Class 10 English (First Flight) Chapter 9 The Proposal - FREE PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 9 The Proposal
1. Why did Natalya Quarrel with Lomov?
Natalya was a proud daughter of Chubukov, a wealthy person and neighbour of Lomov. When Lomov told them about his new acquisition of ‘Oxen Meadows’, she said that disputed land belonged to them. If you follow NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 9, you will find out that all they wanted was to brag about their possessions.
2. Why did Lomov Suffer From Numb Feet?
The Proposal Class 10 describes that Lomov suffered from palpitations. Any attack resulted in numb feet. In fact, he loses his consciousness in the middle of an argument. Despite the fact, he never stopped arguing and neither did the father and daughter. NCERT Class 10 English The Proposal is an excellent depiction of fake pride and emptiness in rich people.
3. How to Prepare the Best Answers for Chapter 9 English Class 10 First Flight?
If you follow the format of answering in The Proposal PDF Class 10 prepared by Vedantu’s teachers, you can prepare the best answers for this chapter and score well.
4. What was the proposal according to the syllabus for Class 10 English?
The Proposal is a chapter in the English book of Class 10. The one-act play is written by Anton Chekhov. This play is about two wealthy families whose tendency is to seek matrimonial ties. But, the reason behind this relationship between the two families is just to increase their standards. To know more about this play, visit Vedantu website.
5. What is the play The Proposal?
The Proposal is a play, a farce, written by a Russian writer and dramatist, Anton Chekhov. The play opens with a young man, Lomov, who gives a marriage proposal to his neighbour's daughter. Also, both the families are pretty wealthy. It is a comedy-drama whose main theme is that marriage is not as successful or romantic as people believe.
6. What is the proposal about in the lesson?
The lesson, The Proposal, is about a marriage proposal. The two wealthy families seek to build a relationship through marriage. But, the main reason behind this proposal was to increase their wealth and standards. All the three characters in the story are somewhat arrogant and quarrelsome. As a result, nothing goes according to the plan, and they end up fighting over their wealth.
7. Who was suffering from palpitations?
Ivan Lomov, a thirty-five-year-old man, was suffering from palpitations. He gets palpitations when he feels stressed or anxious. He was excitable and always gets upset very easily. Also, his lips tremble, and his right eyebrow twitches. This is also because he is in his critical age. You can find the complete solutions to this chapter for free on NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 9.
8. How to download NCERT Solutions for The Proposal PDF Class 10?
To download NCERT Solutions PDF from Vedantu, follow the given steps:
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