Speech on Water Pollution in English for Students
Water pollution is the contamination of water usually by human activities such as throwing garbage and sewage waste in clean water bodies. Due to the continuous use and exploitation, there is water pollution occurring all around us. Water pollution is one of the most important issues which every country is facing right now.
If you are looking for a persuasive speech about water pollution, refer to the speeches below - a long speech on water pollution and a short 2 minutes speech on water pollution. These informative speeches will help the students to understand the what, why, and how’s of water pollution.
Long Informative Speech About Water Pollution
Hello, everyone. Thank you for having me. Today I want to talk about water pollution, its causes and how it can be controlled.
Water is the basic need for survival. It has been used by living things for ages. Life without water cannot be imagined. Water is the most important element that cannot be replaced by any other element. Due to the continuous use and exploitation, there is water pollution occurring all around us.
Water pollution is one of the most important issues which every country is facing right now. Water pollution is the result of continuous economic growth. As the population grew, water was exploited with that. The main source of water pollution includes the overflow of domestic sewage in clean water bodies. Dangerous organic and chemical waste from industries is dumped in various river bodies. The toxic chemicals present in industrial waste not only pollute water but also kill aquatic life.
The major pollutant industries are fertilizers, pesticides, refineries, metal plating, etc. Sewage waste and garbage from houses are carelessly thrown into clean water bodies by the citizens.
Water pollution remains a major issue in most developing countries which includes India. In India, many people die because of water pollution. Around 80% of India’s water bodies are severely polluted as people dump raw sewage and garbage into the rivers and lakes. This has led to water being undrinkable and which in turn causes the vast majority of the population to heavily rely on expensive drinking sources. The condition of water pollution is so bad in India that every year 1.5 million children die from malaria.
Reasons for India’s increased problem in water pollution are that India suffers from urbanization, Unauthorized slums have been established and no proper pipelining by the government. Due to overpopulation, many underprivileged people decide to live in slums where they drink contaminated water which causes diseases. Another reason is no proper pipelining is done by the government as a result of which the sewage water gets mixed up with the drinking water. The industries in India release organic and chemical waste directly into the water bodies. To sum up oil leaks, poor sanitization, no proper waste, and sewage treatment, and open defecation are considered to be the leading cause of water pollution in india . Children drink this contaminated water that causes a major bacterial attack on the digestive system, which results in diseases like diarrhea, etc.
So, how can we control this problem? Well, the government should adopt more scientific and improved methods for handling the disposal of sewage and garbage. To control the spread of diseases, a proper method of sterilization of water should be developed. When it comes to Industries, the harmful industrial effluents should be neutralized and properly before discharging into water bodies. When it comes to agriculture, a minimization should be done in the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
To conclude, I want to say that water pollution is the result of the negligence shown by mankind. I believe it’s a warning by mother nature towards us to take care of our water bodies. As a citizen and a fellow human, it is the duty of each and every person to take care of water bodies around. Do not throw garbage and waste into river bodies. As a citizen, make sure that no one is also polluting the water bodies. Water pollution cannot be eliminated, but it could be controlled by everyone if they think about the future. If we take care of mother earth and the resources, she will take care of us. Thank you!
Short Speech on Water Pollution
Good morning everyone! Today I want to talk about water pollution, its causes and how it can be controlled. A human body could survive without food for three days but it cannot survive without water for a day. It has been used by a living organism for ages. Life without water cannot be imagined. Water is the most important element that cannot be replaced by any other element. Due to the continuous use and exploitation, there is water pollution occurring all around us.
Water pollution is considered a major issue in India as many people die in India because of unknowingly drinking polluted water. The condition of water pollution is so bad in India that every year 1.5 million children die from malaria.
The reasons for water pollution in India are oil leaks, poor sanitization, No proper waste, and sewage treatment, and open defecation are considered to be the leading cause of water pollution in India. Children drink this contaminated water that causes a major bacterial attack on the digestive system, which results in diseases like diarrhea, etc.
Water pollution could be controlled if needed precautions are taken. It is the responsibility of the government to come with new scientific methods for handling domestic sewage and garbage.
The harmful industrial effluents should be neutralized and properly before discharging into water bodies.
To conclude this speech, I want to say that water pollution could be controlled if necessary measures are taken by everyone. Humans have exploited the resources provided by the Earth for a very long time and the result of that exploitation is various pollutions like water, air, etc. As a responsible human being, who wants a better future for the coming generation takes care of your surroundings. Do not throw garbage near water bodies and report anyone who does. Things last forever if we take care of them. Thank you.
Water Pollution Speech Outline
The earth is made up of 70% of water and every living organism consumes only 1% of freshwater.
Life without water cannot be imagined. Water is required for the existence of life.
Water is the most important element that cannot be replaced by any other element.
The main source of water pollution includes the overflow of domestic sewage in clean water bodies.
In India, many people die because of water pollution. Around 80% of India’s water bodies are severely polluted as people dump raw sewage and garbage into the rivers and lakes.
Oil leaks, poor sanitization, no proper waste, and sewage treatment, and open defecation are considered to be the leading cause of water pollution in India.
The government should adopt more scientific and improved methods for handling the disposal of sewage and garbage.
The harmful industrial effluents should be neutralized and properly before discharging into water bodies.
To control the spread of diseases, a proper method of sterilization of water should be developed.
As a citizen, do not throw garbage and waste in water bodies and make sure others also don’t do it.
FAQs on Speech on Water Pollution: The Growing Concern of Water Contamination
1. How to download the Speech on Water Pollution from the Vedantu Website?
The Vedantu website provides a download of the Speech on Water Pollution, which is accurate and well-structured. Vedantu's official website provides the Speech in PDF version which is available for download for free of cost. Students are advised to download the Speech on Water Pollution from the Vedantu website to get an idea of the word limit, sentence construction and basic understanding of what a good essay consists of. Vedantu essay is concise and apt for school going students. It uses simple language, perfect for students with limited vocabulary. Following the Vedantu essay enables students to be sufficiently prepared for any essay topics and guarantees that students will score good marks. To access the Speech on Water Pollution, click on the link available.
2. Is writing Speech considered hard?
Speech writing is a difficult task that needs a great deal of study, time, and focus. It's also an assignment that you can divide down into manageable chunks such as introduction, main content and conclusion. Breaking down and focusing on each individually makes speech writing more pleasant. It's natural for students to be concerned about writing a Speech. It's one of the most difficult tasks to do, especially for people who aren't confident in their writing abilities. While writing a decent Speech is difficult, the secret to being proficient at it is reading a lot of books, conducting extensive research on essential topics, and practicing speech writing diligently. Apart from writing the speech, speaking the written matter can also be challenging. It is important for students to exude confidence while giving a speech. Learning to speak in front of an audience is a somewhat challenging task that takes time, careful attention, and practice. The key to becoming a good public speaker is to attract the audience's attention within the first minute or so, engage them using easy strategies like presenting a narrative or personal experience, asking a question, starting with a quotation, or sharing statistics and dramatic facts, etc.
3. Who prepares the Speech on Water Pollution for Vedantu?
The Speech on Water Pollution, designed by Vedantu, is created by a group of experts and experienced teachers. The panel of experts have created the speech after analyzing important speech topics that are considered important. The speeches that are provided by Vedantu are not only well-structured but also accurate and concise. They are aptly suited for young students with limited vocabulary. For best results, the students are advised to go through multiple speeches written on the Vedantu Website and practice the topics on their own for best results.
4. What are the main causes of Water Pollution?
Water pollution When dangerous substances—often chemicals or microorganisms—contaminate a stream, river, lake, ocean, aquifer, or other body of water, the water quality deteriorates and the water becomes toxic to humans or the environment. Some freshwater systems supply clean drinking water as a vital ecosystem function, however due to pollution, roughly 785 million people throughout the globe do not have access to safe drinking water.
Main causes of Water Pollution includes:
a. Domestic sewage: Plant nutrients, mostly nitrates and phosphates, are abundant in sewage. Excess nitrates and phosphates in water encourage algae development, resulting in algal blooms, which are extremely dense and fast growths.
b. Toxic waste: Toxic waste is poisonous, radioactive, explosive, carcinogenic, and or bioaccumulative, which increases in concentration at the higher ends of food chains.
c. Sediment: Surface runoff can carry sediment (e.g., silt) into water bodies as a result of soil erosion.
Other reasons could include oil spillage. Oil spill is currently one of the leading causes of water pollution.
5. What are some tips on writing an excellent speech?
Writing a speech can be a daunting task, but following the below steps will help students to write a speech worthy of getting high marks on examination.
Pick a topic with which you’re familiar.
Prepare an outline of the speech. Organize your speech well.
Break down the essay into three categories ie, introduction, main content and conclusion. Focus on each section individually.
Try to relate each section of the speech with another to have a clear flow of thoughts.
Cite your sources and evidence, if required.