that person and was asked to draw the sketch for a house which he did remarkably well. He had a natural talent for architecture and was advised to join immediately.

7. (i) What was Mrs Gupta's advice to Hafeez Contractor?

Ans: Mrs Gupta could see the hidden talent Hafeez Contractor had in him and advised him to pursue architecture when he grew up.

(ii) What made her advise him so?

Ans: Hafeez was excellent in making sketches and was almost useless in everything else. Her teacher noticed this and hence advised him to be an architect.

8. How did he help fellow students who had lost a button?

Ans: He cut off a button from chalk, using a blade when one of the fellow students lost a button.

9. Which rules did he break as a schoolboy?

Ans: He wasn't a disciplined student in the school. He would play pranks and jokes on friends and create distractions in the class. He would cheat during examinations and have gang fights. Eventually, as he grew up, he also became a street Romeo.

10. (i) What is Hafeez Contractor's definition of mathematics?

Ans: Hafeez stated that mathematics was putting together design, construction,    psychology, and sociology and making a sketch out of it.

(ii) How would you want to define mathematics? Do you like the subject?

Ans: I am not fond of mathematics. For me, it's a mere play of symbols and numbers.


1. Is it likely that someone who is original and intelligent does not do very well at school? Should such a learner be called a failure? If not, why not?

Ans: It is very likely that someone who is original and intelligent does well at school. The examination system that the schooling system follows at present doesn't let us know the deeper talents of a child. An original kid might fail these tests and lose faith and self-confidence. They might not be academically good but could have extraordinary skills in other fields. Hafeez wasn't a bright student. He was a notorious one and created trouble for the teachers and disturbed the class. He never concentrated on his studies and would cheat during examinations. His talents weren't visible academically but he did an excellent job as an architect without any formal training.

2. Who, in your view, is an ‘unusual’ learner?

Ans: There are various traits of an ‘unusual’ learner. Some might learn better from practical experiences while others might have better auditory comprehending skills. There are some learners who like to bring forth their ideas on the table while creating original art pieces. There is no clear definition for an unusual learner. It is typically the student that still needs to search and polish the talent that they withhold in them.

3. What can the schools do to draw out the best in unusual learners? Suggest whatever seems reasonable to you.

Ans: Schools can organize more creative events where kids should be encouraged to take up hobbies that interest them. Kids should be provided with teachers from the required field so that they can have a better understanding of the subject and flourish it more under professional guidance. These things will help them to build a career out of their talents.

Benefits of NCERT Class 8 English Chapter 4 The Treasure within Question Answers

  • NCERT Solutions offer detailed explanations that clarify the themes and nuances of "The Treasure Within" ensuring students grasp the chapter's content comprehensively.

  • Students benefit from a structured approach to answering questions from Class 8 English Supplementary Chapter 4, helping them organize their thoughts and responses effectively.

  • By engaging with the solutions, students deepen their comprehension skills as they analyse characters, events, and the underlying messages of the chapter.

  • Class 8 The Treasure Within solutions serve as valuable study aids, providing practice questions and model answers that aid in exam preparation, thereby boosting students' confidence.

  • Accessing these NCERT Solutions saves time by providing ready-made answers to questions related to "The Treasure Within," allowing students to focus on learning and revision.

  • Students can use the solutions for self-assessment, identifying areas where they need improvement and reinforcing their understanding independently.

  • The Treasure Within Class 8 PDF is available for FREE Download, readily from the Vedantu website, ensuring easy access to the study material.


"The Treasure Within" tells the story of Mr. Hafeez Contractor's incredible transformation from a playful student to a renowned architect. It highlights how mentorship, personal development, and determination are crucial for achieving professional success and igniting a passion for architecture. For students, Vedantu provides NCERT Class 8 Supplementary Chapter 4 Solutions to "The Treasure Within," which can significantly enhance your exam preparation. These solutions are essential tools to help you excel in your exams.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English It So Happened Chapter 4 The Treasure Within

1. Which thing influenced deeply Hafeez in his childhood school times in English Class 8 Supplementary Chapter 4?

When the principal of the school motivated Hafeez due to low marks, it influenced him deeply. The principal explained to him about the breakless efforts of his mother for his studies even in the absence of his father. He told him that he is intelligent and good at studies, only he needs to be a little serious about the studies and soon he can score well. The principal told him to pay less attention to sports and more to studies.

2. Who was Mrs. Gupta and what role did she have in Hafeez’s life?

Mrs. Gupta was a primary teacher of Hafeez in his 2nd or 3rd standards. When she saw Hafeez drawing some fine sketches during the lecture, she advised him to be an architect someday. This was the first time when Hafiz was exposed to the architectural world.

3. What was the deadliest nightmare of Hafeez English Class 8 The Treasure Within?

Hafeez was very low at subject Mathematics. He used to have nightmares very often. In his deadliest nightmare, he saw himself sitting in a Maths examination and not being able to solve any question in the paper. He was sitting scared, anxious, and blank in the exam. Thus, this was the deadliest nightmare of Hafeez in school.

4. What was the dream job of Hafeez?

When Hafeez grew up, he wanted to become a fearless police officer. But his mother denied fear of losing her son, and she stopped him from becoming a police officer.

5. Where can I find Class 8 English Chapter 4 The Treasure Within Question Answers?

NCERT Solutions to The Treasure Within Class 8 PDF can be found on Vedantu for FREE download. This helps students study as and when they wish to.

6. What words of the Principal influence Hafeez greatly?

The Principal told Hafeez that his mother had worked very hard all her life to bring him up in the absence of his father. He also said that Hafeez was a good boy, and he can score good marks by putting in some effort and doing some hard work. He encouraged Hafeez for doing hard work and stopped his sports activities for some time. He asked Hafeez to concentrate on his studies to achieve his aim in life. To know more, students can download the Vedantu website.

7. Hafeez was advised to join the architect’s office. Why?

Hafeez went to the architect’s office where he saw a person making a drawing of a window which was an advanced form of drawing. He said that the drawing was not proper, and the window would not open. At first, the person did not agree with him, but later he realized that the drawing was not correct. Hafeez’s cousin’s husband was also present there, and he was surprised. He asked Hafeez to make some specific things, such as design a house. He was impressed by his talent and asked him to join the architect’s office.

8. What is the moral of the story-”The treasure within” of Class 8 English?

The treasure within is an inspirational story. The story teaches us that we should choose a field related to our hobbies and interests. We should work in the field in which we are the best. We should know our talents and must put all our efforts to achieve success. Students can read the story of Chapter 4 of Class 8 English to understand the basic idea of the story. Students can also download NCERT Solutions for Chapter 4 of Class 8 English free of cost from the Vedantu platform.

9. What advice did Mrs. Gupta give to Hafeez and why?

Mrs. Gupta had taught Hafeez when he was in the second or third class. She saw that he used to make beautiful drawings. Therefore, she advised him to become an architect when he grows up. She said that because she saw that he was very good at making beautiful sketches. Therefore, she thought that he should nurture his talent and choose to become an architect when he grows up.

10. Write the character of Hafeez as a school boy?

Hafeez was very naughty when he was in school. He did not follow any rules in the school. He used to copy from his friends in exams. He used to walk here and there aimlessly, play pranks and jokes on his classmates and other people. He also used to fight with groups of students. He used to create distractions so that other students also get disturbed by playing games at school during study hours.