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Speech on Constitution of India

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Speech on Constitution of India for Students

The primary contribution of the national movement was its tangible political practice. The concepts of parliamentary democracy, republicanism, civil freedoms, social and economic fairness, which were among the fundamental ideas of the constitution, were popularised as a result of this. To preserve peace and justice, each nation has certain sets of rules for its people to obey. These rules describe that country, and together they form that nation's constitution. The right to equality, the right to citizenship, the right to freedom of religion, cultural and educational rights, the right against exploitation, and the right to constitutional redress are the basic rights of Indian people.

Long Speech on Constitution 

Today, I am here to deliver a speech on the constitution of India. Like any game with some rules of its own, each state has a constitution of its own. The Constitution lays down a set of rules to which the ordinary laws of the country must conform. It also includes a list of Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles. The process of the evolution of the constitution began many decades before 26 January, 1950, and has continued unabated since. Its roots may be traced back to the princely states' struggle for independence from Britain and efforts for responsible and constitutional administration.

Dr. BR Abmedkar Introduced the Draft Constitution

The constitution has also tried to minimize conflict between the Union and the states by clearly specifying the legislative powers of each. It contains three lists of subjects. 

The framers of the Indian constitution had borrowed freely and unabashedly from other constitutions, the wisdom of the US constitution, and its Supreme Court, the innovations of the Irish constitution, the British Parliament's time-tested norms, the administrative minutiae of the Government of India Act, 1935, and much more, including the substance of their own people's battle for independence — all went into the design and content of the Indian Constitution. The institutions created by it for fashioning a democratic structure have survived and evolved to meet the changing needs.

Features of Indian Constitution 

Adult Suffrage- Congress had demanded adult suffrage since the 1920s. The overwhelming consensus was in favour of direct elections by Adult Suffrage. The beauty of adult suffrage is that it forces the most elitist of candidates to seek the favour of the vote of the humblest voter.

Preamble- The Preamble contains the constitution's fundamental idea and driving spirit. According to the Preamble, the people of India made a solemn resolution in the Constituent Assembly to secure to all citizens "social, economic, and political justice; liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith, and worship; equality of status and opportunity; and to promote among them all, fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity of the nation.”

In the Indian constitution, the first kind is included under Fundamental Rights and the second under Directive Principles (54,55).

A Secular State- India is a sovereign, socialist, secular, and democratic republic, according to the constitution.

India's constitution became effective on January 26th, 1950, although it was adopted on November 26th, 1949, by the Constituent Assembly. A drafting committee led by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar wrote it. It is the longest written constitution that describes the strength, processes, and responsibilities of India's government institutions and provides a comprehensive account of the people of our country's fundamental rights and responsibilities.

It was originally handwritten, calligraphed, and also the longest Constitution in the world. India's Constitution is the supreme law drawn up by the Constituent Assembly of India, superior also to the Parliament since it does not circumvent it. India's status from "Dominion of India" was changed to the "Republic of India" with the Constitution coming into effect.

The basic rights and duties of people, the Directive Principles of State Policy, and the Federal Framework of the Government of India are included in the Constitution of India. In the Indian Constitution, every policy, right, and obligation have been clarified at length, making it the world's longest written constitution.

To get it approved, more than 2000 amendments had to be made to the Constitution of India. January 26th, 1950 was the day when the Republic of India began to be recognized as our land. Since then, January 26th has been celebrated as Republic Day. At different locations around the world, the Indian National Flag is hoisted and the National Anthem is sung to rejoice in the day. In 2015, National Constitution Day, a special day, particularly dedicated to the Indian Constitution, came into being.

Short Speech on Constitution 

Today, I am here to deliver a speech on the constitution of India. The constitution has provided a framework for the protection of the Fundamental Rights of freedom of speech and expression, including the freedom of the press, freedom of association, including the ability to join political parties of one's choosing, and create labour unions, among other things. Citizens' rights have been protected by courts.

A constitution can only be as good as the people who work it, as Rajendra Prasad noted at the time of its drafting. The constitution may well be a much-needed anchor of support in the turbulent times that may await us in the new millennium.

The decision to have written rights, a list of rights, a declaration of rights in the constitution marked a sharp break with British constitutional tradition and practice because of their colonial experience.

When read collectively, the Preamble, Fundamental Rights, and Directive Principles make it obvious that the constitution aspired to create the circumstances for the development of an equal society with safe individual liberties.

10 lines about Indian Constitution 

  1. Our Constitution was influenced by a number of previous constitutions.

  2. It is the world's longest constitution.

  3. Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar is the father of the Indian Constitution.

  4. The Constitution's basic structure is based on the Government of India Act, 1935.

  5. The Constituent Assembly met for the first time on December 5, 1946.

  6. Writing the constitution took nearly three years.

  7. The Constitution was Legally Enforced on January 26, 1950.

  8. The National Emblem of India was adopted on January 8, 1950.

  9. The Constitution was written in Hindi and English at the outset.

  10. Each page of the constitution was specifically designed by an artist.

FAQs on Speech on Constitution of India

1. According to the constitution, what is the role of the President?

The executive power is vested by the constitution in the President of India, but in the words of Ambedkar, he is a constitutional head who ‘occupies the same position as the King under the English Constitution. He is the head of the State but not of the Executive.

2. According to the constitution, what is the role of the Vice President?

If the President dies in office or is unable to perform his duties because of absence, the Vice-President is enjoined upon by Article 65 to act as the President. The Vice-President, who is elected for five years by both houses of parliament, is to act as the chairperson of the Rajya Sabha.

3. According to the constitution, what is the role of the Prime Minister?

The real executive power vests under the constitution in the council of ministers headed by the prime minister. The President appoints as prime minister the leader of the party that has a majority. Other ministers are selected by the prime minister and appointed by the President.

4. What is the role of Parliament?

The Indian parliament has two houses the upper house called the Rajya Sabha or the Council of States, and the lower house called the Lok Sabha or the House of the People.

5. According to the constitution, what is the legal age to vote in India?

Constitutional law states that all Indians above the age of 18 can vote.