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NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Chapter 3 - Short Stories


NCERT Solutions For Class 12 English - A Wedding In Brownsville: Free PDF Download

The NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Kaleidoscope Chapter 3 on Vedantu provides easy explaination for the story in detail. With the help of these NCERT short stories, students will get to learn various styles from writings by several authors. Class 12 English NCERT Solutions for A Wedding In Brownsville, on Vedantu, covers all the questions and answers given in this chapter. Our subject-matter experts have explained every concept and summary of the entire story in a simple yet detailed way with different contextual examples, to provide a comprehensive learning experience for the students.


NCERT Solutions for Class 12


Class 12 English

Subject Parts:

Part 2 Kaleidoscope

Chapter Name:

Chapter 3 Short Stories - A Wedding In Brownsville


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English and Hindi

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Stop and Think

1. Who were the Senciminers?

Ans: Senciminers were the town of Sencimin's native Jewish residents. They were, however, compelled to flee the town after the Germans destroyed it. Many Senciminers were tortured, burned, and gassed, but only a few managed to escape the camps and make it to America.

2. Why did Dr Margolin not particularly want his wife to accompany him to the wedding?

Ans: Dr Margolin refused to bring his wife to the wedding because he was ashamed of the shambles that American Judaism had become. He had to apologise to his wife every time he took her to a wedding or a Bar Mitzvah. This time, however, he was free of it.

3. What is the Hippocratic oath?

Ans: The Hippocratic Oath is an oath sworn by physicians in the past. It is considered one of the most well-known Greek medical works. In its actual form, it required a new physician to take an oath to preserve certain ethical norms before a number of healing gods.

4. What topic does the merry banter at the wedding invariably lead to?

Ans: The deaths of the Senciminers are always brought up during the wedding's boisterous banter. Every conversation inevitably led to it, and the protagonist was periodically questioned about his own family and their deaths.

5. Who was the woman that Dr Margolin suddenly encountered at the wedding?

Ans: Dr Margolin ran upon Raizel, the daughter of Melekh the watchman, who was his one true love. He, on the other hand, had no luck with her and was unable to marry her. Dr Margolin last heard of her after she married someone else and was later murdered by the Nazis.

6. What were the events that led to his confused state of mind?

Ans: When Dr Margolin observed that his wallet was missing but couldn't figure out how he'd lost it, he realised something was wrong. He also couldn't understand why Raizel appeared to be too young, and he assumed she was her daughter, mocking him.

Understanding the Text

1. What do you understand about Dr Margolin’s past? How does it affect his present life?

Ans: Dr Margolin in his early life used to give most of his time to his community. He was very much involved in his duty that he was not able to give some of his time to his wife. His responsibilities would not allow him to take time out for his family. He also referred to himself as an agnostic. He used to be conscious of his diet. According to Dr, his career had gone well. Apparently, he was a success. But now he thinks that He still lies awake at night, always trying to resolve the mysteries of the universe. He suffered from hypochondria (chronic anxiety) and Thanatophobia (fear of death) that haunted even his dreams. Hitler’s actions had destroyed all his faith in humanity. Despite his advanced age, he still wants to impress people with his image.

2. What was Dr Margolin’s attitude towards his profession?

Ans: In his last years, Margolin was so much into his work, his responsibilities were so much that he was not able to spend some good time with his wife. Dr Margolin was a board member of Jewish society and had become an academic Jewish quarterly. He sometimes referred to himself as agnostic and non-believer. He used to treat rabies, refugees, and Jewish writers without charge. He also provided medicines if needed and a bed in the hospital if necessary.

3. What is Dr Margolin’s view of the kind of life the American Jewish community leads?

Ans: The American Jewish community-led lifestyle was not appreciated by Dr Margolin. According to Dr, Jewish laws and customs were completely misleading life and false impressions on people. Those who were not considered Jewishness were wearing skull caps. Dr felt irritated in the wedding as well by the Jewish plus English jazz, both at a time an ear-splitting confused mixture of music and unruly dances. He also feels ashamed whenever he takes his wife to a wedding or bars.

4. What were the personality traits that endeared Dr Margolin to others in his community?

Ans: Dr Margolin in his early life used to give most of his time to his community. He used to treat rabies, refugees, and Jewish writers without charge. He also provided medicines if needed and a bed in the hospital if necessary.

5. Why do you think Dr Margolin had a curious experience at the wedding hall?

Ans: Margolin had experienced so much in the wedding like people, music, food, bar, dancing people, men with men and women with women. There was a hodgepodge of music like American jazz with oriental flourishes and Israeli march. He saw black as well as white skull caps, bare heads. Guests kept arriving through the crowd. The hall echoed with screaming, laughing, clapping, stamping and the flashbulbs went off blindingly as the photographer's photos. It was after so long that he attended any wedding otherwise for him, the wedding was a burden. Later on, realization occurs that what Dr Margolin had experienced at the wedding hall was just a result of his own death. He met with an accident on the way to the wedding. That is why he thought that he lost his wallet as well when talking to Raizel. He unexpectedly had a meeting with Raizel. Dr loved Raizel but was not able to marry her in the past and was shot by Nazis’.

6. Was the encounter with Raizel an illusion or was the carousing at the wedding hall illusory? Was Dr Margolin the victim of the accident and was his astral body hovering in the world of twilight?

Ans: At the wedding hall, carousing was actually illusionary. Raizel died in the past and was shot by Nazis. Dr had an unexpected meeting with Raizel because of his own death as He was the victim of the accident when coming to the wedding and his body was in the dark. Both were spirits.

Talking About The Text

1. Fiction often deals with human consciousness, rather than with the reality of existence.

Ans: Yes, fiction frequently deals with human consciousness rather than existential fact. Fiction turns hallucination into reality in a person’s state of mind that the mind starts to think it is reality, but it is not. So, as a result, it brings consciousness so bad that a person would not be able to decide whether the situation is reality or just imagination and making of his own mindset. It affects a person’s social living and memories as well as prediction including communication mechanisms.

 2. The ways in which survivors of holocausts deal with life.

Ans: The ways in which survivors of holocausts deal with life are as follows-

a) In spite of all the hardships, life goes on. All survivors feel the pain of leaving their own country.

b) Always missing the family members and friends they have lost in the holocaust.

c) They do not have any other choice and live mixed-culture (culture of a foreign land where they have been living as well as that of their own country)


1. Surrealism was an artistic and literary movement in France between the two World Wars. Its basic idea is that the automatic, illogical, and uncontrolled associations of the mind represent a higher reality than the world of practical life and ordinary literature. Do you think this story could be loosely classified as surrealistic? What elements in this story would support the idea?

Ans: Yes, this story can be categorized as surrealistic.

  • The climax is a section of such surrealism. Margolin is dead and is a spirit. His body was in the dark.

  • The story depicts him as a participant in the wedding, dancing along with the people around there, drinking, talking to guests, etc. His meeting with Raizel who was his love and earlier shot by Nazis also explains surrealism.

2. Comment on the technique used by the author to convey the gruesome realities of the war and its devastating effect on the psyche of human beings through intensely personal experience.

Ans: The author uses josh at the wedding. The conversation between some of the guests sketches the realities of the conflicts of the war. At the party, people contact each other and have conversations. People discussing with Margolin the deaths of their family and the destruction of their community. By showing this, the author wants to convey the gruesome realities of the war and its devastating effect on the psyche of human beings through intensely personal experience.

Language Work

A. Grammar: Sentence Variety

A long series of sentences of similar structure and length would be monotonous. Sentences of varied length and pattern contribute to a lively style. Let us look at this paragraph

(1) Usually after breakfast on Sunday, he and his wife took a walk in Central Park, or, when the weather was mild, went to the Palisades. (2) But today Solomon Margolin lingered in bed. (3) During the years, he had stopped attending functions of the Senciminer Society; meanwhile the town of Sencimin had been destroyed. (4) His family there had been tortured, burned, gassed. (5) Many Senciminers had survived, and, later, come to America from the camps, but most of them were younger people whom he, Solomon, had not known in the old country. (6) Tonight everyone would be there; the Senciminers belonging to the bride’s family and the Tereshpolers belonging to the groom’s. (7) He knew how they would pester him, reproach him for growing aloof, drop hints that he was a snob. (8) They would address him familiarly, slap him on the back, drag him off to dance. (9) Well, even so, he had to go to Sylvia’s wedding. (10) He had already sent out the present.

The paragraph has ten sentences in all. The word lengths of the sentences in the order in which they occur in the paragraph are 25, 07, 20, 08, 29, 19, 19, 15,10, 07. We find the range to be between 7 and 29.

We find a similar variation in sentence patterns

Sentence (1) Compound sentence. Two independent clauses joined by the coordinating conjunction ‘or’

Sentence (2) Simple sentence

Sentence (3) Two simple sentences joined by a semi-colon. Conjunction: meanwhile Sentence (4) Simple sentence

Sentence (5) Compound-Complex sentence consisting of two independent clauses joined by ‘and’; the third part has another independent clause joined with the second by ‘but’. It has a relative clause joined to it by the subordinator ‘whom’ Sentence (6) Simple sentence. A main clause followed by two non-finite clauses set in apposition to the main clause

Sentence (7) Complex sentence. One main clause and three parallel subordinate clauses, hinging on the subordinator ‘how’, ‘they’ and ‘would’ going with each clause and another subordinate clause depending on ‘drop hints’

Sentence (8) Parallel independent clauses following the same subject ‘They’. The auxiliary ‘would’ goes with each verb

Sentence (9) Simple sentence

Sentence (10) Simple sentence.

You will also notice the use of the past tense, past perfect for events and the future. The story is narrated in the past. The protagonist’s remote past are in the past perfect. The protagonist’s expectation of what would happen at the wedding is in the future. Note that the variation of form emerges from the emphasis in meaning.


Examine the paragraph beginning ‘Some time later the taxi started moving again...’ for variety in sentence length and sentence structure.

Ans: (1) Sometime later the taxi started moving again. (2) Solomon Margolin was now driving through streets he had never seen before. (3) It was New York, but it might just as well have been Chicago or Cleveland. (4) They passed through an industrial district with factory buildings, warehouses of coal, lumber, scrap iron. (5) Negroes, strangely black, stood about on the sidewalks, staring ahead, their great dark eyes full of gloomy hopelessness. (6) Occasionally the car would pass a tavern. (7) The people at the bar seemed to have something unearthly about them, as if they were being punished here for sins committed in another incarnation. (8) Just when Solomon Margolin was beginning to suspect that the driver, who had remained stubbornly silent the whole time, had gotten lost or else was deliberately taking him out of his way, the taxi entered a thickly populated neighbourhood. (9) They passed a synagogue, a funeral parlour, and there, ahead, was the wedding hall, all lit up, with its neon Jewish sign and Star of David. (10) Dr Margolin gave the driver a dollar tip and the man took it without uttering a word.

Sentence 1. Simple Sentence
Sentence 2. Simple Sentence
Sentence 3. Simple Sentence
Sentence 4. Simple sentence with description separated by commas
Sentence 5. Complex sentence consisting of one subject with subclauses
Sentence 6. Simple sentence
Sentence 7. Complex sentence consisting of main clause and a subclause
Sentence 8. Compound-complex sentence consisting of two independent clauses separated by comma; the first clause has several sub clauses joined with ‘who’ and ‘had’
Sentence 9. Compound-complex sentence consisting of two independent clauses joined by ‘and’; the second clause has a sub clause joined with ‘with’
Sentence 10. Simple sentence

B. Pronunciation

In a word such as ‘afternoon’ the third syllable (noon) is the most prominent. This is called the primary stress

after’ noon

You will also notice that the first syllable is less prominent than the third syllable. This is called the secondary stress. In the dictionary, the primary stress and the secondary stress are indicated as

,after ‘noon

The middle syllable is unstressed.


  • Say the following words with correct stress. These words carry stress-pattern similar to the example given above.

understand             apprehend rearrange

refugee                 addressee

Ans: ‘un’ der’ stand ‘ap’ pre’ hend         ‘re’ ar’ range     

        ‘ref’ u’ gee             ‘ad’ dress’ ee

  • Given below are some words chosen from the lesson. Mark the primary and secondary stresses for each word.

invitation responsible seventeen

American illustrious ambulance

association honourable permanent


Ans: ,invi’ tation ‘re’ spon’ si’ ble ,seven’ teen

‘A’ merican ‘il’ lustrious ‘am‘ bu’ lance

a’ ssoci’ ation ‘honourable ‘perma’ nent

,cre’ ator 

Important Practice Questions For Class 12 English Kaleidoscope Chapter 3 

Very Short Answer Type Questions

  1. Why did Margolin not want his wife to attend the wedding with him?

  2. Why did Jews leave their hometown?

  3. What is the name of the lady Dr Margolin suddenly met at the wedding?

  4. Why could Dr Margolin not marry Raziel?

Short Answer Type Questions

  1. What does the Hippocratic oath mean?

  2. Why had the marriage been a burden to Dr Margolin?

  3. How was Dr Margolin's reaction to his profession?

  4. List the traits of Dr Margolin’s personality.

Long Answer Type Questions

  1. Why was Dr Margolin not allowed to marry Raizel?

  2. ‘Why was American Judaism a mess, according to Dr Margolin?

  3. Why did Dr Margolin suffer from hypochondria?

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Chapter 3- A Wedding in Brownsville Free PDF

The NCERT Solutions of Class 12 English Chapter 3 Kaleidoscope cover precise answers to all the questions of the chapter. These NCERT Solutions are available in the PDF format and are available for free download. This PDF is helpful for revision of the chapter. Students can download the solutions PDF and revise the chapter whenever they need, even during the time of examinations without bothering the interruptions of the Internet.

NCERT Class 12 English Chapter 3 A Wedding in Brownsville

Issac Bashevis Singer is a famous writer, who belongs to Paul and who has won a Nobel prize for literature in the year 1978. The writer has tactically described this story, and the entire story concentrates on the issue of the wedding. The same thing is revealed in its title also. The short story begins with a situation in a house where a woman had felt empty with the negligence of her man. However, the man is wise and always gave priority to his duty and work. Dr. Solomon Margolin is the main character of the short story who tries hard to accomplish all his tasks and objectives and wants to take time out for his personal life, and he also wants to spend and share memories with his lady.

Kaleidoscope Ch 3 tells us that Dr. Solomon belongs to a Jewish family, and he lost all his family members in a holocaust which is a war led by Hitler. He escaped the war and survived in America along with few other Jews. Dr. Solomon has to play two roles in his profession: one is, the board member of Jewish scholastic society and the other is the co-editor of Jewish academic quarterly. After that incident which happened with his family, he became a timid person with a lack of confidence and fear of death and attacks.

NCERT Solutions Class 12 English Kaleidoscope Chapter 3 Short Stories also describes his inner feelings and explained in a distinct way that Doctor Solomon has remembered the memories about his first love whose name was Raizel, a beautiful Jewish girl. She married some other person as it remains a long breakup story. Her father is a watchmaker, and his name is Malik. Unfortunately, all his family were killed by Nazis, and again it became the saddest incident in his life. These incidents had had a great impact on him. The NCERT Solutions of English Chapter 3 PDF available on Vedantu explain about his wife who is a German girl and completely adapted herself into Jewish tradition and culture. The Nazis also killed her brother.

English Class 12 NCERT Solutions Chapter 3 Short Stories is a very interesting story. As Doctor Solomon had great respect and position in the Jewish community, he was invited to the wedding. Even though he was not interested in attending, he convinced himself and started moving to the wedding venue with his wife. He knows they said a person is taken on the structure on the road while traveling to a wedding location. After reaching Brownsville, Dr. Solomon and his wife were engaged with their respective friends and discussing marriage.

NCERT Solutions Class 12 English Kaleidoscope Chapter 3 helps the students to undnerstand and analyze the story properly. The story has a great twist. Here the author changed the complete story by introducing Raizel in the wedding location. Dr. Solomon wondered and tried to reach his first love, but he was unable to do it. His body became lightweight, and it is going to deflate soon. Then he got a doubt that the accident scene on the road was his accident and the body on the structure was his own body. He got confused about whether he is alive or not. But Raizel is alive for sure, and the bride was invited to perform marriage activities.

Key Features of the NCERT Solutions of Chapter 3 of Class 12 A Wedding in Brownsville Free PDF

The students of Class 12 can download and go through the NCERT Solutions Class 12 A Wedding In Brownsville Chapter 3 for a good exam preparatio. The benefits of the NCERT Solutions are as follows. 

  • A detailed explanation of the entire story, poems, grammar, of the Chapter is given in these NCERT Solutions.

  • All the questions and answers help students to make a quick recap of the entire chapter.

  • Since, these NCERT Solutions are based on the CBSE Class 12 guidelines, students can learn the appropriate answer writing technique for the exams from these solutions.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Kaleidoscope (Short Stories) - Chapter-wise List

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Kaleidoscope (Short Stories)" provides detailed answers to all chapter-wise questions. These solutions help students understand key concepts and themes in each short story, aiding in exam preparation

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Kaleidoscope (Poetry) - Chapter-wise List

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Kaleidoscope (Poetry)" offers comprehensive, chapter-wise answers to questions from the poetry section. These solutions help students analyze poems, understand literary devices, and enhance their exam readiness.

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Kaleidoscope (Non-Fiction) - Chapter-wise List

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Kaleidoscope (Non-Fiction)" provides chapter-wise answers to all questions from the non-fiction section. These solutions help students grasp key ideas, arguments, and writing techniques, improving their comprehension and exam performance.

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Kaleidoscope (Drama) - Chapter-wise List

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Kaleidoscope (Drama)" offers detailed, chapter-wise answers to questions from the drama section. These solutions help students understand characters, themes, and dramatic techniques, aiding in their academic preparation.


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Important Related Links for CBSE Class 12 English

The best teachers have prepared these NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Kaleidoscope Chapter 3 by Vedantu. They are experienced in the subject and have substantial knowledge to understand how to present answers that are easy for students to understand. Referring to these solutions will greatly help your revision process for your Class 12 English exam. Download the free PDF and experience the benefits. We wish you all the best for your board exams.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Chapter 3 - Short Stories

1. How can you explain the past and present experiences of doctor Solomon?

Dr. Solomon had experienced tragic events in his past which left him feeling disappointed. He had lost everything - his family, first love, fellow Jewish members, and his home. Despite eventually having a beautiful life and a successful career, Dr. Solomon could not let go of his past and continued to punish himself by feeling discouraged.

2. What have you understood about Isaac?

In this story, Issac Bashevis Singer skillfully portrays the intricate emotions of an individual in a straightforward manner, while also imparting valuable life lessons to Class 12 students. Singer emphasizes that life is replete with unpredictable experiences, and students must learn to remain composed and resilient in all circumstances. He advises students to avoid getting overly attached or disheartened by both positive and negative memories and instead strive to lead a happy life.

3. What is the Chapter 3 of Class 12 short stories segment of English textbook about?

The chapter centers around a wedding that occurs in Brownsville and has been described in a captivating manner. It emphasizes the significance of marriage as a social institution and includes a surprising twist. The protagonist of the story is a man who values his work and responsibilities above all else and has also been scarred by the trauma of World War 2 and the loss of his family during the holocaust. The narrative chronicles his journey to attend the wedding ceremony to which he has been invited.

4. Who is the author of A Wedding in Brownsville?

The name of the author of A Wedding In Brownsville is Issac Bashevis Singer. Born in 1902 in Poland, he is a Polish-born Jewish-American writer.  He himself translated his early works from Yiddish to English with the help of editors as well as collaborators. Issac has also been a leading figure in the Yiddish literary movement. He has also been honoured with the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1978.

5. Is Chapter 3-A wedding in Brownsville of Class 12 English tough?

The chapter is tough to the extent that if you don’t invest significant time and focus on it you may not understand it completely or understand the underlying meaning of it. However, if you study the chapter with concentration and without getting distracted, you will not have a hard time trying to comprehend it. The chapter contains a beautifully depicted story of a wedding but the story comes with a twist. Once you start reading the chapter, it will draw your full attention and you will soon find yourself reading the complete chapter to the very last line. 

6. Where can I find answers to Chapter 3-A wedding in Brownsville of Class 12 English?

The answers for this chapter are available on the Vedantu app and website free of cost. The chapter has been written by a great writer who is celebrated across the world. After you have read any chapter, you must try to write answers to the question given in the exercise section at the end of the chapter. You should also try to self-evaluate the answers and for that, you require good quality solutions which can serve as a benchmark. The solutions that the faculty at Vedantu prepare for you are polished, concise, and to the point. They will allow you to understand how you can present your answer to satisfy the demand of the questions and make your answer comprehensive. 

7. How should I study Chapter 3-A wedding in Brownsville of Class 12 English?

The story "A Wedding in Brownsville" is a captivating and skillfully written piece that will hold your interest from start to finish. Reading and comprehending the chapter will not pose a challenge. It is recommended to summarize the story briefly and then read through the chapter again to ensure that no essential point is missed. To enhance your understanding, attempt the questions provided at the end of the chapter, focus on refining your presentation skills, and regularly review and improve your written answers and notes.